PHP Classes

File: public/assets/local/js/function.min.js

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  Classes of Aby Dahana   Aksara   public/assets/local/js/function.min.js   Download  
File: public/assets/local/js/function.min.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: Aksara
A CodeIgniter based API and CRUD generator
Author: By
Last change: feat: add sortable option into table
refactor: refine template and javascript plugin reactivation method
refactor: refine some css and js function
refactor: refine custom asset
Date: 16 days ago
Size: 51,927 bytes


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/** * Bunch of functions * * @author Aby Dahana <[email protected]> * @copyright (c) Aksara Laboratory <> * @license MIT License * * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled with this * source code in the LICENSE.txt file. */ "use strict"; /** * Mimic user agent */ const UA = (window.innerWidth >= 1024 ? 'desktop' : 'mobile'); /** * Store AJAX promise to prevent multiple request */ let xhr; /** * Pulse time to dismiss toast */ let pulseTime; /** * Call your own function to run after AJAX call. Add anywhere to your * javascript file. * * Usage: * afterCall.push( function() { // Expected code to run }); */ let afterCall = []; /** * Get and set content wrapper's height */ let fullHeight = window.innerHeight; /** * Buzzer's sound, applied when app enable the action's sound */ let successBuzzer = new Audio(config.base_url + 'assets/local/sound/success.mp3'); let failBuzzer = new Audio(config.base_url + 'assets/local/sound/fail.mp3'); let warningBuzzer = new Audio(config.base_url + 'assets/local/sound/alert.mp3'); /** * Polling */ let polling; /** * Mimic phrase helper */ function phrase(phrase) { if (typeof phrases[phrase] !== 'undefined') { phrase = phrases[phrase]; } else { phrase.toLowerCase().replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function(letter) { return letter.toUpperCase(); }) } return phrase; } /** * Go to URL slug * * @param string url * @param object params * * @return string */ function go_to(path, params) { let url = window.location.href.split(/[?#]/)[0]; let query_string = {}; $.each(params, function(key, val) { if (val) { query_string[key] = val; } }); if (Object.keys(query_string).length <= 1) { query_string = null; } return url.replace(/\/$/, '') + (path ? '/' + path : '') + (query_string ? '?' + $.param(query_string) : ''); } /** * Get the query string value from url * * @param string keyword, * @param string url * * @return string */ function get_query_string(keyword, url) { if (! url) { // No URL's set, use window location url = window.location; } else { url = new URL(url); } // Extract parameter let params = new URLSearchParams(; // Get query string value based on given keyword return params.get(keyword); } /** * Rewrite PHP function to javascript format */ function htmlspecialchars(string) { if (typeof string === 'string') { string = string.replace(/&/g, "&amp;"); string = string.replace(/"/g, "&quot;"); string = string.replace(/'/g, "&#039;"); string = string.replace(/</g, "&lt;"); string = string.replace(/>/g, "&gt;"); } return string; } /** * Convert HEX color to RGBA */ function hex2rgba(hex, alpha) { let channel; if (/^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{3}){1,2}$/.test(hex)) { channel = hex.substring(1).split(''); if (channel.length == 3) { channel = [channel[0], channel[0], channel[1], channel[1], channel[2], channel[2]]; } channel = '0x' + channel.join(''); return 'rgba(' + [(channel >> 16) & 255, (channel >> 8) & 255, channel & 255].join(',') + ',' + (alpha ? alpha : 1) + ')'; } throw new Error('Bad Hex'); } /** * Convert the RGBA color to HEX */ function rgba2hex(rgba) { if (! rgba) { rgba = 'rgba(255,255,255,1)'; } let rgb = rgba.replace(/\s/g, '').match(/^rgba?\((\d+),(\d+),(\d+),?([^,\s)]+)?/i); let hex = '000000'; if (rgb) { hex = (rgb[1] | 1 << 8).toString(16).slice(1) + (rgb[2] | 1 << 8).toString(16).slice(1) + (rgb[3] | 1 << 8).toString(16).slice(1); } return '#' + hex; } /** * Execute the jQuery script inline the document */ function jExec(script) { return script; } /** * Pop the message up */ function throw_exception(code, message, target, redirect) { if (typeof redirect !== 'undefined' && redirect) { // Hard redirect to target return window.location.replace(target); } else { // Soft redirect to target $('<a href="' + target + '" class="--xhr"></a>').appendTo('body').trigger('click').remove(); } if (! message) { return false; } let color = 'danger'; let icon = 'mdi mdi-emoticon-sad-outline'; if ($.inArray(code, [200, 301]) !== -1) { color = 'success'; icon = 'mdi mdi-check-circle-outline'; } else if ($.inArray(code, [403, 404]) !