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File: example_form.json

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  Classes of Gert Massheimer   PHP JSON Form Generator for Bootstrap   example_form.json   Download  
File: example_form.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example JSON configuration
Class: PHP JSON Form Generator for Bootstrap
Present forms using Bootstrap from JSON definition
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 3,620 bytes



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{ "name": "formName", "description": "A simple form example.", "method": "post", "enctype": "multipart/form-data", "action": "?", "class" : "needs-validation", "novalidate": true, "properties": { "formRowOpen": { "type": "div", "open": true, "class": "row justify-content-center mt-5" }, "formColOpen": { "type": "div", "open": true, "class": "col-6" }, "firstName": { "type": "text", "label": "First name", "name":"firstName", "value": "test", "required": true, "onchange":"console.log(this.value)", "aria-label": false, "class": "form-control mt-2", "labelClass": "form-label w-100", "divClass": "mb-2" }, "lastName": { "type": "text", "label": "Last name", "name":"lastName", "disabled": true, "class": "form-control mt-2", "labelClass": "form-label w-100", "divClass": "mb-2" }, "age": { "type": "number", "label": "Age", "name":"age", "class": "form-control mt-2", "labelClass": "form-label w-100", "divClass": "mb-2" }, "bio": { "id": "bio", "type": "text", "label": "Bio", "name":"bio", "placeholder":"Biography", "class": "form-control", "labelClass": "form-label", "divClass": "mb-2" }, "password": { "type": "password", "label": "Password", "name":"password", "min": 3, "class": "form-control mt-2", "labelClass": "form-label w-100", "divClass": "mb-2", "required": true }, "language": { "type": "select", "label": "Language", "name": "lang", "options": {"en": ["English", false], "fa": ["Farsi", false], "de": ["German", true] }, "class": "form-select mt-2", "labelClass": "form-label w-100", "divClass": "mb-3" }, "radio1": { "type": "radio", "label": "Radio Eins", "name": "du", "id": "r1", "value": "eins", "class": "form-check-input", "labelClass": "form-check-label", "divClass": "mb-1" }, "radio2": { "type": "radio", "label": "Radio Zwei", "name": "du", "value": "zwei", "class": "form-check-input", "labelClass": "form-check-label", "divClass": "mb-3" }, "checkbox1": { "type": "checkbox", "label": "Checkbox Eins", "name": "du", "id": "check1", "value": "eins", "class": "form-check-input", "labelClass": "form-check-label", "divClass": "mb-3", "checked": true }, "textarea": { "type": "textarea", "label": "Tell your story", "name": "story", "class": "form-control mt-2", "labelClass": "form-label w-100", "divClass": "mb-3" }, "clear": { "type": "button", "label": "Clear Form", "name":"clear", "onclick": "form.reset()", "class": "btn btn-danger" }, "submit": { "type": "submit", "label": "Send Form", "name":"submit", "class": "btn btn-success mx-2" }, "formColClose": { "type": "div", "open": false }, "formRowClose": { "type": "div", "open": false } } }