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File: sql/publisher_1.07_migrate.yml

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  Classes of Michael Beck   XOOPS Publisher Module   sql/publisher_1.07_migrate.yml   Download  
File: sql/publisher_1.07_migrate.yml
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: XOOPS Publisher Module
Publish static HTML content and article with XOOPS
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 5 years ago
Size: 7,664 bytes



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publisher_categories: options: 'ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' columns: - name: categoryid attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment' - name: parentid attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''0'' ' - name: name attributes: ' varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''' ' - name: description attributes: ' text ' - name: image attributes: ' varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''' ' - name: total attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''0'' ' - name: weight attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''1'' ' - name: created attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''1033141070'' ' - name: template attributes: ' varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''' ' - name: header attributes: ' text ' - name: meta_keywords attributes: ' text ' - name: meta_description attributes: ' text ' - name: short_url attributes: ' varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''' ' - name: moderator attributes: ' int(6) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''0'' ' keys: parentid: columns: parentid unique: false PRIMARY: columns: categoryid unique: true publisher_items: options: 'ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' columns: - name: itemid attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment' - name: categoryid attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''0'' ' - name: title attributes: ' varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''' ' - name: subtitle attributes: ' varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''' ' - name: summary attributes: ' text ' - name: body attributes: ' longtext NOT NULL ' - name: uid attributes: ' int(6) DEFAULT ''0'' ' - name: author_alias attributes: ' varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''' ' - name: datesub attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''0'' ' - name: dateexpire attributes: ' int(11) DEFAULT ''0'' ' - name: status attributes: ' int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''-1'' ' - name: image attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''0'' ' - name: images attributes: ' varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''' ' - name: counter attributes: ' int(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ''0'' ' - name: rating attributes: ' double(6,4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''0.0000'' ' - name: votes attributes: ' int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ''0'' ' - name: weight attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''1'' ' - name: dohtml attributes: ' tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''1'' ' - name: dosmiley attributes: ' tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''1'' ' - name: doxcode attributes: ' tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''1'' ' - name: doimage attributes: ' tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''1'' ' - name: dobr attributes: ' tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''1'' ' - name: cancomment attributes: ' tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''1'' ' - name: comments attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''0'' ' - name: notifypub attributes: ' tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''0'' ' - name: meta_keywords attributes: ' text ' - name: meta_description attributes: ' text ' - name: short_url attributes: ' varchar(255) ' - name: item_tag attributes: ' text ' keys: categoryid: columns: categoryid unique: false PRIMARY: columns: itemid unique: true status: columns: status unique: false publisher_files: options: 'ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' columns: - name: fileid attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment' - name: itemid attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''0'' ' - name: name attributes: ' varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''' ' - name: description attributes: ' text ' - name: filename attributes: ' varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''' ' - name: mimetype attributes: ' varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''' ' - name: uid attributes: ' int(6) DEFAULT ''0'' ' - name: datesub attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''0'' ' - name: status attributes: ' int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''-1'' ' - name: notifypub attributes: ' tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''1'' ' - name: counter attributes: ' int(8) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT ''0'' ' keys: PRIMARY: columns: fileid unique: true publisher_meta: options: 'ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' columns: - name: metakey attributes: ' varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''' ' - name: metavalue attributes: ' varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''' ' keys: PRIMARY: columns: metakey unique: true publisher_mimetypes: options: 'ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' columns: - name: mime_id attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment' - name: mime_ext attributes: ' varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''' ' - name: mime_types attributes: ' text ' - name: mime_name attributes: ' varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''' ' - name: mime_admin attributes: ' int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''1'' ' - name: mime_user attributes: ' int(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''0'' ' keys: mime_id: columns: mime_id unique: false publisher_rating: options: 'ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' columns: - name: ratingid attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment' - name: itemid attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL ' - name: uid attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL ' - name: rate attributes: ' int(1) NOT NULL ' - name: date attributes: ' int(11) NOT NULL ' - name: ip attributes: ' varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '''' ' keys: ip: columns: ip unique: false PRIMARY: columns: ratingid unique: true uid: columns: uid unique: false