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Pyha PHP Dependency Injection Container Using Traits: Create objects injecting dependencies using traits

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Last Updated Ratings Unique User Downloads Download Rankings
2024-01-09 (4 days ago) RSS 2.0 feedNot yet rated by the usersTotal: 459 This week: 2All time: 6,081 This week: 220Up
Version License PHP version Categories
dependency-injection 1.0.1The PHP License5.4PHP 5, Language, Design Patterns


This package can be used to create objects injecting dependencies using traits.

It can create a new object injecting dependencies using traits that define the injectable values or pass the values explicitly to the dependency injection container.

The new objects may be created as individual instances or retrieved as singleton objects.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
February 2013
Number 2

Prize: One year subscription to the PDF edition of the JSMag magazine
Dependency injection is a design pattern that is used to create objects using external definitions that specify how the objects should be constructed and configured.

This package can inject dependencies by using traits to define the dependencies and injectable values during the object creating.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of AlexanderC
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x



What's dependency injection(DI)? ================================ Just look at the article and watch that awesome video: How do i register items(services)? ================================== If the class does not have any deps- just skip this step!!! First of all you have to register all dependencies, but keep in mind that: class App { // you can use this trait and implement getInjectables() // that returns associative array with named params that // could not be skipped or added with defined default values use Pyha\DI\Injectable; public function getInjectables() { return [ 'stringHere' => "hello world!" ]; } /** * @param string $stringHere */ public function __construct(AnyClassHere $thing, $stringHere) { } } class Foo { public function __construct(App $app) { } } class Bar extends Foo { } // i would like to get it via DI Factory class WeWannaGet { public function __construct(Bar $bar) { } } // in order to get this working we need... // // 1. register only top dependency Pyha\DI\Factory::getInstance()->register( new App(new AnyClassHere(), 'string here') ); // or Pyha\DI\Factory::getInstance()->register( Pyha\DI\Factory::getInstance()->get('App') ); // or (if app does not use injectable trait or do not get named param via getInjectables() method) Pyha\DI\Factory::getInstance()->register( Pyha\DI\Factory::getInstance()->get('App', ['stringHere' => "hello world!"]) ); // that u can use Pyha\DI\Factory::getInstance()->get('WeWannaGet'); // to get instance only once, just what an singleton does Pyha\DI\Factory::getInstance()->create('WeWannaGet'); // to create new instance each time To register aliases use addAlias() Factory method. NOTE: if as a service parameter to the register method is provided an object by default are registered several service aliases. This are: - All Interfaces names implemented - All parent classes from extension tree - All Traits used If you do not wannt to register this aliases, take a look at the method prototype: public function register($name, $service, $registerSelfAsAlias = true, $registerInterfacesAsAliases = true, $registerParentsAsAliases = true); Services ca be objects, closures, string(classes names) Loading Library =============== If you are not using Composer you may add to autoloader the lib path or even include the files manualy Installing via Composer ======================= To install it via composer just use following command: $ composer.phar install

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 Version Control Unique User Downloads Download Rankings  
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