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File: testdata/uploads/translations/wgGallery/english/modinfo.php

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File: testdata/uploads/translations/wgGallery/english/modinfo.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: XOOPS Transifex
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<?php /* You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. */ /** * wgGallery module for xoops * * @copyright module for xoops * @license GPL 2.0 or later * @package wggallery * @since 1.0 * @min_xoops 2.5.9 * @author Wedega - Email:<> - Website:<> * @version $Id: 1.0 modinfo.php 1 Mon 2018-03-19 10:04:52Z XOOPS Project ( $ */ require_once __DIR__ . '/common.php'; // ---------------- Admin Main ---------------- define('_MI_WGGALLERY_NAME', 'wgGallery'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_DESC', 'This module is a picture gallery for XOOPS'); // ---------------- Admin Menu ---------------- define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ADMENU1', 'Dashboard'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ADMENU2', 'Albums'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ADMENU3', 'Images'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ADMENU4', 'Gallery types'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ADMENU5', 'Album types'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ADMENU7', 'Permissions'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ADMENU8', 'Maintenance'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ADMENU9', 'Watermarks'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ADMENU10', 'Import'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ADMENU11', 'Categories'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_FEEDBACK', 'Feedback'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ABOUT', 'About'); // ---------------- Admin Nav ---------------- define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ADMIN_PAGER', 'List items admin pages'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ADMIN_PAGER_DESC', 'Define the number of list items in the admin area'); // User define('_MI_WGGALLERY_USER_PAGER', 'List items user pages'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_USER_PAGER_DESC', 'Define the number of list items in the user area'); // Submenu define('_MI_WGGALLERY_SMNAME1', 'Index page'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_SMNAME2', 'Albums management'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_SMNAME3', 'Create new album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_SMNAME4', 'Upload images'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_SMNAME5', 'Image management'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_SMNAME6', 'Search images'); // Blocks define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_BLOCK', 'Albums block'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_BLOCK_DESC', 'Show a block with albums (sorting can be selected)'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_IMAGES_BLOCK', 'Images block'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_IMAGES_BLOCK_DESC', 'Show a block with images (sorting can be selected)'); // Config define('_MI_WGGALLERY_EDITOR', 'Editor'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_EDITOR_DESC', 'Select the Editor Desc to use'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_KEYWORDS', 'Keywords'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_KEYWORDS_DESC', 'Insert here the keywords (separate by comma)'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_SIZE_MB', 'MB'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXSIZE', 'Max size'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXSIZE_DESC', 'Set the max file size for uploads files'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_FILEEXT', 'Allowed file extension'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_FILEEXT_DESC', 'Set the file extension which are allowed for upload'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXWIDTH', 'Maximum width upload'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXWIDTH_DESC', 'Set the max width which is allowed for uploading images (in pixel)'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXHEIGHT', 'Maximum height upload'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXHEIGHT_DESC', 'Set the max height which is allowed for uploading images (in pixel)'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXWIDTH_LARGE', 'Maximum width large image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXWIDTH_LARGE_DESC', 'Set the max width to which uploaded images should be scaled (in pixel)<br>0 means, that large images keeps the original size. <br>If an image is smaller than maximum value then the image will be not enlarge, it will be save in original size.'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXHEIGHT_LARGE', 'Maximum height large image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXHEIGHT_LARGE_DESC', 'Set the max height to which uploaded images should be scaled (in pixel)<br>0 means, that large images keeps the original size. <br>If an image is smaller than maximum value then the image will be not enlarge, it will be save in original size.'