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File: example/adding_elements.svg.php

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  Classes of Eduardo "Trial Force" Bonfandini   phpSVG   example/adding_elements.svg.php   Download  
File: example/adding_elements.svg.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Show how to add elements to SVG.
Class: phpSVG
Create and edit vectorial graphics in SVG files
Author: By
Last change: Removed docs from subversion.
Corrected all example to work with 5.4 strict.
Correcte minnor bugs.
Added vectorize example.
Inkscape support, and some minnor corrections. The version 0.8 is not ready yeat.
Added graph example and support title and description
Line, circle, ellipse, radialgradient, javascript and some new usefull examples
Date: 10 years ago
Size: 3,976 bytes



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 * Description: Default example, show some usefull functions / adding elements
 * Blog:
 * Started at Mar 11, 2011
 * @author Eduardo Bonfandini
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published
 * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 * License along with this program; if not, access
 * or write to the
 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
require_once "../svglib/svglib.php";

#start a svgDocument using apple.svg as base document
$svg = SVGDocument::getInstance( 'resource/apple.svg' );
#start a svgDocument using default (minimal) svg document
#$svg = SVGDocument::getInstance( ); //default
#define the title
$svg->setTitle( "Adding elements" );

#some possible svg functions
#example of criation of an svg style
#$style = 'fill:#f2f2f2;stroke:#e1a100;';
#create a new rect with, x and y position, id, width and heigth, and the style
$rect = SVGRect::getInstance( 0, 5, 'myRect', 228, 185, new SVGStyle( array( 'fill' => 'red', 'stroke' => 'blue' ) ) );
#$rect->style->setFill('#f2f2f2'); //still not work
#$rect->style->setStroke('#e1a100'); //still not work

$rect->setWidth( $svg->getWidth() ); #make the rect of the size of pages
$rect->skewX( 5 ); #make a skew x transformation
$rect->rotate( 1 ); #make a rotation
$rect->setRound( 30 );
$svg->addShape( $rect ); #add the rect to svg

$style = new SVGStyle();
$style->setFill( 'green' );
$style->setStroke( 'black', 5 );

$circle = SVGCircle::getInstance( 200, 100, 20, null, $style );
$svg->addShape( $circle );

$ellipse = SVGEllipse::getInstance( 200, 200, 100, 40 );
$ellipse->rotate( -30, 200, 200 );
$style2 = new SVGStyle();
$style2->setFill( 'none' );
$style2->setStroke( 'blue', 3 );
$ellipse->setStyle( $style2 );
$svg->addShape( $ellipse );

$style = new SVGStyle(); #create a style object
#set fill and stroke
$style->setFill( '#f2f2f2' );
$style->setStroke( '#e1a100' );
$style->setStrokeWidth( 2 );

#create a text
$text = SVGText::getInstance( 22, 50, 'myText', 'This is a text', $style );

$svg->addShape( $text );
#$svg->addShape( SVGPath::getInstance( array('m 58,480','639,1'), 'myPath', 'fill:none;stroke:#000000;stroke-width:1px;') );#create a path

$svg->addShape( SVGLine::getInstance( 50, 50, 500, 500, null, $style ) );

#many types of output
$svg->asXML( getcwd() . '/output/output.svg' ); #svg
    #example how to using SVG Inkscape
    #define('INKSCAPE_PATH', 'H:\ferramentas\Inkscape\inkscape' );
    #$svg->export( getcwd() . '/output/inkscape.png', null, null, true, SVGDocument::EXPORT_TYPE_INKSCAPE );
    #$svg->export( getcwd() . '/output/output.png' ); #png
$svg->export( getcwd() . '/output/output.jpg' ); #jpg
$svg->export( getcwd() . '/output/output.gif' ); #gif
$svg->export( getcwd() . '/output/thumb16x16.png', 16, 16, true ); #png resized using imagemagick
$svg->export( getcwd() . '/output/thumb32x32.png', 32, 32, true );
$svg->export( getcwd() . '/output/thumb64x64.png', 64, 64, true );
#output to browser, with header
catch (
Exception $e )
$e->getMessage() . ' on ' . $e->getFile() . ' line ' . $e->getLine();