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File: Locale/da_DK/translations.php

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File: Locale/da_DK/translations.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Kanboard Gantt plugin
Display Gantt charts in Kanboard
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 918 bytes



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return array(
'Sort by position' => 'Sorter udfra position',
'Sort by date' => 'Sorter ud fra dato',
'Add task' => 'Tilføj opgave',
// 'There is no start date or due date for this task.' => '',
'Moving or resizing a task will change the start and due date of the task.' => 'Hvis du flytter eller trækker i en opgave vil det ændre start -og forfaldsdato',
'There is no task in your project.' => 'Der er ikke nogle opgaver i dette projekt',
// 'Gantt chart' => '',
'Gantt chart for all projects' => 'Gantt chart for alle projekter',
'Gantt chart for this project' => 'Gantt chart for dette projekt',
'Project board' => 'Projekt tavle',
'There is no start date or end date for this project.' => 'Der er ikke nogen start eller slut dato for dette projekt.',
'Projects Gantt chart' => 'Gantt chart på Projekter',
// 'Switch to the Gantt chart view' => '',