* Generator.php - Jaxon code generator
* Generate HTML, CSS and Javascript code for Jaxon.
* @package jaxon-core
* @author Thierry Feuzeu <[email protected]>
* @copyright 2016 Thierry Feuzeu <[email protected]>
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause BSD 3-Clause License
* @link https://github.com/jaxon-php/jaxon-core
namespace Jaxon\Plugin\Code;
use Jaxon\Plugin\Code\Contracts\Generator as GeneratorContract;
use Jaxon\Utils\Template\Engine as TemplateEngine;
use Jaxon\Utils\Http\URI;
class Generator
use \Jaxon\Features\Config;
use \Jaxon\Features\Minifier;
* Default library URL
* @var string
const JS_LIB_URL = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jaxon-php/[email protected]/dist';
* The objects that generate code
* @var array<GeneratorContract>
protected $aGenerators = [];
* The Jaxon template engine
* @var TemplateEngine
protected $xTemplateEngine;
* The constructor
* @param TemplateEngine $xTemplateEngine The template engine
public function __construct(TemplateEngine $xTemplateEngine)
$this->xTemplateEngine = $xTemplateEngine;
* Get the correspondances between previous and current config options
* @return array
private function getOptionVars()
return [
'sResponseType' => 'JSON',
'sVersion' => $this->getOption('core.version'),
'sLanguage' => $this->getOption('core.language'),
'bLanguage' => $this->hasOption('core.language') ? true : false,
'sRequestURI' => $this->getOption('core.request.uri'),
'sDefaultMode' => $this->getOption('core.request.mode'),
'sDefaultMethod' => $this->getOption('core.request.method'),
'sCsrfMetaName' => $this->getOption('core.request.csrf_meta'),
'bDebug' => $this->getOption('core.debug.on'),
'bVerboseDebug' => $this->getOption('core.debug.verbose'),
'sDebugOutputID' => $this->getOption('core.debug.output_id'),
'nResponseQueueSize' => $this->getOption('js.lib.queue_size'),
'sStatusMessages' => $this->getOption('js.lib.show_status') ? 'true' : 'false',
'sWaitCursor' => $this->getOption('js.lib.show_cursor') ? 'true' : 'false',
'sDefer' => $this->getOption('js.app.options', ''),
* Render a template in the 'plugins' subdir
* @param string $sTemplate The template filename
* @param array $aVars The template variables
* @return string
private function _render($sTemplate, array $aVars = [])
$aVars['sJsOptions'] = $this->getOption('js.app.options', '');
return $this->xTemplateEngine->render("jaxon::plugins/$sTemplate", $aVars);
* Add a new generator to the list
* @param GeneratorContract $xGenerator The code generator
* @param integer $nPriority The desired priority, used to order the plugins
* @return void
public function addGenerator(GeneratorContract $xGenerator, $nPriority)
$this->aGenerators[$nPriority] = $xGenerator;
// Sort the array by ascending keys
* Generate a hash for all the javascript code generated by the library
* @return string
private function getHash()
$sHash = jaxon()->getVersion();
foreach($this->aGenerators as $xGenerator)
$sHash .= $xGenerator->getHash();
return md5($sHash);
* Get the HTML tags to include Jaxon CSS code and files into the page
* @return string
public function getCss()
$sCssCode = '';
foreach($this->aGenerators as $xGenerator)
$sCssCode = rtrim($sCssCode, " \n") . "\n" . $xGenerator->getCss();
return rtrim($sCssCode, " \n") . "\n";
* Get the HTML tags to include Jaxon javascript files into the page
* @return string
public function getJs()
$sJsExtension = $this->getOption('js.app.minify') ? '.min.js' : '.js';
// The URI for the javascript library files
$sJsLibUri = rtrim($this->getOption('js.lib.uri', self::JS_LIB_URL), '/') . '/';
// Add component files to the javascript file array;
$aJsFiles = [$sJsLibUri . 'jaxon.core' . $sJsExtension];
$sLanguage = $this->getOption('core.language');
$aJsFiles[] = $sJsLibUri . 'jaxon.debug' . $sJsExtension;
$aJsFiles[] = $sJsLibUri . 'lang/jaxon.' . $sLanguage . $sJsExtension;
$aJsFiles[] = $sJsLibUri . 'jaxon.verbose' . $sJsExtension;
$sJsFiles = $this->_render('includes.js', ['aUrls' => $aJsFiles]);
$sJsCode = '';
foreach($this->aGenerators as $xGenerator)
$sJsCode = rtrim($sJsCode, " \n") . "\n" . $xGenerator->getJs();
return $sJsFiles . "\n" . rtrim($sJsCode, " \n") . "\n";
* Get the javascript code to be sent to the browser
* @return string
private function _getScript()
$sScript = '';
$sReadyScript = '';
foreach($this->aGenerators as $xGenerator)
$sScript .= rtrim($xGenerator->getScript(), " \n") . "\n";
if($xGenerator->readyEnabled() && !$xGenerator->readyInlined())
// Ready code which can nbe exported to an external file.
