* created in 2012-12-12T19:02:00+00:00
*This class extends MVCObject.
class google_maps_Map {
* Additional controls to attach to the map. To add a control to the map, add the c
* ontrol's <div> to the MVCArray corresponding to the ControlPosition where it sho
* uld be rendered.
* @var array $controls
public $controls;
* A registry of MapType instances by string ID.
* @var google_maps_MapTypeRegistry $mapTypes
public $mapTypes;
* Additional map types to overlay.
* @var array $overlayMapTypes
public $overlayMapTypes;
* Sets the viewport to contain the given bounds.
* @var google_maps_LatLngBounds $bounds
* @return void
public function fitBounds(google_maps_LatLngBounds $bounds){}
* Returns the lat/lng bounds of the current viewport. If more than one copy of the
* world is visible, the bounds range in longitude from -180 to 180 degrees inclus
* ive. If the map is not yet initialized (i.e. the mapType is still null), or cent
* er and zoom have not been set then the result is null or undefined.
* @return google_maps_LatLngBounds
public function getBounds(){}
* Returns the position displayed at the center of the map. Note that this LatLng o
* bject is not wrapped. See LatLng for more information.
* @return google_maps_LatLng
public function getCenter(){}
* @return document
public function getDiv(){}
* Returns the compass heading of aerial imagery. The heading value is measured in
* degrees (clockwise) from cardinal direction North.
* @return integer
public function getHeading(){}
* @return google_maps_MapTypeId|string
public function getMapTypeId(){}
* Returns the current Projection. If the map is not yet initialized (i.e. the mapT
* ype is still null) then the result is null. Listen to projection_changed and che
* ck its value to ensure it is not null.
* @return google_maps_Projection
public function getProjection(){}
* Returns the default StreetViewPanorama bound to the map, which may be a default
* panorama embedded within the map, or the panorama set using setStreetView(). Cha
* nges to the map's streetViewControl will be reflected in the display of such a b
* ound panorama.
* @return google_maps_StreetViewPanorama
public function getStreetView(){}
* Returns the angle of incidence for aerial imagery (available for SATELLITE and H
* YBRID map types) measured in degrees from the viewport plane to the map plane. A
* value of 0 indicates no angle of incidence (no tilt) while 45° imagery will re
* turn a value of 45.
* @return integer
public function getTilt(){}
* @return integer
public function getZoom(){}
* Changes the center of the map by the given distance in pixels. If the distance i
* s less than both the width and height of the map, the transition will be smoothl
* y animated. Note that the map coordinate system increases from west to east (for
* x values) and north to south (for y values).
* @var integer $x
* @var integer $y
* @return void
public function panBy(integer $x, integer $y){}
* Changes the center of the map to the given LatLng. If the change is less than bo
* th the width and height of the map, the transition will be smoothly animated.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $latLng
* @return void
public function panTo(google_maps_LatLng $latLng){}
* Pans the map by the minimum amount necessary to contain the given LatLngBounds.
* It makes no guarantee where on the map the bounds will be, except that as much o
* f the bounds as possible will be visible. The bounds will be positioned inside t
* he area bounded by the map type and navigation (pan, zoom, and Street View) cont
* rols, if they are present on the map. If the bounds is larger than the map, the
* map will be shifted to include the northwest corner of the bounds. If the change
* in the map's position is less than both the width and height of the map, the tr
* ansition will be smoothly animated.
* @var google_maps_LatLngBounds $latLngBounds
* @return void
public function panToBounds(google_maps_LatLngBounds $latLngBounds){}
* @var google_maps_LatLng $latlng
* @return void
public function setCenter(google_maps_LatLng $latlng){}
* Sets the compass heading for aerial imagery measured in degrees from cardinal di
* rection North.
* @var integer $heading
* @return void
public function setHeading(integer $heading){}
* @var google_maps_MapTypeId $mapTypeId
* @return void
public function setMapTypeId(google_maps_MapTypeId $mapTypeId){}
* @var google_maps_MapOptions $options
* @return void
public function setOptions(google_maps_MapOptions $options){}
* Binds a StreetViewPanorama to the map. This panorama overrides the default Stree
* tViewPanorama, allowing the map to bind to an external panorama outside of the m
* ap. Setting the panorama to null binds the default embedded panorama back to the
* map.
* @var google_maps_StreetViewPanorama $panorama
* @return void
public function setStreetView(google_maps_StreetViewPanorama $panorama){}
* Sets the angle of incidence for aerial imagery (available for SATELLITE and HYBR
* ID map types) measured in degrees from the viewport plane to the map plane. The
* only supported values are 0, indicating no angle of incidence (no tilt), and 45
* indicating a tilt of 45deg;.
* @var integer $tilt
* @return void
public function setTilt(integer $tilt){}
* @var integer $zoom
* @return void
public function setZoom(integer $zoom){}
class google_maps_MapOptions {
* Color used for the background of the Map div. This color will be visible when ti
* les have not yet loaded as the user pans. This option can only be set when the m
* ap is initialized.
* @var string $backgroundColor
public $backgroundColor;
* The initial Map center. Required.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $center
public $center;
* Enables/disables all default UI. May be overridden individually.
* @var boolean $disableDefaultUI
public $disableDefaultUI;
* Enables/disables zoom and center on double click. Enabled by default.
* @var boolean $disableDoubleClickZoom
public $disableDoubleClickZoom;
* If false, prevents the map from being dragged. Dragging is enabled by default.
* @var boolean $draggable
public $draggable;
* The name or url of the cursor to display when mousing over a draggable map.
* @var string $draggableCursor
public $draggableCursor;
* The name or url of the cursor to display when the map is being dragged.
* @var string $draggingCursor
public $draggingCursor;
* The heading for aerial imagery in degrees measured clockwise from cardinal direc
* tion North. Headings are snapped to the nearest available angle for which imager
* y is available.
* @var integer $heading
public $heading;
* If false, prevents the map from being controlled by the keyboard. Keyboard short
* cuts are enabled by default.
* @var boolean $keyboardShortcuts
public $keyboardShortcuts;
* True if Map Maker tiles should be used instead of regular tiles.
* @var boolean $mapMaker
public $mapMaker;
* The initial enabled/disabled state of the Map type control.
* @var boolean $mapTypeControl
public $mapTypeControl;
* The initial display options for the Map type control.
* @var google_maps_MapTypeControlOptions $mapTypeControlOptions
public $mapTypeControlOptions;
* The initial Map mapTypeId. Required.
* @var google_maps_MapTypeId $mapTypeId
public $mapTypeId;
* The maximum zoom level which will be displayed on the map. If omitted, or set to
* null, the maximum zoom from the current map type is used instead.
* @var integer $maxZoom
public $maxZoom;
* The minimum zoom level which will be displayed on the map. If omitted, or set to
* null, the minimum zoom from the current map type is used instead.
* @var integer $minZoom
public $minZoom;
* If true, do not clear the contents of the Map div.
* @var boolean $noClear
public $noClear;
* The enabled/disabled state of the Overview Map control.
* @var boolean $overviewMapControl
public $overviewMapControl;
* The display options for the Overview Map control.
* @var google_maps_OverviewMapControlOptions $overviewMapControlOptions
public $overviewMapControlOptions;
* The enabled/disabled state of the Pan control.
* @var boolean $panControl
public $panControl;
* The display options for the Pan control.
* @var google_maps_PanControlOptions $panControlOptions
public $panControlOptions;
* The enabled/disabled state of the Rotate control.
* @var boolean $rotateControl
public $rotateControl;
* The display options for the Rotate control.
* @var google_maps_RotateControlOptions $rotateControlOptions
public $rotateControlOptions;
* The initial enabled/disabled state of the Scale control.
* @var boolean $scaleControl
public $scaleControl;
* The initial display options for the Scale control.
* @var google_maps_ScaleControlOptions $scaleControlOptions
public $scaleControlOptions;
* If false, disables scrollwheel zooming on the map. The scrollwheel is enabled by
* default.
* @var boolean $scrollwheel
public $scrollwheel;
* A StreetViewPanorama to display when the Street View pegman is dropped on the ma
* p. If no panorama is specified, a default StreetViewPanorama will be displayed i
* n the map's div when the pegman is dropped.
* @var google_maps_StreetViewPanorama $streetView
public $streetView;
* The initial enabled/disabled state of the Street View Pegman control. This contr
* ol is part of the default UI, and should be set to false when displaying a map t
* ype on which the Street View road overlay should not appear (e.g. a non-Earth ma
* p type).
* @var boolean $streetViewControl
public $streetViewControl;
* The initial display options for the Street View Pegman control.
* @var google_maps_StreetViewControlOptions $streetViewControlOptions
public $streetViewControlOptions;
* Styles to apply to each of the default map types. Note that styles will apply on
* ly to the labels and geometry in Satellite/Hybrid and Terrain modes.
* @var array $styles
public $styles;
* The angle of incidence of the map as measured in degrees from the viewport plane
* to the map plane. The only currently supported values are 0, indicating no angl
* e of incidence (no tilt), and 45, indicating a tilt of 45deg;. 45deg; imagery is
* only available for SATELLITE and HYBRID map types, within some locations, and a
* t some zoom levels.
* @var integer $tilt
public $tilt;
* The initial Map zoom level. Required.
* @var integer $zoom
public $zoom;
* The enabled/disabled state of the Zoom control.
* @var boolean $zoomControl
public $zoomControl;
* The display options for the Zoom control.
* @var google_maps_ZoomControlOptions $zoomControlOptions
public $zoomControlOptions;
*Identifiers for common MapTypes.
class google_maps_MapTypeId {
* This map type displays a transparent layer of major streets on satellite images.
* This map type displays a normal street map.
* This map type displays satellite images.
* This map type displays maps with physical features such as terrain and vegetatio
* n.
* IDs of map types to show in the control.
* @var array|array $mapTypeIds
public $mapTypeIds;
* Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map. The default
* position is TOP_RIGHT.
* @var google_maps_ControlPosition $position
public $position;
* Style id. Used to select what style of map type control to display.
* @var google_maps_MapTypeControlStyle $style
public $style;
*Options for the rendering of the map type control.
class google_maps_MapTypeControlOptions {
* IDs of map types to show in the control.
* @var array|array $mapTypeIds
public $mapTypeIds;
* Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map. The default
* position is TOP_RIGHT.
* @var google_maps_ControlPosition $position
public $position;
* Style id. Used to select what style of map type control to display.
* @var google_maps_MapTypeControlStyle $style
public $style;
*Identifiers for common MapTypesControls.
class google_maps_MapTypeControlStyle {
* Uses the default map type control. The control which DEFAULT maps to will vary a
* ccording to window size and other factors. It may change in future versions of t
* he API.
* A dropdown menu for the screen realestate conscious.
* The standard horizontal radio buttons bar.
* Whether the control should display in opened mode or collapsed (minimized) mode.
* By default, the control is closed.
* @var boolean $opened
public $opened;
*Options for the rendering of the Overview Map control.
class google_maps_OverviewMapControlOptions {
* Whether the control should display in opened mode or collapsed (minimized) mode.
* By default, the control is closed.
* @var boolean $opened
public $opened;
*Options for the rendering of the rotate control.
class google_maps_RotateControlOptions {
* Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map. The default
* position is TOP_LEFT.
* @var google_maps_ControlPosition $position
public $position;
*Options for the rendering of the scale control.
class google_maps_ScaleControlOptions {
* Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map. The default
* position is BOTTOM_LEFT.
* @var google_maps_ControlPosition $position
public $position;
* Style id. Used to select what style of scale control to display.
* @var google_maps_ScaleControlStyle $style
public $style;
*Options for the rendering of the Street View pegman control on the map.
class google_maps_StreetViewControlOptions {
* Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map. The default
* position is embedded within the navigation (zoom and pan) controls. If this pos
* ition is empty or the same as that specified in the zoomControlOptions or panCon
* trolOptions, the Street View control will be displayed as part of the navigation
* controls. Otherwise, it will be displayed separately.
* @var google_maps_ControlPosition $position
public $position;
*Options for the rendering of the zoom control.
class google_maps_ZoomControlOptions {
* Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map. The default
* position is TOP_LEFT.
* @var google_maps_ControlPosition $position
public $position;
* Style id. Used to select what style of zoom control to display.
* @var google_maps_ZoomControlStyle $style
public $style;
*This class extends MVCObject.
class google_maps_Marker {
* @return google_maps_Animation
public function getAnimation(){}
* @return boolean
public function getClickable(){}
* @return string
public function getCursor(){}
* @return boolean
public function getDraggable(){}
* @return boolean
public function getFlat(){}
* @return string|GoogleIcon|GoogleSymbol
public function getIcon(){}
* @return google_maps_Map|google_maps_StreetViewPanorama
public function getMap(){}
* @return google_maps_LatLng
public function getPosition(){}
* @return string|GoogleIcon|GoogleSymbol
public function getShadow(){}
* @return google_maps_MarkerShape
public function getShape(){}
* @return string
public function getTitle(){}
* @return boolean
public function getVisible(){}
* @return integer
public function getZIndex(){}
* Start an animation. Any ongoing animation will be cancelled. Currently supported
* animations are: BOUNCE, DROP. Passing in null will cause any animation to stop.
