PHP Classes

Jaxon for CodeIgniter: CodeIgniter plugin to call PHP from with AJAX

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Version License PHP version Categories
jaxon-codeigniter 2.0.2BSD License5PHP 5, Tools, Libraries, AJAX, PHP 7


This package integrates the Jaxon library with the CodeIgniter framework, allowing to make AJAX calls to PHP classes.

This package automatically export all PHP classes installed in a given directory to Javascript, so their methods can be called directly from the browser.

The Jaxon library provides a Response object that allows in the PHP application to modify the content and layout of a page, and execute Javascript code on the client side.

Picture of Thierry Feuzeu
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Jaxon Library for CodeIgniter

This package integrates the Jaxon library into the CodeIgniter 3 framework.


  • Read Jaxon options from a file in CodeIgniter config format.
  • Automatically register Jaxon classes from a preset directory.


First install CodeIgniter version 3.

Create the composer.json file into the installation dir with the following content.

    "require": {
        "jaxon-php/jaxon-codeigniter": "~3.0",

Copy the content of the app/ directory of this repo to the application/ dir of the CodeIgniter application. This will install the Jaxon library for CodeIgniter, as well as the controller to process Jaxon requests and a default config file.

The version 3 of the CodeIgniter framework does not natively support Composer. The Composer vendor/autoload.php file must therefore be manually included in the application.


The settings in the jaxon.php config file are separated into two sections. The options in the lib section are those of the Jaxon core library, while the options in the app sections are those of the CodeIgniter application.

The following options can be defined in the app section of the config file.

| Name | Description | |------|---------------| | directories | An array of directory containing Jaxon application classes | | views | An array of directory containing Jaxon application views | | | | |

By default, the views array is empty. Views are rendered from the framework default location. There's a single entry in the directories array with the following values.

| Name | Default value | Description | |------|---------------|-------------| | directory | APPPATH . 'jaxon/classes' | The directory of the Jaxon classes | | namespace | \Jaxon\App | The namespace of the Jaxon classes | | separator | . | The separator in Jaxon class names | | protected | empty array | Prevent Jaxon from exporting some methods | | | | |


This is an example of a CodeIgniter controller using the Jaxon library.

class Demo extends CI_Controller
    public function __construct()
        // Load the Jaxon library

    public function index()
        // Print the page
        $this->load->view('index', array(
            'JaxonCss' => $this->jaxon->css(),
            'JaxonJs' => $this->jaxon->js(),
            'JaxonScript' => $this->jaxon->script()

The controller must inherit from the Jaxon_Controller provided in this package, and call its contructor.

The calls to $this->jaxon->css(), $this->jaxon->js() and $this->jaxon->script() return the CSS and javascript codes generated by Jaxon, which are inserted into the page.

The Jaxon classes

The Jaxon classes can inherit from \Jaxon\CallableClass. By default, they are located in the APPPATH/jaxon/app dir of the CodeIgniter application, and the associated namespace is \Jaxon\App.

This is a simple example of a Jaxon class, defined in the APPPATH/jaxon/app/HelloWorld.php file.

namespace Jaxon\App;

class HelloWorld extends \Jaxon\CallableClass
    public function sayHello()
        $this->response->assign('div2', 'innerHTML', 'Hello World!');
        return $this->response;

Request processing

By default, the Jaxon request are handled by the controller in the app/controllers/jaxon/Process.php file. The jaxon/process route linked by default to the Process::index() method.


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The package is licensed under the BSD license.

  Jaxon for CodeIgniter Demo External page  

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The PHP Classes site has supported package installation using the Composer tool since 2013, as you may verify by reading this instructions page.
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Downloadjaxon-codeigniter-2021-06-21.tar.gz 5KB
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