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File: classpgDB.php

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File: classpgDB.php
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: db layer
Class: classpgDB
PostgreSQL database access wrapper
Author: By
Last change: * Added documentation, come little cleanup
Date: 17 years ago
Size: 15,259 bytes


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<?php /** * PostgreSQL database access wrapper * * @author Martin Micuch * @version 1.2 - dated to 2007-10-01 */ class pgDB { private $conn, $query, $query_result, $result, $last_query, $col_info, $debug_on = false, $show_errors = false; protected $table, $fields, $data, $lock_mod_data = false, $lock_sel_data = false, $locked_fields = null; public $errStr = '', $printOutStr = ''; /** * sets connection to database * * @param string $host * @param string $login * @param string $pass * @param string $dbname */ function __construct($host, $login, $pass, $dbname) { $this->conn = @pg_connect("host=$host port=5432 dbname=$dbname user=$login password=$pass"); if (!$this->conn) { die('connection to postgreSQL server not established'); } } /* ===================== PRIVATE PART ======================= */ /** * sets data to be inserted or updated - cleans unwanted chars * * @param array $_table * @param array $_fields * @param array $_data */ private function SetObjData ($_table, $_fields, $_data) { $this->table = $_table; $this->fields = $_fields; $this->data[] = array(); if (isset($_data[0]) and is_array($_data[0])) { for ($i=0; $i<count($_data); $i++) { foreach ($this->fields as $field) { if (isset($_data[$i][$field]) and !$this->IsFieldLocked($field)) { $this->data[$i][$field] = $this->Escape($_data[$i][$field]); } } } } else { foreach ($this->fields as $field) { if (isset($_data[$field]) and !$this->IsFieldLocked($field)) { $this->data[0][$field] = $this->Escape($_data[$field]); } } } } /** * finds locked fields * * @param string $field * @return bool */ private function IsFieldLocked ($field) { if (!is_array($this->locked_fields)) { return false; } $locked_tables = array_keys($this->locked_fields); $locked_fields = array_values($this->locked_fields); $_locked_fields = array(); foreach ($locked_fields as $locked_field) { if (is_array($locked_field)) { foreach ($locked_field as $_locked_field) { $_locked_fields[] = $_locked_field; } } else { $_locked_fields[] = $locked_field; } } if (in_array($this->table, $locked_tables) and in_array($field, $_locked_fields)) { return true; } return false; } /** * executes query * * @param string $qry * @return object */ private function ExecQuery ($qry) { return @pg_query($this->conn, $qry); } /** * fetches table fields * * @param object $res */ private function FetchFields ($res) { if (!$this->debug_on) { return ; } $i=0; $this->col_info = array(); while ($i < @pg_num_fields($res)) { $this->col_info[$i]->name = @pg_field_name($res,$i); $this->col_info[$i]->size = @pg_field_size($res,$i); $this->col_info[$i]->type = @pg_field_type($res,$i); $i++; } } /** * fetches result into array. also gets info about fields * * @param object $res * @return array */ private function Fetch ($res, $row_no = null, $offset = null) { if (is_numeric($row_no)) { $limit = 1; } else { $limit = $this->GetNumRows(); } if (is_numeric($offset)) { $c_output = PGSQL_NUM; } else { $c_output = PGSQL_ASSOC; } $this->FetchFields($res); $i = 0; $this->result = array(); while ($rs = @pg_fetch_array($res, $row_no, $c_output) and $limit > $i) { $this->result[$i] = ($offset?$rs[$offset]:$rs); $i++; } @pg_free_result($this->conn); return $this->result; } /** * closes mysql connection * */ private function Disconnect () { @pg_close($this->conn); } /** * sets error code returned by pgsql * */ private function SetErrCode () { $connection_status = @pg_connection_status($this->conn); $last_error = @pg_last_error($this->conn); $result_error = @pg_result_error($this->conn); $last_notice = @pg_last_notice($this->conn); $_errors = array(); $_errors[] = ($connection_status?$connection_status:''); $_errors[] = ($last_error?$last_error:''); $_errors[] = ($result_error?$result_error:''); $_errors[] = ($last_notice?$last_notice:''); if (count($_errors) > 0) { $this->errStr .= '<div style="border:1px solid black; margin:4px; padding:4px; background-color:#FFDEAD;"><b>Query:</b> '.$this->last_query . '<br />'.implode('<br />', $_errors)."</div>"; } } /** * Data dump from select query * */ private function SetDebugDump ($offset = null) { if (!$this->query_result or !