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File: class.navigator.php

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File: class.navigator.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: the navigator class
Class: Navigator
Browsing and manipulating directories and files
Author: By
Last change: adding sort function
adding loop NextDir() and NextFile()
Date: 21 years ago
Size: 14,953 bytes



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<? ########################################################################################## # >> Simple class to browse directories << # # Author: Boutekedjiret Zoheir Ramzi [,] # Special thanks to: # Dennis Vervest [] # # # Changelog: # -Start version at December, 17 2003 [v] # -January, 13 2004 adding sort function ( helpping by "Dennis Vervest" <>) [v 1.2] # -January, 17 2004 changing class using: NextDir() and NextFile (Denni's idea ) # # Current version : 1.3 # # This script has been created and released under the GNU GPL and is free to use and # redistribute only if this copyright statement is not removed # # # how to use ? # ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ # $browser = new Navigator("/home/my_dir"); # Now you have a list of files on $FilesList, and the directories on $DirsList. # list's structure : # Name : file's name # DateM : Last modification # Size : In Byte # Perms : file's permessions # Owner : file's owner # Group : the owner's group # # note : set $GetDirSz=true if you want to show dir size # # Methods: # $browser->Pwd() : retrun current directory # $browser->ChgPerms($file,$perms='111100100') :chmod 111100100 == rwxr--r-- # $browser->GetDirSize($dir) : retrun directory size # $browser->Rename("file_to_rename","new_name") # $browser->Create(f | d,"name") f: file, d: dir # $browser->Remove("file_to_delet") # $browser->RemoveDir("dir_to_delete") # $browser->ConvertSize(size) : convert size (byte) to KB,MB ,GB # $browser->SortListF(N | D | S, ASC | DESC ) : sort files list # $browser->SortListD(N | D | S, ASC | DESC ) : sort dirs list # N:By name, D:by date, S: by size # $browser->Count([char what]) : what f->file's number d->Dir's number, NULL-> both # # # # NB:You find majority of those functions on Philex project (PHILes EXplorer) # <> ########################################################################################## class Navigator { /****** Vars ******/ # user's setting: var $GetDirSz=false ; // If you want to show the dir's size var $DateFormat = "d-m-Y H:i:s" ; // Date format for last update field ############################################## var $Curdir ; var $DirsList = array("Name" =>array(),"DateM"=>array(),"Size" =>array(), "Perms"=>array(),"Owner"=>array(),"Group"=>array() ); var $FilesList = array("Name" =>array(),"DateM"=>array(),"Size" =>array(), "Perms"=>array(),"Owner"=>array(),"Group"=>array() ); var $Handle; var $ErrMess; var $Path; var $OrderArrD =array(); var $OrderArrF =array(); var $PointerPosD; var $PointerPosF; var $FieldName; var $FieldDate; var $FieldSize; var $FieldPerms; var $FieldOwner; var $FieldGroup; /****** Methods ******/ /* * Constructor */ function Navigator($parm,$sort_filed="N",$dir="ASC") { if(!isset($parm)) $parm = "." ; if(is_dir($parm)) $this->CurDir = $parm ; else $this->Err("Not valid directory"); chdir($this->CurDir); $this->Handle=opendir("."); $this->LoadList() ; $this->SortListF($sort_filed,$dir); $this->SortListD($sort_filed,$dir); $this->PointerPosF=0; $this->PointerPosD=0; closedir($this->Handle); } /* * load directories list and files list */ function LoadList() { $tmp=0; while($file = readdir($this->Handle)) { if(is_dir($file) && $file!="." && $file!="..") { $this->DirsList["Name"][] = $file; $this->DirsList["DateM"][] = $this->LastUpdate($file); $this->DirsList["Size"][] = ($this->GetDirSz) ? $this->GetDirSize($file) : '' ; $this->DirsList["Perms"][] = $this->GetPerms($file); $this->DirsList["Owner"][] = fileowner($file); $this->DirsList["Group"][] = filegroup($file); } elseif(is_file($file) && $file!="." && $file!