* @var google_maps_Animation $animation
* @return void
public function setAnimation(google_maps_Animation $animation){}
* @var boolean $flag
* @return void
public function setClickable(boolean $flag){}
* @var string $cursor
* @return void
public function setCursor(string $cursor){}
* @var boolean $flag
* @return void
public function setDraggable(boolean $flag){}
* @var boolean $flag
* @return void
public function setFlat(boolean $flag){}
* @var string $icon
* @return void
public function setIcon(string $icon){}
* Renders the marker on the specified map or panorama. If map is set to null, the
* marker will be removed.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
* @return void
public function setMap(google_maps_Map $map){}
* @var google_maps_MarkerOptions $options
* @return void
public function setOptions(google_maps_MarkerOptions $options){}
* @var google_maps_LatLng $latlng
* @return void
public function setPosition(google_maps_LatLng $latlng){}
* @var string $shadow
* @return void
public function setShadow(string $shadow){}
* @var google_maps_MarkerShape $shape
* @return void
public function setShape(google_maps_MarkerShape $shape){}
* @var string $title
* @return void
public function setTitle(string $title){}
* @var boolean $visible
* @return void
public function setVisible(boolean $visible){}
* @var integer $zIndex
* @return void
public function setZIndex(integer $zIndex){}
class google_maps_MarkerOptions {
* The offset from the marker's position to the tip of an InfoWindow that has been
* opened with the marker as anchor.
* @var google_maps_Point $anchorPoint
public $anchorPoint;
* Which animation to play when marker is added to a map.
* @var google_maps_Animation $animation
public $animation;
* If true, the marker receives mouse and touch events. Default value is true.
* @var boolean $clickable
public $clickable;
* Mouse cursor to show on hover
* @var string $cursor
public $cursor;
* If true, the marker can be dragged. Default value is false.
* @var boolean $draggable
public $draggable;
* If true, the marker shadow will not be displayed.
* @var boolean $flat
public $flat;
* Icon for the foreground
* @var string|GoogleIcon|GoogleSymbol $icon
public $icon;
* Map on which to display Marker.
* @var google_maps_Map|google_maps_StreetViewPanorama $map
public $map;
* Optimization renders many markers as a single static element. Optimized renderin
* g is enabled by default. Disable optimized rendering for animated GIFs or PNGs,
* or when each marker must be rendered as a separate DOM element (advanced usage o
* nly).
* @var boolean $optimized
public $optimized;
* Marker position. Required.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $position
public $position;
* If false, disables raising and lowering the marker on drag. This option is true
* by default.
* @var boolean $raiseOnDrag
public $raiseOnDrag;
* Shadow image
* @var string|GoogleIcon|GoogleSymbol $shadow
public $shadow;
* Image map region definition used for drag/click.
* @var google_maps_MarkerShape $shape
public $shape;
* Rollover text
* @var string $title
public $title;
* If true, the marker is visible
* @var boolean $visible
public $visible;
* All markers are displayed on the map in order of their zIndex, with higher value
* s displaying in front of markers with lower values. By default, markers are disp
* layed according to their vertical position on screen, with lower markers appeari
* ng in front of markers further up the screen.
* @var integer $zIndex
public $zIndex;
class google_maps_MarkerImage {
* The position at which to anchor an image in correspondance to the location of th
* e marker on the map. By default, the anchor is located along the center point of
* the bottom of the image.
* @var google_maps_Point $anchor
public $anchor;
* The position of the image within a sprite, if any. By default, the origin is loc
* ated at the top left corner of the image (0, 0).
* @var google_maps_Point $origin
public $origin;
* The size of the entire image after scaling, if any. Use this property to stretch
* /shrink an image or a sprite.
* @var google_maps_Size $scaledSize
public $scaledSize;
* The display size of the sprite or image. When using sprites, you must specify th
* e sprite size. If the size is not provided, it will be set when the image loads.
* @var google_maps_Size $size
public $size;
* The URL of the image or sprite sheet.
* @var string $url
public $url;
class google_maps_Icon {
* The position at which to anchor an image in correspondance to the location of th
* e marker on the map. By default, the anchor is located along the center point of
* the bottom of the image.
* @var google_maps_Point $anchor
public $anchor;
* The position of the image within a sprite, if any. By default, the origin is loc
* ated at the top left corner of the image (0, 0).
* @var google_maps_Point $origin
public $origin;
* The size of the entire image after scaling, if any. Use this property to stretch
* /shrink an image or a sprite.
* @var google_maps_Size $scaledSize
public $scaledSize;
* The display size of the sprite or image. When using sprites, you must specify th
* e sprite size. If the size is not provided, it will be set when the image loads.
* @var google_maps_Size $size
public $size;
* The URL of the image or sprite sheet.
* @var string $url
public $url;
*This object defines the clickable region of a marker image for browsers other th
* an Internet Explorer. The shape consists of two properties — type and coord �
* � which define the non-transparent region of an image. A MarkerShape object is n
* ot required on Internet Explorer since the browser does not fire events on the t
* ransparent region of an image by default.
class google_maps_MarkerShape {
* The format of this attribute depends on the value of the type and follows the w3
* AREA coords specification found at http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/objec
* ts.html#adef-coords. The coords attribute is an array of integers that specify
* the pixel position of the shape relative to the top-left corner of the target im
* age. The coordinates depend on the value of type as follows: - circle: coord
* s is [x1,y1,r] where x1,y2 are the coordinates of the center of the circle, and
* r is the radius of the circle. - poly: coords is [x1,y1,x2,y2...xn,yn] where
* each x,y pair contains the coordinates of one vertex of the polygon. - rect
* : coords is [x1,y1,x2,y2] where x1,y1 are the coordinates of the upper-left corn
* er of the rectangle and x2,y2 are the coordinates of the lower-right coordinates
* of the rectangle.
* @var array $coords
public $coords;
* Describes the shape's type and can be circle, poly or rect.
* @var string $type
public $type;
class google_maps_Symbol {
* The position of the symbol relative to the marker or polyline. The coordinates o
* f the symbol's path are translated left and up by the anchor's x and y coordinat
* es respectively. By default, a symbol is anchored at (0, 0). The position is exp
* ressed in the same coordinate system as the symbol's path.
* @var google_maps_Point $anchor
public $anchor;
* The symbol's fill color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named
* colors. For symbol markers, this defaults to 'black'. For symbols on polylines,
* this defaults to the stroke color of the corresponding polyline.
* @var string $fillColor
public $fillColor;
* The symbol's fill opacity. Defaults to 0.
* @var integer $fillOpacity
public $fillOpacity;
* The symbol's path, which is a built-in symbol path, or a custom path expressed u
* sing SVG path notation. Required.
* @var google_maps_SymbolPath|string $path
public $path;
* The angle by which to rotate the symbol, expressed clockwise in degrees. Default
* s to 0. A symbol in an IconSequence where fixedRotation is false is rotated rela
* tive to the angle of the edge on which it lies.
* @var integer $rotation
public $rotation;
* The amount by which the symbol is scaled in size. For symbol markers, this defau
* lts to 1; after scaling the symbol may be of any size. For symbols on a polyline
* , this defaults to the stroke weight of the polyline; after scaling, the symbol
* must lie inside a square 22 pixels in size centered at the symbol's anchor.
* @var integer $scale
public $scale;
* The symbol's stroke color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended nam
* ed colors. For symbol markers, this defaults to 'black'. For symbols on a polyli
* ne, this defaults to the stroke color of the polyline.
* @var string $strokeColor
public $strokeColor;
* The symbol's stroke opacity. For symbol markers, this defaults to 1. For symbols
* on a polyline, this defaults to the stroke opacity of the polyline.
* @var integer $strokeOpacity
public $strokeOpacity;
* The symbol's stroke weight. Defaults to the scale of the symbol.
* @var integer $strokeWeight
public $strokeWeight;
*Built-in symbol paths.
class google_maps_SymbolPath {
* A backward-pointing closed arrow.
* A backward-pointing open arrow.
* A circle.
* A forward-pointing closed arrow.
* A forward-pointing open arrow.
*Animations that can be played on a marker. Use the setAnimation method on Marker
* or the animation option to play an animation.
class google_maps_Animation {
* Marker bounces until animation is stopped.
* Marker falls from the top of the map ending with a small bounce.
const DROP="DROP";
*An overlay that looks like a bubble and is often connected to a marker.
class google_maps_InfoWindow {
* Closes this InfoWindow by removing it from the DOM structure.
* @return void
public function close(){}
* @return string|document
public function getContent(){}
* @return google_maps_LatLng
public function getPosition(){}
* @return integer
public function getZIndex(){}
* Opens this InfoWindow on the given map. Optionally, an InfoWindow can be associa
* ted with an anchor. In the core API, the only anchor is the Marker class. Howeve
* r, an anchor can be any MVCObject that exposes a LatLng position property and op
* tionally a Point anchorPoint property for calculating the pixelOffset (see InfoW
* indowOptions). The anchorPoint is the offset from the anchor's position to the t
* ip of the InfoWindow.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
* @var MVC $anchor
* @return void
public function open(google_maps_Map $map, MVC $anchor){}
* @var string $content
* @return void
public function setContent(string $content){}
* @var google_maps_InfoWindowOptions $options
* @return void
public function setOptions(google_maps_InfoWindowOptions $options){}
* @var google_maps_LatLng $position
* @return void
public function setPosition(google_maps_LatLng $position){}
* @var integer $zIndex
* @return void
public function setZIndex(integer $zIndex){}
*A polyline is a linear overlay of connected line segments on the map.
class google_maps_Polyline {
* Returns whether this shape can be edited by the user.
* @return boolean
public function getEditable(){}
* Returns the map on which this shape is attached.
* @return google_maps_Map
public function getMap(){}
* Retrieves the first path.
* @return array
public function getPath(){}
* Returns whether this poly is visible on the map.
* @return boolean
public function getVisible(){}
* If set to true, the user can edit this shape by dragging the control points show
* n at the vertices and on each segment.
* @var boolean $editable
* @return void
public function setEditable(boolean $editable){}
* Renders this shape on the specified map. If map is set to null, the shape will b
* e removed.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
* @return void
public function setMap(google_maps_Map $map){}
* @var google_maps_PolylineOptions $options
* @return void
public function setOptions(google_maps_PolylineOptions $options){}
* Sets the first path. See PolylineOptions for more details.
* @var array $path
* @return void
public function setPath(array $path){}
* Hides this poly if set to false.
* @var boolean $visible
* @return void
public function setVisible(boolean $visible){}
*Describes how icons are to be rendered on a line. If your polyline is geodesic,
* then the distances specified for both offset and repeat are calculated in meters
* by default. Setting either offset or repeat to a pixel value will cause the dis
* tances to be calculated in pixels on the screen.
class google_maps_IconSequence {
* If true, each icon in the sequence has the same fixed rotation regardless of the
* angle of the edge on which it lies. Defaults to false, in which case each icon
* in the sequence is rotated to align with its edge.
* @var boolean $fixedRotation
public $fixedRotation;
* The icon to render on the line.
* @var GoogleSymbol $icon
public $icon;
* The distance from the start of the line at which an icon is to be rendered. This
* distance may be expressed as a percentage of line's length (e.g. '50%') or in p
* ixels (e.g. '50px'). Defaults to '100%'.
* @var string $offset
public $offset;
* The distance between consecutive icons on the line. This distance may be express
* ed as a percentage of the line's length (e.g. '50%') or in pixels (e.g. '50px').
* To disable repeating of the icon, specify '0'. Defaults to '0'.
* @var string $repeat
public $repeat;
*A polygon (like a polyline) defines a series of connected coordinates in an orde
* red sequence; additionally, polygons form a closed loop and define a filled regi
* on.
class google_maps_Polygon {
* Returns whether this shape can be edited by the user.
* @return boolean
public function getEditable(){}
* Returns the map on which this shape is attached.
* @return google_maps_Map
public function getMap(){}
* Retrieves the first path.
* @return array
public function getPath(){}
* Retrieves the paths for this polygon.
* @return array
public function getPaths(){}
* Returns whether this poly is visible on the map.
* @return boolean
public function getVisible(){}
* If set to true, the user can edit this shape by dragging the control points show
* n at the vertices and on each segment.
* @var boolean $editable
* @return void
public function setEditable(boolean $editable){}
* Renders this shape on the specified map. If map is set to null, the shape will b
* e removed.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
* @return void
public function setMap(google_maps_Map $map){}
* @var google_maps_PolygonOptions $options
* @return void
public function setOptions(google_maps_PolygonOptions $options){}
* Sets the first path. See PolylineOptions for more details.
* @var array $path
* @return void
public function setPath(array $path){}
* Sets the path for this polygon.
* @var array $paths
* @return void
public function setPaths(array $paths){}
* Hides this poly if set to false.
* @var boolean $visible
* @return void
public function setVisible(boolean $visible){}
class google_maps_PolygonOptions {
* Indicates whether this Polygon handles mouse events. Defaults to true.
* @var boolean $clickable
public $clickable;
* If set to true, the user can edit this shape by dragging the control points show
* n at the vertices and on each segment. Defaults to false.
* @var boolean $editable
public $editable;
* The fill color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named colors.
* @var string $fillColor
public $fillColor;
* The fill opacity between 0.0 and 1.0
* @var integer $fillOpacity
public $fillOpacity;
* When true, render each edge as a geodesic (a segment of a "great circle"). A geo
* desic is the shortest path between two points along the surface of the Earth. Wh
* en false, render each edge as a straight line on screen. Defaults to false.
* @var boolean $geodesic
public $geodesic;
* Map on which to display Polygon.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
public $map;
* The ordered sequence of coordinates that designates a closed loop. Unlike polyli
* nes, a polygon may consist of one or more paths. As a result, the paths property
* may specify one or more arrays of LatLng coordinates. Paths are closed automati
* cally; do not repeat the first vertex of the path as the last vertex. Simple pol
* ygons may be defined using a single array of LatLngs. More complex polygons may
* specify an array of arrays. Any simple arrays are converted into MVCArrays. Inse
* rting or removing LatLngs from the MVCArray will automatically update the polygo
* n on the map.
* @var array|array|array|array $paths
public $paths;
* The stroke color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named colors
* .
* @var string $strokeColor
public $strokeColor;
* The stroke opacity between 0.0 and 1.0
* @var integer $strokeOpacity
public $strokeOpacity;
* The stroke position. Defaults to CENTER. This property is not supported on Inter
* net Explorer 8 and earlier.
