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File: vendor/mongodb/mongodb/.travis.yml

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File: vendor/mongodb/mongodb/.travis.yml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: MongoDB Queue PHP Query Execute
Query and execute multiple queries using MongoDB
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 4 years ago
Size: 4,092 bytes



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language: php dist: xenial addons: apt: packages: - gdb cache: directories: - ${HOME}/.cache/pip - ${HOME}/.composer/cache/files - ${HOME}/php-ext env: global: - DRIVER_VERSION=1.6.0 - SERVER_DISTRO=ubuntu1604 - SERVER_VERSION=4.2.0 - DEPLOYMENT=STANDALONE - COMPOSER_OPTIONS= jobs: include: - stage: Smoke Testing php: "7.3" env: - CHECKS=phpunit - stage: Smoke Testing php: "7.1" before_install: [] before_script: - pecl install -f mongodb-${DRIVER_VERSION} - composer require --no-update doctrine/coding-standard=^6.0 - composer install --no-interaction --no-progress --no-suggest ${COMPOSER_OPTIONS} script: vendor/bin/phpcs after_script: [] after_failure: [] env: - CHECKS=phpcs # Test remaining supported PHP versions - stage: Test php: "5.6" - stage: Test php: "7.0" - stage: Test php: "7.1" - stage: Test php: "7.2" - stage: Test php: "7.4snapshot" # Test against lowest supported dependencies - stage: Test php: "5.6" env: - COMPOSER_OPTIONS=--prefer-lowest # Test older standalone server versions (3.0-4.0) - stage: Test php: "7.0" dist: trusty env: - SERVER_DISTRO=ubuntu1404 - SERVER_VERSION=3.0.15 - DEPLOYMENT=STANDALONE_OLD - stage: Test php: "7.0" env: - SERVER_VERSION=3.2.22 - DEPLOYMENT=STANDALONE_OLD - stage: Test php: "7.0" env: - SERVER_VERSION=3.4.21 - DEPLOYMENT=STANDALONE_OLD - stage: Test php: "7.0" env: - SERVER_VERSION=3.6.13 - stage: Test php: "7.3" env: - SERVER_VERSION=4.0.12 # Test other server configurations - stage: Test php: "7.3" env: - DEPLOYMENT=STANDALONE_AUTH - stage: Test php: "7.3" env: - DEPLOYMENT=STANDALONE_SSL - stage: Test php: "7.3" env: - SERVER_VERSION=3.6.13 - DEPLOYMENT=REPLICASET - stage: Test php: "7.3" env: - DEPLOYMENT=REPLICASET - stage: Test php: "7.3" env: - DEPLOYMENT=SHARDED_CLUSTER - stage: Test php: "7.3" env: - DEPLOYMENT=SHARDED_CLUSTER_RS before_install: - pip install "mongo-orchestration>=0.6.7,<1.0" --user `whoami` - export SERVER_FILENAME=mongodb-linux-x86_64-${SERVER_DISTRO}-${SERVER_VERSION} - wget -qO-${SERVER_FILENAME}.tgz | tar xz - export PATH=${PWD}/${SERVER_FILENAME}/bin:${PATH} - mongod --version - mongo-orchestration --version - export MO_PATH=`python -c 'import mongo_orchestration; from os import path; print(path.dirname(mongo_orchestration.__file__));'` - | INI=~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/travis.ini # tpecl is a helper to compile and cache php extensions tpecl () { local ext_name=$1 local ext_so=$2 local ext_dir=$(php -r "echo ini_get('extension_dir');") local ext_cache=~/php-ext/$(basename $ext_dir)/$ext_name if [[ -e $ext_cache/$ext_so ]]; then echo extension = $ext_cache/$ext_so >> $INI else mkdir -p $ext_cache echo yes | pecl install -f $ext_name && cp $ext_dir/$ext_so $ext_cache fi } export -f tpecl before_script: - mongo-orchestration start - .travis/ - pecl install -f mongodb-${DRIVER_VERSION} - php --ri mongodb - composer update --no-interaction --no-progress --no-suggest --prefer-dist --prefer-stable ${COMPOSER_OPTIONS} - ulimit -c - ulimit -c unlimited -S script: - export MONGODB_URI=`cat /tmp/uri.txt` - echo $MONGODB_URI - vendor/bin/phpunit -v before_cache: - rm -f ${HOME}/.cache/pip/log/debug.log after_failure: - find . -name 'core*' -exec ${TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR}/.travis/ {} \; after_script: - mongo-orchestration stop