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File: src/Request/Factory/Request.php

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File: src/Request/Factory/Request.php
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<?php /** * Request.php - The Jaxon Request * * This class is used to create client side requests to callable classes and functions. * * @package jaxon-core * @author Jared White * @author J. Max Wilson * @author Joseph Woolley * @author Steffen Konerow * @author Thierry Feuzeu <> * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2007 by Jared White & J. Max Wilson * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008-2010 by Joseph Woolley, Steffen Konerow, Jared White & J. Max Wilson * @copyright 2016 Thierry Feuzeu <> * @license BSD 3-Clause License * @link */ namespace Jaxon\Request\Factory; use Jaxon\Request\Factory\Parameter; use Jaxon\Request\Factory\Contracts\Parameter as ParameterContract; use Jaxon\Response\Plugin\JQuery\Dom\Element as DomElement; class Request extends JsCall { /** * A condition to check before sending this request * * @var string */ protected $sCondition = null; /** * The arguments of the confirm() call * * @var array */ protected $aMessageArgs = []; /** * The constructor. * * @param string $sName The javascript function or method name */ public function __construct($sName) { parent::__construct($sName); } /** * Add a condition to the request * * The request is sent only if the condition is true. * * @param string $sCondition The condition to check * * @return Request */ public function when($sCondition) { $this->sCondition = Parameter::make($sCondition)->getScript(); return $this; } /** * Add a condition to the request * * The request is sent only if the condition is false. * * @param string $sCondition The condition to check * * @return Request */ public function unless($sCondition) { $this->sCondition = '!(' . Parameter::make($sCondition)->getScript() . ')'; return $this; } /** * Check if a value is equal to another before sending the request * * @param string $sValue1 The first value to compare * @param string $sValue2 The second value to compare * * @return Request */ public function ifeq($sValue1, $sValue2) { $this->sCondition = '(' . Parameter::make($sValue1) . '==' . Parameter::make($sValue2) . ')'; return $this; } /** * Check if a value is not equal to another before sending the request * * @param string $sValue1 The first value to compare * @param string $sValue2 The second value to compare * * @return Request */ public function ifne($sValue1, $sValue2) { $this->sCondition = '(' . Parameter::make($sValue1) . '!=' . Parameter::make($sValue2) . ')'; return $this; } /** * Check if a value is greater than another before sending the request * * @param string $sValue1 The first value to compare * @param string $sValue2 The second value to compare * * @return Request */ public function ifgt($sValue1, $sValue2) { $this->sCondition = '(' . Parameter::make($sValue1) . '>' . Parameter::make($sValue2) . ')'; return $this; } /** * Check if a value is greater or equal to another before sending the request * * @param string $sValue1 The first value to compare * @param string $sValue2 The second value to compare * * @return Request */ public function ifge($sValue1, $sValue2) { $this->sCondition = '(' . Parameter::make($sValue1) . '>=' . Parameter::make($sValue2) . ')'; return $this; } /** * Check if a value is lower than another before sending the request * * @param string $sValue1 The first value to compare * @param string $sValue2 The second value to compare * * @return Request */ public function iflt($sValue1, $sValue2) { $this->sCondition = '(' . Parameter::make($sValue1) . '<' . Parameter::make($sValue2) . ')'; return $this; } /** * Check if a value is lower or equal to another before sending the request * * @param string $sValue1 The first value to compare * @param string $sValue2 The second value to compare * * @return Request */ public function ifle($sValue1, $sValue2) { $this->sCondition = '(' . Parameter::make($sValue1) . '<=' . Parameter::make($sValue2) . ')'; return $this; } /** * Create parameters for message arguments * * @param array $aArgs The arguments * * @return void */ private function setMessageArgs(array $aArgs) { array_walk($aArgs, function(&$xParameter) { $xParameter = Parameter::make($xParameter); }); $this->aMessageArgs = $aArgs; } /** * Add a confirmation question to the request * * @param string $sQuestion The question to ask * * @return Request */ public function confirm($sQuestion) { $this->sCondition = '__confirm__'; $this->setMessageArgs(func_get_args()); return $this; } /** * Set the message to show if the condition to send the request is not met * * The first parameter is the message to show. The followin allow