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File: src/Response/Features/JsCommands.php

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  Classes of Thierry Feuzeu   Jaxon   src/Response/Features/JsCommands.php   Download  
File: src/Response/Features/JsCommands.php
Role: Class source
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Description: Class source
Class: Jaxon
Call PHP classes from JavaScript using AJAX
Author: By
Last change: Added missing class declaration.
Added a new confirm command in the response class.
Changed the parameter name in the confirmCommands function.
Date: 3 years ago
Size: 17,688 bytes



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<?php /** * Js.php - Provides javascript related commands for the Response * * @author Thierry Feuzeu <> * @license BSD 3-Clause License * @link */ namespace Jaxon\Response\Features; use Jaxon\Response\Response; trait JsCommands { /** * Add a response command to the array of commands that will be sent to the browser * * @param array $aAttributes Associative array of attributes that will describe the command * @param mixed $mData The data to be associated with this command * * @return Response */ abstract public function addCommand(array $aAttributes, $mData); /** * Add a response command to the array of commands that will be sent to the browser * * @param string $sName The command name * @param array $aAttributes Associative array of attributes that will describe the command * @param mixed $mData The data to be associated with this command * @param boolean $bRemoveEmpty If true, remove empty attributes * * @return Response */ abstract protected function _addCommand($sName, array $aAttributes, $mData, $bRemoveEmpty = false); /** * Merge the response commands from the specified <Response> object with * the response commands in this <Response> object * * @param Response|array $mCommands The <Response> object * @param boolean $bBefore Add the new commands to the beginning of the list * * @return void */ abstract public function appendResponse($mCommands, $bBefore = false); /** * Response command that prompts user with [ok] [cancel] style message box * * If the user clicks cancel, the specified number of response commands * following this one, will be skipped. * * @param integer $iCommandCount The number of commands to skip upon cancel * @param string $sMessage The message to display to the user * * @return Response */ public function confirmCommands($iCommandCount, $sMessage) { $aAttributes = ['count' => $iCommandCount]; return $this->_addCommand('cc', $aAttributes, $sMessage); } /** * Response command that prompts user with [ok] [cancel] style message box * * If the user clicks cancel, the specified number of response commands * following this one, will be skipped. * * @param string $sMessage The message to display to the user * @param callable $xCallable The function * * @return Response */ public function confirm($sMessage, $xCallable) { $xResponse = jaxon()->newResponse(); \call_user_func($xCallable, $xResponse); $iCommandCount = $xResponse->getCommandCount(); if($iCommandCount > 0) { $this->confirmCommands($iCommandCount, $sMessage); $this->appendResponse($xResponse); } return $this; } /** * Add a command to display an alert message to the user * * @param string $sMessage The message to be displayed * * @return Response */ public function alert($sMessage) { return $this->_addCommand('al', [], $sMessage); } /** * Add a command to display a debug message to the user * * @param string $sMessage The message to be displayed * * @return Response */ public function debug($sMessage) { return $this->_addCommand('dbg', [], $sMessage); } /** * Add a command to ask the browser to navigate to the specified URL * * @param string $sURL The relative or fully qualified URL * @param integer $iDelay Number of seconds to delay before the redirect occurs * * @return Response */ public function redirect($sURL, $iDelay = 0) { // we need to parse the query part so that the values are rawurlencode()'ed // can't just use parse_url() cos we could be dealing with a relative URL which // parse_url() can't deal with. $queryStart = strpos($sURL, '?', strrpos($sURL, '/')); if($queryStart !== false) { $queryStart++; $queryEnd = strpos($sURL, '#', $queryStart); if($queryEnd === false) { $queryEnd = strlen($sURL); } $queryPart = substr($sURL, $queryStart, $queryEnd - $queryStart); parse_str($queryPart, $queryParts); $newQueryPart = ""; if($queryParts) { $first = true; foreach($queryParts as $key => $value) { if($first) { $first = false; } else { $newQueryPart .= '&'; } $newQueryPart .