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File: javascript.js
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Description: Java Script
Class: Facebook Custom Friend Selector and Search Form
Select friends of the current Facebook user
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Date: 15 years ago
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function displayFormConfirm(title, message,form) { var dialogFormConfirm=new Dialog().showChoice(title, message, 'OK', 'Cancel'); dialogFormConfirm.onconfirm = function() {form.submit()}; return false; } function imposeMaxLength(element, maxlimit) { fieldlength = element.getValue().length; if (fieldlength > maxlimit) { element.setValue(element.getValue().substring(0, maxlimit)); } } var submit_filters = {}; var fs_typing_timeout = null; var fs_selected_friends = []; var fs_tabs = ['facebook']; var fs_current_tab = null; var sml = {}; sml.facebook_people_dict = {}; sml.facebook_friend_list = []; sml.loaded = null; sml.lib = {}; sml.lib.getElem = function(element) { if (typeof(element) == "string") { element = document.getElementById(element); } return element; }; sml.lib.hasClass = function(ele, cls) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); return ele.hasClassName(cls); }; sml.lib.removeClass = function(ele,cls) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); if (ele.hasClassName(cls)) { ele.removeClassName(cls); } }; sml.lib.addClass = function(ele, cls) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); if (!ele.hasClassName(cls)) { ele.addClassName(cls); } }; sml.lib.setClass = function(ele, cls) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); ele.setClassName(cls); }; sml.lib.setStyle = function(ele, obj) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); ele.setStyle(obj); }; sml.lib.getStyle = function(ele, name) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); return ele.getStyle(name); }; sml.lib.setAction = function(ele, val) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); ele.setAction(val); } sml.lib.setChecked = function(ele, checked) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); ele.setChecked(checked); }; sml.lib.getChecked = function(ele) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); return ele.getChecked(); }; sml.lib.getValue = function(element) { element = sml.lib.getElem(element); return element.getValue(); }; sml.lib.setValue = function(ele, val) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); ele.setValue(val); }; sml.lib.focusElem = function(ele, val) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); ele.focus(); }; sml.lib.getId = function(ele) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); return ele.getId(); }; sml.lib.getChildren = function(ele) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); var children = ele.getChildNodes(); return children; }; sml.lib.getParent = function(ele) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); return ele.getParentNode(); }; sml.lib.getLastChild = function(ele) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); var children = sml.lib.getChildren(ele); return children[children.length-1]; }; var getLastChild = sml.lib.getLastChild; sml.lib.appendChild = function(par, ele) { par = sml.lib.getElem(par); par.appendChild(ele); }; sml.lib.createElement = function(type) { var ele = document.createElement(type); return ele; }; sml.lib.createSWF = function(parent_elem, src, width, height, flash_vars, flash_params, flash_attributes) { var ele = sml.lib.createElement('fb:swf'); ele.setSWFSrc(src); ele.setWidth(width); ele.setHeight(height); sml.lib.appendChild(parent_elem, ele); }; sml.lib.createIMG = function(parent_elem, attrs, bindables) { var img = sml.lib.createElement('img'); img.setSrc(attrs.src); for (var k in bindables) { if (bindables[k]) { img.addEventListener('click', bindables[k]); } } sml.lib.appendChild(parent_elem, img); return img; }; sml.lib.removeSWF = function(unbind_id) { }; sml.lib.serialize_form = function(ele) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); return ele.serialize(); }; sml.lib.setLocation = function(loc) { document.setLocation(loc); }; sml.show_element = function(ele, style) { style = style || 'block'; ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); ele.setStyle({display: style}); }; sml.hide_element = function(ele) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); ele.setStyle({display: 'none'}); }; sml.toggle_element = function(ele, style) { style = style || 'block'; ele= sml.lib.getElem(ele); if (ele.getStyle('display') == 'none') { ele.setStyle({display: style}); } else { ele.setStyle({display: 'none'}); } }; var toggle_element = sml.toggle_element; sml.set_element_text = function(ele, text) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); if (text == "") { ele.setInnerFBML(emptyfbml); } else { ele.setInnerFBML(text); } }; sml.set_text_value = function(ele, text) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); ele.setTextValue(text); } sml.set_element_html = function(ele, html) { ele = sml.lib.getElem(ele); ele.setInnerXHTML(html); } sml.myDialog = null; sml.draw_dialog = function(e, title, body, buttons, onsetup, options) { sml.myDialog = new Dialog(Dialog.DIALOG_POP); if (buttons.length == 1) { if (buttons[0].callback) { sml.myDialog.onconfirm = buttons[0].callback; if (options.width){ sml.myDialog.setStyle('width' , options.width); } } sml.myDialog.showMessage(title, body, buttons[0].text); } else { if (buttons[0].callback) { sml.myDialog.onconfirm = buttons[0].callback; } if (buttons[1].callback) { sml.myDialog.oncancel = buttons[1].callback; } sml.myDialog.showChoice(title, body, buttons[0].text, buttons[1].text); } if (onsetup) { onsetup(); } } sml.destroy_popup = function() { if (sml.myDialog) { sml.myDialog.hide(); } }; //2 function select_all_friends(setCheck) { clear_lucky_tabs(); if (setCheck === true) { elem = document.getElementById('id_select_all'); if (elem) { sml.lib.setClass(elem, "friend_tab_bold"); } } for (i = 1; true; i++) { single_checkbox = document.getElementById('selectUsers_' + i); if (single_checkbox) { sml.lib.setChecked(single_checkbox, setCheck); single_checkbox = document.getElementById('all_selectUsers_' + i); if (single_checkbox) { sml.lib.setChecked(single_checkbox, setCheck); } } else { return i; } } } function is_inside(value, arr) { for (x = 0; x < arr.length; x++) { if (arr[x] == value) { return true; } } return false; } function show_checkbox_input() { var clear_link = document.getElementById('clear_link'); if (clear_link) { sml.lib.setStyle(clear_link, {'display': 'inline'}); } sml.show_element('friend_checkboxes'); } function select_random_set(num) { show_checkbox_input(); total = select_all_friends(false); sml.lib.setClass('id_random_set', "friend_tab_bold"); already_selected = []; for (i = 1; i <= num && i < total; i++) { rand_select = Math.floor(Math.random() * total); single_checkbox = document.getElementById('selectUsers_' + rand_select); if (single_checkbox && is_inside(rand_select, already_selected) === false) { already_selected.push(rand_select); sml.lib.setChecked(single_checkbox, true); single_checkbox = document.getElementById('all_selectUsers_' + rand_select); if (single_checkbox) { sml.lib.setChecked(single_checkbox, true); } } else { i--; } } sml.hide_element('cheer_desc'); } function select_lonely_set(lonely_friends) { show_checkbox_input(); total = select_all_friends(false); sml.lib.setClass('id_lonely_set', 'friend_tab_bold'); lonely_friends = lonely_friends.split(","); for (i = 1; i < total; i++) { single_checkbox = document.getElementById('selectUsers_' + i); if (single_checkbox) { for (x = 0; x < lonely_friends.length; x++) { if (sml.lib.getValue(single_checkbox) == lonely_friends[x]) { sml.lib.setChecked(single_checkbox, true); single_checkbox = document.getElementById('all_selectUsers_' + i); if (single_checkbox) { sml.lib.setChecked(single_checkbox, true); } break; } } } else { return i; } } sml.show_element('cheer_desc'); } function clear_all_input() { for (i = 1; true; i++) { single_checkbox = document.getElementById('selectUsers_' + i); if (single_checkbox) { sml.lib.setChecked(single_checkbox, false); single_checkbox = document.getElementById('all_selectUsers_' + i); if (single_checkbox) { sml.lib.setChecked(single_checkbox, false); } } else { return i; } } } function