* x0Cache engine
* Version 0.1.0
* Copyright (c) 2012 F3llony, [email protected]
* Website: http://cache.x0.lv/
* Licensed under the terms of
* Base class for x0Cache caching mechanism.
class x0cache
// $config will contain reference to active configuration.
// You can modify configuration options in the runtime.
public $config = null;
// Engine currently loaded.
public $engine;
// Active engine name
public $activeEngineName = null;
// Session object. Null if not active.
public $session = null;
// Constructor, loads config and engine.
public function __construct( $user_engine = null ,$user_sessions = null)
define( '__x0path', dirname( __FILE__ ) );
throw new Exception( 'x0Cache: unsupported PHP version: ' . PHP_VERSION . '. Minimum supported version is PHP 5.3.10. Code: 1004', 1004 );
require( __x0path . '/x0cache/config.php' );
$this->config = $x0config;
if ( $user_engine == null )
$this->loadEngine( $this->config->engine );
$this->loadEngine( $user_engine );
if($user_sessions == true || ($user_sessions == null && $this->config->session->enable == true)){
require(__x0path . '/x0cache/session.php');
$this->session = new x0cacheSession($this->config);
/* Loads caching engine. You can switch between caching engines in runtime using this function.
* Gotcha: x0Cache DOES NOT monitors what keys are stored in what engines!
* If you store value in one engine, then switch to different one, you must switch back to
* engine in wich you stored the value, otherwise your value will be non-existent in new engine
* and this might lead to false 'exists' results.
public function loadEngine( $name )
require(__x0path . '/x0cache/engine_' . $name . '.php');
$this->engine = new $name( $this->config );
$this->activeEngineName = $name;
return true;
// Wrapper to store item in engine selected. Will ALWAYS overwrite existing items. NO EXCEPTIONS!
// Key must always be 3 or more symbols long, must contain only "A-z", "0-9", and "_".
public function set( $key, $val, $ttl = 0 )
if ( strlen( $key ) < 3 )
throw new Exception( 'x0Cache: failed to cache variable with key "' . $key . '" - name too short. Minimum length is 3 symbols. Code 1003', 1003 );
if ( is_scalar( $val ) || is_array( $val ) || is_object( $val ) )
return $this->engine->set( (string) $key, $val, $ttl );
if ( $this->config->debug == true )
throw new Exception( 'x0Cache: failed to cache unsupported variable type "' . gettype( $val ) . '" with key "' . $key . '". Code 1002', 1002 );
return false;
public function get( $key )
return $this->engine->get( $key );
public function delete( $key )
return $this->engine->delete( $key );
public function exists( $key )
return $this->engine->exists( $key );
public function flush()
return $this->engine->flush();
// Encrypts values for caching if engine encryption is enabled
static function encrypt( $key, $value, $algo )
if ( is_array( $value ) || is_object( $value ) )
$value = 'x0cser:' . serialize( $value );
$enc = mcrypt_encrypt( $algo, $key, 'x0env:' . $value, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB );
return base64_encode( $enc );
// Decrypts values from cache engine if encryption is enabled.
static function decrypt( $key, $value, $algo )
$data = mcrypt_decrypt( $algo, $key, base64_decode( $value ), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB );
if ( substr( $data, 0, 6 ) != 'x0env:' )
throw new Exception( 'x0Cache: unexpected- unable to decrypt encrypted value. If You had changed the encryption key, You must flush the cache. Code: 5001', 5001 );
return false;
$data = trim(substr( $data, 6 ));
if ( substr( $data, 0, 7 ) == 'x0cser:' )
$data = trim( $data );
$data = unserialize( substr( $data, 7 ) );
return $data;