* @var google_maps_StrokePosition $strokePosition
public $strokePosition;
* The stroke width in pixels.
* @var integer $strokeWeight
public $strokeWeight;
* Whether this polygon is visible on the map. Defaults to true.
* @var boolean $visible
public $visible;
* The zIndex compared to other polys.
* @var integer $zIndex
public $zIndex;
*This object is returned from mouse events on polylines and polygons.
class google_maps_PolyMouseEvent {
* The index of the edge within the path beneath the cursor when the event occurred
* , if the event occurred on a mid-point on an editable polygon.
* @var integer $edge
public $edge;
* The index of the path beneath the cursor when the event occurred, if the event o
* ccurred on a vertex and the polygon is editable. Otherwise undefined.
* @var integer $path
public $path;
* The index of the vertex beneath the cursor when the event occurred, if the event
* occurred on a vertex and the polyline or polygon is editable. If the event does
* not occur on a vertex, the value is undefined.
* @var integer $vertex
public $vertex;
*A rectangle overlay.
class google_maps_Rectangle {
* Returns the bounds of this rectangle.
* @return google_maps_LatLngBounds
public function getBounds(){}
* Returns whether this rectangle can be edited by the user.
* @return boolean
public function getEditable(){}
* Returns the map on which this rectangle is displayed.
* @return google_maps_Map
public function getMap(){}
* Returns whether this rectangle is visible on the map.
* @return boolean
public function getVisible(){}
* Sets the bounds of this rectangle.
* @var google_maps_LatLngBounds $bounds
* @return void
public function setBounds(google_maps_LatLngBounds $bounds){}
* If set to true, the user can edit this rectangle by dragging the control points
* shown at the corners and on each edge.
* @var boolean $editable
* @return void
public function setEditable(boolean $editable){}
* Renders the rectangle on the specified map. If map is set to null, the rectangle
* will be removed.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
* @return void
public function setMap(google_maps_Map $map){}
* @var google_maps_RectangleOptions $options
* @return void
public function setOptions(google_maps_RectangleOptions $options){}
* Hides this rectangle if set to false.
* @var boolean $visible
* @return void
public function setVisible(boolean $visible){}
*A circle on the Earth's surface; also known as a "spherical cap".
class google_maps_Circle {
* Gets the LatLngBounds of this Circle.
* @return google_maps_LatLngBounds
public function getBounds(){}
* Returns the center of this circle.
* @return google_maps_LatLng
public function getCenter(){}
* Returns whether this circle can be edited by the user.
* @return boolean
public function getEditable(){}
* Returns the map on which this circle is displayed.
* @return google_maps_Map
public function getMap(){}
* Returns the radius of this circle (in meters).
* @return integer
public function getRadius(){}
* Returns whether this circle is visible on the map.
* @return boolean
public function getVisible(){}
* Sets the center of this circle.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $center
* @return void
public function setCenter(google_maps_LatLng $center){}
* If set to true, the user can edit this circle by dragging the control points sho
* wn at the center and around the circumference of the circle.
* @var boolean $editable
* @return void
public function setEditable(boolean $editable){}
* Renders the circle on the specified map. If map is set to null, the circle will
* be removed.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
* @return void
public function setMap(google_maps_Map $map){}
* @var google_maps_CircleOptions $options
* @return void
public function setOptions(google_maps_CircleOptions $options){}
* Sets the radius of this circle (in meters).
* @var integer $radius
* @return void
public function setRadius(integer $radius){}
* Hides this circle if set to false.
* @var boolean $visible
* @return void
public function setVisible(boolean $visible){}
class google_maps_CircleOptions {
* The center
* @var google_maps_LatLng $center
public $center;
* Indicates whether this Circle handles mouse events. Defaults to true.
* @var boolean $clickable
public $clickable;
* If set to true, the user can edit this circle by dragging the control points sho
* wn at the center and around the circumference of the circle. Defaults to false.
* @var boolean $editable
public $editable;
* The fill color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named colors.
* @var string $fillColor
public $fillColor;
* The fill opacity between 0.0 and 1.0
* @var integer $fillOpacity
public $fillOpacity;
* Map on which to display Circle.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
public $map;
* The radius in meters on the Earth's surface
* @var integer $radius
public $radius;
* The stroke color. All CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named colors
* .
* @var string $strokeColor
public $strokeColor;
* The stroke opacity between 0.0 and 1.0
* @var integer $strokeOpacity
public $strokeOpacity;
* The stroke position. Defaults to CENTER. This property is not supported on Inter
* net Explorer 8 and earlier.
* @var google_maps_StrokePosition $strokePosition
public $strokePosition;
* The stroke width in pixels.
* @var integer $strokeWeight
public $strokeWeight;
* Whether this circle is visible on the map. Defaults to true.
* @var boolean $visible
public $visible;
* The zIndex compared to other polys.
* @var integer $zIndex
public $zIndex;
*The possible positions of the stroke on a polygon.
class google_maps_StrokePosition {
* The stroke is centered on the polygon's path, with half the stroke inside the po
* lygon and half the stroke outside the polygon.
* The stroke lies inside the polygon.
* The stroke lies outside the polygon.
*This object defines the properties that can be set on a GroundOverlay object.
class google_maps_GroundOverlayOptions {
* If true, the ground overlay can receive mouse events.
* @var boolean $clickable
public $clickable;
* The map on which to display the overlay.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
public $map;
* The opacity of the overlay, expressed as a number between 0 and 1. Optional. Def
* aults to 1.
* @var integer $opacity
public $opacity;
*You can implement this class if you want to display custom types of overlay obje
* cts on the map.
class google_maps_OverlayView {
* Implement this method to draw or update the overlay. This method is called after
* onAdd() and when the position from projection.fromLatLngToPixel() would return
* a new value for a given LatLng. This can happen on change of zoom, center, or ma
* p type. It is not necessarily called on drag or resize.
* @return void
public function draw(){}
* @return google_maps_Map
public function getMap(){}
* Returns the panes in which this OverlayView can be rendered. The panes are not i
* nitialized until onAdd is called by the API.
* @return google_maps_MapPanes
public function getPanes(){}
* Returns the MapCanvasProjection object associated with this OverlayView. The pro
* jection is not initialized until onAdd is called by the API.
* @return google_maps_MapCanvasProjection
public function getProjection(){}
* Implement this method to initialize the overlay DOM elements. This method is cal
* led once after setMap() is called with a valid map. At this point, panes and pro
* jection will have been initialized.
* @return void
public function onAdd(){}
* Implement this method to remove your elements from the DOM. This method is calle
* d once following a call to setMap(null).
* @return void
public function onRemove(){}
* Adds the overlay to the map or panorama.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
* @return void
public function setMap(google_maps_Map $map){}
*This object contains the DOM elements in which overlays are rendered. They are l
* isted below with 'Pane 0' at the bottom and 'Pane 6' at the top.
class google_maps_MapPanes {
* This pane contains the info window. It is above all map overlays. (Pane 6).
* @var document $floatPane
public $floatPane;
* This pane contains the info window shadow. It is above the overlayImage, so that
* markers can be in the shadow of the info window. (Pane 4).
* @var document $floatShadow
public $floatShadow;
* This pane is the lowest pane and is above the tiles. It may not receive DOM even
* ts. (Pane 0).
* @var document $mapPane
public $mapPane;
* This pane contains the marker foreground images. (Pane 3).
* @var document $overlayImage
public $overlayImage;
* This pane contains polylines, polygons, ground overlays and tile layer overlays.
* It may not receive DOM events. (Pane 1).
* @var document $overlayLayer
public $overlayLayer;
* This pane contains elements that receive DOM mouse events, such as the transpare
* nt targets for markers. It is above the floatShadow, so that markers in the shad
* ow of the info window can be clickable. (Pane 5).
* @var document $overlayMouseTarget
public $overlayMouseTarget;
* This pane contains the marker shadows. It may not receive DOM events. (Pane 2).
* @var document $overlayShadow
public $overlayShadow;
* Computes the geographical coordinates from pixel coordinates in the map's contai
* ner.
* @var google_maps_Point $pixel
* @var boolean $nowrap
* @return google_maps_LatLng
public function fromContainerPixelToLatLng(google_maps_Point $pixel, boolean $nowrap){}
* Computes the geographical coordinates from pixel coordinates in the div that hol
* ds the draggable map.
* @var google_maps_Point $pixel
* @var boolean $nowrap
* @return google_maps_LatLng
public function fromDivPixelToLatLng(google_maps_Point $pixel, boolean $nowrap){}
* Computes the pixel coordinates of the given geographical location in the map's c
* ontainer element.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $latLng
* @return google_maps_Point
public function fromLatLngToContainerPixel(google_maps_LatLng $latLng){}
* Computes the pixel coordinates of the given geographical location in the DOM ele
* ment that holds the draggable map.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $latLng
* @return google_maps_Point
public function fromLatLngToDivPixel(google_maps_LatLng $latLng){}
* The width of the world in pixels in the current zoom level. For projections with
* a heading angle of either 90 or 270 degress, this corresponds to the pixel span
* in the Y-axis.
* @return integer
public function getWorldWidth(){}
*This object is made available to the OverlayView from within the draw method. It
* is not guaranteed to be initialized until draw is called.
class google_maps_MapCanvasProjection {
* Computes the geographical coordinates from pixel coordinates in the map's contai
* ner.
* @var google_maps_Point $pixel
* @var boolean $nowrap
* @return google_maps_LatLng
public function fromContainerPixelToLatLng(google_maps_Point $pixel, boolean $nowrap){}
* Computes the geographical coordinates from pixel coordinates in the div that hol
* ds the draggable map.
* @var google_maps_Point $pixel
* @var boolean $nowrap
* @return google_maps_LatLng
public function fromDivPixelToLatLng(google_maps_Point $pixel, boolean $nowrap){}
* Computes the pixel coordinates of the given geographical location in the map's c
* ontainer element.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $latLng
* @return google_maps_Point
public function fromLatLngToContainerPixel(google_maps_LatLng $latLng){}
* Computes the pixel coordinates of the given geographical location in the DOM ele
* ment that holds the draggable map.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $latLng
* @return google_maps_Point
public function fromLatLngToDivPixel(google_maps_LatLng $latLng){}
* The width of the world in pixels in the current zoom level. For projections with
* a heading angle of either 90 or 270 degress, this corresponds to the pixel span
* in the Y-axis.
* @return integer
public function getWorldWidth(){}
*A service for converting between an address and a LatLng.
class google_maps_Geocoder {
* Geocode a request.
* @var google_maps_GeocoderRequest $request
* @var UtilFunc|Closure $callback(google_maps_GeocoderResult $GeocoderResult, google_maps_GeocoderStatus $GeocoderStatus)
* @return void
public function geocode(google_maps_GeocoderRequest $request, $callback){}
*A single geocoder result retrieved from the geocode server. A geocode request ma
* y return multiple result objects. Note that though this result is "JSON-like," i
* t is not strictly JSON, as it indirectly includes a LatLng object.
class google_maps_GeocoderResult {
* An array of GeocoderAddressComponents
* @var array $address_components
public $address_components;
* A string containing the human-readable address of this location.
* @var string $formatted_address
public $formatted_address;
* A GeocoderGeometry object
* @var google_maps_GeocoderGeometry $geometry
public $geometry;
* An array of strings denoting the type of the returned geocoded element. For a li
* st of possible strings, refer to the Address Component Types section of the Deve
* loper's Guide.
* @var array $types
public $types;
*A single address component within a GeocoderResult. A full address may consist o
* f multiple address components.
class google_maps_GeocoderAddressComponent {
* The full text of the address component
* @var string $long_name
public $long_name;
* The abbreviated, short text of the given address component
* @var string $short_name
public $short_name;
* An array of strings denoting the type of this address component. A list of valid
* types can be found here
* @var array $types
public $types;
*Describes the type of location returned from a geocode.
class google_maps_GeocoderLocationType {
* The returned result is approximate.
* The returned result is the geometric center of a result such a line (e.g. street
* ) or polygon (region).
* The returned result reflects an approximation (usually on a road) interpolated b
* etween two precise points (such as intersections). Interpolated results are gene
* rally returned when rooftop geocodes are unavailable for a street address.
* The returned result reflects a precise geocode.
*Renders directions retrieved in the form of a DirectionsResult object retrieved
* from the DirectionsService.
class google_maps_DirectionsRenderer {
* Returns the renderer's current set of directions.
* @return google_maps_DirectionsResult
public function getDirections(){}
* Returns the map on which the DirectionsResult is rendered.
* @return google_maps_Map
public function getMap(){}
* Returns the panel <div> in which the DirectionsResult is rendered.
* @return document
public function getPanel(){}
* Returns the current (zero-based) route index in use by this DirectionsRenderer o
* bject.
* @return integer
public function getRouteIndex(){}
* Set the renderer to use the result from the DirectionsService. Setting a valid s
* et of directions in this manner will display the directions on the renderer's de
* signated map and panel.
* @var google_maps_DirectionsResult $directions
* @return void
public function setDirections(google_maps_DirectionsResult $directions){}
* This method specifies the map on which directions will be rendered. Pass null to
* remove the directions from the map.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
* @return void
public function setMap(google_maps_Map $map){}
* Change the options settings of this DirectionsRenderer after initialization.
* @var google_maps_DirectionsRendererOptions $options
* @return void
public function setOptions(google_maps_DirectionsRendererOptions $options){}
* This method renders the directions in a <div>. Pass null to remove the content f
* rom the panel.
* @var document $panel
* @return void
public function setPanel(document $panel){}
* Set the (zero-based) index of the route in the DirectionsResult object to render
* . By default, the first route in the array will be rendered.
* @var integer $routeIndex
* @return void
public function setRouteIndex(integer $routeIndex){}
*This object defines the properties that can be set on a DirectionsRenderer objec
* t.
class google_maps_DirectionsRendererOptions {
* The directions to display on the map and/or in a <div> panel, retrieved as a Dir
* ectionsResult object from DirectionsService.
