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File: example/vectorize.php

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  Classes of Eduardo "Trial Force" Bonfandini   phpSVG   example/vectorize.php   Download  
File: example/vectorize.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example script
Class: phpSVG
Create and edit vectorial graphics in SVG files
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 10 years ago
Size: 2,055 bytes



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echo 'Simple pixel vectorize';
'resource/function.php'; //convert color

$imagePath = 'resource' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'axel.png';
$svgPath = 'output' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'axel.svg';

$imgContent = file_get_contents( $imagePath );

$img = imagecreatefromstring( $imgContent );
$imageSize = getimagesize( $imagePath );
$imgW = $imageSize[ 0 ];
$imgH = $imageSize[ 1 ];

$svg = SVGDocument::getInstance();
$svg->setWidth( $imgW );
$svg->setHeight( $imgH );

for (
$x = 0; $x < $imgW; $x++ )
    for (
$y = 0; $y < $imgH; $y++ )
$rgb = imagecolorat( $img, $x, $y );
$color = imagecolorsforindex( $img, $rgb );

        if (
$color[ 'alpha' ] < 126 )
$hex = RGBToHex( $color[ 'red' ], $color[ 'green' ], $color[ 'blue' ] );
//$rect = SVGRect::getInstance( $x, $y, null, 1, 1, new SVGStyle( array( 'fill' => $hex ) ) );
            //$d = "m $x,$y 1,0 0,1 -1,0 z";
$x1 = $x + 1;
$y1 = $y + 1;
$d = "M $x,$y $x,$y1 $x1,$y1 $x1,$y ";

$paths[ $hex ] .= $d;
/* @$paths[$hex][$x . ',' . $y] = $x . ',' . $y;
              @$paths[$hex][$x . ',' . $y1] = $x . ',' . $y1;
              @$paths[$hex][$x1 . ',' . $y1] = $x1 . ',' . $y1;
              @$paths[$hex][$x1 . ',' . $y] = $x1 . ',' . $y; */

            //M 25,20 25,21 26,21 26,20 z
            //$path = SVGPath::getInstance( $d, null, new SVGStyle( array( 'fill' => $hex ) ) );
            //$svg->append( $path );

foreach (
$paths as $hex => $d )
//$d = implode( ' L ', $res );
$path = SVGPath::getInstance( $d . ' z', null, new SVGStyle( array( 'fill' => $hex ) ) );
$svg->append( $path );

$svg->asXML( $svgPath, TRUE );

"<img src='$imagePath'/>";
'<embed style="border:solid 1px gray;" src="' . $svgPath . '" type="image/svg+xml" pluginspage="" /><br / >';