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Color extract | > | All threads | > | Class Modifications | > | (Un) Subscribe thread alerts |
![]() I added a function to get percentage of image transparency vs solid colors based on this class. The original function passes out the alpha value w/ the hex so the 2 need to be split if you just need the hex code.
<?php /** * This class can be used to get the most common colors in an image. It needs one parameter: $image, which is the filename of the image you want to process. * Originally based on BSD licensed code from * Modified by John Hamson - [email protected] to support a function to measure what percent of the image is transparent or solid. */ class ColorQuery { /** * The filename of the image (it can be a JPG, GIF or PNG image) * * @var string */ public $image; /** * Returns an array of HEX_alpha of each pixel in the image * * @return array */ public function get_color_data() { if (isset($this->image)) { $size = GetImageSize($this->image); if ($size[2]==1) $image_orig=imagecreatefromgif($this->image); if ($size[2]==2) $image_orig=imagecreatefromjpeg($this->image); if ($size[2]==3) $image_orig=imagecreatefrompng($this->image); $im = $image_orig; $imgWidth = imagesx($im); $imgHeight = imagesy($im); $hexarray = array(); $hexarray2 = array(); for ($y=0; $y < $imgHeight; $y++) { for ($x=0; $x < $imgWidth; $x++) { $index = imagecolorat($im,$x,$y); $Colors = imagecolorsforindex($im,$index); $Colors['red']=intval((($Colors['red'])+15)/32)*32; //ROUND THE COLORS, TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF COLORS, SO THE WON'T BE ANY NEARLY DUPLICATE COLORS! $Colors['green']=intval((($Colors['green'])+15)/32)*32; $Colors['blue']=intval((($Colors['blue'])+15)/32)*32; if ($Colors['red']>=256) $Colors['red']=240; if ($Colors['green']>=256) $Colors['green']=240; if ($Colors['blue']>=256) $Colors['blue']=240; $hex = substr("0".dechex($Colors['red']),-2).substr("0".dechex($Colors['green']),-2).substr("0".dechex($Colors['blue']),-2); $alpha = $Colors['alpha']; $hexarray[]=$hex.'_'.$alpha; } } $hexarray=array_count_values($hexarray); natsort($hexarray); $hexarray=array_reverse($hexarray,true); $keys=array_keys($hexarray); $this->color_data = $hexarray; } else die("You must enter a filename! (\$image parameter)"); } public function get_density_data() { $this->get_color_data(); foreach ($this->color_data as $v=>$k) { $color = split('_',$v); if ($v=='000000_127') { $alpha_count = $k; } else { $color_count = $color_count + $k; } $total_count = ($alpha_count+$color_count); $alpha_percent = round(($alpha_count/$total_count),2)*100; $color_percent = round(($color_count/$total_count),2)*100; $this->solid = $color_percent; $this->alpha = $alpha_percent; } } } ?> |
info at phpclasses dot org