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File: public/backend/assets/js/maps.js

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File: public/backend/assets/js/maps.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Laravel Roles and Permissions
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/* ------------- map amchart 1 start ------------ */ /** * SVG path for target icon */ var targetSVG = "M9,0C4.029,0,0,4.029,0,9s4.029,9,9,9s9-4.029,9-9S13.971,0,9,0z M9,15.93 c-3.83,0-6.93-3.1-6.93-6.93S5.17,2.07,9,2.07s6.93,3.1,6.93,6.93S12.83,15.93,9,15.93 M12.5,9c0,1.933-1.567,3.5-3.5,3.5S5.5,10.933,5.5,9S7.067,5.5,9,5.5 S12.5,7.067,12.5,9z"; /** * SVG path for plane icon */ var planeSVG = "m2,106h28l24,30h72l-44,-133h35l80,132h98c21,0 21,34 0,34l-98,0 -80,134h-35l43,-133h-71l-24,30h-28l15,-47"; /** * Create the map */ var map = AmCharts.makeChart("mapamchart1", { "type": "map", "theme": "light", "dataProvider": { "map": "worldLow", "zoomLevel": 3.5, "zoomLongitude": -55, "zoomLatitude": 42, "lines": [{ "id": "line1", "arc": -0.85, "alpha": 0.3, "latitudes": [48.8567, 43.8163, 34.3, 23], "longitudes": [2.3510, -79.4287, -118.15, -82] }, { "id": "line2", "alpha": 0, "color": "#000000", "latitudes": [48.8567, 43.8163, 34.3, 23], "longitudes": [2.3510, -79.4287, -118.15, -82] }], "images": [{ "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Paris", "latitude": 48.8567, "longitude": 2.3510 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Toronto", "latitude": 43.8163, "longitude": -79.4287 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Los Angeles", "latitude": 34.3, "longitude": -118.15 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Havana", "latitude": 23, "longitude": -82 }, { "svgPath": planeSVG, "positionOnLine": 0, "color": "#000000", "alpha": 0.1, "animateAlongLine": true, "lineId": "line2", "flipDirection": true, "loop": true, "scale": 0.03, "positionScale": 1.3 }, { "svgPath": planeSVG, "positionOnLine": 0, "color": "#585869", "animateAlongLine": true, "lineId": "line1", "flipDirection": true, "loop": true, "scale": 0.03, "positionScale": 1.8 }] }, "areasSettings": { "unlistedAreasColor": "#8dd9ef" }, "imagesSettings": { "color": "#585869", "rollOverColor": "#585869", "selectedColor": "#585869", "pauseDuration": 0.2, "animationDuration": 2.5, "adjustAnimationSpeed": true }, "linesSettings": { "color": "#585869", "alpha": 0.4 }, "export": { "enabled": false } }); /* ------------- map amchart 1 END ------------ */ /* ------------- map amchart 2 start ------------ */ // svg path for target icon var targetSVG = "M9,0C4.029,0,0,4.029,0,9s4.029,9,9,9s9-4.029,9-9S13.971,0,9,0z M9,15.93 c-3.83,0-6.93-3.1-6.93-6.93S5.17,2.07,9,2.07s6.93,3.1,6.93,6.93S12.83,15.93,9,15.93 M12.5,9c0,1.933-1.567,3.5-3.5,3.5S5.5,10.933,5.5,9S7.067,5.5,9,5.5 S12.5,7.067,12.5,9z"; // svg path for plane icon var planeSVG = "M19.671,8.11l-2.777,2.777l-3.837-0.861c0.362-0.505,0.916-1.683,0.464-2.135c-0.518-0.517-1.979,0.278-2.305,0.604l-0.913,0.913L7.614,8.804l-2.021,2.021l2.232,1.061l-0.082,0.082l1.701,1.701l0.688-0.687l3.164,1.504L9.571,18.21H6.413l-1.137,1.138l3.6,0.948l1.83,1.83l0.947,3.598l1.137-1.137V21.43l3.725-3.725l1.504,3.164l-0.687,0.687l1.702,1.701l0.081-0.081l1.062,2.231l2.02-2.02l-0.604-2.689l0.912-0.912c0.326-0.326,1.121-1.789,0.604-2.306c-0.452-0.452-1.63,0.101-2.135,0.464l-0.861-3.838l2.777-2.777c0.947-0.947,3.599-4.862,2.62-5.839C24.533,4.512,20.618,7.163,19.671,8.11z"; var map = AmCharts.makeChart("mapamchart2", { "type": "map", "theme": "none", "dataProvider": { "map": "worldLow", "zoomLevel": 3.5, "zoomLongitude": -20.1341, "zoomLatitude": 49.1712, "lines": [{ "latitudes": [51.5002, 50.4422], "longitudes": [-0.1262, 30.5367] }, { "latitudes": [51.5002, 46.9480], "longitudes": [-0.1262, 7.4481] }, { "latitudes": [51.5002, 59.3328], "longitudes": [-0.1262, 18.0645] }, { "latitudes": [51.5002, 40.4167], "longitudes": [-0.1262, -3.7033] }, { "latitudes": [51.5002, 