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File: vendor/mongodb/mongodb/docs/reference/method/MongoDBBulkWriteResult-getMatchedCount.txt

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File: vendor/mongodb/mongodb/docs/reference/method/MongoDBBulkWriteResult-getMatchedCount.txt
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Description: Documentation
Class: MongoDB Queue PHP Query Execute
Query and execute multiple queries using MongoDB
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Date: 4 years ago
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=========================================== MongoDB\\BulkWriteResult::getMatchedCount() =========================================== .. default-domain:: mongodb .. contents:: On this page :local: :backlinks: none :depth: 1 :class: singlecol Definition ---------- .. phpmethod:: MongoDB\\BulkWriteResult::getMatchedCount() Return the total number of documents that were matched by all update and replace operations in the bulk write. .. code-block:: php function getMatchedCount(): integer This method should only be called if the write was acknowledged. .. note:: If an update/replace operation results in no change to the document (e.g. setting the value of a field to its current value), the matched count may be greater than the value returned by :phpmethod:`getModifiedCount() <MongoDB\\BulkWriteResult::getModifiedCount()>`. Return Values ------------- The total number of documents that were matched by all update and replace operations in the bulk write. Errors/Exceptions ----------------- .. include:: /includes/extracts/error-badmethodcallexception-write-result.rst See Also -------- - :phpmethod:`MongoDB\\BulkWriteResult::getModifiedCount()` - :php:`MongoDB\\Driver\\WriteResult::getMatchedCount() <manual/en/mongodb-driver-writeresult.getmatchedcount.php>`