== -1) { color = 'warning'; icon = 'mdi mdi-alert-octagram-outline'; } // Add twig function Twig.extendFunction('phrase', function(words, check) { return (words ? phrase(words.trim()) : ''); }); Twig.extendFunction('truncate', function(string, length, delimeter) { if (string.length <= length) { return string } return string.slice(0, length) + delimeter }); let template = Twig.twig({ data: components['core/exception.twig'] }); let content = template.render({ color: color, icon: icon, message: message }); // Remove previous notification $('[data-bs-dismiss=toast]').trigger('click'); // Pop new notification $(content).appendTo('body'); // Clear previous timeout clearTimeout(pulseTime); // Add timeout pulseTime = setTimeout(function() { $('[data-bs-dismiss=toast]').trigger('click'); // Clear previous timeout clearTimeout(pulseTime); }, 5000); } /** * Notification */ function fetchNotifications() { $.ajax({ url: `${config.base_url}notifications/polling`, method: 'POST', success: function(notifications) { if (notifications.unread > 0) { $('[role=notifications]').find('#notification-count').removeClass('d-none') } else { $('[role=notifications]').find('#notification-count').addClass('d-none') } $('[role=notifications]').find('#notification-count').text(notifications.unread) }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.error('Error fetching notifications:', textStatus, errorThrown); } }); } /** * Because this website is adopt SPA concept, sometime it's require to * re-trigger required plugins */ function reactivate(individual, ignore_self) { if (typeof individual === 'undefined' || individual == true) { individual = []; } if (typeof ignore_self === 'undefined') { ignore_self = false; } if (typeof polling !== 'undefined') { clearInterval(polling); } // Global reactivate trigger if (! individual.length) { // Clear previous timeout clearTimeout(pulseTime); // Remove previous alert pulseTime = setTimeout(function() { $('[data-bs-dismiss=toast]').trigger('click'); // Clear previous timeout clearTimeout(pulseTime); }, 5000); // Stop QR Reader if(typeof qrReader !== 'undefined' && qrReader.getState() !== 1) { try { qrReader.stop() } catch(e) { // Safe abstraction } } /** * Update element when viewport is modified */ _viewport_modifier(); /** * Detect if device browser is mobile */ if (UA != 'mobile') { /** * Focus to first field, expect there's modal open. to trigger focus the field inside modal, * check the correspondent of from the global.min.js */ $(':input').blur(); if ($('form[method=POST]:visible').last().find('.autofocus:enabled:visible:first').length) { $('form[method=POST]:visible').last().find('.autofocus:enabled:visible:first').focus(); } else { $('form[method=POST]:visible').last().find('input[type=text], textarea').filter(':enabled:visible:first:not(.nofocus)').focus(); } if ($('body').hasClass('sidebar-collapsed auto-collapse')) { $('body').removeClass('sidebar-collapsed auto-collapse sidebar-hovered'); } } else { $('html').removeClass('overflow-hidden'); $('body').removeClass('sidebar-expanded sidebar-hovered'); } /** * Sometime the component need to be resolve when the * browser window is resized */ $(window).on('resize', function() { _viewport_modifier(); }) .on('scroll', function(e) { if ($('.navbar').first().next('[role=content]').children('.carousel').length || $('.navbar').first().next('[role=content]').children('.leading').length) { // Apply navigation menu modification let element = ($('.navbar').first().next('[role=content]').children('.carousel').length ? $('.navbar').first().next('[role=content]').children('.carousel') : ($('.navbar').first().next('[role=content]').children('.leading').length ? $('.navbar').first().next('[role=content]').children('.leading') : null)); let toe = element.offset().top; let boe = element.offset().top + element.outerHeight(); let bos = $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).innerHeight(); let tos = $(window).scrollTop(); if ((bos > toe) && (tos < boe) && ! $('body').hasClass('sidebar-expanded')) { $('.navbar').first().addClass('bg-transparent'); } else { $('.navbar').first().removeClass('bg-transparent'); } } }); /** * Alert user if they using unstable browser */ if ($('input[type=file]').length) { let agent = navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera; if (agent.toLowerCase().indexOf('fban') > -1 || agent.toLowerCase().indexOf('fbav') > -1 || agent.toLowerCase().indexOf('instagram') > -1) { alert(phrase('This browser might experience problems related to file reading permissions on your device.')); } } /** * Dispose previous autocomplete element */ if (typeof $.fn.autocomplete !