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File: toastui/src/js/component/cropper.js

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  Classes of Mark de Leon   PHP Document Scanner using SANE or eSCL AirPrint   toastui/src/js/component/cropper.js   Download  
File: toastui/src/js/component/cropper.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP Document Scanner using SANE or eSCL AirPrint
Web interface to scan printed documents
Author: By
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Date: 4 years ago
Size: 9,890 bytes


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/** * @author NHN Ent. FE Development Team <> * @fileoverview Image crop module (start cropping, end cropping) */ import snippet from 'tui-code-snippet'; import fabric from 'fabric/dist/fabric.require'; import Component from '../interface/component'; import Cropzone from '../extension/cropzone'; import {keyCodes, componentNames} from '../consts'; import {clamp} from '../util'; const MOUSE_MOVE_THRESHOLD = 10; const DEFAULT_OPTION = { top: -10, left: -10, height: 1, width: 1 }; /** * Cropper components * @param {Graphics} graphics - Graphics instance * @extends {Component} * @class Cropper * @ignore */ class Cropper extends Component { constructor(graphics) { super(componentNames.CROPPER, graphics); /** * Cropzone * @type {Cropzone} * @private */ this._cropzone = null; /** * StartX of Cropzone * @type {number} * @private */ this._startX = null; /** * StartY of Cropzone * @type {number} * @private */ this._startY = null; /** * State whether shortcut key is pressed or not * @type {boolean} * @private */ this._withShiftKey = false; /** * Listeners * @type {object.<string, function>} * @private */ this._listeners = { keydown: this._onKeyDown.bind(this), keyup: this._onKeyUp.bind(this), mousedown: this._onFabricMouseDown.bind(this), mousemove: this._onFabricMouseMove.bind(this), mouseup: this._onFabricMouseUp.bind(this) }; } /** * Start cropping */ start() { if (this._cropzone) { return; } const canvas = this.getCanvas(); canvas.forEachObject(obj => { // {@link} obj.evented = false; }); this._cropzone = new Cropzone({ left: -10, top: -10, width: 1, height: 1, strokeWidth: 0, // {@link} cornerSize: 10, cornerColor: 'black', fill: 'transparent', hasRotatingPoint: false, hasBorders: false, lockScalingFlip: true, lockRotation: true },; canvas.deactivateAll(); canvas.add(this._cropzone); canvas.on('mouse:down', this._listeners.mousedown); canvas.selection = false; canvas.defaultCursor = 'crosshair'; fabric.util.addListener(document, 'keydown', this._listeners.keydown); fabric.util.addListener(document, 'keyup', this._listeners.keyup); } /** * End cropping */ end() { const canvas = this.getCanvas(); const cropzone = this._cropzone; if (!cropzone) { return; } cropzone.remove(); canvas.selection = true; canvas.defaultCursor = 'default';'mouse:down', this._listeners.mousedown); canvas.forEachObject(obj => { obj.evented = true; }); this._cropzone = null; fabric.util.removeListener(document, 'keydown', this._listeners.keydown); fabric.util.removeListener(document, 'keyup', this._listeners.keyup); } /** * onMousedown handler in fabric canvas * @param {{target: fabric.Object, e: MouseEvent}} fEvent - Fabric event * @private */ _onFabricMouseDown(fEvent) { const canvas = this.getCanvas(); if ( { return; } canvas.selection = false; const coord = canvas.getPointer(fEvent.e); this._startX = coord.x; this._startY = coord.y; canvas.on({ 'mouse:move': this._listeners.mousemove, 'mouse:up': this._listeners.mouseup }); } /** * onMousemove handler in fabric canvas * @param {{target: fabric.Object, e: MouseEvent}} fEvent - Fabric event * @private */ _onFabricMouseMove(fEvent) { const canvas = this.getCanvas(); const pointer = canvas.getPointer(fEvent.e); const {x, y} = pointer; const cropzone = this._cropzone; if (Math.abs(x - this._startX) + Math.abs(y - this._startY) > MOUSE_MOVE_THRESHOLD) { cropzone.remove(); cropzone.set(this._calcRectDimensionFromPoint(x, y)); canvas.add(cropzone); } } /** * Get