* @var google_maps_DirectionsResult $directions
public $directions;
* If true, allows the user to drag and modify the paths of routes rendered by this
* DirectionsRenderer.
* @var boolean $draggable
public $draggable;
* This property indicates whether the renderer should provide UI to select amongst
* alternative routes. By default, this flag is false and a user-selectable list o
* f routes will be shown in the directions' associated panel. To hide that list, s
* et hideRouteList to true.
* @var boolean $hideRouteList
public $hideRouteList;
* The InfoWindow in which to render text information when a marker is clicked. Exi
* sting info window content will be overwritten and its position moved. If no info
* window is specified, the DirectionsRenderer will create and use its own info wi
* ndow. This property will be ignored if suppressInfoWindows is set to true.
* @var google_maps_InfoWindow $infoWindow
public $infoWindow;
* Map on which to display the directions.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
public $map;
* Options for the markers. All markers rendered by the DirectionsRenderer will use
* these options.
* @var google_maps_MarkerOptions $markerOptions
public $markerOptions;
* The <div> in which to display the directions steps.
* @var document $panel
public $panel;
* Options for the polylines. All polylines rendered by the DirectionsRenderer will
* use these options.
* @var google_maps_PolylineOptions $polylineOptions
public $polylineOptions;
* By default, the input map is centered and zoomed to the bounding box of this set
* of directions. If this option is set to true, the viewport is left unchanged, u
* nless the map's center and zoom were never set.
* @var boolean $preserveViewport
public $preserveViewport;
* The index of the route within the DirectionsResult object. The default value is
* 0.
* @var integer $routeIndex
public $routeIndex;
* Suppress the rendering of the BicyclingLayer when bicycling directions are reque
* sted.
* @var boolean $suppressBicyclingLayer
public $suppressBicyclingLayer;
* Suppress the rendering of info windows.
* @var boolean $suppressInfoWindows
public $suppressInfoWindows;
* Suppress the rendering of markers.
* @var boolean $suppressMarkers
public $suppressMarkers;
* Suppress the rendering of polylines.
* @var boolean $suppressPolylines
public $suppressPolylines;
*The valid travel modes that can be specified in a DirectionsRequest as well as t
* he travel modes returned in a DirectionsStep.
class google_maps_TravelMode {
* Specifies a bicycling directions request.
* Specifies a driving directions request.
* Specifies a transit directions request.
* Specifies a walking directions request.
*The valid unit systems that can be specified in a DirectionsRequest.
class google_maps_UnitSystem {
* Specifies that distances in the DirectionsResult should be expressed in imperial
* units.
* Specifies that distances in the DirectionsResult should be expressed in metric u
* nits.
* The desired arrival time for the route, specified as a Date object. The Date obj
* ect measures time in milliseconds since 1 January 1970. If arrival time is speci
* fied, departure time is ignored.
* @var Date $arrivalTime
public $arrivalTime;
* The desired departure time for the route, specified as a Date object. The Date o
* bject measures time in milliseconds since 1 January 1970. If neither departure t
* ime nor arrival time is specified, the time is assumed to be "now".
* @var Date $departureTime
public $departureTime;
*The TransitOptions object to be included in a DirectionsRequest when the travel
* mode is set to TRANSIT.
class google_maps_TransitOptions {
* The desired arrival time for the route, specified as a Date object. The Date obj
* ect measures time in milliseconds since 1 January 1970. If arrival time is speci
* fied, departure time is ignored.
* @var Date $arrivalTime
public $arrivalTime;
* The desired departure time for the route, specified as a Date object. The Date o
* bject measures time in milliseconds since 1 January 1970. If neither departure t
* ime nor arrival time is specified, the time is assumed to be "now".
* @var Date $departureTime
public $departureTime;
*A DirectionsWaypoint represents a location between origin and destination throug
* h which the trip should be routed.
class google_maps_DirectionsWaypoint {
* Waypoint location. Can be an address string or LatLng. Optional.
* @var google_maps_LatLng|string $location
public $location;
* If true, indicates that this waypoint is a stop between the origin and destinati
* on. This has the effect of splitting the route into two. This value is true by d
* efault. Optional.
* @var boolean $stopover
public $stopover;
*A single leg consisting of a set of steps in a DirectionsResult. Some fields in
* the leg may not be returned for all requests. (This object was formerly known as
* "DirectionsRoute".) Note that though this result is "JSON-like," it is not stri
* ctly JSON, as it directly and indirectly includes LatLng objects.
class google_maps_DirectionsLeg {
* An estimated arrival time for this leg. Only applicable for TRANSIT requests.
* @var google_maps_Time $arrival_time
public $arrival_time;
* An estimated departure time for this leg. Only applicable for TRANSIT requests.
* @var google_maps_Time $departure_time
public $departure_time;
* The total distance covered by this leg. This property may be undefined as the di
* stance may be unknown.
* @var google_maps_Distance $distance
public $distance;
* The total duration of this leg. This property may be undefined as the duration m
* ay be unknown.
* @var google_maps_Duration $duration
public $duration;
* The address of the destination of this leg.
* @var string $end_address
public $end_address;
* The DirectionsService calculates directions between locations by using the neare
* st transportation option (usually a road) at the start and end locations. end_lo
* cation indicates the actual geocoded destination, which may be different than th
* e end_location of the last step if, for example, the road is not near the destin
* ation of this leg.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $end_location
public $end_location;
* The address of the origin of this leg.
* @var string $start_address
public $start_address;
* The DirectionsService calculates directions between locations by using the neare
* st transportation option (usually a road) at the start and end locations. start_
* location indicates the actual geocoded origin, which may be different than the s
* tart_location of the first step if, for example, the road is not near the origin
* of this leg.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $start_location
public $start_location;
* An array of DirectionsSteps, each of which contains information about the indivi
* dual steps in this leg.
* @var array $steps
public $steps;
* An array of waypoints along this leg that were not specified in the original req
* uest, either as a result of a user dragging the polyline or selecting an alterna
* te route.
* @var array $via_waypoints
public $via_waypoints;
*A single DirectionsStep in a DirectionsResult. Some fields may be undefined. Not
* e that though this object is "JSON-like," it is not strictly JSON, as it directl
* y includes LatLng objects.
class google_maps_DirectionsStep {
* The distance covered by this step. This property may be undefined as the distanc
* e may be unknown.
* @var google_maps_Distance $distance
public $distance;
* The typical time required to perform this step in seconds and in text form. This
* property may be undefined as the duration may be unknown.
* @var google_maps_Duration $duration
public $duration;
* The ending location of this step.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $end_location
public $end_location;
* Instructions for this step.
* @var string $instructions
public $instructions;
* A sequence of LatLngs describing the course of this step.
* @var array $path
public $path;
* The starting location of this step.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $start_location
public $start_location;
* Sub-steps of this step. Specified for non-transit sections of transit routes.
* @var google_maps_DirectionsStep $steps
public $steps;
* Transit-specific details about this step. This property will be undefined unless
* the travel mode of this step is TRANSIT.
* @var google_maps_TransitDetails $transit
public $transit;
* The mode of travel used in this step.
* @var google_maps_TravelMode $travel_mode
public $travel_mode;
*A representation of distance as a numeric value and a display string.
class google_maps_Distance {
* A string representation of the distance value, using the UnitSystem specified in
* the request.
* @var string $text
public $text;
* The distance in meters.
* @var integer $value
public $value;
*A representation of duration as a numeric value and a display string.
class google_maps_Duration {
* A string representation of the duration value.
* @var string $text
public $text;
* The duration in seconds.
* @var integer $value
public $value;
class google_maps_Time {
* A string representing the time's value. The time is displayed in the time zone o
* f the transit stop.
* @var string $text
public $text;
* The time zone in which this stop lies. The value is the name of the time zone as
* defined in the IANA Time Zone Database, e.g. "America/New_York".
* @var string $time_zone
public $time_zone;
* The time of this departure or arrival, specified as a JavaScript Date object.
* @var Date $value
public $value;
class google_maps_TransitDetails {
* The arrival stop of this transit step.
* @var google_maps_TransitStop $arrival_stop
public $arrival_stop;
* The arrival time of this step, specified as a Time object.
* @var google_maps_Time $arrival_time
public $arrival_time;
* The departure stop of this transit step.
* @var google_maps_TransitStop $departure_stop
public $departure_stop;
* The departure time of this step, specified as a Time object.
* @var google_maps_Time $departure_time
public $departure_time;
* The direction in which to travel on this line, as it is marked on the vehicle or
* at the departure stop.
* @var string $headsign
public $headsign;
* The expected number of seconds between equivalent vehicles at this stop.
* @var integer $headway
public $headway;
* Details about the transit line used in this step.
* @var google_maps_TransitLine $line
public $line;
* The number of stops on this step. Includes the arrival stop, but not the departu
* re stop.
* @var integer $num_stops
public $num_stops;
class google_maps_TransitStop {
* The location of this stop.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $location
public $location;
* The name of this transit stop.
* @var string $name
public $name;
class google_maps_TransitLine {
* The transit agency that operates this transit line.
* @var array $agencies
public $agencies;
* The color commonly used in signage for this transit line, represented as a hex s
* tring.
* @var string $color
public $color;
* The URL for an icon associated with this line.
* @var string $icon
public $icon;
* The full name of this transit line, e.g. "8 Avenue Local".
* @var string $name
public $name;
* The short name of this transit line, e.g. "E".
* @var string $short_name
public $short_name;
* The text color commonly used in signage for this transit line, represented as a
* hex string.
* @var string $text_color
public $text_color;
* The agency's URL which is specific to this transit line.
* @var string $url
public $url;
* The type of vehicle used, e.g. train or bus.
* @var google_maps_TransitVehicle $vehicle
public $vehicle;
class google_maps_TransitAgency {
* The name of this transit agency.
* @var string $name
public $name;
* The transit agency's phone number.
* @var string $phone
public $phone;
* The transit agency's URL.
* @var string $url
public $url;
class google_maps_TransitVehicle {
* A URL for an icon that corresponds to the type of vehicle used on this line.
* @var string $icon
public $icon;
* A URL for an icon that corresponds to the type of vehicle used in this region in
* stead of the more general icon.
* @var string $local_icon
public $local_icon;
* A name for this type of TransitVehicle, e.g. "Train" or "Bus".
* @var string $name
public $name;
* The type of vehicle used, e.g. train, bus, or ferry.
* @var google_maps_VehicleType $type
public $type;
*Possible values for vehicle types. These values are specifed as strings, i.e. 'B
* US' or 'TRAIN'.
class google_maps_VehicleType {
* Bus.
const BUS="BUS";
* A vehicle that operates on a cable, usually on the ground. Aerial cable cars may
* be of the type GONDOLA_LIFT.
* Commuter rail.
* Ferry.
const FERRY="FERRY";
* A vehicle that is pulled up a steep incline by a cable.
* An aerial cable car.
* Heavy rail.
* High speed train.
* Intercity bus.
* Light rail.
* Monorail.
* Other vehicles.
const OTHER="OTHER";
* Rail.
const RAIL="RAIL";
* Share taxi is a sort of bus transport with ability to drop off and pick up passe
* ngers anywhere on its route. Generally share taxi uses minibus vehicles.
* Underground light rail.
* Above ground light rail.
const TRAM="TRAM";
* Trolleybus.
*An elevation request sent by the ElevationService containing the list of discret
* e coordinates (LatLngs) for which to return elevation data.
class google_maps_LocationElevationRequest {
* The discrete locations for which to retrieve elevations.
* @var array $locations
public $locations;
*An elevation query sent by the ElevationService containing the path along which
* to return sampled data. This request defines a continuous path along the earth a
* long which elevation samples should be taken at evenly-spaced distances. All pat
* hs from vertex to vertex use segments of the great circle between those two poin
* ts.
class google_maps_PathElevationRequest {
* The path along which to collect elevation values.
* @var array $path
public $path;
* Required. The number of equidistant points along the given path for which to ret
* rieve elevation data, including the endpoints. The number of samples must be a v
* alue between 2 and 512 inclusive.
* @var integer $samples
public $samples;
*A MaxZoom result in JSON format retrieved from the MaxZoomService.
class google_maps_MaxZoomResult {
* Status of the request.
* @var google_maps_MaxZoomStatus $status
public $status;
* The maximum zoom level found at the given LatLng.
* @var integer $zoom
public $zoom;
*A service for computing distances between multiple origins and destinations.
class google_maps_DistanceMatrixService {
* Issues a distance matrix request.
* @var google_maps_DistanceMatrixRequest $request
* @var UtilFunc|Closure $callback(google_maps_DistanceMatrixStatus $DistanceMatrixStatus)
* @return void
public function getDistanceMatrix(google_maps_DistanceMatrixRequest $request, $callback){}
*A distance matrix query sent by the DistanceMatrixService containing arrays of o
* rigin and destination locations, and various options for computing metrics.
class google_maps_DistanceMatrixRequest {
* If true, instructs the Distance Matrix service to avoid highways where possible.
* Optional.
* @var boolean $avoidHighways
public $avoidHighways;
* If true, instructs the Distance Matrix service to avoid toll roads where possibl
* e. Optional.
* @var boolean $avoidTolls
public $avoidTolls;
* An array containing destination address strings and/or LatLngs, to which to calc
* ulate distance and time. Required.
* @var array|array $destinations
public $destinations;
* An array containing origin address strings and/or LatLngs, from which to calcula
* te distance and time. Required.
* @var array|array $origins
public $origins;
* Region code used as a bias for geocoding requests. Optional.
* @var string $region
public $region;
* Type of routing requested. Required.
* @var google_maps_TravelMode $travelMode
public $travelMode;
* Preferred unit system to use when displaying distance. Optional; defaults to met
* ric.
