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File: Grid/Source/Doctrine2.php

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File: Grid/Source/Doctrine2.php
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Class: Zend Framework Data Grid
Display and edit data from a database in a grid
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<?php use \Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository, \Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder, \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager, \Doctrine\ORM\Query, Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST, \Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type, \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata; /** * Provides you the ability to use Doctrine as a source * with the Grid. * * @package Bvb_Grid * @author Martin Parsiegla <> */ class Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine2 extends Bvb_Grid_Source_Db_DbAbstract implements Bvb_Grid_Source_SourceInterface { /** * @var QueryBuilder */ private $qb; /** * @var EntityManager */ private $entityManager; /** * An array containing title, type and fieldname from the query fields. * * @var array */ private $fields; /** * Array with all defined where conditions. * * @var array */ private $whereConditions = array(); /** * Ascii coded alias (97 = 'a'). * * @var integer */ private $alias = 97; /** * The parameter number to use. * * @var int */ private $paramterNumber = 1; /** * Class construct. * * @param string|QueryBuilder $value * @param EntityManager $entityManager */ function __construct($value, $entityManager = null) { $this->setEntityManager($entityManager); $this->setQueryBuilder($value); } /** * Retriev the entity manager. * * @return EntityManager */ public function getEntityManager() { return $this->entityManager; } /** * Sets the entity manager. * * If no entity manager is assigned, we try to get it from the registry. * * @param EntityManager $entityManager */ public function setEntityManager($entityManager = null) { if(is_null($entityManager)) { if(Zend_Registry::isRegistered('doctrine')) { $entityManager = Zend_Registry::get('doctrine')->getEntityManager(); } elseif(Zend_Registry::isRegistered('EntityManager')) { $entityManager = Zend_Registry::get('EntityManager'); } else { throw new Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine2_Exception('No suitable EntityManager found in registry, please set a specific one.'); } } elseif(!($entityManager instanceof EntityManager)) { throw new Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine2_Exception('Parameter must be an instance of \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager'); } $this->entityManager = $entityManager; } /** * Returns the query builder. * * @return QueryBuilder */ public function getQueryBuilder() { return $this->qb; } /** * Sets the query builder. * * @param string|EntityManager|EntityRepository $value * @return Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine2 */ public function setQueryBuilder($value) { //if the value is a string, check if the entity class //exists and create the query builder if(is_string($value)) { $em = $this->getEntityManager(); //check if the class exists, surpress any warnings if(!@class_exists($value, true)) { throw new Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine2_Exception('Entity with name ' . $value . ' does not exist.'); } $qb = $em->getRepository($value)->createQueryBuilder('d'); } elseif($value instanceof EntityRepository) { $qb = $value->createQueryBuilder('d'); } elseif(!($value instanceof QueryBuilder)) { throw new Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine2_Exception('Parameter must be an instance of \Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository or \Doctrine\ORM\QueryBuilder.'); } else { $qb = $value; } $this->qb = $qb; return $this; } /** * Adds a new condition to the current query * $filter is the value to be filtered * $op is the opreand to be used: =,>=, like, llike,REGEX, * $completeField. use the index $completField['field'] to * specify the field, to avoid ambiguous * * @param $filter * @param $op * @param $completeField * @return Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine */ public function addCondition($filter, $op, $completeField) { $field = $completeField['field']; $this->whereConditions[$field]['filter'] = $filter; $this->whereConditions[$field]['op'] = $op; $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); $this->_addCondition($qb, $field, $op, $filter); return $this; } /** * Adds a new condition to the given QueryBuilder. * * @param QueryBuilder $qb * @param string $field The field to be used for the condition * @param string $op The operator to be used for the condition. * @param string $filter */ private function _addCondition(QueryBuilder $qb, $field, $op, $filter) { $pn = $this->_getNewParameterNumber(); $pnUse = '?' . $pn; $func = 'where'; if(strpos($field, '(') !