rect dimension setting from Canvas-Mouse-Position(x, y) * @param {number} x - Canvas-Mouse-Position x * @param {number} y - Canvas-Mouse-Position Y * @returns {{left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number}} * @private */ _calcRectDimensionFromPoint(x, y) { const canvas = this.getCanvas(); const canvasWidth = canvas.getWidth(); const canvasHeight = canvas.getHeight(); const startX = this._startX; const startY = this._startY; let left = clamp(x, 0, startX); let top = clamp(y, 0, startY); let width = clamp(x, startX, canvasWidth) - left; // (startX <= x(mouse) <= canvasWidth) - left let height = clamp(y, startY, canvasHeight) - top; // (startY <= y(mouse) <= canvasHeight) - top if (this._withShiftKey) { // make fixed ratio cropzone if (width > height) { height = width; } else if (height > width) { width = height; } if (startX >= x) { left = startX - width; } if (startY >= y) { top = startY - height; } } return { left, top, width, height }; } /** * onMouseup handler in fabric canvas * @private */ _onFabricMouseUp() { const cropzone = this._cropzone; const listeners = this._listeners; const canvas = this.getCanvas(); canvas.setActiveObject(cropzone);{ 'mouse:move': listeners.mousemove, 'mouse:up': listeners.mouseup }); } /** * Get cropped image data * @param {Object} cropRect cropzone rect * @param {Number} cropRect.left left position * @param {Number} top position * @param {Number} cropRect.width width * @param {Number} cropRect.height height * @returns {?{imageName: string, url: string}} cropped Image data */ getCroppedImageData(cropRect) { const canvas = this.getCanvas(); const containsCropzone = canvas.contains(this._cropzone); if (!cropRect) { return null; } if (containsCropzone) { this._cropzone.remove(); } const imageData = { imageName: this.getImageName(), url: canvas.toDataURL(cropRect) }; if (containsCropzone) { canvas.add(this._cropzone); } return imageData; } /** * Get cropped rect * @returns {Object} rect */ getCropzoneRect() { const cropzone = this._cropzone; if (!cropzone.isValid()) { return null; } return { left: cropzone.getLeft(), top: cropzone.getTop(), width: cropzone.getWidth(), height: cropzone.getHeight() }; } /** * Set a cropzone square * @param {number} [presetRatio] - preset ratio */ setCropzoneRect(presetRatio) { const canvas = this.getCanvas(); const cropzone = this._cropzone; canvas.deactivateAll(); canvas.selection = false; cropzone.remove(); cropzone.set(presetRatio ? this._getPresetCropSizePosition(presetRatio) : DEFAULT_OPTION); canvas.add(cropzone); canvas.selection = true; if (presetRatio) { canvas.setActiveObject(cropzone); } } /** * Set a cropzone square * @param {number} presetRatio - preset ratio * @returns {{left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number}} * @private */ _getPresetCropSizePosition(presetRatio) { const canvas = this.getCanvas(); const originalWidth = canvas.getWidth(); const originalHeight = canvas.getHeight(); const standardSize = (originalWidth >= originalHeight) ? originalWidth : originalHeight; const getScale = (value, orignalValue) => (value > orignalValue) ? orignalValue / value : 1; let width = standardSize * presetRatio; let height = standardSize; const scaleWidth = getScale(width, originalWidth); [width, height] =[width, height], sizeValue => sizeValue * scaleWidth); const scaleHeight = getScale(height, originalHeight); [width, height] =[width, height], sizeValue => sizeValue * scaleHeight); return { top: (originalHeight - height) / 2, left: (originalWidth - width) / 2, width, height }; } /** * Keydown event handler * @param {KeyboardEvent} e - Event object * @private */ _onKeyDown(e) { if (e.keyCode === keyCodes.SHIFT) { this._withShiftKey = true; } } /** * Keyup event handler * @param {KeyboardEvent} e - Event object * @private */ _onKeyUp(e) { if (e.keyCode === keyCodes.SHIFT) { this._withShiftKey = false; } } } module.exports = Cropper;