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Class: PHP Argon2 Password Verify
Generate and verify hashed passwords using Argon2
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PHP Hashing

This Package provides secure Bcrypt and Argon2 hashing for storing user passwords.


  1. PHP 7 (7.3 Recommanded).
  2. Composer.

> The Argon2i driver requires PHP 7.2.0 or greater and the Argon2id > driver requires PHP 7.3.0 or greater.

> Bcrypt is a great choice for hashing passwords because its "work factor" is adjustable, which means that the time it takes to generate a hash can be increased as hardware power increases.


Installing this package is very simple, first ensure you have the right PHP version and composer installed then in your terminal/(command prompt) run:

## Basic Usage
You may hash a password by calling the `make` method on the Hashing Class:

<?php use Lablnet\Hashing; require '../vendor/autoload.php';

$hashing = new Hashing();

//Original password $password = 123456; //Hash the password $password_hash = $hashing->make($password); echo $password_hash;

### Adjusting The Bcrypt Work Factor
If you are using the Bcrypt algorithm, the `make` method allows you to manage the work factor of the algorithm using the  cost option:

$hashing = new Hashing('bcrypt'); $password_hash = $hashing->make($password, [

'cost' => 12


### Adjusting The Argon2 Work Factor
If you are using the Argon2I or Argon2Id algorithm, the `make` method allows you to manage the work factor of the algorithm using the  memory, time, and threads options:

$hashing = new Hashing('argon2i'); $password_hash = $hashing->make($password, [

'memory' => 1024,
'time' => 2,
'threads' => 2,


> For more information on these options, check out the  official PHP documentation.
### Verifying A Password Against A Hash
The `verify` method allows you to verify that a given plain-text string corresponds to a given hash

if ($hashing->verify($password,$password_hash)) {

//The password matched.


### Checking If A Password Needs To Be Rehashed
The `needsRehash` function allows you to determine if the work factor used by the hashing has changed since the password was hashed:

if ($hashing->needsRehash($hashed)) {

$password_hash = $hashing->make($password);


## Supported algorithm
in this library three algorithm are supported
- Bcrypt
- Argon2I
- Argon2ID

### Switch between algorithm 

$hashing = new Hashing('supported-algorithm'); $bvcryptHashing = new Hashing('bcrypt');

#### Default work factors
You can provide default work factors like

//Argon2 $argon2Hashing = new Hashing('argon2i',[

'memory' => 1024,
'time' => 2,
'threads' => 2,
'verify' => false,


//Bcrypt $vcryptHashing = new Hashing('bcrypt'[

'cost' => 12,
'verify' => false,


here verify option is additional indicate that if this set to true the algorithm is also sticky check on verify, if both algorithm are not matched then means password is not correct.