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File: src/Request/Factory/Parameter.php

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File: src/Request/Factory/Parameter.php
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 * Parameter.php - A parameter of a Jaxon request
 * This class is used to create client side requests to the Jaxon functions and callable objects.
 * @package jaxon-core
 * @copyright 2016 Thierry Feuzeu <>
 * @license BSD 3-Clause License
 * @link

namespace Jaxon\Request\Factory;

Parameter implements Contracts\Parameter
     * Request parameters
    // Specifies that the parameter will consist of an array of form values.
const FORM_VALUES = 'FormValues';
// Specifies that the parameter will contain the value of an input control.
const INPUT_VALUE = 'InputValue';
// Specifies that the parameter will consist of a boolean value of a checkbox.
const CHECKED_VALUE = 'CheckedValue';
// Specifies that the parameter value will be the innerHTML value of the element.
const ELEMENT_INNERHTML = 'ElementInnerHTML';
// Specifies that the parameter will be a quoted value (string).
const QUOTED_VALUE = 'QuotedValue';
// Specifies that the parameter will be a boolean value (true or false).
const BOOL_VALUE = 'BoolValue';
// Specifies that the parameter will be a numeric, non-quoted value.
const NUMERIC_VALUE = 'NumericValue';
// Specifies that the parameter will be a non-quoted value
    // (evaluated by the browsers javascript engine at run time).
const JS_VALUE = 'UnquotedValue';
// Specifies that the parameter will be an integer used to generate pagination links.
const PAGE_NUMBER = 'PageNumber';

     * The parameter type
     * @var string
protected $sType;

     * The parameter value
     * @var mixed
protected $xValue;

     * The constructor.
     * @param string $sType The parameter type
     * @param mixed $xValue The parameter value
public function __construct($sType, $xValue)
$this->sType = $sType;
$this->xValue = $xValue;

     * Get the parameter type
     * @return string
public function getType()

     * Get the parameter value
     * @return mixed
public function getValue()

     * Set the parameter value
     * @param mixed $xValue The parameter value
     * @return void
public function setValue($xValue)
$this->xValue = $xValue;

     * Create a Parameter instance using the given value
     * @param mixed $xValue The parameter value
     * @return Parameter
public static function make($xValue)
$xValue instanceof Contracts\Parameter)
            return new
Parameter(self::NUMERIC_VALUE, $xValue);
            return new
Parameter(self::QUOTED_VALUE, $xValue);
            return new
Parameter(self::BOOL_VALUE, $xValue);
// if(is_array($xValue) || is_object($xValue))
            return new
Parameter(self::JS_VALUE, $xValue);

     * Add quotes to a given value
     * @param string $xValue The value to be quoted
     * @return string
private function getQuotedValue($xValue)
$sQuoteCharacter = "'";
$sQuoteCharacter . $xValue . $sQuoteCharacter;

     * Get a js call to Jaxon with a single parameter
     * @param string $sFunction The function name
     * @param string $sParameter The function parameter
     * @return string
private function getJsCall($sFunction, $sParameter)
'jaxon.' . $sFunction . '(' . $this->getQuotedValue($sParameter) . ')';

     * Get the script for an array of form values.
     * @return string
protected function getFormValuesScript()
$this->getJsCall('getFormValues', $this->xValue);

     * Get the script for an input control.
     * @return string
protected function getInputValueScript()
$this->getJsCall('$', $this->xValue) . '.value';

     * Get the script for a boolean value of a checkbox.
     * @return string
protected function getCheckedValueScript()
$this->getJsCall('$', $this->xValue) . '.checked';

     * Get the script for the innerHTML value of the element.
     * @return string
protected function getElementInnerHTMLScript()
$this->getJsCall('$', $this->xValue) . '.innerHTML';

     * Get the script for a quoted value (string).
     * @return string
protected function getQuotedValueScript()

     * Get the script for a boolean value (true or false).
     * @return string
protected function getBoolValueScript()
        return (
$this->xValue) ? 'true' : 'false';

     * Get the script for a numeric, non-quoted value.
     * @return string
protected function getNumericValueScript()
        return (string)

     * Get the script for a non-quoted value (evaluated by the browsers javascript engine at run time).
     * @return string
protected function getUnquotedValueScript()
is_array($this->xValue) || is_object($this->xValue))
// Unable to use double quotes here because they cannot be handled on client side.
            // So we are using simple quotes even if the Json standard recommends double quotes.
return str_replace('"', "'", json_encode($this->xValue, JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_QUOT));
        return (string)

     * Get the script for an integer used to generate pagination links.
     * @return string
protected function getPageNumberScript()
        return (string)

     * Generate the javascript code.
     * @return string
public function getScript()
$sMethodName = 'get' . $this->sType . 'Script';
method_exists($this, $sMethodName))

     * Magic function to generate the jQuery call.
     * @return string
public function __toString()

     * Generate the jQuery call, when converting the response into json.
     * This is a method of the JsonSerializable interface.
     * @return string
public function jsonSerialize()