show_multi_input() { sml.hide_element('nav_link_show_multi'); sml.show_element('nav_link_show_checkbox'); sml.hide_element('clear_link'); sml.hide_element('friend_checkboxes'); clear_lucky_tabs(); clear_all_input(); } function popup_warning(error) { sml.draw_dialog({clientY : 500}, 'Ooops!', error, [{'text' : 'OK', 'classes' : ['sml-inputbutton'], 'callback' : sml.destroy_popup}], function(){}, {type:'error'}); return false; } function get_selectUsers(total) { var checkboxes = []; for (i = 1; i <= total; i++) { checkbox = document.getElementById('selectUsers_' + i); if (checkbox) { checkboxes.push(checkbox); } } return checkboxes; } function getCheckedUsers(total) { var selected = [], users = get_selectUsers(total); for (i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { if (users[i].checked) selected.push(users[i]); } return selected; }; function selectUsers_clicked(total) { var users = get_selectUsers(total); var checked_user = false; for (i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { if (sml.lib.getChecked(users[i])) { checked_user = true; } } wrap_setPublishStatus(checked_user); return true; } function smartParseInt(str) { if (!str) { return 0; } if (str.match((new RegExp('^\\d+$','')))) { return parseInt(str); } else { return 0; } } function fs_search_input_focus() { var fs_input_box = document.getElementById("fs_search_input"); if (fs_input_box && sml.lib.getValue(fs_input_box) === fs_default_text) { sml.lib.setValue(fs_input_box, ""); } }; function fs_search_input_blur() { var fs_input_box = document.getElementById("fs_search_input"); if (fs_input_box) { var val = sml.lib.getValue(fs_input_box); if (!val) { sml.lib.setValue(fs_input_box, fs_default_text); } } }; function fs_search_input_changed(e) { if (e && e.keyCode == 13) { e.preventDefault(); return; } if (e && e.keyCode == 8) return; if (fs_typing_timeout !== null) clearTimeout(fs_typing_timeout); fs_typing_timeout = setTimeout(fs_search_delayed, 500); }; function fs_search_input_keyup(e) { if (e && e.keyCode == 8) fs_search_delayed(); }; function fs_search_delayed() { var fs_input_box = document.getElementById("fs_search_input"); var i, id, matches, triple, val = sml.lib.getValue(fs_input_box), friendlist; if (val === null || val === fs_default_text) return; fs_show_all(); friendlist = fs_filter_current_tab(friend_words.slice()); if (val.length) fs_filter_search(friendlist); fs_search_typing_timeout = null; }; function fs_hide_all() { var i, id, prev, triple; for (i = 0; i < friend_words.length; i++) { triple = friend_words[i]; // if ("" + triple.slice(1,3) !== "" + prev) { // id = get_name.apply(null, triple.slice(1)); if (id) { sml.lib.setChecked(id, false); sml.hide_element(id); } } prev = triple.slice(1, 3); } }; function fs_show_all() { var i, id, prev, triple; for (i = 0; i < friend_words.length; i++) { triple = friend_words[i]; // if ("" + triple.slice(1,3) !== "" + prev) { // id = get_name.apply(null, triple.slice(1)); if (id) sml.show_element(id); } prev = triple.slice(1, 3); } }; function fs_show_selected() { var i, id, domobj, results = []; for (i = 0; i < friend_words.length; i++) { id = get_name(friend_words[i][1], friend_words[i][2]); if (domobj = sml.lib.getElem(id)) if (sml.lib.getChecked(domobj)) sml.show_element(domobj); } }; function fs_filter_current_tab(friends) { var i, prev, triple; i = 0; prev = "never match the first one"; while (i < friends.length) { triple = friends[i]; if ("" + triple.slice(1) === prev) { prev = "" + triple.slice(1); i++; continue; } prev = "" + triple.slice(1); if (!fs_selector_funcs[fs_current_tab].apply(null, triple.slice(1))) { sml.hide_element(get_name.apply(null, triple.slice(1))); friends.splice(i--, 1); } i++; } return friends; }; function fs_filter_search(friends) { var fs_input_box = document.getElementById("fs_search_input"); var i, j, triple, word, words = sml.lib.getValue(fs_input_box).toLowerCase().split(" "), matches = []; i = 0; while (i < friends.length) { triple = friends[i]; for (j = 0; j < words.length; j++) { word = words[j]; if (word.length && word === triple[0].slice(0, word.length)) { friends.splice(i--, 1); matches.push("" + triple[1] + triple[2]); break; } } i++; } for (i = 0; i < friends.length; i++) { triple = friends[i]; if (matches.indexOf("" + triple[1] + triple[2]) < 0) sml.hide_element(get_name(triple[1], triple[2])); } return