== false) { $func = 'having'; } $havingPart = $qb->getDQLPart('having'); $wherePart = $qb->getDQLPart('where'); if($func == 'having' && !empty($havingPart)) { $func = 'andHaving'; } elseif($func == 'where' && !empty($wherePart)) { $func = 'andWhere'; } switch(strtolower($op)) { case 'sqlexp': $qb->$func($filter); break; case 'isnull': $qb->$func($field . ' IS NULL '); break; case 'isnotnull': $qb->$func($field . ' IS NOT NULL '); break; case 'empty': $expr = $qb->expr()->eq($field, ''); $qb->$func($expr); break; case 'equal': case '=': $expr = $qb->expr()->eq($field, $pnUse); $qb->$func($expr); $qb->setParameter($pn, $filter); break; case 'regex': $qb->$func($field . " REGEXP " . $pnUse); $qb->setParameter($pn, $filter); break; case 'rlike': $expr = $qb->expr()->like($field, $pnUse); $qb->$func($expr); $qb->setParameter($pn, $filter . "%"); break; case 'llike': $expr = $qb->expr()->like($field, $pnUse); $qb->$func($expr); $qb->setParameter($pn, "%" . $filter); break; case '>=': $expr = $qb->expr()->gte($field, $pnUse); $qb->$func($expr); $qb->setParameter($pn, $filter); break; case '>': $expr = $qb->expr()->gt($field, $pnUse); $qb->$func($expr); $qb->setParameter($pn, $filter); break; case '<>': case '!=': $expr = $qb->expr()->neq($field, $pnUse); $qb->$func($expr); $qb->setParameter($pn, $filter); break; case '<=': $expr = $qb->expr()->lte($field, $pnUse); $qb->$func($expr); $qb->setParameter($pn, $filter); break; case '<': $expr = $qb->expr()->lt($field, $pnUse); $qb->$func($expr); $qb->setParameter($pn, $filter); break; case 'in': $filter = explode(',', $filter); $qb->$func($qb->expr()->in($field, $filter)); break; case '&': case 'and': case 'AND': case 'flag': case 'FLAG': $qb->$func($field . " & " . $pnUse . " <> 0"); $qb->setParameter($pn, $filter); break; case 'range': $pn2 = $this->_getNewParameterNumber(); $pn2Use = '?' . $pn2; $expr = $qb->expr()->between($field, $pnUse, $pn2Use); $start = substr($filter, 0, strpos($filter, '<>')); $end = substr($filter, strpos($filter, '<>') + 2); $qb->$func($expr); $qb->setParameter($pn, $start); $qb->setParameter($pn2, $end); break; case '||': $expr = $qb->expr()->like($field, $pnUse); $qb->orWhere($expr); $qb->setParameter($pn, "%" . $filter . "%"); break; case 'like': default: $expr = $qb->expr()->like($field, $pnUse); $qb->$func($expr); $qb->setParameter($pn, "%" . $filter . "%"); break; } return $this; } public function addFullTextSearch($filter, $field) { throw new Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine2_Exception("Fulltext searching is currently not supported by the Doctrine2 source."); } /** * builds a key=>value array * * they must have two options * title and field * field is used to perform queries. * Must have table name or table alias as a prefix * ex: | country.population * * The key for this array is the output field * If raw sql is somehting like * * select name as alias, country from users * * the return array must be like this: * * array('alias'=>array('title'=>'alias','field'=>'')); * * its not bad idea to apply this to fields titles * $title = ucwords(str_replace('_',' ',$title)); * * @return array */ public function buildFields() { if(empty($fields)) { $ast = $this->getQueryBuilder()->getQuery()->getAST(); //used for expressions without an identification variable $fieldNumber = 1; $returnFields = array(); foreach($ast->selectClause->selectExpressions as $selectExpression) { $expression = $selectExpression->expression; //if the expression is a string, there is an alias used to get all fields //to get all fields from the alias, we fetch the entity class and retrieve //the metadata from it, so we can set the fields correctly if(is_string($expression)) { //the expression itself is a pathexpression, where we can directly //fetch the title and field $alias = $expression; $tableName = $this->_getModelFromAlias($alias); $metadata = $this->getEntityManager()->getClassMetadata($tableName); foreach($metadata->fieldMappings as $key => $details) { $returnFields[$key]['title'] = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $key)); $returnFields[$key]['field'] = $alias . '.' . $key; $returnFields[$key]['type'] = $details['type']; } } elseif($expression instanceof AST\PathExpression) { $field = ($selectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable != null) ? $selectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable : $expression->field; $returnFields[$field]['title'] = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $field)); $returnFields[$field]['field'] = $expression->identificationVariable . '.' . $expression->field; } elseif($expression instanceof AST\Subselect) { //handle subselects. we only need the identification variable for the field $field = $selectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable; $title = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $field)); $returnFields[$field]['title'] = $title; $returnFields[$field]['field'] = $field; } else { $field = $selectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable; //doctrine uses numeric keys for expressions which got no //identification variable, so the key will be set to the //current counter $i if($field === null) { $field = $this->_getNameForExpression($expression); $key = $fieldNumber; $fieldNumber++; } else { $key = $field; } $title = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $field)); $returnFields[$key]['title'] = $title; $returnFields[$key]['field'] = $field; } } $this->fields = $returnFields; } return $this->fields; } /** * Generates the expression used in the select expression * * @param FunctionNode $expression * @return string */ private function _getNameForExpression($expression) { $str = ''; foreach($expression as $key => $sub) { if($sub instanceof AST\PathExpression) { $str .= $sub->identificationVariable . '.' . $sub->field; if($expression instanceof AST\Functions\FunctionNode) { $str = $expression->name . '(' . $str . ')'; } elseif($expression instanceof AST\AggregateExpression) { $str = $expression->functionName . '(' . $str . ')'; } //when we got another array, we will call the method recursive and add //brackets for readability. } elseif(is_array($sub)) { $str .= '(' . $this->_getNameForExpression($sub) . ')'; //call the method recursive to get all names. } elseif(is_object($sub)) { $str .= $this->_getNameForExpression($sub); //key is numeric and value is a string, we probably got an //arithmetic identifier (like "-" or "/") } elseif(is_numeric($key) && is_string($sub)) { $str .= ' ' . $sub . ' '; //we got a string value for example in an arithmetic expression //(a.value - 1) the "1" here is the value we append to the string here } elseif($key == 'value') { $str .= $sub; } } return $str; } /** * Build the form based on a Model or query. * * @return array */ public function buildForm($inputsType = array()) { $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); //create the form based on the main table $mainTable = $this->getMainTable(); $em = $this->getEntityManager(); $metadata = $em->getClassMetadata($mainTable['table']); return $this->buildFormElements($metadata->fieldMappings, $metadata, $inputsType); } /** * Will build out an array of form elements, * based on the column type and return the array * to be used when loading the Bvb_Grid_Form * * @param array $cols * @param array $info * @return array */ public function buildFormElements(array $cols, $info = array(), $inputsType = array()) { $form = array(); $em = $this->getEntityManager(); foreach($cols as $column => $detail) { if(isset($detail['id']) && $detail['id']) { continue; } $label = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $column)); switch($detail['type']) { case Type::STRING: $length = (is_null($detail['length'])) ? 255 : $detail['length']; $return[$column] = array('type' => 'smallText', 'length' => $length, 'label' => $label, 'required' => !$detail['nullable'], 'default' => ""); break; case Type::DATE: $return[$column] = array('type' => 'date', 'label' => $label, 'required' => !$detail['nullable'], 'default' => ""); break; case Type::TIME: $return[$column] = array('type' => 'time', 'label' => $label, 'required' => !$detail['nullable'], 'default' => ""); break; case Type::DATETIME: case Type::DATETIMETZ: $return[$column] = array('type' => 'datetime', 'label' => $label, 'required' => !$detail['nullable'], 'default' => ""); break; case Type::TEXT: $return[$column] = array('type' => 'longtext', 'label' => $label, 'required' => !$detail['nullable'], 'default' => ""); break; case Type::INTEGER: case Type::BIGINT: case Type::SMALLINT: $return[$column] = array('type' => 'number', 'label' => $label, 'required' => !$detail['nullable'], 'default' => ""); break; case Type::FLOAT: case Type::DECIMAL: $return[$column] = array('type' => 'decimal', 'label' => $label, 'required' => !