DownloadAll API URLs listed here must be prefixed by the root API URL, such as
Service class: $base_url = ""; // no trailing slash!
$api = new \PHPLicengine\Service\License($base_url, $api_key);
POST /license/add - Add New License (v2.2.1)
Service method: $orderItemId = 2; // required.
$response = $api->addLicense($orderItemId);
use PHPLicengine\Service\License;
$base_url = ""; // no trailing slash!
$api_key = "API key goes here";
try {
$api = new License ($base_url, $api_key);
$response = $api->addLicense($orderItemId);
if ($response->isError()) { // if response of api has error
} else {
// $dataAsObject = $response->getDecodedJson();
// echo $response->getReference();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Response (if license type is remote):
[orderId] => 2
[status] => 0
[locked] => 0
[domainName] =>
[secureDomainName] =>
[ip] =>
[hostName] =>
[serverIp] =>
[directory] =>
[licenseKey] => 0E64E718BD11A0A8289843A10ED4C9D8
[brand] => 0
[orderedOn] => 1470435858
[expiryOn] => never
[optVal1] => foo
[optVal2] => bar
[optVal3] =>
[optVal4] =>
[optVal5] =>
Response (if license type is ionCube):
[orderId] => 2
[status] => 0
[locked] => 0
[domainName] =>
[secureDomainName] =>
[macinfo] =>
[orderedOn] => 1470435945
[expiryOn] => 1470597052
[optVal1] =>
[optVal2] =>
[optVal3] =>
[optVal4] =>
[optVal5] =>
[ip] =>
POST /license/change/status - Change License Status (v2.2.1)
0 = pending, 1 = active
Service method: $response = $api->changeLicenseStatus($orderItemId, "active");
Respnse: {"message":"success"}
POST /license/change/lock - Change License Lock (v2.2.1)
0 = unlocked, 1 = locked
Service method: $response = $api->changeLicenseLocked($orderItemId, "locked");
Respnse: {"message":"success"}
GET /license/{orderItemId} - Get License Info (v2.2.1)
Service method: $response = $api->getLicense($orderItemId);
Respnse: Sample below is for remote license. It will be different for other license types.
[licenseInfo] => Array
[productId] => 2
[licFilename] => license.dat
[brand] => 0
[licPrefix] => prefix_
[licAsFile] => 0
[domain] => 1
[ip] => 0
[hostName] => 1
[serverIp] => 1
[directory] => 1
[optVar1] =>
[optVal1] =>
[optVar2] =>
[optVal2] =>
[optVar3] =>
[optVal3] =>
[optVar4] =>
[optVal4] =>
[optVar5] =>
[optVal5] =>
[license] => Array
[orderId] => 115
[status] => 0
[locked] => 0
[domainName] =>
[secureDomainName] =>
[ip] =>
[hostName] =>
[serverIp] =>
[directory] =>
[licenseKey] => prefix_5B8FA6E4C94C06D69BEF401DD062D217
[brand] => 0
[orderedOn] => 1470435024
[expiryOn] => never
[optVal1] =>
[optVal2] =>
[optVal3] =>
[optVal4] =>
[optVal5] =>
POST /license/update - Update License Data (v2.2.1)
Service method: // Required:
$data['id'] = 15 // orderItemId
// the followings may or may not be required depending on license settings:
$data['domainName'] =
$data['secureDomainName'] =
$data['ip'] =
$data['macinfo'] =
$data['hostName'] =
$data['serverIp'] =
$data['directory'] =
$data['brand'] =
// optional key value pairs if required and missing, the defaults will be copied from license settings:
$data['optVal1'] =
$data['optVal2'] =
$data['optVal3'] =
$data['optVal4'] =
$data['optVal5'] =
$response = $api->updateLicense($data);
Respnse: Sample below is for remote license. It will be different for other license types.
[license] => Array
[orderId] => 15
[status] => 0
[locked] => 1
[domainName] =>
[secureDomainName] =>
[ip] =>
[hostName] =>
[serverIp] =>
[directory] =>
[licenseKey] => prefix_5B8FA6E4C94C06D69BEF401DD062D217
[brand] => 1
[orderedOn] => 1470435024
[expiryOn] => never
[optVal1] =>
[optVal2] =>
[optVal3] =>
[optVal4] =>
[optVal5] =>