* @var google_maps_UnitSystem $unitSystem
public $unitSystem;
*The response to a DistanceMatrixService request, consisting of the formatted ori
* gin and destination addresses, and a sequence of DistanceMatrixResponseRows, one
* for each corresponding origin address.
class google_maps_DistanceMatrixResponse {
* The formatted destination addresses.
* @var array $destinationAddresses
public $destinationAddresses;
* The formatted origin addresses.
* @var array $originAddresses
public $originAddresses;
* The rows of the matrix, corresponding to the origin addresses.
* @var array $rows
public $rows;
*A row of the response to a DistanceMatrixService request, consisting of a sequen
* ce of DistanceMatrixResponseElements, one for each corresponding destination add
* ress.
class google_maps_DistanceMatrixResponseRow {
* The row's elements, corresponding to the destination addresses.
* @var array $elements
public $elements;
*A single element of a response to a DistanceMatrixService request, which contain
* s the duration and distance from one origin to one destination.
class google_maps_DistanceMatrixResponseElement {
* The distance for this origin-destination pairing. This property may be undefined
* as the distance may be unknown.
* @var google_maps_Distance $distance
public $distance;
* The duration for this origin-destination pairing. This property may be undefined
* as the duration may be unknown.
* @var google_maps_Duration $duration
public $duration;
* The status of this particular origin-destination pairing.
* @var google_maps_DistanceMatrixElementStatus $status
public $status;
*The top-level status about the request in general returned by the DistanceMatrix
* Service upon completion of a distance matrix request.
class google_maps_DistanceMatrixStatus {
* The provided request was invalid.
* The request contains more than 25 origins, or more than 25 destinations.
* The product of origins and destinations exceeds the per-query limit.
* The response contains a valid result.
const OK="OK";
* Too many elements have been requested within the allowed time period. The reques
* t should succeed if you try again after a reasonable amount of time.
* The service denied use of the Distance Matrix service by your web page.
* A Distance Matrix request could not be processed due to a server error. The requ
* est may succeed if you try again.
*The element-level status about a particular origin-destination pairing returned
* by the DistanceMatrixService upon completion of a distance matrix request.
class google_maps_DistanceMatrixElementStatus {
* The origin and/or destination of this pairing could not be geocoded.
* The response contains a valid result.
const OK="OK";
* No route could be found between the origin and destination.
* Returns a tile for the given tile coordinate (x, y) and zoom level. This tile wi
* ll be appended to the given ownerDocument. Not available for base map types.
* @var google_maps_Point $tileCoord
* @var integer $zoom
* @var google_maps_Document $ownerDocument
* @return document
public function getTile(google_maps_Point $tileCoord, integer $zoom, google_maps_Document $ownerDocument){}
* Releases the given tile, performing any necessary cleanup. The provided tile wil
* l have already been removed from the document. Optional.
* @var document $tile
* @return void
public function releaseTile(document $tile){}
*This interface defines the map type, and is typically used for custom map types.
* Immutable.
class google_maps_MapType {
* Alt text to display when this MapType's button is hovered over in the MapTypeCon
* trol. Optional.
* @var string $alt
public $alt;
* The maximum zoom level for the map when displaying this MapType. Required for ba
* se MapTypes, ignored for overlay MapTypes.
* @var integer $maxZoom
public $maxZoom;
* The minimum zoom level for the map when displaying this MapType. Optional; defau
* lts to 0.
* @var integer $minZoom
public $minZoom;
* Name to display in the MapTypeControl. Optional.
* @var string $name
public $name;
* The Projection used to render this MapType. Optional; defaults to Mercator.
* @var google_maps_Projection $projection
public $projection;
* Radius of the planet for the map, in meters. Optional; defaults to Earth's equat
* orial radius of 6378137 meters.
* @var integer $radius
public $radius;
* The dimensions of each tile. Required.
* @var google_maps_Size $tileSize
public $tileSize;
* Returns a tile for the given tile coordinate (x, y) and zoom level. This tile wi
* ll be appended to the given ownerDocument. Not available for base map types.
* @var google_maps_Point $tileCoord
* @var integer $zoom
* @var google_maps_Document $ownerDocument
* @return document
public function getTile(google_maps_Point $tileCoord, integer $zoom, google_maps_Document $ownerDocument){}
* Releases the given tile, performing any necessary cleanup. The provided tile wil
* l have already been removed from the document. Optional.
* @var document $tile
* @return void
public function releaseTile(document $tile){}
class google_maps_Projection {
*This class implements the MapType interface and is provided for rendering image
* tiles.
class google_maps_ImageMapType {
* Returns the opacity level (0 (transparent) to 1.0) of the ImageMapType tiles.
* @return integer
public function getOpacity(){}
* Sets the opacity level (0 (transparent) to 1.0) of the ImageMapType tiles.
* @var integer $opacity
* @return void
public function setOpacity(integer $opacity){}
*This class is used to create a MapType that renders image tiles.
class google_maps_ImageMapTypeOptions {
* Alt text to display when this MapType's button is hovered over in the MapTypeCon
* trol.
* @var string $alt
public $alt;
* Returns a string (URL) for given tile coordinate (x, y) and zoom level. This fun
* ction should have a signature of: getTileUrl(Point, number):string
* @var google_maps_Function(Point,
number):string $getTileUrl
public $getTileUrl;
* The maximum zoom level for the map when displaying this MapType.
* @var integer $maxZoom
public $maxZoom;
* The minimum zoom level for the map when displaying this MapType. Optional.
* @var integer $minZoom
public $minZoom;
* Name to display in the MapTypeControl.
* @var string $name
public $name;
* The opacity to apply to the tiles. The opacity should be specified as a float va
* lue between 0 and 1.0, where 0 is fully transparent and 1 is fully opaque.
* @var integer $opacity
public $opacity;
* The tile size.
* @var google_maps_Size $tileSize
public $tileSize;
*This class is used to specify options when creating a StyledMapType. These optio
* ns cannot be changed after the StyledMapType is instantiated.
class google_maps_StyledMapTypeOptions {
* Text to display when this MapType's button is hovered over in the map type contr
* ol.
* @var string $alt
public $alt;
* The maximum zoom level for the map when displaying this MapType. Optional.
* @var integer $maxZoom
public $maxZoom;
* The minimum zoom level for the map when displaying this MapType. Optional.
* @var integer $minZoom
public $minZoom;
* The name to display in the map type control.
* @var string $name
public $name;
*The MapTypeStyle is a collection of selectors and stylers that define how the ma
* p should be styled. Selectors specify what map elements should be affected and s
* tylers specify how those elements should be modified.
class google_maps_MapTypeStyle {
* Selects the element type to which a styler should be applied. An element type di
* stinguishes between the different representations of a feature. Optional; if ele
* mentType is not specified, the value is assumed to be 'all'.
* @var google_maps_MapTypeStyleElementType $elementType
public $elementType;
* Selects the feature, or group of features, to which a styler should be applied.
* Optional; if featureType is not specified, the value is assumed to be 'all'.
* @var google_maps_MapTypeStyleFeatureType $featureType
public $featureType;
* The style rules to apply to the selectors. The rules are applied to the map's el
* ements in the order they are listed in this array.
* @var array $stylers
public $stylers;
*Possible values for feature types. Specify these values as strings, i.e. 'admini
* strative' or 'poi.park'. Stylers applied to a parent feature type automatically
* apply to all child feature types. Note however that parent features may include
* some additional features that are not included in one of their child feature typ
* es.
class google_maps_MapTypeStyleFeatureType {
* Apply the rule to administrative areas.
const administrative="administrative";
* Apply the rule to countries.
const administrative_country="administrative.country";
* Apply the rule to land parcels.
const administrative_land_parcel="administrative.land_parcel";
* Apply the rule to localities.
const administrative_locality="administrative.locality";
* Apply the rule to neighborhoods.
const administrative_neighborhood="administrative.neighborhood";
* Apply the rule to provinces.
const administrative_province="administrative.province";
* Apply the rule to all selector types.
const all="all";
* Apply the rule to landscapes.
const landscape="landscape";
* Apply the rule to man made structures.
const landscape_man_made="landscape.man_made";
* Apply the rule to natural features.
const landscape_natural="landscape.natural";
* Apply the rule to landcover.
const landscape_natural_landcover="landscape.natural.landcover";
* Apply the rule to terrain.
const landscape_natural_terrain="landscape.natural.terrain";
* Apply the rule to points of interest.
const poi="poi";
* Apply the rule to attractions for tourists.
const poi_attraction="poi.attraction";
* Apply the rule to businesses.
const poi_business="poi.business";
* Apply the rule to government buildings.
const poi_government="poi.government";
* Apply the rule to emergency services (hospitals, pharmacies, police, doctors, et
* c).
const poi_medical="poi.medical";
* Apply the rule to parks.
const poi_park="poi.park";
* Apply the rule to places of worship, such as church, temple, or mosque.
const poi_place_of_worship="poi.place_of_worship";
* Apply the rule to schools.
const poi_school="poi.school";
* Apply the rule to sports complexes.
const poi_sports_complex="poi.sports_complex";
* Apply the rule to all roads.
const road="road";
* Apply the rule to arterial roads.
const road_arterial="road.arterial";
* Apply the rule to highways.
const road_highway="road.highway";
* Apply the rule to controlled-access highways.
const road_highway_controlled_access="road.highway.controlled_access";
* Apply the rule to local roads.
const road_local="road.local";
* Apply the rule to all transit stations and lines.
const transit="transit";
* Apply the rule to transit lines.
const transit_line="transit.line";
* Apply the rule to all transit stations.
const transit_station="transit.station";
* Apply the rule to airports.
const transit_station_airport="transit.station.airport";
* Apply the rule to bus stops.
const transit_station_bus="transit.station.bus";
* Apply the rule to rail stations.
const transit_station_rail="transit.station.rail";
* Apply the rule to bodies of water.
const water="water";
*Each MapTypeStyleElementType distinguishes between the different representations
* of a feature.
class google_maps_MapTypeStyleElementType {
* Apply the rule to all elements of the specified feature.
const all="all";
* Apply the rule to the feature's geometry.
const geometry="geometry";
* Apply the rule to the fill of the feature's geometry.
const geometry_fill="geometry.fill";
* Apply the rule to the stroke of the feature's geometry.
const geometry_stroke="geometry.stroke";
* Apply the rule to the feature's labels.
const labels="labels";
* Apply the rule to icons within the feature's labels.
const labels_icon="labels.icon";
* Apply the rule to the text in the feature's label.
const labels_text="labels.text";
* Apply the rule to the fill of the text in the feature's labels.
const labels_text_fill="labels.text.fill";
* Apply the rule to the stroke of the text in the feature's labels.
const labels_text_stroke="labels.text.stroke";
* Sets the color of the feature. Valid values: An RGB hex string, i.e. '#ff0000'.
* @var string $color
public $color;
* Modifies the gamma by raising the lightness to the given power. Valid values: Fl
* oating point numbers, [0.01, 10], with 1.0 representing no change.
* @var integer $gamma
public $gamma;
* Sets the hue of the feature to match the hue of the color supplied. Note that th
* e saturation and lightness of the feature is conserved, which means that the fea
* ture will not match the color supplied exactly. Valid values: An RGB hex string,
* i.e. '#ff0000'.
* @var string $hue
public $hue;
* A value of true will invert the lightness of the feature while preserving the hu
* e and saturation.
* @var boolean $invert_lightness
public $invert_lightness;
* Shifts lightness of colors by a percentage of the original value if decreasing a
* nd a percentage of the remaining value if increasing. Valid values: [-100, 100].
* @var integer $lightness
public $lightness;
* Shifts the saturation of colors by a percentage of the original value if decreas
* ing and a percentage of the remaining value if increasing. Valid values: [-100,
* 100].
* @var integer $saturation
public $saturation;
* Sets the visibility of the feature. Valid values: 'on', 'off' or 'simplifed'.
* @var string $visibility
public $visibility;
* Sets the weight of the feature, in pixels. Valid values: Integers greater than o
* r equal to zero.
* @var integer $weight
public $weight;
*A styler affects how a map's elements will be styled. Each MapTypeStyler should
* contain one and only one key. If more than one key is specified in a single MapT
* ypeStyler, all but one will be ignored. For example: var rule = {hue: '#ff0000'}
* .
class google_maps_MapTypeStyler {
* Sets the color of the feature. Valid values: An RGB hex string, i.e. '#ff0000'.
* @var string $color
public $color;
* Modifies the gamma by raising the lightness to the given power. Valid values: Fl
* oating point numbers, [0.01, 10], with 1.0 representing no change.
* @var integer $gamma
public $gamma;
* Sets the hue of the feature to match the hue of the color supplied. Note that th
* e saturation and lightness of the feature is conserved, which means that the fea
* ture will not match the color supplied exactly. Valid values: An RGB hex string,
* i.e. '#ff0000'.
* @var string $hue
public $hue;
* A value of true will invert the lightness of the feature while preserving the hu
* e and saturation.
* @var boolean $invert_lightness
public $invert_lightness;
* Shifts lightness of colors by a percentage of the original value if decreasing a
* nd a percentage of the remaining value if increasing. Valid values: [-100, 100].
* @var integer $lightness
public $lightness;
* Shifts the saturation of colors by a percentage of the original value if decreas
* ing and a percentage of the remaining value if increasing. Valid values: [-100,
* 100].
* @var integer $saturation
public $saturation;
* Sets the visibility of the feature. Valid values: 'on', 'off' or 'simplifed'.
* @var string $visibility
public $visibility;
* Sets the weight of the feature, in pixels. Valid values: Integers greater than o
* r equal to zero.
* @var integer $weight
public $weight;
*This object defines the properties that can be set on a FusionTablesLayer object
* .
class google_maps_FusionTablesLayerOptions {
* If true, the layer receives mouse events. Default value is true.
* @var boolean $clickable
public $clickable;
* Options which define the appearance of the layer as a heatmap.