to insert data from * the webpage in the message using positional placeholders. * * @param string $sMessage The message to show if the request is not sent * * @return Request */ public function elseShow($sMessage) { $this->setMessageArgs(func_get_args()); return $this; } /** * Make unique js vars for parameters of type DomElement * * @var ParameterContract $xParameter * @var array &$aVariables * @var string &$sVars * @var integer &$nVarId * * @return ParameterContract */ private function _makeUniqueJsVar(ParameterContract $xParameter, array &$aVariables, &$sVars, &$nVarId) { if($xParameter instanceof DomElement) { $sParameterStr = $xParameter->getScript(); if(!array_key_exists($sParameterStr, $aVariables)) { // The value is not yet defined. A new variable is created. $sVarName = "jxnVar$nVarId"; $aVariables[$sParameterStr] = $sVarName; $sVars .= "$sVarName=$xParameter;"; $nVarId++; } else { // The value is already defined. The corresponding variable is assigned. $sVarName = $aVariables[$sParameterStr]; } $xParameter = new Parameter(Parameter::JS_VALUE, $sVarName); } return $xParameter; } /** * Returns a string representation of the script output (javascript) from this request object * * @return string */ public function getScript() { /* * JQuery variables sometimes depend on the context where they are used, eg. when their value depends on $(this). * When a confirmation question is added, the Jaxon calls are made in a different context, * making those variables invalid. * To avoid issues related to these context changes, the JQuery selectors values are first saved into * local variables, which are then used in Jaxon function calls. */ $sVars = ''; // Javascript code defining all the variables values. $nVarId = 1; // Position of the variables, starting from 1. // This array will avoid declaring multiple variables with the same value. // The array key is the variable value, while the array value is the variable name. $aVariables = []; // Array of local variables. foreach($this->aParameters as &$xParameter) { $xParameter = $this->_makeUniqueJsVar($xParameter, $aVariables, $sVars, $nVarId); } $sPhrase = ''; if(count($this->aMessageArgs) > 0) { $sPhrase = array_shift($this->aMessageArgs); // The first array entry is the question. // $sPhrase = "'" . addslashes($sPhrase) . "'"; // Wrap the phrase with single quotes if(count($this->aMessageArgs) > 0) { $nParamId = 1; foreach($this->aMessageArgs as &$xParameter) { $xParameter = $this->_makeUniqueJsVar($xParameter, $aVariables, $sVars, $nVarId); $xParameter = "'$nParamId':" . $xParameter->getScript(); $nParamId++; } $sPhrase .= '.supplant({' . implode(',', $this->aMessageArgs) . '})'; } } $sScript = parent::getScript(); $xDialog = jaxon()->dialog(); if($this->sCondition == '__confirm__') { $sScript = $xDialog->confirm($sPhrase, $sScript, ''); } elseif($this->sCondition !== null) { $sScript = 'if(' . $this->sCondition . '){' . $sScript . ';}'; if(($sPhrase)) { $xDialog->getMessage()->setReturn(true); $sScript .= 'else{' . $xDialog->warning($sPhrase) . ';}'; } } return $sVars . $sScript; } /** * Prints a string representation of the script output (javascript) from this request object * * @return void */ public function printScript() { print $this->getScript(); } /** * Check if the request has a parameter of type Parameter::PAGE_NUMBER * * @return boolean */ public function hasPageNumber() { foreach($this->aParameters as $xParameter) { if($xParameter->getType() == Parameter::PAGE_NUMBER) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Set a value to the Parameter::PAGE_NUMBER parameter * * @param integer $nPageNumber The current page number * * @return Request */ public function setPageNumber($nPageNumber) { // Set the value of the Parameter::PAGE_NUMBER parameter foreach($this->aParameters as $xParameter) { if($xParameter->getType() == Parameter::PAGE_NUMBER) { $xParameter->setValue(intval($nPageNumber)); break; } } return $this; } /** * Make the pagination links for this request * * @param integer $nCurrentPage The current page * @param integer $nItemsPerPage The number of items per page page * @param integer $nItemsTotal The total number of items * * @return \Jaxon\Utils\Pagination\Paginator */ public function pg($nCurrentPage, $nItemsPerPage, $nItemsTotal) { return jaxon()->di()->getPaginator() ->setup($nItemsTotal, $nItemsPerPage, $nCurrentPage, $this); } /** * Make the pagination links for this request * * @param integer $nCurrentPage The current page * @param integer $nItemsPerPage The number of items per page page * @param integer $nItemsTotal The total number of items * * @return \Jaxon\Utils\Pagination\Paginator */ public function paginate($nCurrentPage, $nItemsPerPage, $nItemsTotal) { return $this->pg($nCurrentPage, $nItemsPerPage, $nItemsTotal); } }