Last Updated | | Ratings | | Unique User Downloads | | Download Rankings |
2020-10-11 (2 months ago)  | | Not yet rated by the users | | Total: 20 This week: 2 | | All time: 10,116 This week: 90 |
Description | | Author |
This package can be used to manage project text translations with Transifex.
It provides a module for the XOOPS CMS that can manage translations of text used in projects by calling the Transifex API. Currently it provides a Web interface that can:
- Get all the project files for download in a zip archive
- Rename the files if necessary
- Create the folder structure for the project files
- Save the project files in the forseen folder Innovation Award
 October 2020
Winner |
Many projects support showing text messages in different idioms. Transifex is a platform to manage the text translations of projects to all the idioms that are supported.
This package provides a module for the XOOPS CMS that can manage the translations of texts of a project in a more efficient way.
It can perform tasks that would be tedious to do manually by repeating the same operation in all project files. Instead it can do it as a single task. For instance it serves all project files at once in a using archive in ZIP format.
Manuel Lemos |
| |
Innovation award
 Nominee: 4x
Winner: 2x |

wgTransifex module for XOOPS CMS can be used to access Transifex data, download projects, resources and translations. You can provide then language packages as zip files.
For access to Transifex you need a Transifex account and you have to enter your user name and passwort in "settings"
Tutorial: see GitBook.
To contribute to the Tutorial, fork it on GitHub

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