= rawurlencode($key) . '=' . rawurlencode($value); } } elseif($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) { //couldn't break up the query, but there's one there //possibly "http://url/page.html?query1234" type of query? //just encode it and hope it works $newQueryPart = rawurlencode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); } $sURL = str_replace($queryPart, $newQueryPart, $sURL); } if($iDelay > 0) { return $this->script('window.setTimeout("window.location = \'' . $sURL . '\';",' . ($iDelay * 1000) . ');'); } return $this->script('window.location = "' . $sURL . '";'); } /** * Add a command to execute a portion of javascript on the browser * * The script runs in it's own context, so variables declared locally, using the 'var' keyword, * will no longer be available after the call. * To construct a variable that will be accessable globally, even after the script has executed, * leave off the 'var' keyword. * * @param string $sJS The script to execute * * @return Response */ public function script($sJS) { return $this->_addCommand('js', [], $sJS); } /** * Add a command to call the specified javascript function with the given (optional) parameters * * @param string $sFunc The name of the function to call * * @return Response */ public function call($sFunc) { $aArgs = func_get_args(); array_shift($aArgs); $aAttributes = ['cmd' => 'jc', 'func' => $sFunc]; return $this->addCommand($aAttributes, $aArgs); } /** * Add a command to set an event handler on the browser * * @param string $sTarget The id of the element that contains the event * @param string $sEvent The name of the event * @param string $sScript The javascript to execute when the event is fired * * @return Response */ public function setEvent($sTarget, $sEvent, $sScript) { $aAttributes = [ 'id' => $sTarget, 'prop' => $sEvent ]; return $this->_addCommand('ev', $aAttributes, $sScript); } /** * Add a command to set a click handler on the browser * * @param string $sTarget The id of the element that contains the event * @param string $sScript The javascript to execute when the event is fired * * @return Response */ public function onClick($sTarget, $sScript) { return $this->setEvent($sTarget, 'onclick', $sScript); } /** * Add a command to install an event handler on the specified element * * You can add more than one event handler to an element's event using this method. * * @param string $sTarget The id of the element * @param string $sEvent The name of the event * @param string $sHandler The name of the javascript function to call when the event is fired * * @return Response */ public function addHandler($sTarget, $sEvent, $sHandler) { $aAttributes = [ 'id' => $sTarget, 'prop' => $sEvent ]; return $this->_addCommand('ah', $aAttributes, $sHandler); } /** * Add a command to remove an event handler from an element * * @param string $sTarget The id of the element * @param string $sEvent The name of the event * @param string $sHandler The name of the javascript function called when the event is fired * * @return Response */ public function removeHandler($sTarget, $sEvent, $sHandler) { $aAttributes = [ 'id' => $sTarget, 'prop' => $sEvent ]; return $this->_addCommand('rh', $aAttributes, $sHandler); } /** * Add a command to construct a javascript function on the browser * * @param string $sFunction The name of the function to construct * @param string $sArgs Comma separated list of parameter names * @param string $sScript The javascript code that will become the body of the function * * @return Response */ public function setFunction($sFunction, $sArgs, $sScript) { $aAttributes = [ 'func' => $sFunction, 'prop' => $sArgs ]; return $this->_addCommand('sf', $aAttributes, $sScript); } /** * Add a command to construct a wrapper function around an existing javascript function on the browser * * @param string $sFunction The name of the existing function to wrap * @param string $sArgs The comma separated list of parameters for the function * @param array $aScripts An array of javascript code snippets that will be used to build * the body of the function * The first piece of code specified in the array will occur before * the call to the original function, the second will occur after * the original function is called. * @param string $sReturnValueVar The name of the variable that will retain the return value * from the call to the original function * * @return Response */ public function wrapFunction($sFunction, $sArgs, $aScripts, $sReturnValueVar) { $aAttributes = [ 'cmd' => 'wpf', 'func' => $sFunction, 'prop' => $sArgs, 'type' => $sReturnValueVar ]; return $this->addCommand($aAttributes, $aScripts); } /** * Add a command to load a javascript file on the browser * * @param boolean $bIncludeOnce Include once or not * @param string $sFileName The relative or fully qualified URI of the javascript file * @param string $sType Determines the script type. Defaults to 'text/javascript' * @param string $sId The wrapper id * * @return Response */ private function _includeScript($bIncludeOnce, $sFileName, $sType, $sId) { $aAttributes = [ 'type' => $sType, 'elm_id' => $sId ]; return $this->_addCommand(($bIncludeOnce ? 