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File: vendor/mongodb/mongodb/docs/reference/method/MongoDBCollection-count.txt

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  Classes of LAGGOUNE Walid   MongoDB Queue PHP Query Execute   vendor/mongodb/mongodb/docs/reference/method/MongoDBCollection-count.txt   Download  
File: vendor/mongodb/mongodb/docs/reference/method/MongoDBCollection-count.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Documentation
Class: MongoDB Queue PHP Query Execute
Query and execute multiple queries using MongoDB
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Date: 4 years ago
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============================ MongoDB\\Collection::count() ============================ .. deprecated:: 1.4 .. default-domain:: mongodb .. contents:: On this page :local: :backlinks: none :depth: 1 :class: singlecol Definition ---------- .. phpmethod:: MongoDB\\Collection::count() Count the number of documents that match the filter criteria. .. code-block:: php function count($filter = [], array $options = []): integer This method has the following parameters: .. include:: /includes/apiargs/MongoDBCollection-method-count-param.rst The ``$options`` parameter supports the following options: .. include:: /includes/apiargs/MongoDBCollection-method-count-option.rst Return Values ------------- The number of documents matching the filter criteria. Errors/Exceptions ----------------- .. include:: /includes/extracts/error-unexpectedvalueexception.rst .. include:: /includes/extracts/error-unsupportedexception.rst .. include:: /includes/extracts/error-invalidargumentexception.rst .. include:: /includes/extracts/error-driver-runtimeexception.rst Behavior -------- This method is deprecated and cannot be executed within a transaction. It has always been implemented using the :manual:`count </reference/command/count>` command. The behavior of the ``count`` command differs depending on the options passed to it and may or may not provide an accurate count. When no query filter is provided, the ``count`` command provides an estimate using collection metadata. Even when provided with a query filter the ``count`` command can return inaccurate results with a sharded cluster if orphaned documents exist or if a chunk migration is in progress. The :phpmethod:`MongoDB\\Collection::countDocuments()` method avoids these sharded cluster problems entirely when used with MongoDB 3.6+, and when a primary read preference with older sharded clusters. .. include:: /includes/extracts/note-bson-comparison.rst See Also -------- - :manual:`count </reference/command/count>` command reference in the MongoDB manual - :phpmethod:`MongoDB\\Collection::countDocuments()` - :phpmethod:`MongoDB\\Collection::estimatedDocumentCount()`