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File: ratchetio.php

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File: ratchetio.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Ratchetio and RatchetioNotifier classes
Track PHP script errors with service
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Date: 12 years ago
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<?php /** * Singleton-style wrapper around RatchetioNotifier * * Unless you need multiple RatchetioNotifier instances in the same project, use this. */ class Ratchetio { public static $instance = null; public static function init($config, $set_exception_handler = true, $set_error_handler = true) { self::$instance = new RatchetioNotifier($config); if ($set_exception_handler) { set_exception_handler('Ratchetio::report_exception'); } if ($set_error_handler) { set_error_handler('Ratchetio::report_php_error'); } if (self::$instance->batched) { register_shutdown_function('Ratchetio::flush'); } } public static function report_exception($exc) { if (self::$instance == null) { return; } self::$instance->report_exception($exc); } public static function report_message($message, $level = 'error') { if (self::$instance == null) { return; } self::$instance->report_message($message, $level); } public static function report_php_error($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { if (self::$instance == null) { return; } self::$instance->report_php_error($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline); } public static function flush() { self::$instance->flush(); } } class RatchetioNotifier { const VERSION = "0.2.5"; // required public $access_token = ''; // optional / defaults public $root = ''; public $environment = 'production'; public $branch = 'master'; public $logger = null; public $base_api_url = ''; public $batched = true; public $batch_size = 50; public $timeout = 3; public $max_errno = -1; public $capture_error_backtraces = true; public $error_sample_rates = array(); private $config_keys = array('access_token', 'root', 'environment', 'branch', 'logger', 'base_api_url', 'batched', 'batch_size', 'timeout', 'max_errno', 'capture_error_backtraces', 'error_sample_rates'); // cached values for request/server data private $_request_data = null; private $_server_data = null; // payload queue, used when $batched is true private $_queue = array(); private $_mt_randmax; public function __construct($config) { foreach ($this->config_keys as $key) { if (isset($config[$key])) { $this->$key = $config[$key]; } } if (!$this->access_token) { $this->log_error('Missing access token'); } // fill in missing values in error_sample_rates $levels = array(E_WARNING, E_NOTICE, E_USER_ERROR, E_USER_WARNING, E_USER_NOTICE, E_STRICT, E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, E_DEPRECATED, E_USER_DEPRECATED); $curr = 1; for ($i = 0, $num = count($levels); $i < $num; $i++) { $level = $levels[$i]; if (isset($this->error_sample_rates[$level])) { $curr = $this->error_sample_rates[$level]; } else { $this->error_sample_rates[$level] = $curr; } } // cache this value $this->_mt_randmax = mt_getrandmax(); } public function report_exception($exc) { try { $this->_report_exception($exc); } catch (Exception $e) { try { $this->log_error("Exception while reporting exception"); } catch (Exception $e) { // swallow } } } public function report_message($message, $level = 'error') { try { $this->_report_message($message, $level); } catch (Exception $e) { try { $this->log_error("Exception while reporting message"); } catch (Exception $e) { // swallow } } } public function report_php_error($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { try { $this->_report_php_error($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline); } catch (Exception $e) { try { $this->log_error("Exception while reporting php error"); } catch (Exception $e) { // swallow } } } /** * Flushes the queue. * Called internally when the queue exceeds $batch_size, and by Ratchetio::flush * on shutdown. */ public function flush() { $queue_size = count($this->_queue); if ($queue_size > 0) { $this->log_info('Flushing queue of size ' . $queue_size); $this->send_batch($this->_queue); $this->_queue = array(); } } private function _report_exception($exc) { if (!$this->check_config()) { return; } $data = $this->build_base_data(); // exception info $frames = $this->build_exception_frames($exc); $data['body'] = array( 'trace' => array( 'frames' => $this->build_exception_frames($exc), 'exception' => array( 'class' => get_class($exc), 'message' => $exc->getMessage() ) ) ); // request data $data['request'] = $this->build_request_data(); // server data $data['server'] = $this->build_server_data(); $payload = $this->build_payload($data); $this->send_payload($payload); } private function _report_php_error($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { if (!$this->check_config()) { return; } if ($this->max_errno != -1 && $errno >= $this->max_errno) { // ignore return; } if (isset($this->error_sample_rates[$errno])) { // get a float in the range [0, 1) // mt_rand() is inclusive, so add 1 to mt_randmax $float_rand = mt_rand() / ($this->_mt_randmax + 1); if ($float_rand > $this->error_sample_rates[$errno]) { // skip return; } } $data = $this->build_base_data(); // set error level and error constant name $level = 'info'; $constant = '#' . $errno; switch ($errno) { case 2: $level = 'warning'; $constant = 'E_WARNING'; break; case 8: $level = 'info'; $constant = 'E_NOTICE'; break; case 256: $level = 'error'; $constant = 'E_USER_ERROR'; break; case 512: $level = 'warning'; $constant = 'E_USER_WARNING'; break; case 1024: $level = 'info'; $constant = 'E_USER_NOTICE'; break; case 2048: $level = 'info'; $constant = 'E_STRICT'; break; case 4096: $level = 'error'; $constant = 'E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR'; break; case 8192: $level = 'info'; $constant = 'E_DEPRECATED'; break; case 16384: $level = 'info'; $constant = 'E_USER_DEPRECATED'; break; } $data['level'] = $level; // use the whole $errstr. may want to split this by colon for better de-duping. $error_class = $constant . ': ' . $errstr; // build something that looks like an exception $data['body'] = array( 'trace' => array( 'frames' => $this->build_error_frames($errfile, $errline), 'exception' => array( 'class' => $error_class ) ) ); // request data $data['request'] = $this->build_request_data(); // server data $data['server'] = $this->build_server_data(); $payload = $this->build_payload($data); $this->send_payload($payload); } private function _report_message($message, $level) { if (!