$detail['nullable'], 'default' => ""); break; case Type::BOOLEAN: $return[$column] = array('type' => 'select', 'label' => $label, 'required' => $detail['nullable'], 'default' => array(true => 'Yes', false => 'No')); default: break; } } if(count($info->associationMappings > 0)) { foreach($info->associationMappings as $column => $detail) { //many to many relations are not supported if($detail['type'] == ClassMetadata::MANY_TO_MANY || $detail['isOwningSide'] == false) { continue; } $label = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $column)); $targetEntity = $detail['targetEntity']; $dummy = new $targetEntity(); //check if the entity class got a __toString method //if the class got one, we use this for the value in the select field //otherwise use fetch an array and search for a display column. if(method_exists($dummy, '__toString')) { $hydrate = Query::HYDRATE_OBJECT; } else { $hydrate = Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY; } $metadata = $em->getClassMetadata($targetEntity); $assoc = $em->getRepository($targetEntity) ->createQueryBuilder('c') ->getQuery() ->getResult($hydrate); $primaryColumn = $metadata->identifier[0]; $displayField = null; //seach for a field with the type string and use this value of the field for the select foreach($metadata->fieldMappings as $fieldMapping) { if($fieldMapping['type'] == Type::STRING) { $displayField = $fieldMapping['fieldName']; } } $final['values'][$column] = array(); //if no display field was found, use the primary column $displayField = (is_null($displayField)) ? $primaryColumn : $displayField; $isNullable = $detail['joinColumns'][0]['nullable']; if($isNullable) { $final['values'][$column][""] = "-- Empty --"; } foreach($assoc as $field) { if(is_object($field)) { $method = 'get' . ucfirst($primaryColumn); if(!method_exists($field, $method)) { throw new Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine2_Exception('No getter method for the primary field found (used name: ' . $method . ').'); } $final['values'][$column][$field->$method()] = $field->__toString(); } else { $final['values'][$column][$field[$primaryColumn]] = $field[$displayField]; } } $return[$column] = array('type' => 'select', 'label' => $label, 'default' => $final['values'][$column]); } } $form = $this->buildFormElementsFromArray($return); foreach($inputsType as $field => $type) { $form['elements'][$field][0] = strtolower($type); } return $form; } /** * Build the query limit clause * * @param $start * @param $offset * @return Mp_Grid_Source_Doctrine2 */ public function buildQueryLimit($start, $offset) { if($start == 0 && $offset == 0) { $this->resetLimit(); } else { $this->getQueryBuilder()->setMaxResults($start)->setFirstResult($offset); } return $this; } /** * Build the order part from the query. * * The first arg is the field to be ordered and the $order * arg is the correspondent order (ASC|DESC) * * If the $reset is set to true, all previous order will be removed. * * @param string $field * @param string $order * @param bool $reset * @return Mp_Grid_Source_Doctrine2 */ public function buildQueryOrder($field, $order, $reset = false) { //fetch the fieldname from the created fields array $fieldName = $this->_getFieldName($field); $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); if($reset) { $qb->resetDQLPart('orderBy'); } $qb->addOrderBy($fieldName, $order); return $this; } /** * Delete a record from a table * * * Ex: array('user_id'=>'1','id_site'=>'12'); * Raw SQL: * WHERE user_id='1' AND id_site='12' * * @param string $table * @param array $condition * @return integer Of Affected rows */ public function delete($table, array $condition) { $qbDelete = new QueryBuilder($this->getEntityManager()); $alias = $this->_getNewAlias(); //create a delete query for the given entity $qbDelete->delete($table, $alias); $first = true; foreach($condition as $column => $value) { //remove alias and prepend own one $column = $this->_removeAlias($column); $column = $alias . '.' . $column; $this->_addCondition($qbDelete, $column, '=', $value); } $return = $qbDelete->getQuery()->execute(); return $return; } /** * Runs the query and returns the result as a associative array * * @return array */ public function execute() { $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); $qb = clone $qb; try { $result = $qb->getQuery()->getResult(Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY); } catch(Query\QueryException $e) { Zend_Debug::dump($e); } $result = $this->_cleanQueryResults($result); return $result; } /** * Get a record detail based the current query * * <code> * $where = array( * array('columnName' => 'searchValue') * ) * </code> * * @param array $where * @return array */ public function fetchDetail(array $where) { $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); /** * Remove these since we are trying to retrieve * a specific row */ $qb->setFirstResult(null)->setMaxResults(null); $this->_createWhereConditions($qb, $where); return $this->execute(); } /** * This method is not implemented in the interface (yet), nevertheless it * has to be implemented so crud-operations can be used. * * The only thing that is done here, is the creation of a new field 'NULLABLE', * which defines wether or not the field is nullable. * * @param array|string $table Table Name * @return array */ public function getDescribeTable($class) { $metadata = $this->getEntityManager()->getClassMetadata($class); $fieldMappings = $metadata->fieldMappings; $return = array(); foreach($fieldMappings as $key => $fields) { $return[$key] = $fields; $return[$key]['NULLABLE'] = ($fields['nullable']) ? 