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mimey PHP MIME Type Conversion: Convert between file extensions and MIME types

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Version License PHP version Categories
mimey 2.1.0MIT/X Consortium ...8.2.0Files and Folders, PHP 8


This package can convert between file extensions and MIME types.

It can perform several types of operations with MIME types.

Currently, it can:

- Take a string with a file name extension and return the respective MIME type

- Take a string with a MIME type and return the most common file associated name extension

- Return all the recognized MIME types

- Add new types of MIME types and associated file name extensions

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
September 2023
Number 2
Some applications need to process many types of files, for instance, when validating and processing file uploads.

One first step to perform file type validation for applications that process files uploaded by the users is to check the extension of the file name.

However, this step is not sufficient to perform file type validation. It is a fast step because it checks the file name and does not need to read the contents.

PHP has the fileinfo extension that provides the function mime_content_type. This function can detect the file type detection by reading the file contents. However, it is limited to the MIME types that the current implementation of this extension supports.

This package provides an alternative approach just for detecting the MIME type of a file based on the file name. It is extensible. So, it can support adding more MIME types to the list of file name extensions it can recognize.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Eric Sizemore
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 4x

Winner: 1x



For anyone using v1.x of Mimey, please see the CHANGELOG and UPGRADING before upgrading to 2.0.0.



PHP package for converting file extensions to MIME types and vice versa.

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This package uses [httpd]'s [mime.types] to generate a mapping of file extension to MIME type and the other way around. Click here to view the changelog from their svn: [changelog]

The mime.types file is parsed by bin/generate.php and converted into an optimized JSON object in dist/mime.types.min.json which is then wrapped by helper class MimeTypes.

Also provides a generated PHP enum with all mime types and methods to get the extension. Can also be used to get the enum value from an extension.

[httpd]: [mime.types]: [changelog]:


$mimes = new MimeTypes;

// Convert extension to MIME type:
$mimes->getMimeType('json'); // application/json

// Convert MIME type to extension:
$mimes->getExtension('application/json'); // json

Using the enum

$json = MimeType::ApplicationJson;
echo $json->getExtension(); // json
echo $json->value; // application/json

$html = MimeType::fromExtension('html');
echo $html->value; // text/html

MimeType::fromExtension('asdf'); // throws an InvalidArgumentException if the extension cannot be found

Getting All

It's rare, but some extensions have multiple MIME types:

// Get all MIME types for an extension:
$mimes->getAllMimeTypes('wmz'); // array('application/x-ms-wmz', 'application/x-msmetafile')

However, there are many MIME types that have multiple extensions:

// Get all extensions for a MIME type:
$mimes->getAllExtensions('image/jpeg'); // array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'jpe')

Custom Conversions

You can add custom conversions by changing the mapping that is given to MimeTypes.

There is a Mapping\Builder that can help with this:

use Esi\Mimey\Mapping\Builder;

// Create a builder using the built-in conversions as the basis.
$builder = Builder::create();

// Add a conversion. This conversion will take precedence over existing ones.
$builder->add('custom/mime-type', 'myextension');

$mimes = new MimeTypes($builder->getMapping());
$mimes->getMimeType('myextension'); // custom/mime-type
$mimes->getExtension('custom/mime-type'); // myextension

You can add as many conversions as you would like to the builder:

$builder->add('custom/mime-type', 'myextension');
$builder->add('foo/bar', 'foobar');
$builder->add('foo/bar', 'fbar');
$builder->add('baz/qux', 'qux');
$builder->add('cat/qux', 'qux');

Optimized Custom Conversion Loading

You can optimize the loading of custom conversions by saving all conversions to a compiled PHP file as part of a build step.

// Add a bunch of custom conversions.
// Save the conversions to a cached file.

The file can then be loaded to avoid overhead of repeated $builder->add(...) calls:

// Load the conversions from a cached file.
$builder = Builder::load($cacheFilePath);
$mimes = new MimeTypes($builder->getMapping());


Compatible with PHP >= 8.2.

composer require esi/mimey


This fork uses the same license as the original repository by @ralouphie (MIT). This repository is a fork of elephox-dev/mimey which itself was a fork of ralouphie/mimey. Thanks to them and all the contributors!

Submitting bugs and feature requests

Bugs and feature requests are tracked on GitHub

Issues are the quickest way to report a bug. If you find a bug or documentation error, please check the following first:

  • That there is not an Issue already open concerning the bug
  • That the issue has not already been addressed (within closed Issues, for example)


Missing a MIME type?

Open an issue or even add it yourself! The process is very easy:

  1. fork this repository
  2. add your MIME type to the `data/mime.types.custom` file (make sure it's properly formatted!)
  3. push your changes
  4. submit a pull request

More information for contributions in CONTRIBUTING.


Eric Sizemore - <> - <>


Mimey is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.

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