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File: docs/changelog.txt
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Description: Documentation
Class: XOOPS Publisher Module
Publish static HTML content and article with XOOPS
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<h5>1.07 Final [2019-06-08]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.10, PHP 7.3.6 <hr> - Unnecessary closures (mamba) - fix: delete $publisherIsAdmin check (mamba) <h5>1.07 RC2 [2019-06-08]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.10, PHP 7.3.6 <hr> - reverted in_array() true check (mamba) - added language folder for test data (mamba) - added expiration date (goffy) - added option to select sort/order in block spotlight (goffy) - fixed bug in item_spot (goffy) - fixed bug in saving item - saving without image was not possible (goffy) - restructured templates for better readability (goffy) - fixed bug in deleting category (goffy) - detect whether article was truncated or not (goffy) - implemented possibility to preselect image categories (goffy) - added 'show more articles' to item_spot (goffy) - fixed problem with multiple cat select in item_spot (goffy) - added feedback tab (mamba) - added migration tab for developers (mamba) - fixed typo, issue #109 (cesagonchu/mamba) - added preloads, issue #107 (liomj/mamba) - added missing option[10] default, issue #10 (aerograf /mamba) - added <script>javascript (mamba) - $publisherIsAdmin consistency (mamba) - fixed Future Post appeared in blocks, issue #91 (myblackrx/liomj/mamba) <h5>1.07 RC1 [2019-02-09]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.10, PHP 7.2.8 <hr> - added Resizer class for image upload (goffy) - added check for cloned repository existence on GitHub (goffy/mamba) - fixed block selection bug (liomj/mamba) - fixed block "between dates" bug (aerograf/mamba) <h5>1.07 Beta 1 [NOT RELEASED]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.9, PHP 7.3.1 <hr> - fix missing /admin folder (SMEDrieben/mamba) - add fpm-fcgi for htaccess (alfredsx) - fix rss feed (alfredsx) - fixed bug in import plugin for news modules (ggoffy) - fixed bug image upload was not working (ggoffy) - Optimize images (mamba) - Dependency Injection (mamba) - added ModuleStats Trait (mamba) <h5>1.06 Final [2018-08-01]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.9, PHP 7.2.8 <hr> - cosmetics (mamba) - reversing to old way of checking editors (mamba) - fix installation error (mamba) <h5>1.06 RC 1 [2018-07-15]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.9, PHP 7.2.7 <hr> - fix countable in install (mamba) - improved FilesManagement (mamba) - fix Configurator (mamba) - css shortcuts (mamba) - added blocks admin (mamba) - include to require (mamba) - other cosmetics (mamba) <h5>1.06 Beta 4 [2018-05-07]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.9, PHP 7.2.5 <hr> - fixed notifications bug (mamba) - added responsive image (mamba) <h5>1.06 Beta 3 [2018-03-15]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.9, PHP 7.2.3 <hr> - added Constants (mamba) - added truncateHTML (mamba) - replaced truncateTagSafe with truncateHTML (mamba) <h5>1.06 Beta 2 [2017-12-09]</h5> Dev: XOOPS 2.5.9, PHP 7.2.1 <hr> - addded missing common traits (goffy/mamba) - fix for page styling in categories (liomj/mamba) <h5>1.06 Beta 1 [NOT RELEASED]</h5> <hr> - namespaces (mamba) - work in progress <h5>1.05 FINAL [2017-11-22]</h5> <hr> <h5>1.05 RC 4 [2017-11-15]</h5> <hr> - fix breadcrumb for subcategories (bleekk) - change checkVerXoops(mamba) - fix confurator link (zyspec) - fix fmContent (zyspec) - fix archive (zyspec) <h5>1.05 RC 3 [2017-11-10]</h5> <hr> - fix bug in item class using $publisher helper (mydarkglobe/mamba) - added getDirname() to helper class (mamba) - replace $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname', 'n') with helper publisher->getDirname() (mamba) - changed to RuntimeException() (mamba) <h5>1.05 RC 2 [2017-09-08]</h5> <hr> - update Help, .html to .tpl (mamba) - conversion of Publisher helper class to XMF (mamba) - short array syntax (mamba) - converted to Yoda syntax (mamba) - added button for Sample data (mamba) <h5>1.05 RC 1 [NOT RELEASED]</h5> - fixed Pagination issues (geekwright) - check nonce and file path (geekwright) - escape search string (geekwright) - min XOOPS version: 2.5.9 (geekwright) - added ModuleConfigurator class (mamba) - updated disclaimer.html (mamba) - cosmetics (mamba) - commented out "img-responsive" to all images in index.php and item.php (mamba) (it was a temporary fix for Bootstrap) - fixed issue #61: Other articles in this category not working (liomj/mamba) - fixed 'element' to $element (geekwright) <h5>1.05 Beta 1 [NOT RELEASED]</h5> - PSR-2 code cosmetics (mamba) - addNavigation(basename(__FILE__)) (mamba) - dirname(__FILE__) to __DIR__ (mamba) - XOOPS 2.5.8, PHP 7 (mamba) - replaced < b /> with < b > (mamba) - Unnecessary double quotes (mamba) - reference mismatch (mamba) - Hardening to type safe (mamba) - update Help (mamba) - changed _handler to Handler (mamba) - removed '/' from void HTML elements (&lt;br&gt;, &lt;img&gt;, etc) (mamba) - HTML 5: removed 'selected' and 'checked' (mamba) - short array syntax (mamba) - added install checks for PHP 5.5 and XOOPS 2.5.9 (mamba) - added auto-creation of upload folders (mamba) - changed static call to XoopsLocal::number_format to dynamic (mamba) - added bold to column headers in publisher_author_items.tpl (mamba) - fixed cloning of module image (masel/mamba) - moved functions to Utility class (mamba) - changed to use XoopsFormSelectUser (geekwright/mamba) - started conversion to XMF (mamba) - move jquery and popeye to template due to conflicts when overriding in theme (geekwright) - switch to a color neutral skin for popeye (geekwright) - eliminate line feed at EOF (geekwright) - different bugs (bleekk) - changed min_db to 5.5 (mamba) - changed 'include_once' to 'require_once' (mamba) <h5>1.04 FINAL [2015-10-21]</h5> - added XoopsLocal::number_format for rating in author_items.php (mamba) - added _SHORTDATESTRING to use for date formatting in author_items.php (mamba) - added "img-responsive" to all images in index.php and item.php (mamba) (temporary fix for Bootstrap) - cosmetics in publisher_author_items.tpl (mamba) <h5>1.04 RC 2 [NOT RELEASED]</h5> - change TEXT fields to allow NULL, needed for import in "strict" mode (mamba) - changed min_db to 5.5 (mamba) - changed "emptyString" function in metagen.php to static to allow a callback from a static "generateSeoTitle" (mamba) - replaced "preg_replace" with "str_replace" in metagen.php (mamba) - updated import from News 1.71 (mamba) <h5>1.04 RC 1 [NOT RELEASED]</h5> - fix bug when date change by user is not allowed (cesagonchu/mamba) - fix case when TCPDF is not available, incl. warning in Admin (cesagonchu/mamba) - fix for HTML in Category description (mage) - HTML5 syntax (geekwright/mamba) - TCPDF line breaks fix (smedrieben/geekwright) - removed JavaScript for PDF Icon (mamba) - onupdate remove all .html templates from DB (mamba) <h5>1.03 FINAL (2015-07-10)</h5> - Fix preg_replace /e ( (cesagonchu/mamba) - fixed link to PHP Date info (cesagonchu/mamba) <h5>1.03 RC 2 (2016-07-09)</h5> - fixed New/Recent blocks not visible if only 1 article (cesagonchu/bleekk) - fixed Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in profile/userinfo.php?uid=1 if user has no articles (cesagonchu/mamba) - moved