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Role: Documentation
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Description: Documentation
Class: PHPLicengine API
Send HTTP requests to call REST Web service APIs
Author: By
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Date: 7 years ago
Size: 2,776 bytes



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All API URLs listed here must be prefixed by the root API URL, such as

Service class:

$base_url = ""; // no trailing slash.
$api = new \PHPLicengine\Service\Client($base_url, $api_key);

GET /client/{client_id} - Get Client Info by id (v2.1.0)


Service method:

$response = $api->getClientById(1);


use PHPLicengine\Service\Client;
$base_url = ""; // no trailing slash!
$api_key = "API key goes here";
try {
     $api = new Client ($base_url, $api_key);
     $response = $api->getClientById(1);
     if ($response->isError()) { // if response of api has error
     } else {
         // $dataAsObject = $response->getDecodedJson();
         // echo $dataAsObject->username;
         // echo $response->getReference();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
     echo $e->getMessage();

GET /client/email/{email} - Get Client Info by email (v2.1.0)

Service method:

$response = $api->getClientByEmail($email);

GET /client/username/{username} - Get Client Info by username (v2.1.0)

Service method:

$response = $api->getClientByUsername($username);

GET /client/usergroup/{id} - Get Clients Info by usergroup (v2.1.0)

Service method:

$response = $api->getClientsByUsergroup(1);

GET /client/status/{id} - Get Clients Info by status (v2.1.0)

0 = pending, 1 = active, 2 = cancel, 3 = fraud

Service method:

$response = $api->getClientsByStatus("fraud");

POST /client/change/status - Change Client Status (v2.2.1)

0 = pending, 1 = active, 2 = cancel, 3 = fraud

Service method:

$response = $api->changeClientStatus($clientId, "active");



POST /client/add - Add New Client (v2.2.1)

Service method:

// Required:
$client['username'] = "";
$client['password'] = ""; // might be plain, md5() or password_hash().
$client['email'] = "";
$client['firstName'] = "";
$client['lastName'] = "";
$client['usergroup_id'] = "1";

$client['ip'] = ""; // recommended.

// Followings may or may not be required depending on your Settings -> Form Settings
$client['addr01'] = "";
$client['addr02'] = "";
$client['company'] = "";
$client['stchoice'] = ""; // 1 = US/CA states, 2 = non-US/CA states
$client['state'] = "";
$client['country'] = "us"; // 2-digits ISO
$client['phone'] = "";
$client['countryCode'] = ""; // country phone code without leading 00
$client['fax'] = "";
$client['zip'] = "";
$client['custom1'] = "";

$response = $api->addClient($client);