* @var google_maps_FusionTablesHeatmap $heatmap
public $heatmap;
* The map on which to display the layer.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
public $map;
* Options defining the data to display.
* @var google_maps_FusionTablesQuery $query
public $query;
* An array of up to 5 style specifications, which control the appearance of featur
* es within the layer.
* @var array $styles
public $styles;
* Suppress the rendering of info windows when layer features are clicked.
* @var boolean $suppressInfoWindows
public $suppressInfoWindows;
*Specifies the appearance for a FusionTablesLayer when rendered as a heatmap.
class google_maps_FusionTablesHeatmap {
* If true, render the layer as a heatmap.
* @var boolean $enabled
public $enabled;
*Options which control the appearance of point features in a FusionTablesLayer.
class google_maps_FusionTablesMarkerOptions {
* The name of a Fusion Tables supported icon
* @var string $iconName
public $iconName;
*Options which control the appearance of polygons in a FusionTablesLayer.
class google_maps_FusionTablesPolygonOptions {
* The fill color, defined by a six-digit hexadecimal number in RRGGBB format (e.g.
* #00AAFF).
* @var string $fillColor
public $fillColor;
* The fill opacity between 0.0 and 1.0.
* @var integer $fillOpacity
public $fillOpacity;
* The fill color, defined by a six-digit hexadecimal number in RRGGBB format (e.g.
* #00AAFF).
* @var string $strokeColor
public $strokeColor;
* The stroke opacity between 0.0 and 1.0.
* @var integer $strokeOpacity
public $strokeOpacity;
* The stroke width in pixels, between 0 and 10.
* @var integer $strokeWeight
public $strokeWeight;
*Options which control the appearance of polylines in a FusionTablesLayer.
class google_maps_FusionTablesPolylineOptions {
* The fill color, defined by a six-digit hexadecimal number in RRGGBB format (e.g.
* #00AAFF).
* @var string $strokeColor
public $strokeColor;
* The stroke opacity between 0.0 and 1.0.
* @var integer $strokeOpacity
public $strokeOpacity;
* The stroke width in pixels.
* @var integer $strokeWeight
public $strokeWeight;
*The properties of a mouse event on a FusionTablesLayer.
class google_maps_FusionTablesMouseEvent {
* Pre-rendered HTML content, as placed in the infowindow by the default UI.
* @var string $infoWindowHtml
public $infoWindowHtml;
* The position at which to anchor an infowindow on the clicked feature.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $latLng
public $latLng;
* The offset to apply to an infowindow anchored on the clicked feature.
* @var google_maps_Size $pixelOffset
public $pixelOffset;
* A collection of FusionTablesCell objects, indexed by column name, representing t
* he contents of the table row which included the clicked feature.
* @var GoogleFusionTablesCell $row
public $row;
*A KmlLayer adds geographic markup to the map from a KML, KMZ or GeoRSS file that
* is hosted on a publicly accessible web server. A KmlFeatureData object is provi
* ded for each feature when clicked.
class google_maps_KmlLayer {
* Get the default viewport for the layer being displayed.
* @return google_maps_LatLngBounds
public function getDefaultViewport(){}
* Get the map on which the KML Layer is being rendered.
* @return google_maps_Map
public function getMap(){}
* Get the metadata associated with this layer, as specified in the layer markup.
* @return google_maps_KmlLayerMetadata
public function getMetadata(){}
* Get the status of the layer, set once the requested document has loaded.
* @return google_maps_KmlLayerStatus
public function getStatus(){}
* The URL of the KML file being displayed.
* @return string
public function getUrl(){}
* Renders the KML Layer on the specified map. If map is set to null, the layer is
* removed.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
* @return void
public function setMap(google_maps_Map $map){}
* Set the URL of the KML file to display.
* @var string $url
* @return void
public function setUrl(string $url){}
*The properties of a click event on a KML/KMZ or GeoRSS document.
class google_maps_KmlMouseEvent {
* A KmlFeatureData object, containing information about the clicked feature.
* @var google_maps_KmlFeatureData $featureData
public $featureData;
* The position at which to anchor an infowindow on the clicked feature.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $latLng
public $latLng;
* The offset to apply to an infowindow anchored on the clicked feature.
* @var google_maps_Size $pixelOffset
public $pixelOffset;
*Data for a single KML feature in JSON format, returned when a KML feature is cli
* cked. The data contained in this object mirrors that associated with the feature
* in the KML or GeoRSS markup in which it is declared.
class google_maps_KmlFeatureData {
* The feature's <atom:author>, extracted from the layer markup (if specified).
* @var GoogleKmlAuthor $author
public $author;
* The feature's <description>, extracted from the layer markup.
* @var string $description
public $description;
* The feature's <id>, extracted from the layer markup. If no <id> has been specifi
* ed, a unique ID will be generated for this feature.
* @var string $id
public $id;
* The feature's balloon styled text, if set.
* @var string $infoWindowHtml
public $infoWindowHtml;
* The feature's <name>, extracted from the layer markup.
* @var string $name
public $name;
* The feature's <Snippet>, extracted from the layer markup.
* @var string $snippet
public $snippet;
*Contains details of the author of a KML document or feature.
class google_maps_KmlAuthor {
* The author's e-mail address, or an empty string if not specified.
* @var string $email
public $email;
* The author's name, or an empty string if not specified.
* @var string $name
public $name;
* The author's home page, or an empty string if not specified.
* @var string $uri
public $uri;
*A traffic layer.
class google_maps_TrafficLayer {
* Returns the map on which this layer is displayed.
* @return google_maps_Map
public function getMap(){}
* Renders the layer on the specified map. If map is set to null, the layer will be
* removed.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
* @return void
public function setMap(google_maps_Map $map){}
*A transit layer.
class google_maps_TransitLayer {
* Returns the map on which this layer is displayed.
* @return google_maps_Map
public function getMap(){}
* Renders the layer on the specified map. If map is set to null, the layer will be
* removed.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
* @return void
public function setMap(google_maps_Map $map){}
*Displays the panorama for a given LatLng or panorama ID. A StreetViewPanorama ob
* ject provides a Street View "viewer" which can be stand-alone within a separate
* <div> or bound to a Map.
class google_maps_StreetViewPanorama {
* Additional controls to attach to the panorama. To add a control to the panorama,
* add the control's <div> to the MVCArray corresponding to the ControlPosition wh
* ere it should be rendered.
* @var array $controls
public $controls;
* Returns the set of navigation links for the Street View panorama.
* @return array
public function getLinks(){}
* Returns the current panorama ID for the Street View panorama. This id is stable
* within the browser's current session only.
* @return string
public function getPano(){}
* Returns the current LatLng position for the Street View panorama.
* @return google_maps_LatLng
public function getPosition(){}
* Returns the current point of view for the Street View panorama.
* @return google_maps_StreetViewPov
public function getPov(){}
* Returns true if the panorama is visible. It does not specify whether Street View
* imagery is available at the specified position.
* @return boolean
public function getVisible(){}
* Set the custom panorama provider called on pano change to load custom panoramas.
* @var $provider
* @return void
public function registerPanoProvider(Closure $provider){}
* Sets the current panorama ID for the Street View panorama.
* @var string $pano
* @return void
public function setPano(string $pano){}
* Sets the current LatLng position for the Street View panorama.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $latLng
* @return void
public function setPosition(google_maps_LatLng $latLng){}
* Sets the point of view for the Street View panorama.
* @var google_maps_StreetViewPov $pov
* @return void
public function setPov(google_maps_StreetViewPov $pov){}
* Sets to true to make the panorama visible. If set to false, the panorama will be
* hidden whether it is embedded in the map or in its own <div>.
* @var boolean $flag
* @return void
public function setVisible(boolean $flag){}
*Options defining the properties of a StreetViewPanorama object.
class google_maps_StreetViewPanoramaOptions {
* The enabled/disabled state of the address control.
* @var boolean $addressControl
public $addressControl;
* The display options for the address control.
* @var google_maps_StreetViewAddressControlOptions $addressControlOptions
public $addressControlOptions;
* The enabled/disabled state of click-to-go.
* @var boolean $clickToGo
public $clickToGo;
* Enables/disables zoom on double click. Disabled by default.
* @var boolean $disableDoubleClickZoom
public $disableDoubleClickZoom;
* If true, the close button is displayed. Disabled by default.
* @var boolean $enableCloseButton
public $enableCloseButton;
* The enabled/disabled state of the imagery acquisition date control.
* @var boolean $imageDateControl
public $imageDateControl;
* The enabled/disabled state of the links control.
* @var boolean $linksControl
public $linksControl;
* The enabled/disabled state of the pan control.
* @var boolean $panControl
public $panControl;
* The display options for the pan control.
* @var google_maps_PanControlOptions $panControlOptions
public $panControlOptions;
* The panorama ID, which should be set when specifying a custom panorama.
* @var string $pano
public $pano;
* Custom panorama provider, which takes a string pano id and returns an object def
* ining the panorama given that id. This function must be defined to specify custo
* m panorama imagery.
* @var google_maps_Function(string):StreetViewPanoramaData $panoProvider
public $panoProvider;
* The LatLng position of the Street View panorama.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $position
public $position;
* The camera orientation, specified as heading, pitch, and zoom, for the panorama.
* @var google_maps_StreetViewPov $pov
public $pov;
* If false, disables scrollwheel zooming in Street View. The scrollwheel is enable
* d by default.
* @var boolean $scrollwheel
public $scrollwheel;
* If true, the Street View panorama is visible on load.
* @var boolean $visible
public $visible;
* The enabled/disabled state of the zoom control.
* @var boolean $zoomControl
public $zoomControl;
* The display options for the zoom control.
* @var google_maps_ZoomControlOptions $zoomControlOptions
public $zoomControlOptions;
*Options for the rendering of the Street View address control.
class google_maps_StreetViewAddressControlOptions {
* Position id. This id is used to specify the position of the control on the map.
* The default position is TOP_LEFT.
* @var google_maps_ControlPosition $position
public $position;
*A collection of references to adjacent Street View panos.
class google_maps_StreetViewLink {
* A localized string describing the link.
* @var string $description
public $description;
* The heading of the link.
* @var integer $heading
public $heading;
* A unique identifier for the panorama. This id is stable within a session but uns
* table across sessions.
* @var string $pano
public $pano;
*A point of view object which specifies the camera's orientation at the Street Vi
* ew panorama's position. The point of view is defined as heading, pitch and zoom.
class google_maps_StreetViewPov {
* The camera heading in degrees relative to true north. True north is 0°, east is
* 90°, south is 180°, west is 270°.
* @var integer $heading
public $heading;
* The camera pitch in degrees, relative to the street view vehicle. Ranges from 90
* ° (directly upwards) to -90° (directly downwards).
* @var integer $pitch
public $pitch;
* The zoom level. Fully zoomed-out is level 0, zooming in increases the zoom level
* .
* @var integer $zoom
public $zoom;
*The representation of a panorama returned from the provider defined using regist
* erPanoProvider.
class google_maps_StreetViewPanoramaData {
* Specifies the copyright text for this panorama.
* @var string $copyright
public $copyright;
* Specifies the year and month in which the imagery in this panorama was acquired.
* The date string is in the form YYYY-MM.
* @var string $imageDate
public $imageDate;
* Specifies the navigational links to adjacent panoramas.
* @var array $links
public $links;
* Specifies the location meta-data for this panorama.
* @var google_maps_StreetViewLocation $location
public $location;
* Specifies the custom tiles for this panorama.
* @var google_maps_StreetViewTileData $tiles
public $tiles;
*A representation of a location in the Street View panorama.
class google_maps_StreetViewLocation {
* A localized string describing the location.
* @var string $description
public $description;
* The latlng of the panorama.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $latLng
public $latLng;
* A unique identifier for the panorama. This is stable within a session but unstab
* le across sessions.
* @var string $pano
public $pano;
* Gets the tile image URL for the specified tile.pano is the panorama ID of the St
* reet View tile.tileZoom is the zoom level of the tile.tileX is the x-coordinate
* of the tile.tileY is the y-coordinate of the tile. Returns the URL for the tile
* image.
* @var string $pano
* @var integer $tileZoom
* @var integer $tileX
* @var integer $tileY
* @return string
public function getTileUrl(string $pano, integer $tileZoom, integer $tileX, integer $tileY){}
*The properties of the tile set used in a Street View panorama.
class google_maps_StreetViewTileData {
* The heading (in degrees) at the center of the panoramic tiles.
* @var integer $centerHeading
public $centerHeading;
* The size (in pixels) at which tiles will be rendered. This may not be the native
* tile image size.
* @var google_maps_Size $tileSize
public $tileSize;
* The size (in pixels) of the whole panorama's "world".
* @var google_maps_Size $worldSize
public $worldSize;
* Gets the tile image URL for the specified tile.pano is the panorama ID of the St
* reet View tile.tileZoom is the zoom level of the tile.tileX is the x-coordinate
* of the tile.tileY is the y-coordinate of the tile. Returns the URL for the tile
* image.
* @var string $pano
* @var integer $tileZoom
* @var integer $tileX
* @var integer $tileY
* @return string
public function getTileUrl(string $pano, integer $tileZoom, integer $tileX, integer $tileY){}
*This object is returned from various mouse events on the map and overlays, and c
* ontains all the fields shown below.
class google_maps_MouseEvent {
* The latitude/longitude that was below the cursor when the event occurred.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $latLng
public $latLng;
* Prevents this event from propagating further.
* @return void
public function stop(){}
*A LatLng is a point in geographical coordinates: latitude and longitude.
class google_maps_LatLng {
*A LatLngBounds instance represents a rectangle in geographical coordinates, incl
* uding one that crosses the 180 degrees longitudinal meridian.
class google_maps_LatLngBounds {
* Returns true if the given lat/lng is in this bounds.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $latLng
* @return boolean
public function contains(google_maps_LatLng $latLng){}
* Returns true if this bounds approximately equals the given bounds.