Clone icon to the right side (mamba) <h5>1.03 RC 1 (2016-07-07)</h5> - fixed Undefined offset: 0 in file /modules/publisher/class/file.php (bleekk/mamba) - fixed Recent Articles List Block (bleekk/mamba) - fixed Recent Articles Details Block (mamba) - changed: if selected "Display block summary on articles page", both Summary & Body are displayed (bleekk/mamba) <h5>1.03 Beta 4 [NOT RELEASED]</h5> - fixed bug in Latest news block (mamba) - added copy blank.png in index.php (mamba) <h5>1.03 Beta 3 [NOT RELEASED]</h5> - removed @version (mamba) - standardization on addNavigation(basename(__FILE__) (mamba) - standardize HTML $lt;br&gt; tags - replaced fputs with fwrite (mamba) - code cosmetics (mamba) - temp fix in /item.php (mamba) - replaced self:: with $this-> in /class/item.php (mamba) - removed references to objects (mamba) - standardized getInstance (mamba) - performance: (substr($color, 0, 1) !== '#') to (0 !== strpos($color, '#')) (mamba) - renamed logo.png to logo_module.png (mamba) - clean up clone (geekwright) - revert several template variable changes to work better with override templates (geekwright) - revert moduleUrl template variable to publisher_url to better support cloning (geekwright) - remove pass-by-ref for non-vars (zyspec) <h5>1.03 Beta 2 (2016-03-20)</h5> - fixed: bugs on submit (mamba) - replaced XoopsFormTag with TagFormTag (mamba) - adjusted TCPDF location to /class/libraries/vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/ for Composer (mamba) <h5>1.03 Beta 1 (2016-03-19)</h5> - fixed: deleting item image (ggoffy) - fixed: calling getSummary & getBody (bleekk) - fixed: ->itemId (SMEDrieben/mamba) - clean-up publisherStringToInt (geekwright) - updates for PHP7, XOOPS 2.5.8 (mamba) <h5>1.02 Final (2016-01-05)</h5> - fixed bug: wrong options in Latest News block (mamba) - added "All" checkbox in Category for group permissions (mamba) - fixes in clone.php (ggoffy) - fix error when uploading category image (ggoffy) - fix for creating upload folders for category images (ggoffy/mamba) - fix for RSS problem with date (dante7237/mamba) - fix for file deletes (mamba) - adding link to on-line Tutorial (mamba) <h5>1.02 RC4 [NOT RELEASED]</h5> - fix issues with Popeye images (mamba) - removed 500px hardcoded width for image preview in Admin, as it looks bad for small images (mamba) - fixed bug: wrong flag for status after modification in frontend (Dante7237/mamba) <h5>1.02 RC3 (2015-11-14)</h5> - added sort by Rating, Hits, # of Votes and Comments (brutalicuss/mamba) - added extra columns in Admin's Summary view (mamba) - remove non-existent XoopsFormCalendar in blocks (mamba) - replace XoopsLocal::formatTimestamp() with formatTimestamp() so we have User local time (mamba/geekwright) - replaced hard-coded GMT date in FormDateTime with formatTimestamp (mamba) (TODO: do the same for XoopsFormDateTime) - adjusted apostrophes to prevent the define translation errors (slider84) - bug #6: Array to string conversion (cesagonchu/mamba) - fixed bug: not able to delete category (Dante7237/mamba) - fixed bug: cloning of article (mamba) <h5>1.02 RC1 (2015-05-26)</h5> - updated to XOOPS 2.5.7 version of jQuery UI Tabs (noo-b/mamba) - replaced PublisherRequest with calls to XoopsRequest (mamba) - redesigned archives section to have months horizontally (mjoel/Mithrandir/mamba) - added count of articles in archive section (mamba) - moved TCPDF library to /xoops_lib (mamba) - updated makepdf.php file for the latest TCPDF (black_beard, mamba) - replaced $i++ with ++$i for consistency/performance (mamba) - started conversion to PSR-2 coding (mamba) - moved constants to class interface (mamba, based on zyspec's work) - updated TimThumbnail