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* @ASCOOS-VERSION : 24.0.0 *
* @ASCOOS-CATEGORY : Framework (Frontend and Administrator Side) *
* @ASCOOS-CREATOR : Drogidis Christos *
* @ASCOOS-SITE : www.ascoos.com *
* @ASCOOS-LICENSE : [Commercial] http://docs.ascoos.com/lics/ascoos/AGL.html *
* @ASCOOS-COPYRIGHT : Copyright (c) 2007 - 2024, AlexSoft Software. *
* @package : ASCOOS FRAMEWORK Examples
* @subpackage : Get the day of the week.
* @source : afw-examples/classes/TDatesHandler/getWeekday.php
* @fileNo :
* @version : 24.0.5
* @created : 2024-12-10 07:00:00 UTC+3
* @updated :
* @author : Drogidis Christos
* @authorSite : www.alexsoft.gr
* @license : AGL-F
* @since PHP 8.2
require_once '../../autoload.php';
use ASCOOS\FRAMEWORK\Kernel\Dates\TDatesHandler;
<English> Create a TDatesHandler object with a "Europe/Athens" time zone
<Greek> ?????????? ???????????? TDatesHandler ?? ???? ???? "Europe/Athens"
$objDates = new TDatesHandler('Europe/Athens');
echo "Class Initialized with Timezone: Europe/Athens<br><hr>";
// ?????????? ??????: getWeekday
$date = "2024-12-01";
$weekday = $objDates->getWeekday($date);
echo "Weekday for date $date: $weekday<br>"; // Output: Sunday