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File: example.smtp.php

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  Classes of Richard Munroe   Easy Email SMTP   example.smtp.php   Download  
File: example.smtp.php
Role: Example script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Example of use
Class: Easy Email SMTP
Compose and send e-mail messages via SMTP
Author: By
Last change:
Date: 18 years ago
Size: 1,910 bytes



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 * @author Dick Munroe <[email protected]>
 * @copyright copyright @ 2006 by Dick Munroe, Cottage Software Works, Inc.
 * @license
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @package Easy_Email_SMTP
 * @example ./example.smtp.php
 * Edit History:
 * Dick Munroe ([email protected]) 11-Apr-2006
 * Initial Version Created.

include_once('class.Easy_Email_SMTP.php') ;
'SDD/class.SDD.php') ;

 * I use an alternate port smtp service locally. The default action
 * is to send messages to the localhost at port 25.
$smtpInfo['host'] = '' ;
$smtpInfo['port'] = 3325 ;
$smtpInfo['auth'] = TRUE ;
$smtpInfo['user'] = '--not-specified--' ;
$smtpInfo['pass'] = '--not-specified--' ;

$html = "<b><i>Test class.Easy_EMail_SMTP.php</i></b>" ;
$message= "Test class.Easy_EMail.php" ;

$mail = &new Easy_Email_SMTP() ;

$mail->to = "[email protected]" ; // Destination email addresss
$mail->from = "[email protected]" ; // Source email addresss
$mail->return = "[email protected]" ; // Return path email address
$mail->subject = "Test class.Easy_Email_SMTP.php" ; // Subject of this email

 * I have made local modifications to Easy_Email that return
 * status on the transmission of the email messages. If you
 * have not made a similar modification, then the following
 * if statements will fail and you will get error messages
 * instead of notification that the message has been sent.

if ($mail->htmlMail($html)) // Use this to send html email
"HTML message sent\n" ;
SDD::dump($mail->m_smtp) ;

if (
$mail->simpleMail($message)) // Use this to send simple email
"simple message sent\n" ;
SDD::dump($mail->m_smtp) ;