PHP Async Executor: Run PHP scripts in parallel using the CLI version

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This package can run PHP scripts in parallel using the CLI version.

It can run a given PHP script by executing the PHP CLI version. It passes the name of the script and the parameter values as command line parameter values.

The package may start a process to run an existing script file. It may also wait a given time if the script file does not exist, allowing another process to create the script file while the package waits.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
June 2021
Number 6
One way to run multiple PHP scripts simultaneously is to use the PHP CLI version and start it as a parallel process. The start is a bit slow because a new program needs to be loaded.

To start faster, this package provides a solution that can start the parallel process first before creating the actual script that the process will run.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Alexandre Sinício
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Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 3x



Async Processor

This a simple class that can help spawning CLI processes, either as "run-and-forget" or "run-and-keep-running" modes.



Useful when you want to spawn a CLI process and make it run in the background. You will NOT get any return from the process itself.

Basic usage:

$async = new AsyncExecutor('/usr/bin/php');
$async->runProcess('path_to_script', ['param01', 'param02']);


Useful when you want to spawn CLI processes and keep them running no matter what.

The class monitors the PID of the processes to check if they are still running, and restarts automatically if needed.

Basic usage:

$async = new AsyncExecutor('/usr/bin/php');
$multiAsync = new AsyncMultiProcess($async);
$multiAsync->addProcess(new AsyncProcess('instance_01', 'path_to_script_01', ['param01']));
$multiAsync->addProcess(new AsyncProcess('instance_02', 'path_to_script_02', ['param02', 'param03']));

If a process fails to execute due to a non-existing script, you can set the time the class will wait to retry the execution (default, 5 seconds).

You can also configure the AsyncMultiProcess to abort execution if non-existing script is detected, effectively canceling everything (running processes will not be closed, though).

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