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File: assets/plugins/input-mask/jquery.inputmask.regex.extensions.js

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File: assets/plugins/input-mask/jquery.inputmask.regex.extensions.js
Role: Auxiliary data
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Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP User Feedback System
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Date: 4 years ago
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/* Input Mask plugin extensions Copyright (c) 2010 - 2014 Robin Herbots Licensed under the MIT license ( Version: 0.0.0 Regex extensions on the jquery.inputmask base Allows for using regular expressions as a mask */ (function ($) { $.extend($.inputmask.defaults.aliases, { // $(selector).inputmask("Regex", { regex: "[0-9]*"} 'Regex': { mask: "r", greedy: false, repeat: "*", regex: null, regexTokens: null, //Thx to for the tokenizer regex tokenizer: /\[\^?]?(?:[^\\\]]+|\\[\S\s]?)*]?|\\(?:0(?:[0-3][0-7]{0,2}|[4-7][0-7]?)?|[1-9][0-9]*|x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}|c[A-Za-z]|[\S\s]?)|\((?:\?[:=!]?)?|(?:[?*+]|\{[0-9]+(?:,[0-9]*)?\})\??|[^.?*+^${[()|\\]+|./g, quantifierFilter: /[0-9]+[^,]/, definitions: { 'r': { validator: function (chrs, buffer, pos, strict, opts) { function regexToken() { this.matches = []; this.isGroup = false; this.isQuantifier = false; this.isLiteral = false; } function analyseRegex() { var currentToken = new regexToken(), match, m, opengroups = []; opts.regexTokens = []; // The tokenizer regex does most of the tokenization grunt work while (match = opts.tokenizer.exec(opts.regex)) { m = match[0]; switch (m.charAt(0)) { case "[": // Character class case "\\": // Escape or backreference if (opengroups.length > 0) { opengroups[opengroups.length - 1]["matches"].push(m); } else { currentToken.matches.push(m); } break; case "(": // Group opening if (!currentToken.isGroup && currentToken.matches.length > 0) opts.regexTokens.push(currentToken); currentToken = new regexToken(); currentToken.isGroup = true; opengroups.push(currentToken); break; case ")": // Group closing var groupToken = opengroups.pop(); if (opengroups.length > 0) { opengroups[opengroups.length - 1]["matches"].push(groupToken); } else { opts.regexTokens.push(groupToken); currentToken = new regexToken(); } break; case "{": //Quantifier var quantifier = new regexToken(); quantifier.isQuantifier = true; quantifier.matches.push(m); if (opengroups.length > 0) { opengroups[opengroups.length - 1]["matches"].push(quantifier); } else { currentToken.matches.push(quantifier); } break; default: // Vertical bar (alternator) // ^ or $ anchor // Dot (.) // Literal character sequence var literal = new regexToken(); literal.isLiteral = true; literal.matches.push(m); if (opengroups.length > 0) { opengroups[opengroups.length - 1]["matches"].push(literal); } else { currentToken.matches.push(literal); } } } if (currentToken.matches.length > 0) opts.regexTokens.push(currentToken); } function validateRegexToken(token, fromGroup) { var isvalid = false; if (fromGroup) { regexPart += "("; openGroupCount++; } for (var mndx = 0; mndx < token["matches"].length; mndx++) { var matchToken = token["matches"][mndx]; if (matchToken["isGroup"] == true) { isvalid = validateRegexToken(matchToken, true); } else if (matchToken["isQuantifier"] == true) { matchToken = matchToken["matches"][0]; var quantifierMax = opts.quantifierFilter.exec(matchToken)[0].replace("}", ""); var testExp = regexPart + "{1," + quantifierMax + "}"; //relax quantifier validation for (var j = 0; j < openGroupCount; j++) { testExp += ")"; } var exp = new RegExp("^(" + testExp + ")$"); isvalid = exp.test(bufferStr); regexPart += matchToken; } else if (matchToken["isLiteral"] == true) { matchToken = matchToken["matches"][0]; var testExp = regexPart, openGroupCloser = ""; for (var j = 0; j < openGroupCount; j++) { openGroupCloser += ")"; } for (var k = 0; k < matchToken.length; k++) { //relax literal validation testExp = (testExp + matchToken[k]).replace(/\|$/, ""); var exp = new RegExp("^(" + testExp + openGroupCloser + ")$"); isvalid = exp.test(bufferStr); if (isvalid) break; } regexPart += matchToken; //console.log(bufferStr + " " + exp + " " + isvalid); } else { regexPart += matchToken; var testExp = regexPart.replace(/\|$/, ""); for (var j = 0; j < openGroupCount; j++) { testExp += ")"; } var exp = new RegExp("^(" + testExp + ")$"); isvalid = exp.test(bufferStr); //console.log(bufferStr + " " + exp + " " + isvalid); } if (isvalid) break; } if (fromGroup) { regexPart += ")"; openGroupCount--; } return isvalid; } if (opts.regexTokens == null) { analyseRegex(); } var cbuffer = buffer.slice(), regexPart = "", isValid = false, openGroupCount = 0; cbuffer.splice(pos, 0, chrs); var bufferStr = cbuffer.join(''); for (var i = 0; i < opts.regexTokens.length; i++) { var regexToken = opts.regexTokens[i]; isValid = validateRegexToken(regexToken, regexToken["isGroup"]); if (isValid) break; } return isValid; }, cardinality: 1 } } } }); })(jQuery);