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File: vendor/mongodb/mongodb/docs/reference/method/MongoDBCollection-watch.txt

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File: vendor/mongodb/mongodb/docs/reference/method/MongoDBCollection-watch.txt
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Description: Documentation
Class: MongoDB Queue PHP Query Execute
Query and execute multiple queries using MongoDB
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Date: 4 years ago
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============================ MongoDB\\Collection::watch() ============================ .. versionadded:: 1.3 .. default-domain:: mongodb .. contents:: On this page :local: :backlinks: none :depth: 1 :class: singlecol Definition ---------- .. phpmethod:: MongoDB\\Collection::watch() Executes a :manual:`change stream </changeStreams>` operation on the collection. The change stream can be watched for collection-level changes. .. code-block:: php function watch(array $pipeline = [], array $options = []): MongoDB\ChangeStream This method has the following parameters: .. include:: /includes/apiargs/MongoDBCollection-method-watch-param.rst The ``$options`` parameter supports the following options: .. include:: /includes/apiargs/MongoDBCollection-method-watch-option.rst Return Values ------------- A :phpclass:`MongoDB\\ChangeStream` object, which allows for iteration of events in the change stream via the :php:`Iterator <class.iterator>` interface. Errors/Exceptions ----------------- .. include:: /includes/extracts/error-unexpectedvalueexception.rst .. include:: /includes/extracts/error-unsupportedexception.rst .. include:: /includes/extracts/error-invalidargumentexception.rst .. include:: /includes/extracts/error-driver-runtimeexception.rst Examples -------- This example reports events while iterating a change stream. .. code-block:: php <?php $uri = 'mongodb://,'; $collection = (new MongoDB\Client($uri))->test->inventory; $changeStream = $collection->watch(); for ($changeStream->rewind(); true; $changeStream->next()) { if ( ! $changeStream->valid()) { continue; } $event = $changeStream->current(); if ($event['operationType'] === 'invalidate') { break; } $ns = sprintf('%s.%s', $event['ns']['db'], $event['ns']['coll']); $id = json_encode($event['documentKey']['_id']); switch ($event['operationType']) { case 'delete': printf("Deleted document in %s with _id: %s\n\n", $ns, $id); break; case 'insert': printf("Inserted new document in %s\n", $ns); echo json_encode($event['fullDocument']), "\n\n"; break; case 'replace': printf("Replaced new document in %s with _id: %s\n", $ns, $id); echo json_encode($event['fullDocument']), "\n\n"; break; case 'update': printf("Updated document in %s with _id: %s\n", $ns, $id); echo json_encode($event['updateDescription']), "\n\n"; break; } } Assuming that a document was inserted, updated, and deleted while the above script was iterating the change stream, the output would then resemble: .. code-block:: none Inserted new document in test.user {"_id":{"$oid":"5b329c4874083047cc05e60a"},"username":"bob"} Inserted new document in test.products {"_id":{"$oid":"5b329c4d74083047cc05e60b"},"name":"Widget","quantity":5} Updated document in test.user with _id: {"$oid":"5b329a4f74083047cc05e603"} {"updatedFields":{"username":"robert"},"removedFields":[]} See Also -------- - :phpmethod:`MongoDB\\Client::watch()` - :phpmethod:`MongoDB\\Database::watch()` - :manual:`Aggregation Pipeline </core/aggregation-pipeline>` documentation in the MongoDB Manual - :manual:`Change Streams </changeStreams>` documentation in the MongoDB manual - :manual:`Change Events </reference/change-events/>` documentation in the MongoDB manual