to 2.8.14 (mamba) - added few missing English translations (mamba) - replaced $_REQUEST with $_POST/$_GET and XoopsRequest in mimetypes.php (mamba) - indicated required fields when adding new MIME types (mamba) - centered mimetypes in the table (mamba) - updated popeye.js to 2.1 (mamba) - changed popeye mode to imagelist (mamba) - replacing intval() with (int) (mamba) TODO: - test with MySQL strict mode (STRICT_TRANS_TABLES) <h5>1.02 Beta 2 (2014-xx-xx)</h5> - added ID column in Admin's Category view (mamba) - fixed preg_replace /e in request.php (mamba) - added Views column in Admin's Articles view (mamba) - ensured that short_url is under 255 characters (mamba) - added import from C-Jay Content (mamba) - added import from xNews (bleekk, mamba) - moved all images, CSS, and JS files to /assets (mamba) - renamed .html Smarty templates to .tpl (mamba) - added Preference option for PDF icon (cifug/mamba) <h5>1.01 Final (2013-10-22)</h5> - fixed two templates (bleekk) <h5>1.0 Final (2013-07-18)</h5> - added missing URL for doc image in \blocks\items_spot.php <h5>1.0 RC (2011-12-04)</h5> - Converted to XOOPS 2.5.0 ModuleAdmin GUI <h5>1.0 Beta (2010-04-02)</h5> - Improved : Images sorted by Name in submit form (trabis) - Added : Class for handling block forms (trabis) - Fixed : Date to date block blank page (trabis) - Fixed : Extra '-' in page title (trabis/mboyden) <h5>1.0 Alpha (2009-08-24)</h5> - Imported : smartsection Version 2.14 Final (trabis) - Removed : dependecy from smartobject (trabis) - Removed : unused files (trabis) - Improved: renamed functions and clean code acording to XOOPS CODING STANDARDS (trabis) - Added : xoops 2.3 compatibility (trabis) - Added : missing index.html files in some folders (trabis) - Added : text truncate option in spotlight block (trabis/Mowaffak) - Changed : article submission for admins using submit.php (trabis/Mowaffak) - Fixed : cannot show keyword in Japanese and multibyte language (ohwada/trabis) - Fixed : keyword "abc" match "abccccc" (ohwada/trabis) - Fixed : many Notice when "Disable comments" (ohwada/trabis) - Fixed : missing argument when save file (ohwada/trabis) - Fixed : undefined variable in admin's category (ohwada/trabis) - Fixed : invalid argument when guest view (ohwada/trabis) - Fixed : wrong style in print template file (ohwada/trabis) - Fixed : parse error and Notice in print (ohwada/trabis) - Fixed : enable "Print" and "PDF" (ohwada/trabis) - Improved : Hide Read More link in spot block if no body and no truncate used (trabis/Mowaffak) - Fixed : preview function was not working correctly (trabis) - Improved : removed fpdf libray and added tcpdf library (trabis) - Added : ajax rating (trabis) - Added : XOOPS 2.3 editors and access permissions (trabis) - Added : easy module cloning from admin area with auto logo generation (trabis/XOOPS French Team) - Added : Second title (subtitle) for articles (Shiva) - Fixed : english errors in language files (AEIOU) - Added : module preferences separated by categories (trabis) - Added : advanced search system (trabis/phppp) - Added : Columns block (bandit-x/trabis) - Added : Multi image support for articles, using core image manager (trabis) - Improved : Added support for 'tellafriend' module from GIJOE instead of using mailto link (trabis/GIJOE) - Added : Tabbed interface for submit pages (trabis) - Added : Adding moderator per category (trabis) - Added : Author alias (trabis) - Added : Hide sub categories in main page only (Mowaffak) - Added : Latest news block (trabis/bandit-x/Mowaffak) - Added : Category selection block (trabis/Mowaffak) - Added : Image manager / easy uploading (trabis) - Fixed : Item name not available in comment notification (Phoenyx)