PHP Classes

File: templates/publisher_display_list.tpl

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  Classes of Michael Beck   XOOPS Publisher Module   templates/publisher_display_list.tpl   Download  
File: templates/publisher_display_list.tpl
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: XOOPS Publisher Module
Publish static HTML content and article with XOOPS
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 3,721 bytes



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<{include file='db:publisher_header.tpl'}> <!-- Display type is bullet list --> <div class="publisher_infotitle"><{$lang_category_summary}></div> <span class="publisher_collaps_info"><{$category.description}><br><br></span><!-- if the option is set, add the last item column --> <{if $category && $displaylastitem == 1 && $items}> <div id="publisher_bullet_lastitem"> <strong><{$smarty.const._MD_PUBLISHER_LAST_SMARTITEM}> : <{$category.last_title_link}> </div> <{/if}> <br> <!-- if we are on the index page OR inside a category that has subcats OR (inside a category with no subcats AND $display_category_summary is set to TRUE, let's display the summary table ! //--> <{if $indexpage || $category.subcats || ($category && $display_category_summary)}> <{include file='db:publisher_categories_table.tpl'}><br> <{/if}><!-- End of if !$category || $category.subcats || ($category && $display_category_summary) //--> <{if $items}> <{if $collapsable_heading == 1}> <div class="publisher_collaps_title"> <a href='javascript:' onclick="toggle('bottomtable'); toggleIcon('bottomtableicon')"><img id='bottomtableicon' src='<{$publisher_url}>/assets/images/links/close12.gif' alt=''></a>&nbsp;<{$lang_items_title}> </div> <div id='bottomtable'> <{else}> <{if $subcats}> <div class="publisher_collaps_title"><strong><{$lang_items_title}></strong></div> <{/if}><!-- Content under the collapsable bar //--> <{/if}> <table border="0" width="90%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" class="outer"> <tr> <td align="left" class="itemHead" width='60%'> <strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;<{$smarty.const._CO_PUBLISHER_TITLE}></strong></td> <{if $display_date_col == 1}> <td align="center" class="itemHead" width="30%"><strong><{$smarty.const._MD_PUBLISHER_DATESUB}></strong></td> <{/if}> <{if $display_hits_col == 1}> <td align="center" class="itemHead" width="10%"><strong><{$smarty.const._MD_PUBLISHER_HITS}></strong></td> <{/if}> </tr> <!-- Start item loop --> <ul> <{foreach item=item from=$items}> <tr> <td class="odd"> <div class="publisher_list" align="left"> <li><{$item.titlelink}></li> <{if $show_subtitle && $item.subtitle}> <br> <em><{$item.subtitle}></em> <{/if}> </div> </td> <{if $display_date_col == 1}> <td class="odd" align="left"> <div class="publisher_list" align="center"><{$item.datesub}></div> </td> <{/if}> <{if $display_hits_col == 1}> <td class="odd" align="left"> <div class="publisher_list" align="center"><{$item.counter}></div> </td> <{/if}> </tr> <{/foreach}> </ul> <!-- End item loop --> <tr></tr> </table> <div align="right"><{$navbar}></div> <{if $collapsable_heading == 1}> </div> <{/if}> <{/if}><!-- end of if $items --> <{if !$subcats && !$items}> <div class="publisher_infotext"><{$smarty.const._MD_PUBLISHER_EMPTY}></div> <{/if}> <{include file='db:publisher_footer.tpl'}>