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File: public/admin/js/example.js

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File: public/admin/js/example.js
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: PHP End Game Engine Website
Build Web sites for promoting games
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Date: 5 years ago
Size: 4,301 bytes


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$( document ).ready(function() { 'use strict'; // Data to charts var data = [{ "name": "Miasta", "axisY": ["Manhattan", "Bronx", "Staten Island", "Wyry", "Brooklyn", "Brooklyn", "Gliwice"], "axisX": ["10%", "20%", "30%", "40%", "50%", "60%", "70%", "80%", "90%", "100%"], "bars": [50, 65, 90, 76, 90, 76, 68] }, { "name": "Coca-cola - sk?adniki", "axisY": ["Pomidor", "Woda", "Cukier", "Karmel", "Kofeina", "Dwutlenek w?gla"], "axisX": ["20%", "40%", "60%", "80%", "100%"], "bars": [32, 23, 76, 68, 4, 97] }]; // My options var options = { data: data[0], showValues: true, showVerticalLines: true, showHorizontalLines: true, animation: true, animationOffset: 200, }; // Defaul chart var $myChart = $('#chart-1'); $myChart.horizontalChart(options); //************************************************************************* // Methods /************************************************************************** $myChart.horizontalChart(options); // Initialization horizontal chart. $myChart.horizontalChart('resetAll'); // Remove all data. $myChart.horizontalChart('resetBars'); // Remove all bars. $myChart.horizontalChart('resetAxisY'); // Remove all data from axis Y. $myChart.horizontalChart('resetAxisX'); // Remove all data from axis X. $myChart.horizontalChart('removeItem', 4); // Remove single item. Prameter: int value (from the top, starting on 1). $myChart.horizontalChart('appendAll', data[1]); // Insert all data. Parameter: object with data. $myChart.horizontalChart('appendItem', 'new item', 33); // Insert an element to the end. Parameters: string value (for axis Y label), int value (for bar). $myChart.horizontalChart('appendBars', data[1].bars); // Insert a bars to the end. Parameter: array with int value. $myChart.horizontalChart('appendAxisY', data[1].axisY); // Insert an axis Y value to the end. Parameter: array with string value. $myChart.horizontalChart('appendAxisX', data[0].axisX); // Insert an axis X value to the ending. Parameter: array with string value. $myChart.horizontalChart('prependAll', data[1]); // Insert all data. Parameter: object with data. $myChart.horizontalChart('prependItem', 'new item', 76); // Insert an element to the beginning. Parameters: string value (for axis Y label), int value (for bar). $myChart.horizontalChart('prependBars', data[0].bars); // Insert a bars on the beginning. Parameter: array with int value. $myChart.horizontalChart('prependAxisY', data[0].axisY); // Insert an axis Y value to the beginning. Parameter: array with string value. $myChart.horizontalChart('prependAxisX', data[1].axisX); // Insert an axis X value to the beginning. Parameter: array with string value. $myChart.horizontalChart('updateAll', data[1]); // Update chart with new data. Parameter: object with new data. $myChart.horizontalChart('updateBars', data[0].bars); // Update a bars. Parameter: array with int value. $myChart.horizontalChart('updateAxisY', data[0].axisY); // Update an axis Y. Parameter: array with string value. $myChart.horizontalChart('updateAxisX', data[0].axisX); // Update an axis X. Parameter: array with string value. $myChart.horizontalChart('sortByName', true); // Sort by name. Parameter: boolean value (true - descending, false - ascending). $myChart.horizontalChart('sortByValue', false); // Sort by value. Parameter: boolean value (true - descending, false - ascending). $myChart.horizontalChart('selectMax'); // Select bar with maxiumum value. $myChart.horizontalChart('selectMin'); // Select bar with maxiumum value. $myChart.horizontalChart('runAnimation'); // Animation trigger. **************************************************************************/ });