$this->debug_on) { return; } $report = '<b>DATA:</b><br /> <table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="1" style="background-color:#555555"> <tr style="background-color:#eeeeee"><td nowrap valign="bottom"><font color="555599" size="2"><b>(row)</b></font></td>'; if (is_numeric($offset)) { $z = 2; $report.= '<td nowrap align="left" valign="top"><font size="1" color="555599">'.$this->col_info[$offset]->type.' '.$this->col_info[$offset]->size.'</font><br><font size=2><b>'.$this->col_info[$offset]->name.'</b></font></td>'; } else { $z = count($this->col_info); for ( $i=0; $i < $z; $i++ ) { $report.= '<td nowrap align="left" valign="top"><font size="1" color="555599">'.$this->col_info[$i]->type.' '.$this->col_info[$i]->size.'</font><br><font size=2><b>'.$this->col_info[$i]->name.'</b></font></td>'; } } $report .= "</tr>"; if ( is_array($this->result) and count($this->result) > 0 ) { $i=0; foreach ( $this->result as $one_row ) { $i++; $report.= '<tr bgcolor="ffffff"><td style="background-color:#eeeeee" nowrap align="middle"><font size="2" color="555599">'.$i.'</font></td>'; if (is_array($one_row)) { foreach ( $one_row as $item ) { $report.= '<td nowrap style="background-color:#ffffff"><font size="2">'.htmlspecialchars($item).'</font></td>'; } } else { $report.= '<td nowrap style="background-color:#ffffff"><font size="2">'.htmlspecialchars($one_row).'</font></td>'; } $report.= "</tr>"; } } else { $report.= '<tr bgcolor="ffffff"><td colspan="'.($z+1).'"><font size=2>No Results</font></td></tr>'; } $report.= "</table>"; $this->printOutStr .= $report; } /** * gathers some info about executed query * */ private function SetQuerySummary () { if (!$this->query_result or !$this->debug_on) { return; } $this->printOutStr .= "<div style=\"border:1px solid black; margin:4px; padding:4px;\"><b>Query:</b> " .nl2br($this->last_query) . "<br /> <b>Rows affected:</b> " .$this->GetAffRows() . "<br /> <b>Num rows:</b> " .$this->GetNumRows() . "<br />". ($this->GetLastID()?"<b>Last INSERT ID:</b> " .$this->GetLastID() . "<br />":"")."</div>"; } /** * gets dump string * * @return string */ private function GetDump () { if ($this->debug_on) { return $this->printOutStr; } return ''; } /** * gets errors * * @return string */ private function GetErr () { if ($this->show_errors) { return nl2br($this->errStr); } return ''; } /* ===================== PUBLIC PART ======================= */ /** * data modification lock switch * * @param bool $lock */ final function LockModData ($lock = true) { $this->lock_mod_data = $lock; } /** * selects lock switch * * @param bool $lock */ final function LockSelData ($lock = true) { $this->lock_sel_data = $lock; } /** * locks table fields for insert or update * * @param array $fields - array('table'=>'field') */ final function LockTableFields ($fields) { $this->locked_fields = $fields; } /** * turns debug on * */ final function DebugOn () { $this->debug_on = true; $this->show_errors = true; } /** * turns debug off * */ final function DebugOff () { $this->debug_on = false; $this->show_errors = false; } /** * sets flag to show errors * */ final function ShowErrors () { $this->show_errors = true; } /** * runs query - wrapper for ExecQuery * * @param string $qry * @return int */ final function Query ($qry) { $this->last_query = $qry; $this->query_result = $this->ExecQuery($qry); if ($this->query_result) { $this->SetQuerySummary(); return $this->query_result; } $this->SetErrCode(); if (!$this->show_errors) { $this->WriteError($this->GetErr()); } return false; } /** * gets affected rows * * @return int */ final function GetAffRows () { return @pg_affected_rows($this->query_result); } /** * gets no of rows * * @return int */ final function GetNumRows () { return @pg_num_rows($this->query_result); } /** * gets last inserted id * * @return int */ final function GetLastID ($offset = 0, $seq_suffix = 'seq') { $regs = array(); preg_match ("/insert\\s*into\\s*\"?(\\w*)\"?/i", $this->last_query, $regs); if (count($regs) > 1) { $table_name = $regs[1]; $res = @pg_query($this->conn, "SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE 1 != 1"); $query_for_id = "SELECT CURRVAL('{$table_name}_".@pg_field_name($res, $offset)."