PHP Classes

File: composer.json

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  Classes of Melanie Wehowski   MIME Stub   composer.json   Download  
File: composer.json
Role: Auxiliary data
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary data
Class: MIME Stub
Generate PHP script that can self-execute the code
Author: By
Last change: Update composer.json
Update composer.json
Update composer.json
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 1,057 bytes



Class file image Download
{ "name":"frdl/mime-stub", "description":"This script can be used to generate -self-executing- .php Files. ", "keywords":["self-executing","multipart","parser", "stub"], "type":"library", "license": "MIT", "authors":[ { "name":"Romain Cambien", "email":"" }, { "name":"Riverline", "homepage":"" }, { "name":"Till Wehowski", "homepage":"" } ], "require":{ "php": ">=5.3" }, "require-dev":{ }, "suggest": { }, "conflict": { }, "provide" : { "riverline/multipart-parser": "*" }, "autoload":{ "psr-0":{ "Riverline\\MultiPartParser\\": "src/" }, "psr-4": { "webfan\\Mime\\": "src/webfan/Mime/", "webfan\\hps\\Compile\\": "src/webfan/hps/Compile/" }, "classmap": ["src/MimeStubIndex.php", "src/webfan/MimeStub.php", "src/webfan/Mime/vm.php", "src/webfan/MimeStubAPC.php"] } }