'ino' : 'in'), $aAttributes, $sFileName, true); } /** * Add a command to load a javascript file on the browser * * @param string $sFileName The relative or fully qualified URI of the javascript file * @param string $sType Determines the script type. Defaults to 'text/javascript' * @param string $sId The wrapper id * * @return Response */ public function includeScript($sFileName, $sType = '', $sId = '') { return $this->_includeScript(false, $sFileName, $sType, $sId); } /** * Add a command to include a javascript file on the browser if it has not already been loaded * * @param string $sFileName The relative or fully qualified URI of the javascript file * @param string $sType Determines the script type. Defaults to 'text/javascript' * @param string $sId The wrapper id * * @return Response */ public function includeScriptOnce($sFileName, $sType = '', $sId = '') { return $this->_includeScript(true, $sFileName, $sType, $sId); } /** * Add a command to remove a SCRIPT reference to a javascript file on the browser * * Optionally, you can call a javascript function just prior to the file being unloaded (for cleanup). * * @param string $sFileName The relative or fully qualified URI of the javascript file * @param string $sUnload Name of a javascript function to call prior to unlaoding the file * * @return Response */ public function removeScript($sFileName, $sUnload = '') { $aAttributes = ['unld' => $sUnload]; return $this->_addCommand('rjs', $aAttributes, $sFileName, true); } /** * Add a command to include a LINK reference to the specified CSS file on the browser. * * This will cause the browser to load and apply the style sheet. * * @param string $sFileName The relative or fully qualified URI of the css file * @param string $sMedia The media type of the CSS file. Defaults to 'screen' * * @return Response */ public function includeCSS($sFileName, $sMedia = '') { $aAttributes = ['media' => $sMedia]; return $this->_addCommand('css', $aAttributes, $sFileName, true); } /** * Add a command to remove a LINK reference to a CSS file on the browser * * This causes the browser to unload the style sheet, effectively removing the style changes it caused. * * @param string $sFileName The relative or fully qualified URI of the css file * * @return Response */ public function removeCSS($sFileName, $sMedia = '') { $aAttributes = ['media' => $sMedia]; return $this->_addCommand('rcss', $aAttributes, $sFileName, true); } /** * Add a command to make Jaxon pause while the CSS files are loaded * * The browser is not typically a multi-threading application, with regards to javascript code. * Therefore, the CSS files included or removed with <Response->includeCSS> and * <Response->removeCSS> respectively, will not be loaded or removed until the browser regains * control from the script. * This command returns control back to the browser and pauses the execution of the response * until the CSS files, included previously, are loaded. * * @param integer $iTimeout The number of 1/10ths of a second to pause before timing out * and continuing with the execution of the response commands * * @return Response */ public function waitForCSS($iTimeout = 600) { $aAttributes = ['cmd' => 'wcss', 'prop' => $iTimeout]; return $this->addCommand($aAttributes, ''); } /** * Add a command to make Jaxon to delay execution of the response commands until a specified condition is met * * Note, this returns control to the browser, so that other script operations can execute. * Jaxon will continue to monitor the specified condition and, when it evaluates to true, * will continue processing response commands. * * @param string $script A piece of javascript code that evaulates to true or false * @param integer $tenths The number of 1/10ths of a second to wait before timing out * and continuing with the execution of the response commands. * * @return Response */ public function waitFor($script, $tenths) { $aAttributes = ['cmd' => 'wf', 'prop' => $tenths]; return $this->addCommand($aAttributes, $script); } /** * Add a command to make Jaxon to pause execution of the response commands, * returning control to the browser so it can perform other commands asynchronously. * * After the specified delay, Jaxon will continue execution of the response commands. * * @param integer $tenths The number of 1/10ths of a second to sleep * * @return Response */ public function sleep($tenths) { $aAttributes = ['cmd' =>'s', 'prop' => $tenths]; return $this->addCommand($aAttributes, ''); } }