$this->check_config()) { return; } $data = $this->build_base_data(); $data['level'] = strtolower($level); $data['body'] = array( 'message' => array( 'body' => $message ) ); $data['request'] = $this->build_request_data(); $data['server'] = $this->build_server_data(); $payload = $this->build_payload($data); $this->send_payload($payload); } private function check_config() { return $this->access_token && strlen($this->access_token) == 32; } private function build_request_data() { if ($this->_request_data === null) { $request = array( 'url' => $this->current_url(), 'user_ip' => $this->user_ip(), 'headers' => $this->headers(), 'method' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], ); if ($_GET) { $request['GET'] = $_GET; } if ($_POST) { $request['POST'] = $_POST; } if (isset($_SESSION) && $_SESSION) { $request['session'] = $_SESSION; } $this->_request_data = $request; } return $this->_request_data; } private function headers() { $headers = array(); foreach ($_SERVER as $key => $val) { if (substr($key, 0, 5) == 'HTTP_') { // convert HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE to Content-Type, HTTP_HOST to Host, etc. $name = strtolower(substr($key, 5)); if (strpos($name, '_') != -1) { $name = preg_replace('/ /', '-', ucwords(preg_replace('/_/', ' ', $name))); } else { $name = ucfirst($name); } $headers[$name] = $val; } } if (count($headers) > 0) { return $headers; } else { // serializes to emtpy json object return new stdClass; } } private function current_url() { // should work with apache. not sure about other environments. $proto = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') ? 'https' : 'http'; $host = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : 'unknown'; $port = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] : 80; $path = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] : '/'; $url = $proto . '://' . $host; if (($proto == 'https' && $port != 443) || ($proto == 'http' && $port != 80)) { $url .= ':' . $port; } $url .= $path; return $url; } private function user_ip() { $forwardfor = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']; if ($forwardfor) { // return everything until the first comma $parts = explode(',', $forwardfor); return $parts[0]; } $realip = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REAL_IP']; if ($realip) { return $realip; } return $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; } private function build_exception_frames($exc) { $frames = array(); foreach ($exc->getTrace() as $frame) { $frames[] = array( 'filename' => $frame['file'], 'lineno' => $frame['line'], 'method' => $frame['function'] // TODO include args? need to sanitize first. ); } // add top-level file and line $frames[] = array( 'filename' => $exc->getFile(), 'lineno' => $exc->getLine() ); return $frames; } private function build_error_frames($errfile, $errline) { $frames = array(); if ($this->capture_error_backtraces) { $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); foreach ($backtrace as $frame) { // skip frames in this file if (isset($frame['file']) && $frame['file'] == __FILE__) { continue; } // skip the confusing set_error_handler frame if ($frame['function'] == 'report_php_error' && count($frames) == 0) { continue; } $frames[] = array( 'filename' => $frame['file'], 'lineno' => $frame['line'], 'method' => $frame['function'] ); } } // add top-level file and line $frames[] = array( 'filename' => $errfile, 'lineno' => $errline ); return $frames; } private function build_server_data() { if ($this->_server_data === null) { $server_data = array( 'host' => gethostname() ); if ($this->branch) { $server_data['branch'] = $this->branch; } if ($this->root) { $server_data['root'] = $this->root; } $this->_server_data = $server_data; } return $this->_server_data; } private function build_base_data($level = 'error') { return array( 'timestamp' => time(), 'environment' => $this->environment, 'level' => $level, 'language' => 'php', 'framework' => 'php', 'notifier' => array( 'name' => 'ratchetio-php', 'version' => self::VERSION ) ); } private function build_payload($data) { return array( 'access_token' => $this->access_token, 'data' => $data ); } private function send_payload($payload) { if ($this->batched) { if (count($this->_queue) >= $this->batch_size) { // flush queue before adding payload to queue $this->flush(); } $this->_queue[] = $payload; } else { $this->_send_payload($payload); } } /** * Sends a single payload to the /item endpoint. * $payload - php array */ private function _send_payload($payload) { $this->log_info("Sending payload"); $post_data = json_encode($payload); $this->make_api_call('item', $post_data); } /** * Sends a batch of payloads to the /batch endpoint. * A batch is just an array of standalone payloads. * $batch - php array of payloads */ private function send_batch($batch) { $this->log_info("Sending batch"); $post_data = json_encode($batch); $this->make_api_call('item_batch', $post_data); } private function make_api_call($action, $post_data) { $url = $this->base_api_url . $action . '/'; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_data); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $this->timeout); $result = curl_exec($ch); $status_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE); curl_close($ch); if ($status_code != 200) { $this->log_warning('Got unexpected status code from API ' . $action . ': ' .$status_code); $this->log_warning('Output: ' .$result); } else { $this->log_info('Success'); } } /* Logging */ private function log_info($msg) { $this->log_message("INFO", $msg); } private function log_warning($msg) { $this->log_message("WARNING", $msg); } private function log_error($msg) { $this->log_message("ERROR", $msg); } private function log_message($level, $msg) { if ($this->logger !== null) { $this->logger->log($level, $msg); } } } ?>