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXWIDTH_MEDIUM', 'Maximum width medium image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXWIDTH_MEDIUM_DESC', 'Set the max width to which uploaded images will be scaled for medium image (in pixel)<br>If large/original image is smaller then image will be not enlarge (large image will be copied as medium)'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXHEIGHT_MEDIUM', 'Maximum height medium image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXHEIGHT_MEDIUM_DESC', 'Set the max height to which uploaded images should be scaled for medium image (in pixel)<br>If large/original image is smaller then image will be not enlarge (large image will be copied as medium)'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXWIDTH_THUMBS', 'Maximum width thumbs'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXWIDTH_THUMBS_DESC', 'Set the max width to which uploaded images will be scaled for thumbs (in pixel)'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXHEIGHT_THUMBS', 'Maximum height thumbs'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXHEIGHT_THUMBS_DESC', 'Set the max height to which uploaded images should be scaled for thumbs (in pixel)'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXWIDTH_ALBIMAGE', 'Maximum width album images'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXWIDTH_ALBIMAGE_DESC', 'Set the max width to which uploaded images will be scaled for album images (in pixel)<br>If you use an image of the album itself this option has no effect'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXHEIGHT_ALBIMAGE', 'Maximum height album images'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_MAXHEIGHT_ALBIMAGE_DESC', 'Set the max height to which uploaded images should be scaled for album images (in pixel)<br>If you use an image of the album itself this option has no effect'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GALLERY_TARGET', 'Target for gallery'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GALLERY_TARGET_DESC', 'Please select where a gallery should be opened'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_LINK_TARGET_SELF', 'Same window/tab'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_LINK_TARGET_BLANK', 'New window/tab'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_IMAGE_TARGET', 'Target for single image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_IMAGE_TARGET_DESC', 'Please select where a single image should be shown'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_LINK_TARGET_MODAL', 'Show image as modal without informations'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_LINK_TARGET_MODALINFO', 'Show image as modal with detailed image informations'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ADDJQUERY', 'Add jquery library'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ADDJQUERY_DESC', 'If you use already jquery (e.g. in your theme) then set to NO'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_PANEL_TYPE', 'Panel Type'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_PANEL_TYPE_DESC', 'Panel Type is the bootstrap html div.'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_SHOWBCRUMBS', 'Show breadcrumb navigation'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_SHOWBCRUMBS_DESC', "Breadcrumb navigation displays the current page's context within the site structure."); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_SHOWBCRUMBS_MNAME', 'Show module name'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_SHOWBCRUMBS_MNAME_DESC', 'Show the module name in breadcrumb navigation'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_SHOWCOPYRIGHT', 'Show copyright'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_SHOWCOPYRIGHT_DESC', 'You can remove the copyright from the gallery, but a backlinks to is expected, anywhere on your site'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_USE_CATS', 'Use categories'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_USE_CATS_DESC', 'Define whether you want to use categories for images and albums'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_USE_TAGS', 'Use tags'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_USE_TAGS_DESC', 'Define whether you want to use tags for images and albums'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_STOREEXIF', 'Save meta data (exif)'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_STOREEXIF_DESC', 'Define whether you want to save the meta data (exif) of the images'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_EXIFTYPES', 'Exif data to display'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_EXIFTYPES_DESC', "Define which exif data should be shown<br>The option 'Save meta data (exif)' must be activated"); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_EXIF_TAGS', 'Extract tags of exif'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_EXIF_TAGS_DESC', "Define which exif data should be automatically extraced from exif and added to an image as a tag<br>The option 'Use tags' must be activated"); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_SHOWBUTTONTEXT', 'Show button text'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_SHOWBUTTONTEXT_DESC', 'Show the button text. If NO then only images are shown'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GROUP_UPLOAD', 'Options for image upload'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GROUP_IMAGE', 'Options for image processing'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GROUP_DISPLAY', 'Options for display'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GROUP_MISC', 'Misc options'); // Notifications define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_NOTIFY', 'Global notification'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_ALB_NEW_ALL_NOTIFY', 'Send notification when a new album was created'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_ALB_NEW_ALL_NOTIFY_CAPTION', 'Notify me about new album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_ALB_NEW_ALL_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', 'Notification about a new album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_ALB_MODIFY_ALL_NOTIFY', 'Send notification when any album was modified'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_ALB_MODIFY_ALL_NOTIFY_CAPTION', 'Notify me about any modifying album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_ALB_MODIFY_ALL_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', 'Notification about modified album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_ALB_APPROVE_ALL_NOTIFY', 'Send notification when an album is waiting for approval'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_ALB_APPROVE_ALL_NOTIFY_CAPTION', 'Notify me about album is waiting for