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Eventer: Register events and call handlers when they happen

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Version License PHP version Categories
eventer 1.0.0GNU General Publi...5.5PHP 5, Language


This package can register events and call handlers when they happen.

It can register several types of events given their names.

It can also register event listener functions that will be called when the events happen.

The event listeners may be called when they match an event by the exact name or by matching a regular expression.

An event listener may be called only the first time it happens or every time.

Picture of AlexanderC
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OpenFW::Eventer =============== It is a library used by OpenFW framework. Eventer- is an event manager that makes your life easier when using event driven development. There are a lot of libraries doing this, but not that beautifully ;) Advantages ========== - No dependencies - Easy to use - Restful API - Latest PHP features usage - Well commented - ...much more... Requirements ============ - PHP 5.5 and higher - awesomeness Installation ============ - Using composer(through packagist): "alexanderc/open-fw-eventer": "dev-master" - ... or simply load it using your autoloader (PSR-0 compliant) Example ======= ```php <?php use OpenFW\Events\Eventer; use OpenFW\Events\Event; use OpenFW\Events\Matchers\BinaryMatcher; use OpenFW\Events\Matchers\RegexMatcher; use OpenFW\Events\Traits\SimplifiedApiTrait; $eventer = new Eventer(); $events = [ '', 'foo.baz.smth', 'foo.habra.event', '' ]; foreach($events as $event) { $eventer->register($event); } echo "Adding some listeners\n"; $eventer->addListener(new BinaryMatcher('foo.habra.event'), function(Event $event) { echo sprintf("This will be called on %s event only\n", $event); }); $eventer->addListener(new RegexMatcher('.+\.habra\..+'), function(Event $event) { echo sprintf("Wow, calling habra events! (%s)\n", $event); }); $eventer->addOnceListener(new RegexMatcher('foo\..+\.event'), function(Event $event) { echo sprintf("This event is one of [, foo.habra.event] -> %s. ", $event), "Also this is thrown only once!\n"; }); echo "Trigger all events once using binary matcher\n"; foreach($events as $event) { $eventer->trigger($event, ['some', 'data', 'provided', 'to', 'each', 'listener']); } echo "Trigger all events that matches against an RegexMatcher\n"; $eventer->triggerUsingMatcher( new RegexMatcher('foo\..+\.event'), ['some', 'data', 'provided', 'to', 'each', 'listener'] ); // too much words??? check SimplifiedApiTrait... ``` Credentials =========== OpenFW::Eventer php framework. Copyright (C) 2013 AlexanderC

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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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