== 'undefined') { $('[role=autocomplete]').autocomplete('dispose'); } /** * Fix the hidden button that break the radius in button group */ if ($('.btn-group').find('.btn:hidden:first').nextAll('.btn:visible:first').length) { $('.btn-group').find('.btn:hidden:first').nextAll('.btn:visible:first').addClass('rounded-start'); } else { $('.btn-group').find('.btn').not(':first').removeClass('rounded-start'); } if ($('.btn-group').find('.btn:hidden:last').prevAll('.btn:visible:first').length) { $('.btn-group').find('.btn:hidden:last').prevAll('.btn:visible:first').addClass('rounded-end'); } else { $('.btn-group').find('.btn').not(':last').removeClass('rounded-end'); } /** * Disable input autocomplete */ $('input, textarea').attr('autocomplete', 'off'); $('input[type=password]').attr('autocomplete', 'new-password'); /** * Remove the DOM's element that used before */ $('.dcalendarpicker, #sortableListsBase, .autocomplete-suggestions, .note-popover').remove(); /** * Remove previous shown tooltip */ $('').remove(); /** * Reload tooltip and popover */ $('[data-bs-toggle=tooltip]').tooltip(); $('[data-bs-toggle=popover]').popover(); /** * Close offcanvas */ $('[data-bs-dismiss=offcanvas]').trigger('click'); /** * Make textarea autogrow */ $('textarea').each(function() { $(this).css({ height: (this.scrollHeight > $(this).actual('outerHeight') ? (this.scrollHeight + 2) : $(this).actual('outerHeight')), overflowY: 'hidden' }); }) .on('input', function() { if (! $(this).hasClass('no-resize')) { = 'auto'; = (this.scrollHeight + 2) + 'px'; } }); $('body').on('keyup', '.select2-search__field', function(e) { if (typeof mCustomScrollbar === 'function') { $('.select2-results').mCustomScrollbar('update'); } }); /** * Triggering mousewheel */ $('input[type=number]').bind('DOMMouseScroll mousewheel', function(e) { $(this).trigger('change'); }); /** * Trigger stopped carousel to slide */ if ($('[data-bs-ride=carousel]').length) { $('[data-bs-ride=carousel]').carousel(); $('[data-bs-ride=carousel]').bind(''); } /** * Stop all video and audio player */ /*if (typeof mejs !== 'undefined' && typeof mejs.players !== 'undefined') { $.each(mejs.players, function(key, val) { if (typeof !== 'undefined') { if (typeof !== 'undefined') {;; }; } }); }*/ /** * Retrigger fetching parameter of API */ if ($('.fetch-parameter').length) { $('.fetch-parameter').trigger('change'); } /** * Load more first click */ if ($('.load-more').length) { $('.load-more').trigger('click'); } /** * Check parent item and open if it's link were active */ $('.sidebar-menu').each(function() { $(this).parents('li').addClass('active is-parent'); $(this).parents('ul').addClass('show').prev('.nav-link').addClass('is-expanded'); }); /** * Call your own function to run after AJAX call. Add anywhere to your * javascript file. * * Usage: * afterCall.push( function() { // Expected code to run }); */ if (typeof afterCall !== 'undefined' && $.isArray(afterCall) && afterCall.length) { $.each(afterCall, function(key, val) { if (typeof afterCall[key] === 'function') { afterCall[key].call(); } else { afterCall[key]; } }); } } /** * Select2 plugin */ if ($('select[role=select]').length && (! individual.length || individual.includes('select')) && ! ignore_self) { require.css([ config.base_url + 'assets/select2/select2.min.css', config.base_url + 'assets/select2/select2-bootstrap-5-theme.min.css', config.base_url + 'assets/local/css/select2.min.css' ]); require.js([ config.base_url + 'assets/select2/select2.min.js' ], function() { $('select[role=select]').each(function() { if ($(this).next('.select2').length || $(this).hasClass('no-js')) { return; } const config = { theme: 'bootstrap-5', width: '100%', placeholder: $(this).attr('placeholder'), dropdownParent: $(this).parent(), minimumResultsForSearch: 10, templateSelection: function(response) { if (! $(response.element).data('icon')) { return response.text } return $('<i class="' + $(response.element).data('icon') + '"></i> ' + response.text); }, templateResult: function(response) { if (! $(response.element).data('icon')) { return response.text } return $('<i class="' + $(response.element).data('icon') + '"></i> ' + response.text); } }; if ($(this).data('relation') || $(this).data('href')) { config.ajax = { url: $(this).data('href') ?? $(this).closest('form').attr('action'), method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', data: function(params) { let query = { search: params.term, page: || 1, method: 'ajax_select', source: $(this).attr('name'), selected_list: $(this).val() }; return query; } }; } $(this).select2(config).on('change', function(e) { // Remove highlight border $('.select2-container').find('.select2-selection').removeClass('border-danger'); let autosubmit = $(this).closest('form').attr('data-autosubmit'); if (autosubmit) { $(this).closest('form').trigger('submit'); } }); }); }); } /** * Load wysiwyg editor plugin */ if ($('[role=wysiwyg]').length && (! individual.length || individual.includes('wysiwyg')) && ! ignore_self) { require.css([ config.base_url + 'assets/summernote/summernote.min.css', config.base_url + 'assets/local/css/summernote.min.css' ]); require.js([ config.base_url + 'assets/summernote/summernote.min.js' ], function() { $('[role=wysiwyg]').each(function() { if ($(this).attr('disabled') || $(this).attr('readonly')) return; let context = $(this); context.summernote({ placeholder: (context.attr('placeholder') ? context.attr('placeholder') : phrase('Your content goes here...')), dialogsInBody: true, dialogsFade: false, spellCheck: false, disableResizeEditor: true, disableDragAndDrop: true, disableTags: ['script', 'iframe', 'object', 'embed'], styleTags: [ { tag: 'h2', title: 'Heading' }, { tag: 'h3', title: 'Subheading' }, { tag: 'p', title: 'Normal' } ], toolbar: [ ['style', ['style', 'bold', 'italic', 'underline']], ['para', ['ul', 'ol']], (UA !== 'mobile' ? ['insert', ['link', 'table', 'picture', 'video']] : null), (UA !== 'mobile' ? ['misc', ['clear', 'help']] : null) ], callbacks: { onDialogShown: function(e) { $('.modal-dialog').addClass('modal-dialog-centered'); $('.form-control-file').addClass('form-control'); }, onImageUpload: function(image) { let data = new FormData(); data.append("image", image[0]); // Upload file $.ajax({ url: config.base_url + 'xhr/summernote/upload', contentType: false, processData: false, data: data, method: 'POST', beforeSend: function() {}, success: function(response) { context.summernote('insertImage', response.source); } }); }, onMediaDelete: function(image) { // Delete file $.ajax({ url: config.base_url + 'xhr/summernote/delete', method: 'POST', data: { source: image[0].src } }); } } }); }); }); } /** * Load swiperJS */ if ($('.swiper').length && (! individual.length || individual.includes('swiper')) && ! ignore_self) { require.css([ config.base_url + 'assets/swiper/swiper-bundle.min.css', config.base_url + 'assets/local/css/swiper.min.css' ]); require.js([ config.base_url + 'assets/swiper/swiper-bundle.min.js' ], function() { $('.swiper').each(function() { let context = $(this), _unique = Math.floor(Math.random() * 9999), _autoplay = (1 == context.attr('data-autoplay') || 'true' == context.attr('data-autoplay') ? true : false); context.addClass('swiper_' + _unique); if (typeof context.attr('data-pagination') !== 'undefined') { $(`<div class="swiper-pagination swiper-pagination_${_unique}"></div>`).appendTo(context); } if (typeof context.attr('data-navigation') !== 'undefined') { $(`<div class="swiper-button-prev"></div><div class="swiper-button-next"></div>`).appendTo(context); } if (_autoplay) { _autoplay = { delay: (typeof context.attr('data-delay') !== 'undefined' ? parseInt(context.attr('data-delay')) : 3000), pauseOnMouseEnter: true, disableOnInteraction: false }; } let swiper = new Swiper('.swiper_' + _unique, { watchSlidesProgress: true, autoplay: _autoplay, spaceBetween: (typeof context.attr('data-space-between') !== 'undefined' ? parseInt(context.attr('data-space-between')) : 20), slidesPerView: (typeof context.attr('data-slide-count') !== 'undefined' ? parseInt(context.attr('data-slide-count')) : 'auto'), breakpoints: { 640: { slidesPerView: (typeof context.attr('data-slide-count-sm') !== 'undefined' ? context.attr('data-slide-count-sm') : (typeof context.attr('data-slide-count') !== 'undefined' ? parseInt(context.attr('data-slide-count')) : 'auto')), spaceBetween: (typeof context.attr('data-space-between') !== 'undefined' ? parseInt(context.attr('data-space-between')) : 20) }, 768: { slidesPerView: (typeof context.attr('data-slide-count-md') !== 'undefined' ? context.attr('data-slide-count-md') : (typeof context.attr('data-slide-count-sm') !== 'undefined' ? context.attr('data-slide-count-sm') : (typeof context.attr('data-slide-count') !== 'undefined' ? parseInt(context.attr('data-slide-count')) : 'auto'))), spaceBetween: (typeof context.attr('data-space-between') !== 'undefined' ? parseInt(context.attr('data-space-between')) : 20) }, 1024: { slidesPerView: (typeof context.attr('data-slide-count-lg') !== 'undefined' ? context.attr('data-slide-count-lg') : (typeof context.attr('data-slide-count-md') !== 'undefined' ? context.attr('data-slide-count-md') : (typeof context.attr('data-slide-count-sm') !== 'undefined' ? context.attr('data-slide-count-sm') : (typeof context.attr('data-slide-count') !