_{$seq_suffix}'::regclass)"; $result_for_id = @pg_query($this->conn, $query_for_id); $last_id = @pg_fetch_array($result_for_id, 0, PGSQL_NUM); return $last_id[0]; } return null; } /** * gets results from select query * * @param string $qry * @return array */ final function GetResults ($qry) { if ($this->lock_sel_data) { return array(); } if ($this->Query($qry)) { $this->result = $this->Fetch($this->query_result); $this->SetDebugDump(); return $this->result; } return array(); } /** * gets one row from a table * * @param string $qry * @return array */ final function GetRow ($qry) { if ($this->lock_sel_data) { return array(); } if ($this->Query($qry)) { $this->result = $this->Fetch($this->query_result,0); $this->SetDebugDump(); return $this->result[0]; } return array(); } /** * gets one col from a table * * @param string $qry * @param int $offset * @return array */ final function GetCol ($qry, $offset = 0) { if ($this->lock_sel_data) { return array(); } if ($this->Query($qry)) { $this->result = $this->Fetch($this->query_result, null, $offset); $this->SetDebugDump($offset); return $this->result[0]; } return array(); } /** * gets one var from a table * * @param string $qry * @param int $row_no * @param int $offset * @return string - the var */ final function GetVar ($qry, $row_no = 0, $offset = 0) { if ($this->lock_sel_data) { return array(); } if ($this->Query($qry)) { $this->result = $this->Fetch($this->query_result, $row_no, $offset); $this->SetDebugDump($offset); return $this->result[0][0]; } return ""; } /** * same as join, but wont allow empty vals and escapes values for safe use in query * * @param string $separator * @param array $array * @return string */ function JoinNotEmpty($separator, $array) { if(!is_array($array)) { return ''; } $rv = trim(array_shift($array)); foreach( $array AS $item ) { $item = $this->Escape(trim($item)); if($rv != '' and $item != '') { $rv .= $separator; } $rv .= $item ; } return $rv; } /** * sets SQL statement for IN items * * @param various $items * @return string */ final function IN($items) { $comma_separated_items = $this->JoinNotEmpty("','", is_array($items) ? $items : explode(',',$items)); $count_items = substr_count($comma_separated_items, ',') + 1; if(trim($comma_separated_items) == '') { $count_items = 0; } if($count_items > 1) { return " IN ('$comma_separated_items') "; } elseif($count_items == 1) { return " = '$comma_separated_items' " ; } else { return ' IS NULL ' ; } } /** * sets SQL statements for NOT IN items * * @param various $items * @return string */ final function NOT_IN($items) { $comma_separated_items = $this->JoinNotEmpty("','", is_array($items) ? $items : explode(',',$items)); $count_items = substr_count($comma_separated_items, ',') + 1; if(trim($comma_separated_items) == '') { $count_items = 0; } if($count_items > 1) { return " NOT IN ('$comma_separated_items') "; } elseif($count_items == 1) { return " != '$comma_separated_items' "; } else { return ' IS NOT NULL ' ; } } /** * escapes string for safe use in a query * * @param string $str * @return string */ final function Escape ($str) { return pg_escape_string($str); } /** * inserts rows * * @return int */ function InsertObject ($table, $fields, $data) { if ($this->lock_mod_data) { return 0; } $this->SetObjData($table, $fields, $data); $query = ''; for ($i=0; $i<count($this->data); $i++) { if (!is_array($this->data[$i])) { continue; } $insert_fields = array_keys($this->data[$i]); $insert_values = array_values($this->data[$i]); if (count($insert_fields) == count($insert_values) and count($insert_fields) > 0) { $query .= "INSERT INTO $this->table (".implode(',',$insert_fields).") VALUES ('".implode("','",$insert_values)."');\n"; } } unset($this->data); unset($this->fields); unset($this->table); if ($query) { return $this->Query($query); } else { return 0; } } /** * updates row * * @param string $where_part * @return int */ function UpdateObject ($where_part, $table, $fields, $data) { if (!$where_part or $this->lock_mod_data) { return 0; } $this->SetObjData($table, $fields, $data); $query = ''; $set_part = array(); $update_objects = $this->data[0]; foreach ($update_objects as $update_field => $update_value) { $set_part[] = "$update_field = '$update_value'"; } if (count($set_part) > 0) { $query .= "UPDATE $this->table SET ".implode(', ',$set_part)." WHERE $where_part;"; } unset($this->data); unset($this->fields); unset($this->table); if ($query) { return $this->Query($query); } else { return 0; } } /** * deletes rows * * @param string $where_part * @return int */ function DeleteObject ($where_part, $table) { if (!$where_part or !$table or $this->lock_mod_data) { return 0; } $query = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE ".$where_part; return $this->Query($query); } /** * function to be * * * @param string $err_string */ function WriteError ($err_string) { } /** * makes some cleanup and shows errors and debug info with dump * */ function __destruct() { $this->Disconnect(); echo $this->GetErr(); echo $this->GetDump(); } } ?>