approval'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_ALB_APPROVE_ALL_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', 'Notification about an album is waiting for approval'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_ALB_DELETE_ALL_NOTIFY', 'Send notification when any album was deleted'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_ALB_DELETE_ALL_NOTIFY_CAPTION', 'Notify me about any deleted album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_ALB_DELETE_ALL_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', 'Notification about any deleting album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_IMG_NEW_ALL_NOTIFY', 'Send notification when new image was uploaded'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_IMG_NEW_ALL_NOTIFY_CAPTION', 'Notify me about any new image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_IMG_NEW_ALL_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', 'Notification about a new image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_IMG_DELETE_ALL_NOTIFY', 'Send notification when any image was deleted'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_IMG_DELETE_ALL_NOTIFY_CAPTION', 'Notify me about deleting an image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_IMG_DELETE_ALL_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', 'Notification about deleted image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_NOTIFY', 'Albums notification'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_ALB_MODIFY_NOTIFY', 'Send notification when this album was modified'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_ALB_MODIFY_NOTIFY_CAPTION', 'Notify me about modifying this album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_ALB_MODIFY_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', 'Notification about modified album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_ALB_DELETE_NOTIFY', 'Send notification when this album was deleted'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_ALB_DELETE_NOTIFY_CAPTION', 'Notify me about deleting this album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_ALB_DELETE_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', 'Notification about deleted album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_IMG_NEW_NOTIFY', 'Send notification when a new image was uploaded to this album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_IMG_NEW_NOTIFY_CAPTION', 'Notify me about new image to this album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_IMG_NEW_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', 'Notification about a new image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_IMG_APPROVE_NOTIFY', 'Send notification when an image is waiting for approval'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_IMG_APPROVE_NOTIFY_CAPTION', 'Notify me about image is waiting for approval'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_IMG_APPROVE_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', 'Notification about image is waiting for approval'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_IMG_DELETE_NOTIFY', 'Send notification when a new image was deleted from this album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_IMG_DELETE_NOTIFY_CAPTION', 'Notify me about deleting image from this album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_IMG_DELETE_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', 'Notification about deleted image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_IMG_COMMENT_NOTIFY', 'Notify me about new comments for images'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_IMG_COMMENT_NOTIFY_CAPTION', 'Notify me about comments for images'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_GLOBAL_IMG_COMMENT_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', 'Notification about comments for an image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_IMG_COMMENT_NOTIFY', 'Notify me about new comments for images in this album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_IMG_COMMENT_NOTIFY_CAPTION', 'Notify me about comments for images in this album'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_ALBUMS_IMG_COMMENT_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', 'Notification about new comment for an image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_IMAGES_NOTIFY', 'Image notification'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_IMAGES_IMG_COMMENT_NOTIFY', 'Notify me about new comments for this image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_IMAGES_IMG_COMMENT_NOTIFY_CAPTION', 'Notify me about comments for this image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_IMAGES_IMG_COMMENT_NOTIFY_SUBJECT', 'Notification about new comment for an image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_RATINGBARS', 'Allow rating'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_RATINGBARS_DESC', 'Define whether rating should be possible and which kind of rating should be used'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_RATINGBAR_GROUPS', 'Groups with rating rights'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_RATINGBAR_GROUPS_DESC', 'Define which groups should have the right to rate'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_RATING_NONE', 'Do not use rating'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_RATING_5STARS', 'Rating with 5 stars'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_RATING_10STARS', 'Rating with 10 stars'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_RATING_LIKES', 'Rating with likes'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_RATING_10NUM', 'Rating with 10 points'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_STORE_ORIGINAL', 'Store original image'); define('_MI_WGGALLERY_STORE_ORIGINAL_DESC', 'Define, whether you want to store the original image. <br>Advantage: all images can be reproduced later including new water marks <br>Disadvantage: the used server space will increase corresponding the allowed upload file size');