== 'undefined' ? parseInt(context.attr('data-slide-count')) : 'auto')))), spaceBetween: (typeof context.attr('data-space-between') !== 'undefined' ? parseInt(context.attr('data-space-between')) : 20) }, 1280: { slidesPerView: (typeof context.attr('data-slide-count-xl') !== 'undefined' ? context.attr('data-slide-count-xl') : (typeof context.attr('data-slide-count-lg') !== 'undefined' ? context.attr('data-slide-count-lg') : (typeof context.attr('data-slide-count-md') !== 'undefined' ? context.attr('data-slide-count-md') : (typeof context.attr('data-slide-count-sm') !== 'undefined' ? context.attr('data-slide-count-sm') : (typeof context.attr('data-slide-count') !== 'undefined' ? parseInt(context.attr('data-slide-count')) : 'auto'))))), spaceBetween: (typeof context.attr('data-space-between') !== 'undefined' ? parseInt(context.attr('data-space-between')) : 20) } }, pagination: { el: '.swiper-pagination_' + _unique, clickable: true }, navigation: { prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev', nextEl: '.swiper-button-next' } }); }); }); } /** * Load video player (mediaelement.js) */ if ($('[role=videoplayer]').length && (! individual.length || individual.includes('videoplayer')) && ! ignore_self) { require.css([ config.base_url + 'assets/mediaelement/mediaelement.min.css' ]); require.js([ config.base_url + 'assets/mediaelement/mediaelement.min.js' ], function() { $('[role=videoplayer]').each(function() { $(this).mediaelementplayer({ pauseOtherPlayers: true, stretching: 'fill', iconSprite: config.base_url + 'assets/mediaelement/mejs-controls.svg', success: function(player, node) { player.pause(); } }) }) }); } /** * Load datetimepicker plugin */ if ($('[role=calendar]').length && (! individual.length || individual.includes('calendar')) && ! ignore_self) { require.css([ config.base_url + 'assets/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.min.css' ]); require.js([ config.base_url + 'assets/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.min.js' ], function() { $('[role=calendar]').each(function() { let context = $(this); let calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(document.getElementById(context.attr('id')), { timeZone: 'GMT', slotMinTime: (context.attr('data-start-time') ? context.attr('data-start-time') : '08:00:00'), slotMaxTime: (context.attr('data-start-time') ? context.attr('data-start-time') : '22:00:00'), height: fullHeight - (($('[role=toolbar]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0) + ($('[role=toolbar]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0) + ($('[role=pagination]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0)), initialView: 'timeGridWeek', headerToolbar: { left: 'prev,next', center: 'title', right: 'dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,timeGridDay' }, events: { url: context.attr('data-event-url'), method: 'POST' }, selectable: (context.attr('data-crud-url') ? true : false), select: function(info) { if (context.attr('data-crud-url')) { $(`<a href="${context.attr('data-crud-url')}" class="--modal" data-start="${info.startStr}" data-finish="${info.endStr}"></a>`).appendTo('body').trigger('click').remove(); } } }); calendar.render(); }); }); } /** * Load money format plugin */ if ($('[role=money]').length && (! individual.length || individual.includes('money')) && ! ignore_self) { require.js([ config.base_url + 'assets/autonumeric/autonumeric.min.js' ], function() { $('[role=money]').autoNumeric('init', { vMin: '-999999999.99' }); $('[role=money]').on('focus', function(e) { $(this).select(); }); }); } /** * Uploader plugin */ if ($('[role=uploader]').length && (! individual.length || individual.includes('uploader')) && ! ignore_self) { $('[role=uploader]').each(function() { let context = $(this); let files = []; try { files = JSON.parse(context.attr('data-fileuploader-files')); } catch (e) {} context.removeAttr('data-fileuploader-files'); if (files) { $.each(files, function(key, val) { let extension ='.'))); $(` <div class="uploader-list w-100"> <div class="row mb-2 align-items-center"> <div class="col-2 pe-0"> <a href="${val.url}" target="_blank" download="${}"> ${(val.icon ? '<img src="' + val.icon + '" class="img-fluid rounded" style="max-height:32px" />' : '<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary pe-2 ps-2">' + extension + '</button>')} </a> </div> <div class="col-10 position-relative"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-sm position-absolute end-0 me-2" onclick="jExec($(this).closest('.input-group').find('.custom-file-label').text(($(this).closest('.input-group').find('textarea').length - 1) + ' ' + (($(this).closest('.uploader-list').find('textarea').length - 1) > 1 ? phrase('files