="..") { $this->FilesList["Name"][] = $file; $this->FilesList["DateM"][] = $this->LastUpdate($file); $this->FilesList["Size"][] = filesize($file); $this->FilesList["Perms"][] = $this->GetPerms($file); $this->FilesList["Owner"][] = fileowner($file); $this->FilesList["Group"][] = filegroup($file); } $tmp++; } } /* * convert permession to string like -rwxr-xr-- */ function GetPerms($file) { switch (filetype ($file)){ case "dir" ;$ret2="d"; break; case "fifo" ;$ret2="f"; break; case "char" ;$ret2="c"; break; case "block" ;$ret2="b"; break; case "link" ;$ret2="l"; break; case "file" ;$ret2="-"; break; default :$ret2="-"; break; } $ret=sprintf("%b", (fileperms($file)) & 0777); ( $ret[0]) ? ($ret2.="r") : ($ret2.="-"); ( $ret[1]) ? ($ret2.="w") : ($ret2.="-"); ( $ret[2]) ? ($ret2.="x") : ($ret2.="-"); ( $ret[3]) ? ($ret2.="r") : ($ret2.="-"); ( $ret[4]) ? ($ret2.="w") : ($ret2.="-"); ( $ret[5]) ? ($ret2.="x") : ($ret2.="-"); ( $ret[6]) ? ($ret2.="r") : ($ret2.="-"); ( $ret[7]) ? ($ret2.="w") : ($ret2.="-"); ( $ret[8]) ? ($ret2.="x") : ($ret2.="-"); return $ret2; } function LastUpdate($file) { return date($this->DateFormat,filemtime($file)); } function NextFile() { //echo count($this->OrderArrF); //echo $this->OrderArrF; //echo $this->PointerPos.$this->OrderArrF; //while (list($key, $val) = each( $this->OrderArrF)) //echo "<br>-".$key; if(isset($this->OrderArrF)) { $keyz= array_keys($this->OrderArrF) ; if(isset($this->OrderArrF[$keyz[$this->PointerPosF]])) { //echo "z"; $this->FieldName =$this->FilesList["Name"][$this->OrderArrF[$keyz[$this->PointerPosF]]] ; $this->FieldDate =$this->FilesList["DateM"][$this->OrderArrF[$keyz[$this->PointerPosF]]]; $this->FieldSize =$this->ConvertSize($this->FilesList["Size"][$this->OrderArrF[$keyz[$this->PointerPosF]]]); $this->FieldPerms =$this->FilesList["Perms"][$this->OrderArrF[$keyz[$this->PointerPosF]]]; $this->FieldOwner =$this->FilesList["Owner"][$this->OrderArrF[$keyz[$this->PointerPosF]]]; $this->FieldGroup =$this->FilesList["Group"][$this->OrderArrF[$keyz[$this->PointerPosF]]]; $this->PointerPosF++; return true; }else return false; } else { return false; } } function NextDir() { if( isset($this->OrderArrD)) { $keyz= array_keys($this->OrderArrD) ; if(isset($this->OrderArrD[$keyz[$this->PointerPosD]])) { $this->FieldName =$this->DirsList["Name"][$this->OrderArrD[$keyz[$this->PointerPosD]]] ; $this->FieldDate =$this->DirsList["DateM"][$this->OrderArrD[$keyz[$this->PointerPosD]]]; $this->FieldSize = ($this->GetDirSz) ? $this->ConvertSize($this->DirsList["Size"][$this->OrderArrD[$keyz[$this->PointerPosD]]]) : ''; $this->FieldPerms =$this->DirsList["Perms"][$this->OrderArrD[$keyz[$this->PointerPosD]]]; $this->FieldOwner =$this->DirsList["Owner"][$this->OrderArrD[$keyz[$this->PointerPosD]]]; $this->FieldGroup =$this->DirsList["Group"][$this->OrderArrD[$keyz[$this->PointerPosD]]]; $this->PointerPosD++; return true; }else return false; } else { return false; } } /* function SortList($what,$direction="ASC") { // rsort($this->FilesList["Name"]); switch($what) { case "N"; //Name if($direction=="ASC") array_multisort ($this->FilesList["Name"],SORT_ASC,$this->FilesList["DateM"],$this->FilesList["Size"]); else array_multisort ($this->FilesList["Name"],SORT_DESC); break; case "D" ; //Date break; case "S"; //Size if($direction=="ASC") sort($this->FilesList["Size"]); else rsort($this->FilesList["Size"]); break; } } */ /* * sort the files list */ function SortListF($what,$direction="ASC") { // $OrderArr=array(); // reset($this->OrderArrF); unset($this->OrderArrF); switch($what) { case "D" ; //Date $i = 0; reset($this->FilesList["DateM"]); while($i<count($this->FilesList["DateM"])){ $tmp=explode(' ',$this->FilesList["DateM"][$i]); $key1= split('-', $tmp[0]); $key2= split(':', $tmp[1]); $key=mktime ($key2[0],$key2[1],$key2[2],$key1[1],$key1[0],$key1[2]) ; $this->OrderArrF[$key.'.'.$i] = $i; $i++; } if($direction=="ASC" and isset($this->OrderArrF) )ksort($this->OrderArrF) ; elseif( isset($this->OrderArrF)) krsort($this->OrderArrF) ; //---------------------------------- break; case "S"; //Size $i = 0; reset($this->FilesList["Size"]); while($i<count($this->FilesList["Size"])){ $this->OrderArrF[$this->FilesList["Size"][$i].'.'.