* @var google_maps_LatLngBounds $other
* @return boolean
public function equals(google_maps_LatLngBounds $other){}
* Extends this bounds to contain the given point.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $point
* @return google_maps_LatLngBounds
public function extend(google_maps_LatLng $point){}
* Computes the center of this LatLngBounds
* @return google_maps_LatLng
public function getCenter(){}
* Returns the north-east corner of this bounds.
* @return google_maps_LatLng
public function getNorthEast(){}
* Returns the south-west corner of this bounds.
* @return google_maps_LatLng
public function getSouthWest(){}
* Returns true if this bounds shares any points with this bounds.
* @var google_maps_LatLngBounds $other
* @return boolean
public function intersects(google_maps_LatLngBounds $other){}
* Returns if the bounds are empty.
* @return boolean
public function isEmpty(){}
* Converts the given map bounds to a lat/lng span.
* @return google_maps_LatLng
public function toSpan(){}
* Converts to string.
* @return string
public function toString(){}
* Returns a string of the form "lat_lo,lng_lo,lat_hi,lng_hi" for this bounds, wher
* e "lo" corresponds to the southwest corner of the bounding box, while "hi" corre
* sponds to the northeast corner of that box.
* @var integer $precision
* @return string
public function toUrlValue(integer $precision){}
* Extends this bounds to contain the union of this and the given bounds.
* @var google_maps_LatLngBounds $other
* @return google_maps_LatLngBounds
public function union(google_maps_LatLngBounds $other){}
class google_maps_Point {
* The X coordinate
* @var integer $x
public $x;
* The Y coordinate
* @var integer $y
public $y;
* Compares two Points
* @var google_maps_Point $other
* @return boolean
public function equals(google_maps_Point $other){}
* Returns a string representation of this Point.
* @return string
public function toString(){}
class google_maps_Size {
* The height along the y-axis, in pixels.
* @var integer $height
public $height;
* The width along the x-axis, in pixels.
* @var integer $width
public $width;
* Compares two Sizes.
* @var google_maps_Size $other
* @return boolean
public function equals(google_maps_Size $other){}
* Returns a string representation of this Size.
* @return string
public function toString(){}
class google_maps_MVCObject {
* Adds the given listener function to the given event name. Returns an identifier
* for this listener that can be used with google.maps.event.removeListener.
* @var string $eventName
* @var google_maps_Function $handler
* @return google_maps_MapsEventListener
public function addListener(string $eventName, google_maps_Function $handler){}
* Binds a View to a Model.
* @var string $key
* @var MVC $target
* @var string $targetKey
* @var boolean $noNotify
* @return void
public function bindTo(string $key, MVC $target, string $targetKey, boolean $noNotify){}
* Generic handler for state changes. Override this in derived classes to handle ar
* bitrary state changes.
* @var string $key
* @return void
public function changed(string $key){}
* Gets a value.
* @var string $key
* @return mixed
public function get(string $key){}
* Notify all observers of a change on this property. This notifies both objects th
* at are bound to the object's property as well as the object that it is bound to.
* @var string $key
* @return void
public function notify(string $key){}
* Sets a value.
* @var string $key
* @var mixed $value
* @return void
public function set(string $key, mixed $value){}
* Sets a collection of key-value pairs.
* @var $values
* @return void
public function setValues( $values){}
* Removes a binding. Unbinding will set the unbound property to the current value.
* The object will not be notified, as the value has not changed.
* @var string $key
* @return void
public function unbind(string $key){}
* Removes all bindings.
* @return void
public function unbindAll(){}
*This class extends MVCObject.
class google_maps_MVCArray {
* Removes all elements from the array.
* @return void
public function clear(){}
* Iterate over each element, calling the provided callback. The callback is called
* for each element like: callback(element, index).
* @var UtilFunc|Closure $callback(google_maps_number $number)
* @return void
public function forEach($callback){}
* Returns a reference to the underlying Array. Warning: if the Array is mutated, n
* o events will be fired by this object.
* @return array
public function getArray(){}
* Returns the element at the specified index.
* @var integer $i
* @return mixed
public function getAt(integer $i){}
* Returns the number of elements in this array.
* @return integer
public function getLength(){}
* Inserts an element at the specified index.
* @var integer $i
* @var mixed $elem
* @return void
public function insertAt(integer $i, mixed $elem){}
* Removes the last element of the array and returns that element.
* @return mixed
public function pop(){}
* Adds one element to the end of the array and returns the new length of the array
* .
* @var mixed $elem
* @return integer
public function push(mixed $elem){}
* Removes an element from the specified index.
* @var integer $i
* @return mixed
public function removeAt(integer $i){}
* Sets an element at the specified index.
* @var integer $i
* @var mixed $elem
* @return void
public function setAt(integer $i, mixed $elem){}
*Implements AdSense for Content advertising on an associated map. To use an AdUni
* t, you must obtain and specify an AdSense for Content publisher ID within the Ad
* Unit's constructor options.
class google_maps_adsense_AdUnit {
* Returns the AdUnit's background color.
* @return string
public function getBackgroundColor(){}
* Returns the AdUnit's border color.
* @return string
public function getBorderColor(){}
* Returns the channel number in use by this AdUnit.
* @return string
public function getChannelNumber(){}
* Returns the containing element of the AdUnit.
* @return document
public function getContainer(){}
* Returns the format in use by this AdUnit.
* @return google_maps_AdFormat
public function getFormat(){}
* Returns the map to which this AdUnit's ads are targeted.
* @return google_maps_Map
public function getMap(){}
* Returns the ControlPosition at which this AdUnit is displayed on the map.
* @return google_maps_ControlPosition
public function getPosition(){}
* Returns the specified AdSense For Content publisher ID.
* @return string
public function getPublisherId(){}
* Returns the AdUnit's text color.
* @return string
public function getTextColor(){}
* Returns the AdUnit's title color.
* @return string
public function getTitleColor(){}
* Returns the AdUnit's URL color.
* @return string
public function getUrlColor(){}
* Sets the AdUnit's background color.
* @return string
public function setBackgroundColor(){}
* Sets the AdUnit's border color.
* @return string
public function setBorderColor(){}
* Specifies the channel number for this AdUnit. Channel numbers are optional and c
* an be created for Google AdSense tracking.
* @var string $channelNumber
* @return void
public function setChannelNumber(string $channelNumber){}
* Specifies the display format for this AdUnit.
* @var google_maps_AdFormat $format
* @return void
public function setFormat(google_maps_AdFormat $format){}
* Associates this AdUnit with the specified map. Ads will be targeted to the map's
* viewport. The map must be specified in order to display ads.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
* @return void
public function setMap(google_maps_Map $map){}
* Sets the ControlPosition at which to display the AdUnit on the map. If the posit
* ion is set to null, the AdUnit is removed from the map.
* @var google_maps_ControlPosition $position
* @return void
public function setPosition(google_maps_ControlPosition $position){}
* Sets the AdUnit's text color.
* @return string
public function setTextColor(){}
* Sets the AdUnit's title color.
* @return string
public function setTitleColor(){}
* Sets the AdUnit's URL color.
* @return string
public function setUrlColor(){}
*Identifiers used to specify an AdSense For Content format. See https://google.co
* m/adsense/adformats.
class google_maps_adsense_AdFormat {
*A PanoramioLayer displays photos from Panoramio as a rendered layer.
class google_maps_panoramio_PanoramioLayer {
* Returns the map on which this layer is displayed.
* @return google_maps_Map
public function getMap(){}
* @return string
public function getTag(){}
* @return string
public function getUserId(){}
* Renders the layer on the specified map. If map is set to null, the layer will be
* removed.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
* @return void
public function setMap(google_maps_Map $map){}
* @var google_maps_PanoramioLayerOptions $options
* @return void
public function setOptions(google_maps_PanoramioLayerOptions $options){}
* @var string $tag
* @return void
public function setTag(string $tag){}
* @var string $userId
* @return void
public function setUserId(string $userId){}
*This object defines the properties that can be set on a PanoramioLayer object.
class google_maps_panoramio_PanoramioLayerOptions {
* If true, the layer receives mouse events. Default value is true.
* @var boolean $clickable
public $clickable;
* The map on which to display the layer.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
public $map;
* Suppress the rendering of info windows when layer features are clicked.
* @var boolean $suppressInfoWindows
public $suppressInfoWindows;
* A panoramio tag used to filter the photos which are displayed. Only photos which
* have been tagged with the supplied string will be shown.
* @var string $tag
public $tag;
* A Panoramio user ID. If provided, only photos by this user will be displayed on
* the map. If both a tag and user ID are provided, the tag will take precedence.
* @var string $userId
public $userId;
*Describes a single Panoramio feature.
class google_maps_panoramio_PanoramioFeature {
* The username of the user who uploaded this photo.
* @var string $author
public $author;
* The unique identifier for this photo, as used in the Panoramio API (see http://w
* ww.panoramio.com/api/widget/api.html).
* @var string $photoId
public $photoId;
* The title of the photo.
* @var string $title
public $title;
* The URL of the photo.
* @var string $url
public $url;
* The unique identifier for the user who uploaded this photo, as used in the Panor
* amio API (see http://www.panoramio.com/api/widget/api.html).
* @var string $userId
public $userId;
*The properties of a mouse event on a PanoramioLayer.
class google_maps_panoramio_PanoramioMouseEvent {
* A PanoramioFeature object containing information about the clicked feature.
* @var google_maps_PanoramioFeature $featureDetails
public $featureDetails;
* Pre-rendered HTML content to display within a feature's InfoWindow when clicked.
* @var string $infoWindowHtml
public $infoWindowHtml;
* The position at which to anchor an info window on the clicked feature.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $latLng
public $latLng;
* The offset to apply to an info window anchored on the clicked feature.
* @var google_maps_Size $pixelOffset
public $pixelOffset;
*The options that can be set on an Autocomplete object.
class google_maps_places_AutocompleteOptions {
* The area in which to search for places. Results are biased towards, but not rest
* ricted to, places contained within these bounds.
* @var google_maps_LatLngBounds $bounds
public $bounds;
* The component restrictions. Component restrictions are used to restrict predicti
* ons to only those within the parent component. E.g., the country.
* @var google_maps_ComponentRestrictions $componentRestrictions
public $componentRestrictions;
* The types of predictions to be returned. Four types are supported: 'establishmen
* t' for businesses, 'geocode' for addresses, '(regions)' for administrative regio
* ns and '(cities)' for localities. If nothing is specified, all types are returne
* d.
* @var array $types
public $types;
class google_maps_places_AutocompletePrediction {
* This is the unformatted version of the query suggested by the Places service.
* @var string $description
public $description;
* A stable ID for this place, intended to be interoperable with those returned by
* the place search service.
* @var string $id
public $id;
* A set of substrings in the place's description that match elements in the user's
* input, suitable for use in highlighting those substrings. Each substring is ide
* ntified by an offset and a length, expressed in unicode characters.
* @var array $matched_substrings
public $matched_substrings;
* A reference that can be used to retrieve details about this place using the plac
* e details service (see PlacesService.getDetails()).
* @var string $reference
public $reference;
* Information about individual terms in the above description, from most to least
* specific. For example, "Taco Bell", "Willitis", and "CA".
* @var array $terms
public $terms;
* An array of types that the prediction belongs to, for example 'establishment' or
* 'geocode'.
* @var array $types
public $types;
class google_maps_places_PredictionSubstring {
* The length of the substring.
* @var integer $length
public $length;
* The offset to the substring's start within the description string.
* @var integer $offset
public $offset;
*Contains methods related to retrieving Autocomplete predictions.
class google_maps_places_AutocompleteService {
* Retrieves place autocomplete predictions based on the supplied autocomplete requ
* est.
* @var google_maps_AutocompletionRequest $request
* @var UtilFunc|Closure $callback(google_maps_AutocompletePrediction $AutocompletePrediction, google_maps_PlacesServiceStatus $PlacesServiceStatus)
* @return void
public function getPlacePredictions(google_maps_AutocompletionRequest $request, $callback){}
* Retrieves query autocomplete predictions based on the supplied query autocomplet
* e request.
* @var google_maps_QueryAutocompletionRequest $request
* @var UtilFunc|Closure $callback(google_maps_QueryAutocompletePrediction $QueryAutocompletePrediction, google_maps_PlacesServiceStatus $PlacesServiceStatus)
* @return void
public function getQueryPredictions(google_maps_QueryAutocompletionRequest $request, $callback){}
*An Autocompletion request to be sent to the AutocompleteService.
class google_maps_places_AutocompletionRequest {
* Bounds for prediction biasing. Predictions will be biased towards, but not restr
* icted to, the given bounds. Both location and radius will be ignored if bounds i
* s set.
* @var google_maps_LatLngBounds $bounds
public $bounds;
* The component restrictions. Component restrictions are used to restrict predicti
* ons to only those within the parent component. E.g., the country.
* @var google_maps_ComponentRestrictions $componentRestrictions
public $componentRestrictions;
* The user entered input string.
* @var string $input
public $input;
* Location for prediction biasing. Predictions will be biased towards the given lo
* cation and radius. Alternatively, bounds can be used.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $location
public $location;
* The character position in the input term at which the service uses text for pred
* ictions (the position of the cursor in the input field).
* @var integer $offset
public $offset;
* The radius of the area used for prediction biasing. The radius is specified in m
* eters, and must always be accompanied by a location property. Alternatively, bou
* nds can be used.
* @var integer $radius
public $radius;
* The types of predictions to be returned. Four types are supported: 'establishmen
* t' for businesses, 'geocode' for addresses, '(regions)' for administrative regio
* ns and '(cities)' for localities. If nothing is specified, all types are returne
* d.