$sReadyScript .= rtrim($xGenerator->getReadyScript(), " \n") . "\n";
// These three parts are always rendered together
$aConfigVars = $this->getOptionVars();
return $this->_render('config.js', $aConfigVars) . "\n" . $sScript . "\n" .
$this->_render('ready.js', ['sScript' => $sReadyScript]);
* Get the javascript code to include directly in HTML
* @return string
private function _getInlineScript()
$sScript = '';
foreach($this->aGenerators as $xGenerator)
if($xGenerator->readyEnabled() && $xGenerator->readyInlined())
// Ready code which must be inlined in HTML.
$sScript .= rtrim($xGenerator->getReadyScript(), " \n") . "\n";
return $this->_render('ready.js', ['sScript' => $sScript]);
* Get the javascript file name
* @return void
private function getJsFileName()
// Check config options
// - The js.app.export option must be set to true
// - The js.app.uri and js.app.dir options must be set to non null values
if(!$this->getOption('js.app.export') ||
!$this->getOption('js.app.uri') ||
return '';
// The file name
return $this->hasOption('js.app.file') ? $this->getOption('js.app.file') : $this->getHash();
* Write javascript files and return the corresponding URI
* @return string
public function createFiles($sJsDirectory, $sJsFileName)
// Check dir access
// - The js.app.dir must be writable
if(!$sJsFileName || !is_dir($sJsDirectory) || !is_writable($sJsDirectory))
return '';
$sOutFile = $sJsFileName . '.js';
$sMinFile = $sJsFileName . '.min.js';
if(!is_file($sJsDirectory . $sOutFile))
if(!file_put_contents($sJsDirectory . $sOutFile, $this->_getScript()))
return '';
if(($this->getOption('js.app.minify')) && !is_file($sJsDirectory . $sMinFile))
if(!$this->minify($sJsDirectory . $sOutFile, $sJsDirectory . $sMinFile))
return '';
$sJsAppUri = rtrim($this->getOption('js.app.uri'), '/') . '/';
$sJsExtension = $this->getOption('js.app.minify') ? '.min.js' : '.js';
return $sJsAppUri . $sJsFileName . $sJsExtension;
* Get the javascript code to be sent to the browser
* @param boolean $bIncludeJs Also get the JS files
* @param boolean $bIncludeCss Also get the CSS files
* @return string
public function getScript($bIncludeJs, $bIncludeCss)
$this->setOption('core.request.uri', jaxon()->di()->get(URI::class)->detect());
$sScript = '';
$sScript .= $this->getCss() . "\n";
$sScript .= $this->getJs() . "\n";
$sJsDirectory = rtrim($this->getOption('js.app.dir'), '/') . '/';
$sUrl = $this->createFiles($sJsDirectory, $this->getJsFileName());
return $sScript . $this->_render('include.js', ['sUrl' => $sUrl]) . "\n" .
$this->_render('wrapper.js', ['sScript' => $this->_getInlineScript()]);
return $sScript . $this->_render('wrapper.js', [
'sScript' => $this->_getScript() . "\n" . $this->_getInlineScript()