46.0514], "longitudes": [-0.1262, 14.5060] }, { "latitudes": [51.5002, 48.2116], "longitudes": [-0.1262, 17.1547] }, { "latitudes": [51.5002, 44.8048], "longitudes": [-0.1262, 20.4781] }, { "latitudes": [51.5002, 55.7558], "longitudes": [-0.1262, 37.6176] }, { "latitudes": [51.5002, 38.7072], "longitudes": [-0.1262, -9.1355] }, { "latitudes": [51.5002, 54.6896], "longitudes": [-0.1262, 25.2799] }, { "latitudes": [51.5002, 64.1353], "longitudes": [-0.1262, -21.8952] }, { "latitudes": [51.5002, 40.4300], "longitudes": [-0.1262, -74.0000] }], "images": [{ "id": "london", "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "London", "latitude": 51.5002, "longitude": -0.1262, "scale": 1 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Brussels", "latitude": 50.8371, "longitude": 4.3676, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Prague", "latitude": 50.0878, "longitude": 14.4205, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Athens", "latitude": 37.9792, "longitude": 23.7166, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Reykjavik", "latitude": 64.1353, "longitude": -21.8952, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Dublin", "latitude": 53.3441, "longitude": -6.2675, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Oslo", "latitude": 59.9138, "longitude": 10.7387, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Lisbon", "latitude": 38.7072, "longitude": -9.1355, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Moscow", "latitude": 55.7558, "longitude": 37.6176, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Belgrade", "latitude": 44.8048, "longitude": 20.4781, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Bratislava", "latitude": 48.2116, "longitude": 17.1547, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Ljubljana", "latitude": 46.0514, "longitude": 14.5060, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Madrid", "latitude": 40.4167, "longitude": -3.7033, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Stockholm", "latitude": 59.3328, "longitude": 18.0645, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Bern", "latitude": 46.9480, "longitude": 7.4481, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Kiev", "latitude": 50.4422, "longitude": 30.5367, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "Paris", "latitude": 48.8567, "longitude": 2.3510, "scale": 0.5 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "title": "New York", "latitude": 40.43, "longitude": -74, "scale": 0.5 }] }, "areasSettings": { "unlistedAreasColor": "#D1F0F9", "unlistedAreasAlpha": 0.9 }, "imagesSettings": { "color": "#815EF6", "rollOverColor": "#815EF6", "selectedColor": "#815EF6" }, "linesSettings": { "arc": -0.7, // this makes lines curved. 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------------- map amchart 5 start ------------ */ /** * Define SVG path for target icon */ var targetSVG = "M9,0C4.029,0,0,4.029,0,9s4.029,9,9,9s9-4.029,9-9S13.971,0,9,0z M9,15.93 c-3.83,0-6.93-3.1-6.93-6.93S5.17,2.07,9,2.07s6.93,3.1,6.93,6.93S12.83,15.93,9,15.93 M12.5,9c0,1.933-1.567,3.5-3.5,3.5S5.5,10.933,5.5,9S7.067,5.5,9,5.5 S12.5,7.067,12.5,9z"; /** * Create the map */ var map = AmCharts.makeChart("mapamchart5", { "type": "map", "projection": "winkel3", "theme": "light", "imagesSettings": { "rollOverColor": "#089282", "rollOverScale": 3, "selectedScale": 3, "selectedColor": "#089282", "color": "#13564e" }, "areasSettings": { "unlistedAreasColor": "#15A892", "outlineThickness": 0.1 }, "dataProvider": { "map": "worldLow", "images": [{ "svgPath": targetSVG, "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Vienna", "latitude": 48.2092, "longitude": 16.3728 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Minsk", "latitude": 53.9678, "longitude": 27.5766 }, { "svgPath": 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"longitude": 33.7703 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Lome", "latitude": 