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File: example.phpircclient.php

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  Classes of JImmy Bo   PHP IRC Client   example.phpircclient.php   Download  
File: example.phpircclient.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example for PHP IRC Client Class
Class: PHP IRC Client
Exchange user chat messages using a IRC server
Author: By
Last change: simplified
Date: 1 year ago
Size: 6,556 bytes



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// example containing a trivia plugin and a command line non-blocking client that supports input/output


// create a plugin
class MyPlugin {
$pClient; // parent client

        // send messages //
public function send($message) {

// send messages with delay //
public function send_delayed($message, $delay) {
$this->pClient->send_delayed($message, $delay);
// construct // set parent
public function __construct($client) {
$this->pClient = $client;

// every plugin must have this function // it processes incoming lines
public function process($line) {
"Plugin: $line\n";
// end plugin example

class TriviaPlugin {
// someone starts a private message with our chatclient and types: !trivia
        // the chatclient will then start a trivia game with that person
        // very simple... but you can make it more complex if you want

private $pClient; // parent client

private $questions = array(
"What is the capital of France?", // Question 1
"What is the highest mountain in the world?", // Question 2
            // Add more questions here...
$answers = array(
"Paris", // Answer to Question 1
"Mount Everest", // Answer to Question 2
            // Add more answers here...
$current_question = 0;
$waiting_for_answer = false;

// construct // set parent
public function __construct($client) {
$this->pClient = $client;

        public function

// send messages //
public function send($message) {
$this->pClient->send($message); // sends a raw irc message
// send messages with delay //
public function send_delayed($message, $delay) {
$this->pClient->send_delayed($message, $delay); // send a raw message with delay

        public function
msg_user($user, $message) {
$str = $this->pClient->str_send_message($user, $message); // make the string to send to a user
$this->pClient->send($str); // send the strings

// every plugin must have this function // it processes incoming lines
public function process($line) {
"Plugin: $line\n";

// Check if the incoming message is a private message
if (preg_match('/^:([^!]+)!([^@]+)@([^ ]+) PRIVMSG ([^ ]+) :(.+)/', $line, $matches)) {
$sender = $matches[1];
$channel = $matches[4];
$message = $matches[5];

                if (
$sender == $this->get_nick()) {

// Check if the message is a command to start the trivia game
if (strtolower($message) == "!trivia") {
// Check if the game is already in progress
if ($this->waiting_for_answer) {
$this->msg_user($sender, "A game of trivia is already in progress!");
                    } else {
$this->msg_user($sender, "Starting a new game of trivia!");
$this->current_question = 0;
$this->waiting_for_answer = true;

# send user the question
$this->msg_user($sender, "Question 1- " . $this->questions[$this->current_question]);

// Check if the plugin is currently waiting for an answer to a trivia question
if ($this->waiting_for_answer) {
// Check if the message is the correct answer to the current question
if (strtolower($message) == strtolower($this->answers[$this->current_question])) {
$this->msg_user($sender, "Correct!");

// now if the current question is the last question, reset the game
if($this->current_question == count($this->questions)) {
$this->current_question = 0;
$this->waiting_for_answer = false;
$this->msg_user($sender, "Game over!");

// Check if there are more questions
if ($this->current_question < count($this->questions)) {
$this->msg_user($sender, "Question " . ($this->current_question + 1) . "- " . $this->questions[$this->current_question]);
                        } else {
// $this->send("Game over!");
$this->waiting_for_answer = false;
                    } else {
$this->msg_user($sender, "Incorrect! Try again.");
// repeat question
$this->msg_user($sender, "Question " . ($this->current_question + 1) . "- " . $this->questions[$this->current_question]);
// end waiting for answer
// end trivia bot example

$nick = 'yournickhere';
$user = 'yourusernamehere';
$realname = 'a name';

$channel = "#ircclientexample";

$client = new IRCClient('', 6667, $channel); #doesn't connect to channel off the hop.

    // attach plugins //
$client->plugins[] = new MyPlugin($client);
$client->plugins[] = new TriviaPlugin($client);

// now send login and join channel commands
$client->send_delayed($client->str_login($nick, $user, $realname), 2);
$client->send_delayed($client->str_join_channel($channel), 3);