were chosen') : phrase('file was chosen'))), $('[data-bs-toggle=tooltip]').tooltip('hide'), $(this).closest('.uploader-list').remove())" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="${phrase('Remove')}"> <i class="mdi mdi-delete text-danger"></i> </button> <textarea name="${context.attr('name').replace('[]', '')}_label[${val.file}]" class="form-control form-control-sm" rows="1">${}</textarea> </div> </div> </div> `) .insertBefore(context.closest('.uploader-input')); });'.custom-file-label').text(files.length + ' ' + (files.length > 1 ? phrase('files were chosen') : phrase('file was chosen'))); $('[data-bs-toggle=tooltip]').tooltip(); }'change.uploader'); context.on('change.uploader', function(e) { // Prevent browser to take place as well e.preventDefault(); let context = $(this); if (this.files && this.files[0]) { let file = this.files[0]; let extension ='.'))); let reader = new FileReader; if (context.attr('accept') && $.inArray(extension, context.attr('accept').split(',')) === -1) { return throw_exception(403, phrase('Allowed file type') + ' <b>' + context.attr('accept') + '</b>.'); } else if ((file.size / 1024) > config.max_upload_size) { return throw_exception(403, + ' ' + phrase('is too large')); } reader.readAsDataURL(this.files[0]); reader.onload = function(response) { if (! { if (! context.attr('multiple')) { // Remove previous selected file for non-multiple input context.closest('.uploader-input').prev('.uploader-list').remove(); } $(` <div class="uploader-list w-100"> <div class="row mb-2 align-items-center"> <div class="col-2 pe-0"> <a href="${}" target="_blank" download="${}"> ${($.inArray(extension, ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.gif']) !== -1 ? '<img src="' + + '" class="img-fluid rounded" style="max-height:32px" />' : '<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary pe-2 ps-2">' + extension + '</button>')} </a> </div> <div class="col-10 position-relative uploader-file-input"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-sm position-absolute end-0 me-2" onclick="jExec($(this).closest('.input-group').find('.custom-file-label').text(($(this).closest('.input-group').find('textarea').length - 1) + ' ' + (($(this).closest('.input-group').find('textarea').length - 1) > 1 ? phrase('files were chosen') : phrase('file was chosen'))), $('[data-bs-toggle=tooltip]').tooltip('hide'), $(this).closest('.uploader-list').remove())" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="${phrase('Remove')}"> <i class="mdi mdi-delete text-danger"></i> </button> <textarea name="${context.attr('name').replace('[]', '')}_label[]" class="form-control form-control-sm" rows="1">${}</textarea> </div> </div> </div> `) .insertBefore(context.closest('.uploader-input')); context.clone().css('display', 'none').removeAttr('role class id').appendTo(context.closest('.uploader-input').prev('.uploader-list'));'.custom-file-label').text(context.closest('.input-group').find('textarea').length + ' ' + (context.closest('.input-group').find('textarea').length > 1 ? phrase('files were chosen') : phrase('file was chosen'))); context.val(''); $('[data-bs-toggle=tooltip]').tooltip(); } }; } }); }); } /** * Checkbox */ if ($('input[role=checker]').length && (! individual.length || individual.includes('checker')) && ! ignore_self) { $('input[role=checker]').each(function() { let _parent = $(this).attr('data-parent'); if ($(this).closest(_parent).find(':checkbox.checker-children:checked').length) { $(this).prop('checked', true); } else { $(this).prop('checked', false); } }); } /** * Autocomplete plugin */ if ($('[role=autocomplete]').length && (! individual.length || individual.includes('autocomplete')) && ! ignore_self) { require.js([ config.base_url + 'assets/autocomplete/autocomplete.min.js' ], function() { $('[role=autocomplete]').each(function() { let context = jQuery(this); context.on('input', function(e) { if (! context.val()) {'input[type=hidden]').remove() } }); context.autocomplete({ serviceUrl: (context.attr('data-href') ? context.attr('data-href') : context.closest('form').attr('action')), params: { method: 'autocomplete', origin: context.attr('name'), siblings: function() { let data = {}; $.each(_this.closest('form').find(':input').not('[type=file]').not(_this).serializeArray(), function(key, val) { data[] = val.value; }); return JSON.stringify(data); } }, minChars: 3, zIndex: 1056, appendTo: ('append-to') ? _this.closest('append-to')) : 'body'), noSuggestionNotice: phrase('Nothing found'), triggerSelectOnValidInput: false, onSelect: function(suggestion) { if (typeof !