matches; }; var fs_tab_actions = { all: function() { var elem = sml.lib.getElem("friend_selector_tools_container"); if (elem) { sml.show_element(elem); sml.lib.setStyle("all_friends_container", {height: "150px"}); } sml.lib.setStyle("id_app_users", {display: "inline"}); }, selected: function() { var elem = sml.lib.getElem("friend_selector_tools_container"); if (elem) { sml.hide_element(elem); sml.lib.setStyle("all_friends_container", {height: "185px"}); } }, email: function() { var elem = sml.lib.getElem("friend_selector_tools_container"); if (elem) { sml.show_element(elem); sml.lib.setStyle("all_friends_container", {height: "150px"}); } sml.lib.setStyle("id_app_users", {display: "none"}); }, facebook: function() { var elem = sml.lib.getElem("friend_selector_tools_container"); if (elem) { sml.show_element(elem); sml.lib.setStyle("all_friends_container", {height: "150px"}); } sml.lib.setStyle("id_app_users", {display: "inline"}); } }; var fs_selector_funcs = { all: function() { return true; }, selected: function(id, is_fb) { return sml.lib.getChecked(sml.lib.getChildren(get_name(id, is_fb))[0]); }, email: function(id, is_fb) { return !is_fb; }, facebook: function(id, is_fb) { return is_fb; } }; function get_name(id, is_fb) { return sml.lib.getElem((is_fb ? "fbfriend" : "emfriend") + "_" + id); }; function fs_select_tab(tab) { var i, elem, prev, triple, searchbox; var fs_input_box = document.getElementById("fs_search_input"); fs_current_tab = tab; for (i = 0; i < fs_tabs.length; i++) { elem = sml.lib.getElem(fs_tabs[i] + "_tab"); if (elem) { sml.lib.removeClass(elem, 'xtab_bold'); sml.lib.addClass(elem, 'xtab_unbold'); } } if (fs_input_box) { sml.lib.setValue(fs_input_box, ""); fs_search_input_blur(); } elem = sml.lib.getElem(tab + "_tab"); if (elem) { sml.lib.removeClass(elem, 'xtab_unbold'); sml.lib.addClass(elem, 'xtab_bold'); } fs_show_all(); fs_filter_current_tab(friend_words.slice()); if (fs_tab_actions[tab]) fs_tab_actions[tab](); }; function fs_user_onclick(elem) { var id = sml.lib.getId(elem); if (typeof fs_selected_friends == "undefined") var fs_selected_friends = []; index = fs_selected_friends.indexOf(id); if (index + 1) { fs_selected_friends.splice(index, 1); } else { fs_selected_friends.push(id); } }; function fs_clear_friends(checked) { var i, triple, prev, current, container, name; if (typeof(checked) == "undefined") { checked = false; } prev = "never match the first one"; for (i = 0; i < friend_words.length; i++) { triple = friend_words[i]; current = "" + triple[1] + triple[2]; if (prev == current) { prev = current; continue; } prev = current; name = get_name(triple[1], triple[2]); if (sml.lib.getStyle(name, "display") != "none") { container = sml.lib.getElem(name); sml.lib.setChecked(sml.lib.getChildren(container)[0], checked); } } }; function fs_select_all_friends() { return fs_clear_friends(true); }; function fs_select_lucky(num) { var i, triple, prev, current, friend_list = [], lucky = [], luckynum, name; fs_clear_friends(); prev = "never match the first one"; for (i = 0; i < friend_words.length; i++) { triple = friend_words[i]; current = "" + triple[1] + triple[2]; if (prev == current) { continue; } prev = current; name = get_name(triple[1], triple[2]); if (sml.lib.getStyle(name, "display") != "none" && !sml.lib.getChecked(sml.lib.getChildren(name)[0])) friend_list.push(triple.slice(1)); } for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { luckynum = Math.floor(Math.random() * (friend_list.length + 1)); lucky.push(friend_list.splice(luckynum, 1)[0]); } for (i = 0; i < lucky.length; i++) { if (lucky[i]) sml.lib.setChecked(sml.lib.getChildren(get_name(lucky[i][0], lucky[i][1]))[0], true); } }; function fs_select_userfriends() { var i, len, triple, prev, current, name; fs_clear_friends(); prev = "never match the first one"; for (i = 0, len = friend_words.length; i < len; i++) { triple = friend_words[i]; current = "" + triple[1] + triple[2]; if (prev == current) continue; prev = current; name = get_name(triple[1], triple[2]); if (sml.lib.getStyle(name, "display") != "none") if (app_users[current] && !sml.lib.getChecked(sml.lib.getChildren(name)[0])) { sml.lib.setChecked(sml.lib.getChildren(name)[0], true); } } };