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File: templates/publisher_header.tpl

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  Classes of Michael Beck   XOOPS Publisher Module   templates/publisher_header.tpl   Download  
File: templates/publisher_header.tpl
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: XOOPS Publisher Module
Publish static HTML content and article with XOOPS
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 1,906 bytes



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<{if $collapsable_heading == 1}> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- function goto_URL(object) { window.location.href = object.options[object.selectedIndex].value; } function toggle(id) { if (document.getElementById) { obj = document.getElementById(id); } if (document.all) { obj = document.all[id]; } if (document.layers) { obj = document.layers[id]; } if (obj) { if ( == "none") { = ""; } else { = "none"; } } return false; } var iconClose = new Image(); iconClose.src = 'assets/images/links/close12.gif'; var iconOpen = new Image(); iconOpen.src = 'assets/images/links/open12.gif'; function toggleIcon(iconName) { if (document.images[iconName].src == window.iconOpen.src) { document.images[iconName].src = window.iconClose.src; } else if (document.images[iconName].src == window.iconClose.src) { document.images[iconName].src = window.iconOpen.src; } } //--> </script> <{/if}> <{if $publisher_display_breadcrumb}> <div class="publisher_headertable"> <{if $module_home}> <span class="publisher_modulename"><{$module_home}></span> <{if $title_and_welcome}> <span><{$lang_mainintro}></span> <{/if}> <{/if}> <{if $categoryPath}> <span class="publisher_breadcrumb"> <{if $module_home}> > <{/if}> <{$categoryPath}> </span> <{/if}> </div> <{/if}>