== 'undefined' && { // Create and click the temporary link $(`<a href="${}" class="--xhr"></a>`).appendTo('body').trigger('click').remove(); } else if (context.closest('form').hasClass('--xhr-form')) { context.closest('form.--xhr-form').trigger('submit'); } else if (context.hasClass('on-autocomplete-trigger')) { $('input[data-mask-input=autocomplete]').remove(); $(`<input type="hidden" name="${context.attr('name')}" value="${suggestion.value}" data-mask-input="autocomplete" />`).insertAfter(context); } if (typeof suggestion.affected_field !== 'undefined') { $.each(suggestion.affected_field, function(key, val) { _this.closest('form').find('input[name=' + key + ']').val(val).trigger('change') }) } }, onSearchComplete: function(query, suggestion) { // Additional trigger on search complete } }); }); }); } /** * Fetch additional file to initialize openlayers map */ if ($('[role=map]').length && (! individual.length || individual.includes('map')) && ! ignore_self) { $('[role=map]').each(function() { let context = $(this); require.css([ config.base_url + 'assets/openlayers/ol.min.css', config.base_url + 'assets/openlayers/ol-geocoder/ol-geocoder.min.css', config.base_url + 'assets/openlayers/ol-popup/ol-popup.min.css', config.base_url + 'assets/local/css/openlayers.min.css' ]); require.js([ config.base_url + 'assets/jszip/jszip-utils.min.js', config.base_url + 'assets/jszip/jszip.min.js', config.base_url + 'assets/openlayers/ol.min.js', config.base_url + 'assets/openlayers/ol-geocoder/ol-geocoder.min.js', config.base_url + 'assets/openlayers/ol-popup/ol-popup.min.js', config.base_url + 'assets/local/js/openlayers.min.js' ], function() { openlayers.render(context); $('.ol-zoom-in, .ol-zoom-out, .ol-zoom-extent button, .ol-track button, .ol-attribution button, .ol-rotate-reset button').tooltip({ placement: 'left' }); }); }); } /** * Fetch additional file to initialize syntax highlighter */ if ($('pre code').length && (! individual.length || individual.includes('code')) && ! ignore_self) { require.css([ config.base_url + 'assets/prism/prism.min.css' ]); require.js([ config.base_url + 'assets/prism/prism.min.js' ], function() { Prism.highlightAll(); }); } /** * Fetch additional file to initialize iconpicker */ if ($('[role=iconpicker]').length && (! individual.length || individual.includes('iconpicker')) && ! ignore_self) { require.css([ config.base_url + 'assets/bootstrap-iconpicker/css/bootstrap-iconpicker.min.css' ]); require.js([ config.base_url + 'assets/bootstrap-iconpicker/js/iconset/materialdesignicons.3.3.92.min.js', config.base_url + 'assets/bootstrap-iconpicker/js/bootstrap-iconpicker.min.js' ], function() { $('[role=iconpicker]').iconpicker({ searchText: phrase('Search') }); }); } /** * Fetch additional file if to initialize sortable */ if ($('[role=sortable-menu]').length && (! individual.length || individual.includes('sortable-menu')) && ! ignore_self) { $('[role=sortable-menu]').each(function() { let context = $(this), maxDepth = 10; require.css([ config.base_url + 'assets/sortable/sortable.min.css' ]); require.js([ config.base_url + 'assets/sortable/sortable.min.js' ], function() { context.sortable({ maxDepth: maxDepth, selector: "ul", list: "li", onChange: function(e) {'.serialized_data').val(JSON.stringify(context.sortableToHierarchy())); } }) .on('click', '.item-add', function(e) { if ($(this).parents('ul').length >= maxDepth) return; let new_item = context.find('li.item-placeholder').prop('outerHTML'); new_item = new_item.replace('{{id}}', $(this).parents('ul').children('li').length); new_item = new_item.replace(' item-placeholder hidden"', ''); new_item = new_item.replace('aria-label="', 'title="'); if ($(this).hasClass('children')) { if ($(this).closest('li').find('ul:first').length) { $(new_item).appendTo($(this).closest('li').find('ul:first')); } else { $('<ul>' + new_item + '</ul>').appendTo($(this).closest('li')); } } else { $(new_item).appendTo(context); } $('[role=iconpicker]').iconpicker({ searchText: phrase('Search') }); $('[data-bs-toggle=tooltip]').tooltip(); context.trigger('change'); }) .on('click', '.item-remove', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).closest('li').slideToggle(200, function() { $(this).remove(); context.trigger('change'); }); }) .on('change', '.menu-icon', function() { let _icon = $(this).find('i').attr('class'); $(this).closest('li').attr('data-icon', _icon).parents(context).trigger('change'); }) .on('change keyup', '.menu-label', function(e) { $(this).closest('li').attr('data-label', $(this).val()).parents(context).trigger('change'); }) .on('change keyup', '.menu-slug', function() { $(this).closest('li').attr('data-slug', $(this).val()).parents(context).trigger('change'); }) .on('click touch', '.menu-newtab', function() { $(this).closest('li').attr('data-newtab', ($(this).is(':checked') ? 