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File: EasyCurlMultipleExample.php

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  Classes of Amir Ali Jiwani   EZ Curl   EasyCurlMultipleExample.php   Download  
File: EasyCurlMultipleExample.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example of multiple web requests
Class: EZ Curl
Send HTTP requests with teh Curl extension
Author: By
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Date: 13 years ago
Size: 5,922 bytes


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 * @author Amir Ali Jiwani <[email protected]>
 * @copyright 2011
 * @link
 * @version 1.0

 * Note for the Multi threaded EasyCurlExecuter
 * Callback function : Please note that callback function should have atleast one parameter to obtain the response as
 * argument, else nothing can be caught in the callback.
 * Example of the callback function
 * function callbackSample($response); Here response would be sent from EasyCurlExecuter
 * User state : User state can be anyobject, complex or array. Else it can be null also.
 * Nothing would be sent to the callback in case of null userstate.
 * Else whole object would be sent to callback.


SampleCallbackFunction($response) // A simple call back without class
$response->Url; // Its the url with which the request was initiated or for which the request has been made
echo "<br>";

// $response->Response;
    // Respond to the response dealing in EasyCurl.php, its the same.
    // Either it would be an instance of EasyCurlResponse or EasyCurlError

echo $response->UserState; // Any additional information user have associated with the curl session would be returned here
echo "<br>";

SampleCallbackClass // A simple class contaning several call backs
    public static function
SampleCallbackFunction1($response) // A simple but a static call back function
$response->Url; // Its the url with which the request was initiated or for which the request has been made
echo "<br>";

// $response->Response;
        // Respond to the response dealing in EasyCurl.php, its the same.
        // Either it would be an instance of EasyCurlResponse or EasyCurlError

echo $response->UserState; // Any additional information user have associated with the curl session would be returned here
echo "<br>";

    public function
SampleCallbackFunction2($response) // A simple class method call back function
$response->Url; // Its the url with which the request was initiated or for which the request has been made
echo "<br>";

// $response->Response;
        // Respond to the response dealing in EasyCurl.php, its the same.
        // Either it would be an instance of EasyCurlResponse or EasyCurlError

echo $response->UserState; // Any additional information user have associated with the curl session would be returned here
echo "<br>";

// Creating the simple EasyCurlRequest instances

$easyCurlRequest1 = new EasyCurlRequest('http://localhost/easycurl/SampleServer.php', EasyCurlRequestType::POST);

$easyCurlRequest1->AddCookie(new EasyCurlCookie('Cookie1', 'Value1'));
$easyCurlRequest1->AddCookie(new EasyCurlCookie('Cookie2', 'Value2'));
$easyCurlRequest1->AddCookie(new EasyCurlCookie('Cookie3', 'Value3'));

$easyCurlRequest1->AddHeader(new EasyCurlHeader('Header1', 'Value1'));
$easyCurlRequest1->AddHeader(new EasyCurlHeader('Header2', 'Value2'));
$easyCurlRequest1->AddHeader(new EasyCurlHeader('Header3', 'Value3'));

$easyCurlRequest1->AddPostParameter(new EasyCurlPostParameter('Param1', 'Value1'));
$easyCurlRequest1->AddPostParameter(new EasyCurlPostParameter('Param2', 'Value2'));
$easyCurlRequest1->AddPostParameter(new EasyCurlPostParameter('Param3', 'Value3'));
$easyCurlRequest1->AddPostParameter(new EasyCurlPostParameter('File1', 'C:\wamp\www\curl\testCookie - Copy.txt', EasyCurlPostParameter::FILE_PARAMETER));
$easyCurlRequest1->AddPostParameter(new EasyCurlPostParameter('File2', 'C:\wamp\www\curl\testCookie.txt', EasyCurlPostParameter::FILE_PARAMETER));


$easyCurlRequest2 = new EasyCurlRequest('');
$easyCurlRequest3 = new EasyCurlRequest('');
$easyCurlRequest4 = new EasyCurlRequest('');
$easyCurlRequest5 = new EasyCurlRequest('');

$callbackClassInstance = new SampleCallbackClass(); // Creating a callback class's instance

$curlExec = new EasyCurlExecuter(); // Creating a multi threaded curl executer instance

// Adding EasyCurlRequest object in the queue with a non class, non static call back function and a user state as string
$curlExec->AddSession($easyCurlRequest1, new EasyCurlExecuterCallback('SampleCallbackFunction'), "LocalRequest");

// Adding EasyCurlRequest object in the queue with a static class call back function and a user state as string
$curlExec->AddSession($easyCurlRequest2, new EasyCurlExecuterCallback('SampleCallbackClass::SampleCallbackFunction1'), "Google Request");

// Adding EasyCurlRequest object in the queue with a class method call back function and a user state as string
$curlExec->AddSession($easyCurlRequest3, new EasyCurlExecuterCallback('SampleCallbackFunction2', $callbackClassInstance), "Yahoo Request");

// Adding EasyCurlRequest object in the queue without any callback and a user state as string
$curlExec->AddSession($easyCurlRequest4, null, "MSN Request");

// Adding EasyCurlRequest object in the queue without any callback and without any user state

// Executing the requests in queue

// Results, if recorded is the array of objects with type EasyCurlExecuterResult
// Each EasyCurlExecuterResult is the same which is passed to any call back function