6.1228, "longitude": 1.2255 }, { "svgPath": targetSVG, "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Tunis", "latitude": 36.8117, "longitude": 10.1761 }] }, "export": { "enabled": false } }); /* ------------- map amchart 5 END ------------ */ /* ------------- map amchart 6 start ------------ */ /** * Create a map */ var map = AmCharts.makeChart("mapamchart6", { "type": "map", "theme": "light", "projection": "winkel3", /** * Data Provider * The images contains pie chart information * The handler for `positionChanged` event will take care * of creating external elements, position them and create * Pie chart instances in them */ "dataProvider": { "map": "continentsLow", "images": [{ "title": "North America", "latitude": 39.563353, "longitude": -99.316406, "width": 150, "height": 150, "pie": { "type": "pie", "pullOutRadius": 0, "labelRadius": 0, "dataProvider": [{ "category": "Category #1", "value": 1200 }, { "category": "Category #2", "value": 500 }, { "category": "Category #3", "value": 765 }, { "category": "Category #4", "value": 260 }], "labelText": "[[value]]%", "valueField": "value", "titleField": "category" } }, { "title": "Europe", "latitude": 50.896104, "longitude": 19.160156, "width": 200, "height": 200, "pie": { "type": "pie", "pullOutRadius": 0, "labelRadius": 0, "radius": "10%", "dataProvider": [{ "category": "Category #1", "value": 200 }, { "category": "Category #2", "value": 600 }, { "category": "Category #3", "value": 350 }], "labelText": "", "valueField": "value", "titleField": "category" } }, { "title": "Asia", "latitude": 47.212106, "longitude": 103.183594, "width": 200, "height": 200, "pie": { "type": "pie", "pullOutRadius": 0, "labelRadius": 0, "radius": "10%", "dataProvider": [{ "category": "Category #1", "value": 352 }, { "category": "Category #2", "value": 266 }, { "category": "Category #3", "value": 512 }, { "category": "Category #4", "value": 199 }], "labelText": "", "valueField": "value", "titleField": "category" } }, { "title": "Africa", "latitude": 11.081385, "longitude": 21.621094, "width": 200, "height": 200, "pie": { "type": "pie", "pullOutRadius": 0, "labelRadius": 0, "radius": "10%", "dataProvider": [{ "category": "Category #1", "value": 200 }, { "category": "Category #2", "value": 300 }, { "category": "Category #3", "value": 599 }, { "category": "Category #4", "value": 512 }], "labelText": "", "valueField": "value", "titleField": "category" } }] }, /** * Add event to execute when the map is zoomed/moved * It also is executed when the map first loads */ "listeners": [{ "event": "positionChanged", "method": updateCustomMarkers }] }); /** * Creates and positions custom markers (pie charts) */ function updateCustomMarkers(event) { // get map object var map = event.chart; // go through all of the images for (var x = 0; x < map.dataProvider.images.length; x++) { // get MapImage object var image = map.dataProvider.images[x]; // Is it a Pie? if (image.pie === undefined) { continue; } // create id if ( === undefined) { = "amcharts_pie_" + x; } // Add theme if ("undefined" == typeof image.pie.theme) { image.pie.theme = map.theme; } // check if it has corresponding HTML element if ("undefined" == typeof image.externalElement) { image.externalElement = createCustomMarker(image); } // reposition the element accoridng to coordinates var xy = map.coordinatesToStageXY(image.longitude, image.latitude); = xy.y + "px"; = xy.x + "px"; = Math.round(image.height / -2) + "px"; = Math.round(image.width / -2) + "px"; } } /** * Creates a custom map marker - a div for container and a * pie chart in it */ function createCustomMarker(image) { // Create chart container var holder = document.createElement("div"); =; holder.title = image.title; = "absolute"; = image.width + "px"; = image.height + "px"; // Append the chart container to the map container image.chart.chartDiv.appendChild(holder); // Create a pie chart var chart = AmCharts.makeChart(, image.pie); return holder; } /* ------------- map amchart 6 END ------------ */ /* ------------- map amchart 7 start ------------ */ var map = AmCharts.makeChart("seomap", { "type": "map", "theme": "light", "projection": "miller", "imagesSettings": { "rollOverColor": "#089282", "rollOverScale": 3, "selectedScale": 3, "selectedColor": "#089282", "color": "#13564e" }, "areasSettings": { "unlistedAreasColor": "#15A892" }, "dataProvider": { "map": "worldLow", "images": [{ "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Brussels", "latitude": 50.8371, "longitude": 4.3676 }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Copenhagen", "latitude": 55.6763, "longitude": 12.5681 }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Paris", "latitude": 48.8567, "longitude": 2.3510 }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Reykjavik", "latitude": 64.1353, "longitude": -21.8952 }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Moscow", "latitude": 55.7558, "longitude": 37.6176 }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Madrid", "latitude": 40.4167, "longitude": -3.7033 }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "London", "latitude": 51.5002, "longitude": -0.1262, "url": "" }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Peking", "latitude": 39.9056, "longitude": 116.3958 }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "New Delhi", "latitude": 28.6353, "longitude": 77.2250 }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Tokyo", "latitude": 35.6785, "longitude": 139.6823, "url": "" }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Ankara", "latitude": 39.9439, "longitude": 32.8560 }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Buenos Aires", "latitude": -34.6118, "longitude": -58.4173 }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Brasilia", "latitude": -15.7801, "longitude": -47.9292 }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Ottawa", "latitude": 45.4235, "longitude": -75.6979 }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Washington", "latitude": 38.8921, "longitude": -77.0241 }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Kinshasa", "latitude": -4.3369, "longitude": 15.3271 }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Cairo", "latitude": 30.0571, "longitude": 31.2272 }, { "zoomLevel": 5, "scale": 0.5, "title": "Pretoria", "latitude": -25.7463, "longitude": 28.1876 }] } }); // add events to recalculate map position when the map is moved or zoomed map.addListener("positionChanged", updateCustomMarkers); // this function will take current images on the map and create HTML elements for them function updateCustomMarkers(event) { // get map object var map = event.chart; // go through all of the images for (var x in map.dataProvider.images) { // get MapImage object var image = map.dataProvider.images[x]; // check if it has corresponding HTML element if ('undefined' == typeof image.externalElement) image.externalElement = createCustomMarker(image); // reposition the element accoridng to coordinates var xy = map.coordinatesToStageXY(image.longitude, image.latitude); = xy.y + 'px'; = xy.x + 'px'; } } // this function creates and returns a new marker element function createCustomMarker(image) { // create holder var holder = document.createElement('div'); holder.className = 'map-marker'; holder.title = image.title; = 'absolute'; // maybe add a link to it? if (undefined != image.url) { holder.onclick = function() { window.location.href = image.url; }; holder.className += ' map-clickable'; } // create dot var dot = document.createElement('div'); dot.className = 'dot'; holder.appendChild(dot); // create pulse var pulse = document.createElement('div'); pulse.className = 'pulse'; holder.appendChild(pulse); // append the marker to the map container image.chart.chartDiv.appendChild(holder); return holder; } /* ------------- map amchart 7 END ------------ */