1 : 0; } $associationMappings = $metadata->associationMappings; foreach($associationMappings as $key => $detail) { if($detail['type'] == ClassMetadata::MANY_TO_MANY || $detail['isOwningSide'] == false) { continue; } $return[$key]['fieldName'] = $key; $return[$key]['NULLABLE'] = ($detail['joinColumns'][0]['nullable']) ? 1 : 0; } return $return; } /** * Should preform a query based on the provided by the user * select the two fields and return an array $field=>$value * as result * * ex: SELECT $field, $value FROM * * array('1'=>'Something','2'=>'Number','3'=>'history')....; * * @param string $field * @param string $value * @return array */ public function getDistinctValuesForFilters($field, $fieldValue, $order = 'name ASC') { $return = array(); $newQuery = clone $this->getQueryBuilder(); $newQuery->resetDQLPart('select') ->resetDQLPart('orderBy') ->setMaxResults(null) ->setFirstResult(null); $newQuery->select("DISTINCT(" . $field . ") AS field, " . $fieldValue . " AS value") ->orderBy($fieldValue, "ASC"); $result = $newQuery->getQuery()->getResult(Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY); foreach($result as $value) { $return[$value['field']] = $value['value']; } return $return; } /** * Return te field type * char, varchar, int * * Note: If the field is enum or set, * the value returned must be set or enum, * and not the full definition * * @param string $field * @return string|null */ public function getFieldType($field) { //check if the type was already fetched if(!isset($this->fields[$field]['type'])) { //get the field with the alias $fieldName = $this->_getFieldName($field); //remove an existing alias $field = $this->_removeAlias($field); $tableModel = $this->_getModelFromColumn($fieldName); //fetch data type from metadata try { if($tableModel !== null) { $metadata = $this->getEntityManager()->getClassMetadata($tableModel); } } catch(Exception $e) { $this->fields[$field]['type'] = Type::STRING; } if(isset($metadata->fieldMappings[$field]['type'])) { $this->fields[$field]['type'] = $metadata->fieldMappings[$field]['type']; } else { $this->fields[$field]['type'] = Type::STRING; } } return $this->fields[$field]['type']; } /** * Return possible filters values based on field definition * This is mostly used for enum fields where the possibile * values are extracted * * Ex: enum('Yes','No','Empty'); * * should return * * array('Yes'=>'Yes','No'=>'No','Empty'=>'Empty'); * * @param $field * @return string */ public function getFilterValuesBasedOnFieldDefinition($field) { //since there is no enum support in doctrine 2, we only return 'text' return 'text'; } /** * Find identifier columns. * * @return array Primary Keys for specified table */ public function getIdentifierColumns($table = null) { $return = array(); if(is_null($table)) { $mainTable = $this->getMainTable(); $table = $mainTable['table']; } $metadata = $this->getEntityManager()->getClassMetadata($table); $identifier = $metadata->identifier; $fromPart = $this->getQueryBuilder()->getDQLPart('from'); $alias = $fromPart[0]->getAlias(); foreach($identifier as $id) { $return[] = $alias . '.' . $id; } return $return; } /** * Returns the "main" table * the one after SELECT * FROM {MAIN_TABLE} * * @return array */ public function getMainTable() { $fromPart = $this->getQueryBuilder()->getDQLPart('from'); return array('table' => $fromPart[0]->getFrom()); } /** * Returns tables primary keys separeted by commas "," * This is necessary for mass actions * @param $table */ public function getMassActionsIds($table, $fields, $separator = '-') { $qb = new QueryBuilder($this->getEntityManager()); if(count($fields) == 0) { $metadata = $this->getEntityManager()->getClassMetadata($table); $pks = $metadata->identifier; } else { $pks = $fields; } //the alias used in this query $alias = 'm'; $qb->from($table, 'm'); foreach($pks as $key => $pk) { //remove any existing alias and add the one used in this query $pk = $this->_removeAlias($pk); $pks[$key] = $alias . '.' . $pk; } $qb->select(implode(',', $pks)); try { $result = $qb->getQuery()->getResult(Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY); } catch(Query\QueryException $e) { return array(); } $return = array(); foreach($result as $value) { $return[] = implode($separator, $value); } return implode(',', $return); } /** * Returns a specified record * * @param string $table Table Name * @param array $condition Conditions to build query * * @return false|array */ public function getRecord($table, array $condition) { $em = $this->getEntityManager(); $qb = new QueryBuilder($em); $alias = $this->_getNewAlias(); $newCondition = array(); //remove alias and set the one used for this query foreach($condition as $fieldName => $value) { $field = $this->_removeAlias($fieldName); $field = $alias . '.' . $field; $newCondition[$field] = $value; } $metadata = $em->getClassMetadata($table); $select = $alias; //create a query where all fields are contained, even the associations foreach($metadata->associationMappings as $column => $detail) { //skip relations where the type is many to many or this side is not the //owning side if($detail['type'] == ClassMetadata::MANY_TO_MANY || $detail['isOwningSide'] == false) { continue; } $joinAlias = $this->_getNewAlias(); $refColumn = $detail['joinColumns'][0]['referencedColumnName']; //join the table $qb->leftJoin($alias . '.' . $detail['fieldName'], $joinAlias); //append primary key from the joined table to the select //and use the defined column "AS" the name $select .= ', ' . $joinAlias . '.' . $refColumn . ' AS ' . $column; } $qb->from($table, $alias) ->select($select); $this->_createWhereConditions($qb, $newCondition); try { $result = $qb->getQuery()->getResult(Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY); $result = $this->_cleanQueryResults($result); } catch(Query\QueryException $e) { $result[0] = array(); Zend_Debug::dump($e); } return $result[0]; } /** * Returns the select object * * @return QueryBuilder */ public function getSelectObject() { return $this->getQueryBuilder(); } /** * Returns the selected order * that was defined by the user in the query entered * and not the one generated by the system * * If empty an empty array must be returned. * * Else the array must be like this: * * <code> * $return = array( * 0 => field * 1 => (ASC|DESC) * ); * </code> * * @return array */ public function getSelectOrder() { $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); $orderBy = $qb->getDqlPart('orderBy'); if(empty($orderBy)) { return array(); } $AST = $qb->getQuery()->getAST(); $orderByClause = $AST->orderByClause; $orderByItem = $orderByClause->orderByItems[0]; if(is_string($orderByItem->expression)) { //the expressin is a string, use the value directly $return[0] = $orderByItem->expression; } else { //use alias and field name $return[0] = $orderByItem->expression->identificationVariable . '.' . $orderByItem->expression->field; } $return[1] = $orderByItem->type; return $return; } /** * Return the database driver name. * * Ex: mysql, pgsql, array, xml * * @return string */ public function getSourceName() { $driver = $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection()->getDriver(); $adapter = str_ireplace('pdo_', '', $driver->getName()); return strtolower($adapter); } /** * Perform a sqlexp * * $value = array ('functions' => array ('AVG'), 'value' => 'Population' ); * * Should be converted to * SELECT AVG(Population) FROM * * * $value = array ('functions' => array ('SUM','AVG'), 'value' => 'Population' ); * * Should be converted to * SELECT SUM(AVG(Population)) FROM * * * @param array $value */ public function getSqlExp(array $value, $where = array()) { $return = array(); $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); $qb = clone $qb; foreach(array_reverse($value['functions']) as $key => $func) { if($key == 0) { $exp = $func . '(' . $value['value'] . ')'; } else { $exp = $func . '(' . $exp . ')'; } } $qb->resetDQLPart('select') ->resetDQLPart('orderBy') ->setMaxResults(null) ->setFirstResult(null) ->select($exp . ' AS TOTAL'); return $qb->getQuery()->getScalarResult(); } public function getTableList() { throw new Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine2_Exception('Not yet implemented.'); } /** * Return the total number of records. * * @return integer */ public function getTotalRecords() { $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); $qb = clone $qb; $qb->setFirstResult(null) ->setMaxResults(null) ->resetDQLPart('orderBy'); $AST = $qb->getQuery()->getAST(); $hasExpr = false; foreach($AST->selectClause->selectExpressions as $selectExpressions) { if($selectExpressions->expression instanceof Query\AST\AggregateExpression) { $hasExpr = true; } } if($hasExpr) { $result = $qb->getQuery()->getResult(Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY); return count($result); } $qb->resetDQLPart('select'); $fromPart = $qb->getDQLPart('from'); $qb->select('COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $fromPart[0]->getAlias() . ')'); return $qb->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult(); } /** * @todo Implement * @see library/Bvb/Grid/Source/Bvb_Grid_Source_SourceInterface::getValuesForFiltersFromTable() */ public function getValuesForFiltersFromTable($table, $field, $fieldValue, $order = 'name ASC') { throw new Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine2_Exception('Not yet Implemented.'); } /** * Simple method for the Grid to determine if this * Source can handle CRUD * * @return boolean */ public function hasCrud() { return true; } /** * Insert an array of key=>values in the specified table * * @param string $table * @param array $post * @return boolean */ public function insert($table, array $post) { $entity = new $table(); $post = $this->_setReferences($table, $post); $this->_setEntityValues($entity, $post); $em = $this->getEntityManager(); $em->persist($entity); $em->flush(); } /** * * Quotes a string * * @param string $value Field Value */ public function quoteValue($value) { return $this->getEntityManager()->getConnection()->quote($value); } /** * Removes any limit in query * * @return Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine */ public function resetLimit() { $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); $qb->setMaxResults(null) ->setFirstResult(null); return $this; } /** * Removes any order in query * * @return Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine */ public function resetOrder() { $this->getQueryBuilder()->resetDQLPart('orderBy'); return $this; } /** * Cache handler. * * @param Zend_Cache */ public function setCache($cache) { } /** * Update values in a table using the $condition clause * * The condition clause is a $field=>$value array * * Ex: array('user_id'=>'1','id_site'=>'12'); * * Raw SQL: * WHERE user_id='1' AND id_site='12' * * @param string $table * @param array $post * @param array $condition */ public function update($table, array $post, array $condition) { $em = $this->getEntityManager(); $newCondition = array(); foreach($condition as $fieldName => $value) { $field = $this->_removeAlias($fieldName); $newCondition[$field] = $value; } $post = $this->_setReferences($table, $post); $entity = $em->getRepository($table)->findOneBy($newCondition); $this->_setEntityValues($entity, $post); $em->persist($entity); $em->flush(); return $this; } /** * Creates for association fields a reference instead of the id itself. * * @param string $table * @param array $post */ private function _setReferences($table, array $post) { $em = $this->getEntityManager(); $metadata = $em->getClassMetadata($table); foreach($post as $fieldName => $value) { if(isset($metadata->associationMappings[$fieldName])) { if(empty($value)) { $post[$fieldName] = NULL; } else { $targetEntity = $metadata->associationMappings[$fieldName]['targetEntity']; $post[$fieldName] = $em->getRepository($targetEntity)->find($value); } } } return $post; } public function getAutoCompleteForFilter($term, $field, $specialKey = '', $output = 'json') { $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); $qb = clone $qb; $fieldName = $this->_getFieldName($field); //clear where part and bound parameters $qb->resetDQLPart('where'); $qb->setParameters(array()); foreach($this->whereConditions as $key => $detail) { if($key != $fieldName) { $this->_addCondition($qb, $key, $detail['op'], $detail['filter']); } } //add condition for the given field $op = ($specialKey != '') ? $specialKey : 'like'; $this->_addCondition($qb, $fieldName, $op, $term); $qb->select('DISTINCT ' . $fieldName); $result = $qb->getQuery()->getResult(Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY); $result = $this->_cleanQueryResults($result); $json = array(); foreach($result as $row) { $json[] = $specialKey . $row[$field]; } echo Zend_Json::encode($json); die(); } /** * Defines total records * * @param int $total Total records found */ public function setTotalRecords($total) { $this->_totalRecords = (int) $total; } /** * Clean a query result. * * Doctrine2 uses a DateTime object for date/datetime types. * Hence the grid can not use them correctly, this types will be convertet to a string. * * @param array $result * @return array */ private function _cleanQueryResults(array $result) { $newResult = array(); foreach($result as $key => $values) { foreach($values as $name => $value) { if(is_array($value)) { foreach($value as $k => $v) { $newResult[$key][$k] = $this->_convertResult($k, $v); } } else { $newResult[$key][$name] = $this->_convertResult($name, $value); } } } return $newResult; } private function _getNewAlias() { $alias = chr($this->alias); $this->alias++; return $alias; } private function _getNewParameterNumber() { return $this->paramterNumber++; } /** * Convert datetime object to readable strings and booleans to 0/1. * * @param string $field The fieldname. * @param mixed $value The value to be converted. * @return mixed The converted value. */ private function _convertResult($field, $value) { if($value instanceof DateTime) { $type = $this->getFieldType($field); //format the field depending on the field type if($type == Type::DATE) { return $value->format('Y-m-d'); } elseif($type == Type::DATETIME) { return $value->format('Y-m-d H:i'); } } elseif(is_bool($value)) { //convert boolean types to integer, so the default value is correctly set //in the form element return ($value) ? 1 : 0; } return $value; } /** * Sets all values in an entity. * * @param object $entity * @param array $values */ private function _setEntityValues($entity, array $values) { foreach($values as $key => $value) { $method = 'set' . ucfirst($key); $type = $this->getFieldType($key); //if the column is from type date or datetime, create a DateTime object if($type == Type::DATE || $type == Type::DATETIME) { $value = new DateTime($value); } if(method_exists($entity, $method)) { $entity->$method($value); } } } /** * Find the table for which a column belongs. * * @param string $column * @return string Name of the table used */ private function _getModelFromColumn($column) { if(!is_string($column)) { $type = gettype($column); require_once 'Bvb/Grid/Source/Doctrine/Exception.php'; throw new Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine2_Exception('The $column param needs to be a string, ' . $type . ' provided'); } if(strpos($column, '.') === false) { return null; } list($alias, $field) = explode('.', $column); return $this->_getModelFromAlias($alias); } /** * Finds a model for which an alias belongs. * * @param string $alias * @return string The name of the entity. */ private function _getModelFromAlias($alias) { $qb = $this->getQueryBuilder(); $fromParts = $qb->getDQLPart('from'); //first try to get the model from the from part foreach($fromParts as $fromPart) { if($fromPart->getAlias() == $alias) { return $fromPart->getFrom(); } } //when the from part doesnt have it, we first find the join field defined //by the alias $AST = $qb->getQuery()->getAST(); $field = null; foreach($AST->fromClause->identificationVariableDeclarations[0]->joinVariableDeclarations as $joinVariable) { if($alias == $joinVariable->join->aliasIdentificationVariable) { $field = $joinVariable->join->joinAssociationPathExpression->associationField; break; } } if(is_null($field)) { throw new Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine2_Exception("No field found."); } //iterate over the fromparts, get the metadata from it and //iterate then over the association mappings to find the specific //model for the alias foreach($fromParts as $fromPart) { $metadata = $this->getEntityManager()->getClassMetadata($fromPart->getFrom()); foreach($metadata->associationMappings as $mapping) { if($mapping['fieldName'] == $field) { return $mapping['targetEntity']; } } } throw new Bvb_Grid_Source_Doctrine2_Exception("No model found."); } /** * Creates the where conditions for a query builder. * * @param QueryBuilder $qb * @param array $where * @return QueryBuilder */ private function _createWhereConditions(QueryBuilder $qb, array $where) { foreach($where as $column => $value) { $this->_addCondition($qb, $column, '=', $value); } return $qb; } /** * Removes the alias from the given field. * * @param string $field * @return string field withou alias */ private function _removeAlias($field) { if(strpos($field, '.') !== false) { list($alias, $column) = explode('.', $field); } else { $column = $field; } return $column; } /** * Retrieves the complete fieldname of a column (with the alias). * * @param string $field * @return string Complete fieldname */ private function _getFieldName($field) { if(strpos($field, '.') === false) { if(!isset($this->fields[$field]['field'])) { $ids = $this->getIdentifierColumns(); list($alias, $field) = explode('.', $ids[0]); //no matching field was found in the fields array //so we append the default alias to the field return $alias .'.'. $field; } return $this->fields[$field]['field']; } return $field; } public function beginTransaction() { return false; } public function commit() { return false; } public function rollBack() { return false; } public function getConnectionId() { return 0; } }