* @var array $types
public $types;
*Defines the component restrictions that can be used with the autocomplete servic
* e.
class google_maps_places_ComponentRestrictions {
* Restricts predictions to the specified country (ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code,
* case insensitive). E.g., us, br, au.
* @var string $country
public $country;
*Defines information about an aspect of the place that users have reviewed.
class google_maps_places_PlaceAspectRating {
* The rating of this aspect. For individual reviews this is an integer from 0 to 3
* . For aggregated ratings of a place this is an integer from 0 to 30.
* @var integer $rating
public $rating;
* The aspect type, e.g. "food", "decor", "service", "overall".
* @var string $type
public $type;
*A Place details query to be sent to the PlacesService.
class google_maps_places_PlaceDetailsRequest {
* The reference of the Place for which details are being requested.
* @var string $reference
public $reference;
*An object used to fetch additional pages of Places results.
class google_maps_places_PlaceSearchPagination {
* Indicates if further results are available. true when there is an additional res
* ults page.
* @var boolean $hasNextPage
public $hasNextPage;
* Fetches the next page of results. Uses the same callback function that was provi
* ded to the first search request.
* @return void
public function nextPage(){}
*A Place search query to be sent to the PlacesService.
class google_maps_places_PlaceSearchRequest {
* The bounds within which to search for Places. Both location and radius will be i
* gnored if bounds is set.
* @var google_maps_LatLngBounds $bounds
public $bounds;
* A term to be matched against all available fields, including but not limited to
* name, type, and address, as well as customer reviews and other third-party conte
* nt.
* @var string $keyword
public $keyword;
* The location around which to search for Places.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $location
public $location;
* Restricts the Place search results to Places that include this text in the name.
* @var string $name
public $name;
* The distance from the given location within which to search for Places, in meter
* s. The maximum allowed value is 50 000.
* @var integer $radius
public $radius;
* Specifies the ranking method to use when returning results.
* @var google_maps_RankBy $rankBy
public $rankBy;
* Restricts the Place search results to Places with a type matching at least one o
* f the specified types in this array. Valid types are given here.
* @var array $types
public $types;
*The status returned by the PlacesService on the completion of its searches.
class google_maps_places_PlacesServiceStatus {
*Represents a single Query Autocomplete prediction.
class google_maps_places_QueryAutocompletePrediction {
* This is the unformatted version of the query suggested by the Places service.
* @var string $description
public $description;
* A set of substrings in the place's description that match elements in the user's
* input, suitable for use in highlighting those substrings. Each substring is ide
* ntified by an offset and a length, expressed in unicode characters.
* @var array $matched_substrings
public $matched_substrings;
* Information about individual terms in the above description. Categorical terms c
* ome first (e.g., "restaurant"). Address terms appear from most to least specific
* . For example, "San Francisco", and "CA".
* @var array $terms
public $terms;
*An QueryAutocompletion request to be sent to the QueryAutocompleteService.
class google_maps_places_QueryAutocompletionRequest {
* Bounds for prediction biasing. Predictions will be biased towards, but not restr
* icted to, the given bounds. Both location and radius will be ignored if bounds i
* s set.
* @var google_maps_LatLngBounds $bounds
public $bounds;
* The user entered input string.
* @var string $input
public $input;
* Location for prediction biasing. Predictions will be biased towards the given lo
* cation and radius. Alternatively, bounds can be used.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $location
public $location;
* The character position in the input term at which the service uses text for pred
* ictions (the position of the cursor in the input field).
* @var integer $offset
public $offset;
* The radius of the area used for prediction biasing. The radius is specified in m
* eters, and must always be accompanied by a location property. Alternatively, bou
* nds can be used.
* @var integer $radius
public $radius;
*Ranking options for a PlaceSearchRequest.
class google_maps_places_RankBy {
*The options that can be set on a SearchBox object.
class google_maps_places_SearchBoxOptions {
*A text search request to be sent to the PlacesService.
class google_maps_places_TextSearchRequest {
* Bounds used to bias results when searching for Places (optional). Both location
* and radius will be ignored if bounds is set. Results will not be restricted to t
* hose inside these bounds; but, results inside it will rank higher.
* @var google_maps_LatLngBounds $bounds
public $bounds;
* The center of the area used to bias results when searching for Places.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $location
public $location;
* The request's query term. e.g. the name of a place ('Eiffel Tower'), a category
* followed by the name of a location ('pizza in New York'), or the name of a place
* followed by a location disambiguator ('Starbucks in Sydney').
* @var string $query
public $query;
* The radius of the area used to bias results when searching for Places, in meters
* .
* @var integer $radius
public $radius;
* Restricts the Place search results to Places with a type matching at least one o
* f the specified types in this array. Valid types are given here.
* @var array $types
public $types;
*Allows users to draw markers, polygons, polylines, rectangles, and circles on th
* e map. The DrawingManager's drawing mode defines the type of overlay that will b
* e created by the user. Adds a control to the map, allowing the user to switch dr
* awing mode.
class google_maps_drawing_DrawingManager {
* Returns the DrawingManager's drawing mode.
* @return google_maps_OverlayType
public function getDrawingMode(){}
* Returns the Map to which the DrawingManager is attached, which is the Map on whi
* ch the overlays created will be placed.
* @return google_maps_Map
public function getMap(){}
* Changes the DrawingManager's drawing mode, which defines the type of overlay to
* be added on the map. Accepted values are MARKER, POLYGON, POLYLINE, RECTANGLE, C
* IRCLE, or null. A drawing mode of null means that the user can interact with the
* map as normal, and clicks do not draw anything.
* @var google_maps_OverlayType $drawingMode
* @return void
public function setDrawingMode(google_maps_OverlayType $drawingMode){}
* Attaches the DrawingManager object to the specified Map.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
* @return void
public function setMap(google_maps_Map $map){}
* Sets the DrawingManager's options.
* @var google_maps_DrawingManagerOptions $options
* @return void
public function setOptions(google_maps_DrawingManagerOptions $options){}
*Options for the drawing manager.
class google_maps_drawing_DrawingManagerOptions {
* Options to apply to any new circles created with this DrawingManager. The center
* and radius properties are ignored, and the map property of a new circle is alwa
* ys set to the DrawingManager's map.
* @var google_maps_CircleOptions $circleOptions
public $circleOptions;
* The enabled/disabled state of the drawing control. Defaults to true.
* @var boolean $drawingControl
public $drawingControl;
* The display options for the drawing control.
* @var google_maps_DrawingControlOptions $drawingControlOptions
public $drawingControlOptions;
* The DrawingManager's drawing mode, which defines the type of overlay to be added
* on the map. Accepted values are MARKER, POLYGON, POLYLINE, RECTANGLE, CIRCLE, o
* r null. A drawing mode of null means that the user can interact with the map as
* normal, and clicks do not draw anything.
* @var google_maps_OverlayType $drawingMode
public $drawingMode;
* The Map to which the DrawingManager is attached, which is the Map on which the o
* verlays created will be placed.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
public $map;
* Options to apply to any new markers created with this DrawingManager. The positi
* on property is ignored, and the map property of a new marker is always set to th
* e DrawingManager's map.
* @var google_maps_MarkerOptions $markerOptions
public $markerOptions;
* Options to apply to any new polygons created with this DrawingManager. The paths
* property is ignored, and the map property of a new polygon is always set to the
* DrawingManager's map.
* @var google_maps_PolygonOptions $polygonOptions
public $polygonOptions;
* Options to apply to any new polylines created with this DrawingManager. The path
* property is ignored, and the map property of a new polyline is always set to th
* e DrawingManager's map.
* @var google_maps_PolylineOptions $polylineOptions
public $polylineOptions;
* Options to apply to any new rectangles created with this DrawingManager. The bou
* nds property is ignored, and the map property of a new rectangle is always set t
* o the DrawingManager's map.
* @var google_maps_RectangleOptions $rectangleOptions
public $rectangleOptions;
*Options for the rendering of the drawing control.
class google_maps_drawing_DrawingControlOptions {
* The drawing modes to display in the drawing control, in the order in which they
* are to be displayed. The hand icon (which corresponds to the null drawing mode)
* is always available and is not to be specified in this array. Defaults to [MARKE
* @var array $drawingModes
public $drawingModes;
* Position id. Used to specify the position of the control on the map. The default
* position is TOP_LEFT.
* @var google_maps_ControlPosition $position
public $position;
*The properties of an overlaycomplete event on a DrawingManager.
class google_maps_drawing_OverlayCompleteEvent {
* The completed overlay.
* @var google_maps_Marker|google_maps_Polygon|google_maps_Polyline|google_maps_Rectangle|google_maps_Circle $overlay
public $overlay;
* The completed overlay's type.
* @var google_maps_OverlayType $type
public $type;
*This object defines the properties that can be set on a WeatherLayer object.
class google_maps_weather_WeatherLayerOptions {
* If true, the layer receives mouse events. Default value is true.
* @var boolean $clickable
public $clickable;
* The color of labels on the weather layer. If this is not explicitly set, the lab
* el color is chosen automatically depending on the map type.
* @var google_maps_LabelColor $labelColor
public $labelColor;
* The map on which to display the layer.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
public $map;
* Suppress the rendering of info windows when weather icons are clicked.
* @var boolean $suppressInfoWindows
public $suppressInfoWindows;
* The units to use for temperature.
* @var google_maps_TemperatureUnit $temperatureUnits
public $temperatureUnits;
* The units to use for wind speed.
* @var google_maps_WindSpeedUnit $windSpeedUnits
public $windSpeedUnits;
*The temperature unit displayed by the weather layer.
class google_maps_weather_TemperatureUnit {
*The properties of a mouse event on a WeatherLayer.
class google_maps_weather_WeatherMouseEvent {
* A WeatherFeature object containing information about the clicked feature.
* @var google_maps_WeatherFeature $featureDetails
public $featureDetails;
* Pre-rendered HTML content to display within a feature's InfoWindow when clicked.
* @var string $infoWindowHtml
public $infoWindowHtml;
* The position at which to anchor an info window on the clicked feature.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $latLng
public $latLng;
* The offset to apply to an info window anchored on the clicked feature.
* @var google_maps_Size $pixelOffset
public $pixelOffset;
*Describes a single Weather feature.
class google_maps_weather_WeatherFeature {
* The current weather conditions at this location.
* @var google_maps_WeatherConditions $current
public $current;
* A forecast of weather conditions over the next four days. The forecast array is
* always in chronological order.
* @var array $forecast
public $forecast;
* The location name of this feature, e.g. "San Francisco, California".
* @var string $location
public $location;
* The temperature units being used.
* @var google_maps_TemperatureUnit $temperatureUnit
public $temperatureUnit;
* The wind speed units being used.
* @var google_maps_WindSpeedUnit $windSpeedUnit
public $windSpeedUnit;
*Describes a single weather feature.
class google_maps_weather_WeatherConditions {
* The current day of the week in long form, e.g. "Monday".
* @var string $day
public $day;
* A description of the conditions, e.g. "Partly Cloudy".
* @var string $description
public $description;
* The highest temperature reached during the day.
* @var integer $high
public $high;
* The current humidity, expressed as a percentage.
* @var integer $humidity
public $humidity;
* The lowest temperature reached during the day.
* @var integer $low
public $low;
* The current day of the week in short form, e.g. "M".
* @var string $shortDay
public $shortDay;
* The current temperature, in the specified temperature units.
* @var integer $temperature
public $temperature;
* The current wind direction.
* @var string $windDirection
public $windDirection;
* The current wind speed, in the specified wind speed units.
* @var integer $windSpeed
public $windSpeed;
*Describes a single day's weather forecast.
class google_maps_weather_WeatherForecast {
* The day of the week in long form, e.g. "Monday".
* @var string $day
public $day;
* A description of the conditions, e.g. "Partly Cloudy".
* @var string $description
public $description;
* The highest temperature reached during the day.
* @var integer $high
public $high;
* The lowest temperature reached during the day.
* @var integer $low
public $low;
* The day of the week in short form, e.g. "M".
* @var string $shortDay
public $shortDay;
*A layer that provides a client-side rendered heatmap, depicting the intensity of
* data at geographical points.
class google_maps_visualization_HeatmapLayer {
* Returns the data points currently displayed by this heatmap.
* @return array|google_maps_WeightedLocation>
public function getData(){}
* @return google_maps_Map
public function getMap(){}
* Sets the data points to be displayed by this heatmap.
* @var array $data
* @return void
public function setData(array $data){}
* Renders the heatmap on the specified map. If map is set to null, the heatmap wil
* l be removed.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
* @return void
public function setMap(google_maps_Map $map){}
*This object defines the properties that can be set on a HeatmapLayer object.
class google_maps_visualization_HeatmapLayerOptions {
* The data points to display. Required.
* @var array $data
public $data;
* Specifies whether heatmaps dissipate on zoom. By default, the radius of influenc
* e of a data point is specified by the radius option only. When dissipating is di
* sabled, the radius option is intepreted as a radius at zoom level 0.
* @var boolean $dissipating
public $dissipating;
* The color gradient of the heatmap, specified as an array of CSS color strings. A
* ll CSS3 colors are supported except for extended named colors.
* @var array $gradient
public $gradient;
* The map on which to display the layer.
* @var google_maps_Map $map
public $map;
* The maximum intensity of the heatmap. By default, heatmap colors are dynamically
* scaled according to the greatest concentration of points at any particular pixe
* l on the map. This property allows you to specify a fixed maximum.
* @var integer $maxIntensity
public $maxIntensity;
* The opacity of the heatmap, expressed as a number between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0
* .6.
* @var integer $opacity
public $opacity;
* The radius of influence for each data point, in pixels.
* @var integer $radius
public $radius;
*A data point entry for a heatmap. This is a geographical data point with a weigh
* t attribute.
class google_maps_visualization_WeightedLocation {
* The location of data point.
* @var google_maps_LatLng $location
public $location;
* The weighting value of the data point.
* @var integer $weight
public $weight;