# SourceMap class,
# reads a generic language source code and returns its map.
# ______________________________________________________________
# The SourceMap goals is to create a map of a generic script/program language.
# The getMap method returns an array/list of arrays/dictionary/objects
# of source map using delimeters variable to map correctly:
# - multi line comments
# - single line comments
# - double quoted strings
# - single quoted strings
# - pure code
# - everything else (for example regexp [/re/] with javascript), just adding a correct delimeter
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# What about the delimeter
# It's an array/list of arrays/dictionary/obects with some properties to find what you're looking for.
# parameters are:
# - name, the name of the delimeter (i.e. "doublequote")
# - start, one or mode chars to find as start delimeter (i.e. " for double quoted string)
# - end, one or mode chars to find as end delimeter (i.e. " for double quoted string) [end should be an array/list too]
# optional parameters are:
# - noslash, if true find the end of the delimeter only if last char is not slashed (i.e. "string\"test" find " after test)
# - match, if choosed language has regexp, verify if string from start to end matches used regexp (i.e. /^\/[^\n\r]+\/$/ for JavaScript regexp)
# If end parameter is an array, match and noslash are not supported (i.e. ["\n", "\r"] for end delimeter of a single line comment)
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# What about SourceMap usage
# It should be a good solution to create sintax highlighter, parser,
# verifier or some other source code parsing procedure
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# What about SourceMap performance script/languages
# I've created different version of this class to test each script/program language performance too.
# Python with or without Psyco is actually the faster parser.
# --------------------------------------------------------------
# @Compatibility >= PHP 4
# @Author Andrea Giammarchi
# @Site http://www.devpro.it/
# @Date 2006/08/01
# @LastMOd 2006/08/01
# @Version 0.1
# @Application Last version of JavaScriptCompressor class use this one to map source code.
import re
class SourceMap:
# public method
# getMap(&$source:string, &$delimeters:array):array
# Maps the source code using $delimeters rules and returns map as an array
# NOTE: read comments to know more about map and delimeter
# @param string generic source code
# @param array array with nested array with code rules
def getMap(self, source, delimeters):
# "unsigned" integer variables
sourcePosition = 0
delimetersPosition = 0
findLength = 0
templen = 0
tempIndex = 0
sourceLength = len(source)
delimetersLength = len(delimeters)
# integer variables
tempPosition = -1
endPosition = -1
# list variables
codeMap = []
tempMap = []
# dictionary variable
tempDelimeter = {}
while sourcePosition < sourceLength:
endPosition = -1
for delimetersPosition in range(0, delimetersLength):
tempPosition = source.find(delimeters[delimetersPosition]["start"], sourcePosition)
if tempPosition != -1 and (tempPosition < endPosition or endPosition == -1):
endPosition = tempPosition
tempIndex = delimetersPosition
if endPosition != -1:
sourcePosition = endPosition
tempDelimeter = delimeters[tempIndex]
findLength = len(tempDelimeter["start"])
if type(tempDelimeter["end"]) == type([]):
endPosition = -1
for delimetersPosition in range(0, len(tempDelimeter["end"])):
tempPosition = source.find(tempDelimeter["end"][delimetersPosition], sourcePosition + findLength)
if tempPosition != -1 and (tempPosition < endPosition or endPosition == -1):
endPosition = tempPosition
tempIndex = delimetersPosition
if endPosition != -1:
endPosition = endPosition + len(tempDelimeter["end"][tempIndex])
endPosition = sourceLength
codeMap.append({"name":tempDelimeter["name"], "start":sourcePosition, "end":endPosition})
sourcePosition = endPosition - 1
elif self.__has(tempDelimeter, "match"):
tempPosition = source.find(tempDelimeter["end"], sourcePosition + findLength)
templen = len(tempDelimeter["end"])
if tempPosition != -1 and re.match(tempDelimeter["match"], source[sourcePosition:tempPosition+templen]) != None:
if self.__has(tempDelimeter, "noslash") and tempDelimeter["noslash"] == True:
endPosition = self.__endCharNoSlash(source, sourcePosition, tempDelimeter["end"], sourceLength)
endPosition = tempPosition + len
codeMap.append({"name":tempDelimeter["name"], "start":sourcePosition, "end":endPosition})
sourcePosition = endPosition - 1
if self.__has(tempDelimeter, "noslash") and tempDelimeter["noslash"] == True:
endPosition = self.__endCharNoSlash(source, sourcePosition, tempDelimeter["end"], sourceLength)
tempPosition = source.find(tempDelimeter["end"], sourcePosition + findLength)
if tempPosition != -1:
endPosition = tempPosition + len(tempDelimeter["end"])
endPosition = sourceLength
codeMap.append({"name":tempDelimeter["name"], "start":sourcePosition, "end":endPosition})
sourcePosition = endPosition - 1
sourcePosition = sourceLength - 1
sourcePosition = sourcePosition + 1
templen = len(codeMap)
if templen == 0:
tempMap.append({"name":"code", "start":0, "end":sourceLength})
for tempIndex in range(0, templen):
if tempIndex == 0 and codeMap[tempIndex]["start"] > 0:
tempMap.append({"name":"code", "start":0, "end":codeMap[tempIndex]["start"]});
elif tempIndex > 0 and codeMap[tempIndex]["start"] > codeMap[tempIndex-1]["end"]:
tempMap.append({"name":"code", "start":codeMap[tempIndex-1]["end"], "end":codeMap[tempIndex]["start"]});
tempMap.append({"name":codeMap[tempIndex]["name"], "start":codeMap[tempIndex]["start"], "end":codeMap[tempIndex]["end"]});
if tempIndex + 1 == templen and codeMap[tempIndex]["end"] < sourceLength:
tempMap.append({"name":"code", "start":codeMap[tempIndex]["end"], "end":sourceLength});
return tempMap
def __has(self, dict, name):
return dict.get(name, None) != None
def __endCharNoSlash(self, source, position, find, sourceLen):
loop = True
temp = len(find)
while loop:
position = source.find(find, position + 1)
if not (position != -1 and not self.__charNoSlash(source, position)):
loop = False
if position == -1:
position = sourceLen - temp
return position + temp
def __charNoSlash(self, source, position):
next = 1
sourceLen = position - next
while sourceLen > 0 and source[sourceLen] == '\\':
next = next + 1
sourceLen = position - next
return ((next - 1) % 2 == 0)