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File: readme.txt

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  Classes of zinsou A.A.E.Moïse   PHP Mailing List Sanitizer   readme.txt   Download  
File: readme.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: license file
Class: PHP Mailing List Sanitizer
Validate a list of email addresses
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 7 years ago
Size: 1,233 bytes



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PHP MailingList Sanitizer is a package based on Manuel lemos package PHP E-mail validation that allows to sanitize a Mailing List by removing all non deliverable emails. It can take a local file with values separated by just a comma and sanitize the file before saving the sanitized data to a new file with a given name or return the result as array of arrays with broken and valid email. It can also take an uploaded file ,with values separated by just a comma ,sanitize it before saving the sanitized data to new file with a given name or return the result as array of arrays with broken and valid email. It can also take as paramater a simple array containing only emails address and sanitize the array returning the result as array of arrays with broken and valid email. Before using the package in a production environment be sure to change this two lines: const User='info' ; const Domain=''; by your own user details to build your default email(here just for the test) in the EmailChecker.class.php file. For how to use example see the testing_mailing_sanitizer.php file... For feedbacks, suggestions or bugs reporting use the Forum or contact me at