1 : 0)).parents(context).trigger('change'); }) .on('change', function(e) {'.serialized_data').val(JSON.stringify(context.sortableToHierarchy())); }); }); }); } /** * Sortable */ if ($('[role=sortable]').length && (! individual.length || individual.includes('sortable')) && ! ignore_self) { $('[role="sortable"]').each(function() { let context = $(this); require.js([ config.base_url + 'assets/sortable/jquery-ui.sortable.min.js' ], function() { context.sortable({ axis: 'y', containment: 'parent', helper: function (e, row) { const $originals = row.children(); const $helper = row.clone(); $helper.children().each(function (index) { $(this).width($originals.eq(index).width()); }); return $helper; }, update: function (event, ui) { let orderedIDs = context.children().map(function () { return $(this).data('id') }) .get(); if ('url')) { $.ajax({ url:'url'), method: 'POST', data: { method: 'sort_table', ordered_id: orderedIDs } }) } } }); }); }); } /** * Widgets */ if ($('[role=widget]').length && (! individual.length || individual.includes('widget')) && ! ignore_self) { $('[role="widget"]').each(function() { $.ajax({ url: $(this).attr('data-source'), context: this }) .done(function(response) { if (typeof response.content !== 'undefined') { $(this).html(response.content); const _this = $(this); setTimeout(function() { _this.find('.--fetch-comments').trigger('click') }, 100) } reactivate([], true); }); }); } /** * Notification's polling */ if ($('[role=notifications]').length) { // Fetch notification fetchNotifications(); // Start polling polling = setInterval(fetchNotifications, 10000) } } /** * Apply on resize context */ function _viewport_modifier() { /** * Check again the browser viewport */ fullHeight = window.innerHeight - (($('[role=header]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0) + ($('[role=breadcrumb]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0)); $('.full-height').css({ minHeight: fullHeight - (($('[role=meta]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0) + ($('[role=toolbar]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0) + ($('[role=pagination]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0)) }); if (UA != 'mobile') { require.css([ config.base_url + 'assets/mcustomscrollbar/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.min.css', config.base_url + 'assets/local/css/mcustomscrollbar.min.css' ]); require.js([ config.base_url + 'assets/mcustomscrollbar/jquery.mousewheel.min.js', config.base_url + 'assets/mcustomscrollbar/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.min.js' ], function() { $('[role=sidebar]').height(fullHeight); $('[role=table]').width($(window).outerWidth(true) - ($('[role=sidebar]').outerWidth(true) + 24)); $('[role=table]').height(fullHeight - (($('[role=meta]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0) + ($('[role=toolbar]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0) + ($('[role=pagination]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0))); $('[role=grid]').height(fullHeight - (($('[role=meta]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0) + ($('[role=toolbar]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0) + ($('[role=pagination]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0))); // Scrollable sidebar $('[role=sidebar]').mCustomScrollbar({ autoHideScrollbar: true, axis: 'y', scrollInertia: 200, setHeight: fullHeight, advanced: { updateOnContentResize: true } }); // Scrollable table (index of CRUD) $('[role=table]').mCustomScrollbar({ autoHideScrollbar: true, axis: 'yx', scrollInertia: 200, setWidth: $(window).outerWidth(true) - ($('[role=sidebar]').outerWidth(true) + 24), setHeight: fullHeight - (($('[role=meta]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0) + ($('[role=toolbar]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0) + ($('[role=pagination]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0)), advanced: { updateOnContentResize: true } }); // Scrollable grid (index of CRUD) $('[role=grid]').mCustomScrollbar({ autoHideScrollbar: true, axis: 'yx', scrollInertia: 200, setHeight: fullHeight - (($('[role=meta]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0) + ($('[role=toolbar]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0) + ($('[role=pagination]').outerHeight(true) ?? 0)), advanced: { updateOnContentResize: true } }); $('.pretty-scrollbar').mCustomScrollbar({ autoHideScrollbar: true, axis: 'y', scrollInertia: 170, mouseWheelPixels: 170, setHeight: $(window).outerHeight(true) - (($('[role=header]').outerHeight(true) ?? 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