// Since PHP 5.4
// $html = new OnHTML(null,'div')->attr('class','main')->attr('data-demo','demo');
// Compatible
$html = new OnHTML(null);
// Set $html class to main and attribute data-demo to demo. Attr is jQuery.attr compatible.
// Set some css. Css is jQuery.css compatible.
$html->css('padding','10px')->css('border','1px solid red');
// Lets create a new sub element of $html
$other = $html->addElement(null,'ul')->addClass('aaa','bbb','ccc');
// Some sub element generation
for($i = 0;$i<=100; $i++){
// And we output the result.
echo $html->json();
// Request log.
// ob_start();
// print_r($_GET);
// $log = date('H:i:s').':'.PHP_EOL.ob_get_clean().PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;
// file_put_contents('request_log.txt',$log,FILE_APPEND);