$i] = $i; $i++; } if($direction=="ASC" and isset($this->OrderArrF))ksort($this->OrderArrF) ; elseif( isset($this->OrderArrF)) krsort($this->OrderArrF) ; //---------------------------------- break; default: $i = 0; reset($this->FilesList["Name"]); while($i<count($this->FilesList["Name"])){ $this->OrderArrF[strtolower($this->FilesList["Name"][$i])] = $i; // lower case to sort a b c...A B C // i don't have to add $i for unicity becoz the filenames are already unique $i++; } if($direction=="ASC" and isset($this->OrderArrF))ksort($this->OrderArrF) ; elseif( isset($this->OrderArrF)) krsort($this->OrderArrF) ; //---------------------------------- break; } // $this->OrderArrF= $OrderArr; } /* * sort the dirs list */ function SortListD($what,$direction="ASC") { unset($this->OrderArrD); switch($what) { case "D" ; //Date $i = 0; reset($this->DirsList["DateM"]); while (list($key, $val) = each($this->DirsList["DateM"])) { $tmp=explode(' ',$this->DirsList["DateM"][$i]); $key1= split( '-', $tmp[0]); $key2= split( ':', $tmp[1]); $key=mktime ($key2[0],$key2[1],$key2[2],$key1[1],$key1[0],$key1[2]) ; $this->OrderArrD[$key.'.'.$i] = $i; $i++; } if($direction=="ASC" and isset($this->OrderArrD))ksort($this->OrderArrD) ; elseif( isset($this->OrderArrD)) krsort($this->OrderArrD) ; //---------------------------------- break; case "S"; //Size $i = 0; reset($this->DirsList["Size"]); while($i<count($this->DirsList["Size"])){ $this->OrderArrD[$this->DirsList["Size"][$i].'.'.$i] = $i; $i++; } if($direction=="ASC" and isset($this->OrderArrD))ksort($this->OrderArrD) ; elseif( isset($this->OrderArrD)) krsort($this->OrderArrD) ; //---------------------------------- break; default: $i = 0; reset($this->DirsList["Name"]); while($i<count($this->DirsList["Name"])){ $this->OrderArrD[strtolower($this->DirsList["Name"][$i])] = $i; $i++; } if($direction=="ASC" and isset($this->OrderArrD))ksort($this->OrderArrD) ; elseif( isset($this->OrderArrD)) krsort($this->OrderArrD) ; //---------------------------------- break; } // $this->OrderArrD=$OrderArr; } /* * return element's number what: d total dirs, f: total files */ function Count($what="") { switch($what) {case "d": return count($this->DirsList["Name"]);break; case "f": return count($this->FilesList["Name"]);break; default: return count($this->DirsList["Name"])+count($this->FilesList["Name"]);break; } } /* * current directory */ function Pwd() { return realpath("."); } /* * chmod */ function ChgPerms($file,$perms='111100100') //rwxrwxrwx { $dec =bindec ($perms); $oct =decoct ($dec); if(!chmod( $file, '0'.octdec($oct) )) $this->Err("Oups , error whene setting perms"); } /* * get all directory size */ function GetDirSize($dir) { $dossier=opendir($dir); $total=0; while ($fichier = readdir($dossier)) { $l = array('.', '..'); if (!in_array( $fichier, $l)) { if (is_dir($dir."/".$fichier)) { $total += $this->GetDirSize($dir."/".$fichier); } else { $total+=filesize($dir."/".$fichier); } } } return $total; } /* * renaming */ function Rename($old,$new) { if (file_exists($old)) { if(!file_exists($new)) rename($old,$new); else $this->Err("$new already exists !"); } else $this->Err("$old doesn't exist !"); } /* * Create file/dir */ function Create($what,$name) { switch($what) { case "f"; if (!file_exists($name)) {if(!$fp=fopen($name,"w")) $this->Err("Cannot create this file : $name") ; else fclose($fp); }else $this->Err("$name already exists !"); break; case "d"; if (!file_exists($name)) {if(!mkdir ($name, 0700)){ $this->Err("Cannot create this directory : $name");} }else {$this->Err("$new already exists !"); } break; } } /* * remove a file */ function Remove($file) { if(!@unlink($file)) $this->Err("Cannot delete file : $file"); } /* * remove directory (recursive) */ function RemoveDir($dir) { if($handle=@opendir($dir)) { while ($file=readdir($handle)) { if (is_dir($dir."/".$file) && $file !=".." && $file!="." ) { $this->RemoveDir($dir."/".$file); if (file_exists($dir."/".$file)) { rmdir($dir."/".$file); } } else { if (is_file($dir."/".$file) && file_exists($dir."/".$file)) { unlink($dir."/".$file); } } } closedir($handle); rmdir($dir); } else $this->Err("Cannot delete directory : $dir") ; } /* * convert size to KB, MB, GB */ function ConvertSize($sz) { if ($sz >= 1073741824) {$sz = round($sz / 1073741824 * 100) / 100 . " GB";} elseif ($sz >= 1048576) {$sz = round($sz / 1048576 * 100) / 100 . " MB";} elseif ($sz >= 1024) {$sz = round($sz / 1024 * 100) / 100 . " KB";} else {$sz = $sz . " Bytes";} return $sz; } /* * Stop execution with error message */ function Err($mess) { $this->ErrMess = $mess; echo "<font color=red>$mess</font><br>"; exit; } } ?>