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File: README.txt

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  Classes of Ver Pangonilo   Autolink Keywords   README.txt   Download  
File: README.txt
Role: Documentation
Content type: text/plain
Description: Instructions
Class: Autolink Keywords
Automatically creates links for content keywords
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 1,257 bytes


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Note: ===== The output of the automatic keyword generator will used as an input to this class thus its inclusion on this class files. TO DO: ====== 1. Create a list of keyword and corresponding link. $keyword_array = array( "security" => "", "state" => "", "technology" => "", "passport" => "", "department" => "", "passports" => "", "radio" => "", "bruce" => "" ); This list could be an output from a database query. Example1 shows this method. 2. Create a file for list of keyword and corresponding link. The file "linkedKeywords.php" shows how to do this. A php file is used for better security. Example2 shows this method. 3. Autolink class includes an "id" and "class" for easy formatting of linked keywords. 4. Replacement type: CASE INSENSITIVE: $type = "i"; *This type of replacement is on example 1. CASE SENSITIVE: $type = NULL *This type of replacement is on example 2. *This is the recommended replacement type to prevent proper words being replaced with lower case letters.