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File: Zip.Example1.php

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  Classes of Asbjorn Grandt   Zip   Zip.Example1.php   Download  
File: Zip.Example1.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example file for generating a download file.
Class: Zip
Create archives of compressed files in ZIP format
Author: By
Last change: 1.61 UTF-8 extra fields added

Rev. 1.61 - 2014-01-18
* Added: UTF-8 path and comment extra fields, if the file name and/or
comment is a UTF-8 string.
- Note: Not all Zip implementations can handle UTF-8, even with these
fields added. Windows Explorer's build in tool seems to be one.
Date: 11 years ago
Size: 1,898 bytes


Class file image Download
// Example. Zip all .html files in the current directory and send the file for Download.
// Also adds a static text "Hello World!" to the file Hello.txt
$fileDir = './';
ob_start(); // This is only to show that ob_start can be called, however the buffer must be empty when sending.

$fileTime = date("D, d M Y H:i:s T");

$zip = new Zip();
// Archive comments don't really support utf-8. Some tools detect and read it though.
$zip->setComment("Example Zip file.\nАрхив Комментарий\nCreated on " . date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A'));
// A bit of russian (I hope), to test UTF-8 file names.
$zip->addFile("Привет мир!", "Кириллица имя файла.txt");
$zip->addFile("Привет мир!", "Привет мир. С комментарий к файлу.txt", 0, "Кириллица файл комментарий");
$zip->addFile("Hello World!", "hello.txt");

$handle = opendir($fileDir);
if (
$handle) {
/* This is the correct way to loop over the directory. */
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
        if (
strpos($file, ".php") !== false) {
$pathData = pathinfo($fileDir . $file);
$fileName = $pathData['filename'];

$zip->addFile(file_get_contents($fileDir . $file), $file, filectime($fileDir . $file), NULL, TRUE, Zip::getFileExtAttr($file));

// Add a directory, first recursively, then the same directory, but without recursion.
// Naturally this requires you to change the path to ../test to point to a directory of your own.
// $zip->addDirectoryContent("testData/test", "recursiveDir/test");
// $zip->addDirectoryContent("testData/test", "recursiveDir/testFlat", FALSE);

$zip->sendZip("ZipExample1_€2,", "application/zip", "ZipExample1_€2,");