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File: src/Utils/View/Renderer.php

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  Classes of Thierry Feuzeu   Jaxon   src/Utils/View/Renderer.php   Download  
File: src/Utils/View/Renderer.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: Jaxon
Call PHP classes from JavaScript using AJAX
Author: By
Last change: Improved view renderer.

Can shared an array of values in views.
Package views are now templatable.

A configurable suffix can be added to the directory of a view.
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 3,161 bytes



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namespace Jaxon\Utils\View;

     * The view data store
     * @var Store
protected $xStore = null;

     * The view global data
     * @var array
protected $aViewData = [];

     * The view manager
     * @var Manager
protected $xManager;

     * The constructor
public function __construct(Manager $xManager)
$this->xManager = $xManager;

     * Get the current store or create a new store
     * @return Store
protected function store()
$this->xStore = new Store();

     * Make a piece of data available for the rendered view
     * @param string $name The data name
     * @param string $value The data value
     * @return Renderer
public function set($name, $value)
$this->store()->with($name, $value);

     * Make a piece of data available for all views
     * @param string $name The data name
     * @param string $value The data value
     * @return Renderer
public function share($name, $value)
$this->aViewData[$name] = $value;

     * Make an array of data available for all views
     * @param array $values The data values
     * @return Renderer
public function shareValues(array $values)
$values as $name => $value)
$this->share($name, $value);

     * Render a view using a store
     * The store returned by this function will later be used with the make() method to render the view.
     * @param string $sViewName The view name
     * @param array $aViewData The view data
     * @return null|Store A store populated with the view data
public function render($sViewName, array $aViewData = [])
// Get the store
$xStore = $this->store();

// Get the default view namespace
$sNamespace = $this->xManager->getDefaultNamespace();
// Get the namespace from the view name
$iSeparatorPosition = strrpos($sViewName, '::');
$iSeparatorPosition !== false)
$sNamespace = substr($sViewName, 0, $iSeparatorPosition);

$xRenderer = $this->xManager->getNamespaceRenderer($sNamespace);
// Cannot render a view if there's no renderer corresponding to the namespace.
return null;

$xStore->setData(\array_merge($this->aViewData, $aViewData))
setView($xRenderer, $sNamespace, $sViewName);
// Set the store to null so a new store will be created for the next view.
$this->xStore = null;
// Return the store
return $xStore;